Run Ambassador in local dev environment without Kubernetes - docker

I am trying to run Ambassador API gateway on my local dev environment so I would simulate what I'll end up with on production - the difference is that on prod my solution will be running in Kubernetes. To do so, I'm installing Ambassador into Docker Desktop and adding the required configuration to route requests to my microservices. Unfortunately, it did not work for me and I'm getting the error below:
upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure
I assume that's due to an issue in the mapping file, which is as follows:
apiVersion: ambassador/v2
kind: Mapping
name: institutions_mapping
prefix: /ins/
service: localhost:44332
So what I'm basically trying to do is rewrite all requests coming to http://{ambassador_url}/ins to a service running locally in IIS Express (through Visual Studio) on port 44332.
What am I missing?

I think you may be better off using another one of Ambassador Labs tools called Telepresence.
With Telepresence you can take your local service you have running on localhost and project it into your cluster to see how it performs. This way you don't need to spin up a local cluster, and can get real time feedback on how your service operates with other services in the cluster.


cert-manager does not issue certificate after upgrading to AKS k8s 1.24.6

I have an automatic setup with scripts and helm to create a Kubernetes Cluster on MS Azure and to deploy my application to the cluster.
First of all: everything works fine when I create a cluster with Kubernetes 1.23.12, that means after a few minutes everything is installed and I can access my website and there is a certificate issued by letsencrypt.
But when I delete this cluster completely and reinstall it and only change the Kubernetes version from 1.23.12 to 1.24.6. I dont't get a certificate any more.
I see that the acme challenge is not working. I get the following error:
Waiting for HTTP-01 challenge propagation: failed to perform self check GET request '': Get "": dial tcp: lookup on no such host
After some time the error message changes to:
'Error accepting authorization: acme: authorization error for
400 urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection: Fetching
Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)' is the cluster IP of kube-dns in my kubernetes cluster. When I look at "Services and Ingresses" in Azure portal I can see the port 53/UDP;53/TCP for the cluster IP
And I can see there that is the external IP of the ingres-nginx-controller (Ports: 80:32284/TCP;443:32380/TCP)
So I do not understand why the acme challenge cannot be performed successfully.
Here some information about the version numbers:
Azure Kubernetes 1.24.6
helm 3.11
cert-manager 1.11.0
ingress-nginx helm-chart: 4.4.2 -> controller-v1.5.1
I have tried to find the same error on the internet. But you don't find it often and the solutions do not seem to fit to my problem.
Of course I have read a lot about k8s 1.24.
It is not a dockershim problem, because I have tested the cluster with the Detector for Docker Socket (DDS) tool.
I have updated cert-manager and ingress-nginx to new versions (see above)
I have also tried it with Kubernetes 1.25.4 -> same error
I have found this on the cert-manager Website: "cert-manager expects that ServerSideApply is enabled in the cluster for all versions of Kubernetes from 1.24 and above."
I think I understood the difference between Server Side Apply and Client Side Apply, but I don't know if and how I can enable it in my cluster and if this could be a solution to my problem.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I've solved this myself recently, try this for your ingress controller:
create: true
annotations: /healthz
k8s 1.24+ is using a different endpoint for health probes.

Neo4j setup in OpenShift

I am having difficulties deploying Neo4j official docker image to an OpenShift environment and accessing it from outside (from my local machine)
I have performed the following steps:
oc new-app neo4j
Created route for port 7474
Set up the environment variable NEO4J_dbms_connector_bolt_listen__address to which is the equivalent of seting up the dbms.connector.bolt.listen_address= in the neo4j.conf file.
Access the route url from local machine which will open the neo4j browser which requires authentication. At this point I am blocked because any combination of urls I try are unsuccessful.
As a workaround I have managed to forward 7687 port to my local machine, install Neo4j Desktop solution and connect via bolt://localhost:7687 but this is not the ideal solution.
Therefore there are two questions:
1. How can I connect from the neo4j browser to it's own database
How can I connect from external environment (trough OpenShift route) to the Neo4j DB
I have no experience with the OpenShift, but try to add the following config:
Is there any other way for you to connect to Neo4j, so that you could further inspect the issue?
Short answer:
To connect to the DB that is most likely a configuration issue, maybe Tomaž Brataničs answer is the solution. As for accessing the DB from outside, you will most likely need a NodePort.
Long answer:
Note that OpenShift Routes are for HTTP / HTTPS traffic and not for any other kind of traffic. Typically, the "Routers" of an OpenShift cluster listen only on Port 80 and 443, so connecting to your database on any other port will most likely not work (although this heavily depends on your cluster configuration).
The solution for non-HTTP(S) traffic is to use NodePorts as described in the OpenShift documentation:
Note that also for NodePorts, you might need to have your cluster administrator add additional ports to the loadbalancer or you might need to connect to the OpenShift Nodes directly. Refer to the documentation on how to use NodePorts.

