How to import zig modules dynamically? - zig

I'm using zig 0.7.0. and I'm trying to import a list of zig source files from an array. Each source file has a main function (whose return type is !void) that I would like to call. The array module_names is known at compile time.
Here is what I tried to do:
const std = #import("std");
const log = std.log;
const module_names = [_][]const u8{
"01.zig", "02.zig", "03.zig", "04.zig", "05.zig",
pub fn main() void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
for (module_names) |module_name, i| {
const module = #import(module_name); // this fails"i {}", .{i});
try module.main();
Even if the array is known at compile time, #import(module_name) gives me this error:
./src/main.zig:13:32: error: unable to evaluate constant expression
const module = #import(module_name);
./src/main.zig:13:24: note: referenced here
const module = #import(module_name);
I could understand the error if the array would be dynamically generated and only known at runtime, but here the module_names array is known at compile time. So I am a bit confused...
Alternatively, I also tried to wrap the entire main body in a comptime block:
pub fn main() void {
comptime {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
for (module_names) |module_name, i| {
const module = #import(module_name); // no errors here"i {}", .{i});
try module.main();
Here #import(module_name) gives me no errors, but the fails with this other error:
/home/jack/.zig/lib/zig/std/mutex.zig:59:87: error: unable to evaluate constant expression
if (#cmpxchgWeak(usize, &self.state, 0, MUTEX_LOCK, .Acquire, .Monotonic) != null)
/home/jack/.zig/lib/zig/std/mutex.zig:65:35: note: called from here
return self.tryAcquire() orelse {
/home/jack/.zig/lib/zig/std/log.zig:145:60: note: called from here
const held = std.debug.getStderrMutex().acquire();
/home/jack/.zig/lib/zig/std/log.zig:222:16: note: called from here
log(.info, scope, format, args);
./src/main.zig:26:21: note: called from here"i {}", .{i});
Is this kind of dynamic import possible in zig?

As of Zig 0.8.0, the operand to #import is required to be a string literal.
A Zig compiler wants to know all the possibly imported files so that it can eagerly go find them and compile them when you kick off a compilation process. The design of the language is constrained by making it possible for a fast compiler to exist.
So what can we do? I think this accomplishes the task in an equivalent manner:
const std = #import("std");
const log = std.log;
const modules = struct {
pub const module_01 = #import("01.zig");
pub const module_02 = #import("02.zig");
pub const module_03 = #import("03.zig");
pub const module_04 = #import("04.zig");
pub const module_05 = #import("05.zig");
pub fn main() void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
inline for (#typeInfo(modules).Struct.decls) |decl, i| {
const module = #field(modules,;"i {d}", .{i});
try module.main();
And the neat thing here is that, indeed, the compiler is able to eagerly fetch all 5 of those files and kick-start the compilation process, even before running the compile-time code to determine which one actually gets imported. Win-win.

I think the kind of import you're after is possible, my understanding is that #import is taking a zig source file and turning it into a struct type. It actually seems like something that could even be done at runtime (although not using #import, which wants a comptime parameter (this is the important part for your problem).
The reason why your first example fails is that the argument you're passing, module_name isn't known at comptime, your for loop won't execute until your program runs.
Your instinct to solve the problem is correct, get the loop to evaluate at compile time (specifically the capture value and iterator); I think there are two things you could do fix it.
Wrapping the loop in a comptime block as you have done will work, but you'll need to think about what exactly it means to evaluate expressions at compile time, and if it makes sense. I think the implementation of log will prevent you from logging at compile time, so you'd need to collect the values you're interested in inside the loop, and log them once outside the comptime block.
The other way you could fix it is to force the capture values of the loop to be evaluated at compile time by unrolling the loop using an inline for:
pub fn main() !void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
inline for (module_names) |module_name, i| {
const module = #import(module_name);"i {}", .{i});
try module.main();
Disclaimer: There might be a better way of doing this, I'm comparatively new to the language =D


