Requiring user password authentication for JMX on ActiveMQ Artemis - jmx

Where in the configuration do you enable/disable authentication for JMX in Artemis? In the artemis.profile file I have on two instances of Artemis, one on a local VM and one on a remote VM. The local one doesn't require authentication (such as from JConsole) and will fail if I give is the user/password. The remote instance requires authentication, which accepts the user/password I created when setting up Artemis.
Is there another configuration I'm missing?

ActiveMQ Artemis guards JMX calls using role based authentication that leverages Artemis's JAAS plugin support with the login.config file. This is configured via the authorisation element in the management.xml configuration file and can be used to restrict access to attributes and methods on mbeans.


How to override Kong ldap Auth Plugin configuration?

I am using Kong.yml file with DB less mode for configuring Kong gateway
I have configured ldap-auth plugin for all the services.
We need to authenticate user based on attribute sAMAccountName, so i need to modify kong/plugins/ldap-auth/access.lua file to support attributes
Where can i find below file in docker to modify
Referred below link

How to set credentials in bindings file for JMSInput Node

I am using the JMSInput node in an IIB flow to connect with Rabbitmq. Locally it's working fine with a binding file, but how/where to set login credentials for a remote rabbitmq server?
You will have to use JMS Node and create your own JMSProviders in configurable services.

Localhost write permission on mosquitto topics

I'm using mosquitto for some IoT projects. I can use ACLs files to easily add authentication based on write and read access. But is there any way to active readwrite for a localhost connection and read for connections from outside (public IP)?
I don't see any reason to open the write access for the other connections outside even with a password, and access without the password would be easier for local services.
Not with the built in Username/Password + ACL scheme.
Mosquitto has a plugin interface for authentication/authorisation so you may be able to use that to build what you want.
The other option is to run 2 brokers and set one up with read/write and only listening on localhost, then bridge that to the other with the anonymous user set up with read only and one user for the bridging broker to use.

AppDynamics monitoring with AMQ 7.0.1

I am using the ActiveMQ extension of AppDynamics. It is good to start. With JMXRemote(enabled in artemis.profile) it is OK. But, I want it from localhost. JMX is enabled by default for localhost for AMQ. AMQ management console use jmx internally and it works without JMXRemote enabled. What service URL jolokia use internally to connect using JMX from localhost? I have tryed with following URL:
serviceUrl: "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://:1099/jmxrmi"
The first step is to add a username and password in the etc/ file. For most purposes, it is ok to just
use the default settings provided out of the box. For this, just uncomment the following line:
admin=admin,admin,manager,viewer,Operator, Maintainer, Deployer, Auditor, Administrator, SuperUser
Then, you must bypass credential checks on BrokeViewMBean by adding it to the whitelist ACL configuration. You can do so by replacing this line:
with this:
In addition to being the correct way, it also enables several different configuration options (eg: port, listen address, etc) by just changing the file on broker's etc directory.
Please keep in mind that JMX access is made through a different JMX connector root in this case: it uses karaf-root instead of jmxrmi, which was previously used in the older method. It also uses port 1099 by default, instead of 1616.
Therefore, the uri should be

freeRADIUS with LDAP SASL/Certificate based binding

I am working on freeRADIUS v1.1.7-r0.0.2 with LDAP as backend for authenticating users.
I want to configure freeRADIUS server with certificates instead of using usernames and passwords.
How to configure RADIUS+LDAP using SASL/Certificate based binding ?
Please guide me how to achieve this,is there any help/doc how to configure LDAP SASL bind for RADIUS Server.
Support for SASL binding was recently added in v3.0.x, both for administrative binds, and user binds, it's not available in previous versions.
See the SASL sections in the config here
Certificated based binding has always been supported. It's configured with the certificate_file and private_key_file config items.
You cannot pass the SSL tunnel through from something like an EAP conversation.