Microservices with dynamic ports

I have a series of microservices that I have been testing. Originally it was using Service Fabric however I have switched to using Consul, Fabio, Nomad which I like better.
In development on my machine things work well however I am running into some issues actually getting Fabio to work in a cluster format.
I have a cluster of 5 nodes each running Consul, Fabio, Nomad.
Each service gets a dynamic port at runtime and successfully registers itself.
On the node which the service is running Fabio correctly forwards traffic.
However if the same fabio url is used on a different node then traffic is forwarded to the correct node/port however that is closed so the connection doesn't work.
For instance if ServiceA running on MachineA on port 1234 then http://MachineA:9999/ServiceA correctly works.
However http://MachineB/ServiceA fails after MachineA tries to initiate a connection to MachineB on port 1234.
A solution would be to add firewall rules, I would imagine, however this requires all the Services to run as Admin which I don't want.
Is there a way to support this through Fabio?

Not able connect to Hazelcast instance deployed on Openshift from External client

Deployed Hazelcast image on Openshift and I have created a route but still not able to connect to it from external Java client. I came to know that routes only work for HTTP or HTTPS services , so am I missing anything here or what do I have to do to expose that Hazelcast instance to outer world ?
And the Docker image for Hazelcast is created and it runs Hazelcast.jar inside the image , does this concern the problem I'm facing ?
I tried exposing the service by running the command
oc expose dc hazelcast --type=LoadBalancer --name=hazelcast-ingress
and external IP with different port number was generated and I tried that as well still getting "exception com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastException:" and not able to connect to it.
Thanks in advance, any guidance would be really helpful.
According to this, "...If the client application is outside the OpenShift project, then the cluster needs to be exposed by the service with externalIP and the Hazelcast client needs to have the Smart Routing feature disabled".

Connecting to scality/s3 server between docker containers

We are using a python based solution which shall load and store files from S3. For developing and local testing we are using a vagrant environment with docker and docker-compose. We have two docker-compose defintions - one for the assisting backend services (mongo, restheart, redis and s3) and the other one containing the python based REST API exposing solution using the backend services.
When our "front-end" docker-compose group interacts with restheart this works fine (using the name of the restheart container as server host in http calls). When we are doing the same with scality/s3 server this does not work.
The interesting part is, that we have created a test suite for using the scality/s3 server from a python test suite running on the host (windows10) over the forwarded ports through vagrant to the docker container of scality/s3 server within the docker-compose group. We used the endpoint_url localhost and it works perfect.
In the error case (when frontend web service wants to write to S3) the "frontend" service always responds with:
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (InvalidURI) when calling the CreateBucket operation: Could not parse the specified URI. Check your restEndpoints configuration.
And the s3server always responds with http 400 and the message:
s3server | {"name":"S3","clientIP":"::ffff:","clientPort":49404,"httpMethod":"PUT","httpURL":"/raw-data","time":1521306054614,"req_id":"e385aae3c04d99fc824d","level":"info","message":"received request","hostname":"cdc8a2f93d2f","pid":83}
s3server | {"name":"S3","bytesSent":233,"clientIP":"::ffff:","clientPort":49404,"httpMethod":"PUT","httpURL":"/raw-data","httpCode":400,"time":1521306054639,"req_id":"e385aae3c04d99fc824d","elapsed_ms":25.907569,"level":"info","message":"responded with error XML","hostname":"cdc8a2f93d2f","pid":83}
We are calling the scality with this boto3 code:
s3 = boto3.resource('s3',
s3_client = boto3.client('s3',
s3.create_bucket(Bucket='raw-data') # here the exception comes
bucket = self.s3.Bucket('raw-data')
This issue is quite common. In your config.json file, which you mount in your Docker container, I assume, there is a restEndpoints section, where you must associate a domain name with a default region. What that means is your frontend domain name should be specified in there, matching a default region.
Do note that that default region does not prevent you from using other regions: it's just where your buckets will be created if you don't specify otherwise.
In the future, I'd recommend you open an issue directly on the Zenko Forum, as this is where most of the community and core developpers are.