Null Assertions in null-safe mode and How to Avoid If Possible

Learning Dart and using dart_code_metrics to ensure that I write code that meets expectations. One of the rules that is active is avoid-non-null-assertion.
Note, the code below was created to recreate the problem encountered in a larger code base where the value of unitString is taken from a JSON file. As such the program cannot control what is specified in the JSON file.
From pubspec.yaml
sdk: '>=2.15.0 <3.0.0'
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'package:qty/qty.dart';
void main() {
const String unitString = 'in';
// unit.Width returns null if unitString is not a unit of Length.
if (Length().unitWith(symbol: unitString) == null) {
print('units $unitString not supported.');
} else {
// The following line triggers avoid-non-null-assertion with the use of !.
final Unit<Length> units = Length().unitWith(symbol: unitString)!;
final qty = Quantity(amount: 0.0, unit: units);
print('Qty = $qty');
If I don't use ! then I get the following type error:
A value of type 'Unit<Length>?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Unit<Length>'.
Try changing the type of the variable, or casting the right-hand type to 'Unit<Length>'.
Casting the right-hand side to
fixes the above error but cause a new error when instantiating Quantity() since the constructor expects
and not
I assume there is an solution but I'm new to Dart and cannot formulate the correct search query to find the answer.
How can I modify the sample code to make Dart and dart_code_metrics happy?
Your idea of checking for null before using a value is good, it's just not implemented correctly. Dart does automatically promote nullable types to non-null ones when you check for null with an if, but in this case you need to use a temporary variable.
void main() {
const String unitString = 'in';
//Use a temp variable, you could specify the type instead of using just using final
final temp = Length().unitWith(symbol: unitString);
if (temp == null) {
print('units $unitString not supported.');
} else {
final Unit<Length> units = temp;
final qty = Quantity(amount: 0.0, unit: units);
print('Qty = $qty');
The basic reason for that when you call your unitWith function and see that it's not null the first time, there's no guarantee that the when you call it again that it will still return a non-null value. I think there's another SO question that details this better, but I can't seem to find.

Why is it an error in Dart to try to set a static variable in the global namespace?

Why is it an error in Dart to try to set a class's static variable in the global space?
class Name {
static String? firstName;
Name.firstName = 'Mike'; // Error
void main() {
Name.firstName = 'Mike'; // Ok
It's not a big deal. I just came across this and then couldn't find an explanation for why it is. Where in the documentation does it describe the nuance here?
The actual error thrown is, among others: "Variables must be declared using the keywords 'const', 'final', 'var', or a type name."
You actually can execute statements outside of a function, but they have to be statements that declare scoped variables. Maybe these aren't technically statements, but just variable instantiations.
class Name {
static String? staticName;
String? lastName;
final me = Name(); // Ok
me.lastName = 'Jones'; // Error
void main() {
Name.staticName = 'Mike'; // Ok
final you = Name(); // Ok
you.lastName = 'Smith'; // Ok
Without the variable scoping, the compiler thinks I must be defining a function and it gets confused when there is no parameter list or function body.
It makes sense that statements are restricted to variable instantiations of function definitions only, so that there won't be side effects related to execution order to other importers of the file, as per #jamesdlin answer.
Name.firstName = 'Mike'; is a statement. You can't execute arbitrary statements in the global namespace. In what order would they execute? Suppose you had:
class Name {
static String? firstName;
and mike.dart:
import 'name.dart';
Name.firstName = 'Mike';
and spike.dart:
import 'name.dart';
Name.firstName = 'Spike';
and finally:
import 'name.dart';
import 'mike.dart';
import 'spike.dart';
void main() {
What should happen? Should it be illegal for multiple libraries to assign to Name.firstName? Should the last one imported win? If so, then suddenly importing a library would have side-effects, and order would matter. What would happen if an imported library imports other libraries with side-effects?
It's a huge headache that is completely unnecessary since you could have just done:
class Name {
static String? firstName = 'Mike';
in the first place.

Dart: how to run static function/code "automatically"?

In Dart (Flutter) I would like to have some static code run without being explicitly invoked.
I tried this:
// File 1
class MyClass {
static int member = 42;
int dummy = 42;
and file 2:
// File 2
void main() {
int tmp = MyClass.member;
I put a breakpoint on the dummy = 2; line but it seemed to never be invoked.
I also tried:
// File 1
class MyClass {
static int member1 = 42;
static int member2 = SomeOtherClass.someFunc();
and file 2:
// File 2
void main() {
int tmp1 = MyClass.member1;
int tmp2 = MyClass.member2;
With this, SomeOtherClass.someFunc() was invoked when the int tmp2 = ... line was invoked.
I would like SomeOtherClass.someFunc() to be invoked without explicitly accessing MyClass.member2. I would like it invoked on any of the following triggers:
When the program starts (before main() is called).
OR, when code in a file in which MyClass is imported is invoked for the first time.
Is either of these possible in Dart?
This behavior is intentional and cannot be changed. As jamesdlin also explain, all static variables (class and global) in Dart are lazy evaluated and will first get a value with first attempt to access the value.
This is design is described in the Dart specification followed up with a reason for that design choice:
Static variable declarations with an initializing expression are initializedlazily.
The lazy semantics are given because we do not want a language where one tends to define expensive initialization computations, causing long application startup times. This is especially crucial for Dart, which must support the coding of client applications.

Why Dart cannot check array bound in compile time?

Even if I declare my list as fixed-length List, Dart cannot check array bound in compile time.
void main() {
var fixed = List<int>(5);
fixed[5000] = 3; //Runtime error!
I tested in DartPad. Why Dart cannot check array bound in compile time?

How to create private variables in Dart?

I want to create a private variable but I cannot.
Here is my code:
void main() {
var b = new B();
class A {
int _private = 0;
testA() {
print('int value: $_private');
_private = 5;
class B extends A {
String _private;
testB() {
_private = 'Hello';
print('String value: $_private');
print('String value: $_private');
When I run this code, I get the following result:
String value: Hello
int value: Hello
Breaking on exception: type 'int' is not a subtype of type 'String' of 'value'.
Also I not get any error or warnings when editing this source code.
How can I create a private variable in Dart?
From Dart documentation:
Unlike Java, Dart doesn’t have the keywords public, protected, and private. If an identifier starts with an underscore _, it’s private to its library.
Libraries not only provide APIs, but are a unit of privacy: identifiers that start with an underscore _ are visible only inside the library.
A few words about libraries:
Every Dart app is a library, even if it doesn’t use a library directive. The import and library directives can help you create a modular and shareable code base.
You may have heard of the part directive, which allows you to split a library into multiple Dart files.
Dart documentation "libraries-and-visibility"
Privacy in Dart exists at the library, rather than the class level.
If you were to put class A into a separate library file (eg, other.dart), such as:
library other;
class A {
int _private = 0;
testA() {
print('int value: $_private'); // 0
_private = 5;
print('int value: $_private'); // 5
and then import it into your main app, such as:
import 'other.dart';
void main() {
var b = new B();
class B extends A {
String _private;
testB() {
_private = 'Hello';
print('String value: $_private'); // Hello
print('String value: $_private'); // Hello
You get the expected output:
String value: Hello
int value: 0
int value: 5
String value: Hello
In dart '_' is used before the variable name to declare it as private. Unlike other programming languages, here private doesn't mean it is available only to the class it is in, private means it is accessible in the library it is in and not accessible to other libraries. A library can consists of multiple dart files as well using part and part of. For more information on Dart libraries, check this.
The top answer as of now is definitely correct.
I'll try to go into more detail in this answer.
I'll answer the question, but lead with this: That's just not how Dart is intended to be written, partly because library-private members make it easier to define operators like ==. (Private variables of a second object couldn't be seen for the comparison.)
Now that we've got that out of the way, I'll start out by showing you how it's meant to be done (library-private instead of class-private), and then show you how to make a variable class-private if you still really want that. Here we go.
If one class has no business seeing variables on another class, you might ask yourself whether they really belong in the same library:
//This should be in a separate library from main() for the reason stated in the main method below.
class MyClass {
//Library private variable
int _val = 0;
int get val => _val;
set val(int v) => _val = (v < 0) ? _val : v;
MyClass.fromVal(int val) : _val = val;
void main() {
MyClass mc = MyClass.fromVal(1);
mc.val = -1;
print(mc.val); //1
mc._val = 6;
print(mc.val); //6
That should be good. However if you really want private class data:
Though you technically aren't allowed to create private variables, you could emulate it using the following closure technique. (HOWEVER, you should CAREFULLY consider whether you really need it and whether there is a better, more Dart-like way to do what you're trying to accomplish!)
//A "workaround" that you should THINK TWICE before using because:
//1. The syntax is verbose.
//2. Both closure variables and any methods needing to access
// the closure variables must be defined inside a base constructor.
//3. Those methods require typedefs to ensure correct signatures.
typedef int IntGetter();
typedef void IntSetter(int value);
class MyClass {
IntGetter getVal;
IntSetter setVal;
MyClass.base() {
//Closure variable
int _val = 0;
//Methods defined within constructor closure
getVal = ()=>_val;
setVal = (int v) => _val = (v < 0) ? _val : v;
factory MyClass.fromVal(int val) {
MyClass result = MyClass.base();
return result;
void main() {
MyClass mc = MyClass.fromVal(1);
mc.setVal(-1); //Fails
//On the upside, you can't access _val
//mc._val = 6; //Doesn't compile.
So yeah. Just be careful and try to follow the language's best-practices and you should be fine.
Apparently there's a new typedef syntax that's preferred for Dart 2. If you're using Dart 2 you should use that. Or, even better, use inline function types.
If you use the second, it will be less verbose, but the other problems remain.
