How to get every clauses of a CNF formula in Z3 - z3

like in the code below, Is there any function in Z3 to get all the clauses of a formula(as a CNF)?
x = Boolean('x')
y = Boolean('y')
f = And(x, Or(x,y),And(x,Not(x,y))
# can I get all the clauses of formula f stored in a list

You can do something like the following:
from z3 import *
x = Bool('x') # Note: Bool() rather than Boolean()
y = Bool('y')
z = Bool('z')
f = And(x, Or(x,y), And(x, z == Not(y)))
# from
g = Goal()
# use describe_tactics() to get to know the tactics available
t = Tactic('tseitin-cnf')
clauses = t(g)
for clause in clauses[0]:
Output is a list of disjunctive clauses:
Or(x, y)
Or(y, z)
Or(Not(y), Not(z))
Your original expression is not satisfiable.
What is Not(x, y) supposed to do?
As simpler way to convert (nested) Boolean expressions to CNF is provided by bc2cnf.


Understanding quantifier traversing in Z3

I'm trying to understand traversing quantified formula in z3 (i'm using z3py). Have no idea how to pickup the quantified variables. For example in code shown below i'm trying to print the same formula and getting error.
from z3 import *
def traverse(e):
if is_quantifier(e):
var_list = []
if e.is_forall():
for i in range(e.num_vars()):
return ForAll (var_list, traverse(e.body()))
x, y = Bools('x y')
fml = ForAll(x, ForAll (y, And(x,y)))
same_formula = traverse( fml )
print same_formula
With little search i got to know that z3 uses De Bruijn index and i have to get something like Var(1, BoolSort()). I can think of using var_sort() but how to get the formula to return the variable correctly. Stuck here for some time.
var_list is a list of strings, but ForAll expects a list of constants. Also, traverse should return e when it's not a quantifier. Here's a modified example:
from z3 import *
def traverse(e):
if is_quantifier(e):
var_list = []
if e.is_forall():
for i in range(e.num_vars()):
c = Const(e.var_name(i) + "-traversed", e.var_sort(i))
return ForAll (var_list, traverse(e.body()))
return e
x, y = Bools('x y')
fml = ForAll(x, ForAll (y, And(x,y)))
same_formula = traverse( fml )

Creating a negated predicate in F#

I have a predicate in F# for example
let myFunc x y = x < y
Is there a way to create the negated version of this function?
So something that would be functionally similar to
let otherFunc x y = x >= y
But by using the original myFunc?
let otherFunc = !myFunc // not valid
What you are trying to do is called "function composition". Check out the function composition operator of f#:
In F# what does the >> operator mean?
I don't have a compiler available to experiment, but you could start from
let otherFunc = myFunc >> not
and work your way through errors.
EDIT: Max Malook points out that this will not work with the current definition of myFunc, because it takes two arguments (in a sense, this is functional-land). So, in order to make this work, myFunc would need to change into accepting a Tuple:
let myFunc (a, b) = a > b
let otherFunc = myFunc >> not
let what = otherFunc (3, 4)
Negation in F# is done with the function not. The ! operator is for dereferencing ref cells.
let otherFunc x y = not (myFunc x y)

z3python: no XOR operator?

I have this code in Z3 python:
x = Bool('x')
y = Bool('y')
z = Bool('z')
z == (x xor y)
s = Solver()
s.add(z == True)
print s.check()
But this code reports below error when running: error: invalid syntax
If I replace xor with and, there is no problem. So this means XOR is not supported?
You should use Xor(a, b). Moreover, to create the Z3 expression that represents the formula a and b, we must use And(a, b). In Python, we can't overload the operators and and or.
Here is an example with the Xor (available online at rise4fun).
x = Bool('x')
y = Bool('y')
z = Xor(x, y)
s = Solver()
print s.check()
print s.model()

Z3 array: why Select() does not return value saved by Store()?

I have simple Z3 python code like below. I expect the "print" line will return me "y" which was stored in the line above it. Instead, I got back "A[x]" as result.
I = IntSort()
A = Array('A', I, I)
x = Int('x')
y = Int('y')
Store(A, x, y)
print Select(A,x)
Why does not Select() return the value stored by Store()?
There are two things to note:
When you write
Store(A, x, y)
You create a term with three arguments , A, x, and y.
There is no side-effect to A.
You can create a name for this term by writing
B = Store(A,x,y)
Z3 does not simplify terms unless you want it to.
The python API exposes a simplification function called simplify.
You can obtain the reduced term by calling the simplifier.
The example is:
I = IntSort()
A = Array('A', I, I)
x = Int('x')
y = Int('y')
B = Store(A, x, y)
print Select(B,x)
print simplify (Select(B,x))

In F# what does the >> operator mean?

I noticed in some code in this sample that contained the >> operator:
let printTree =
tree >> Seq.iter (Seq.fold (+) "" >> printfn "%s")
What does the >> operator mean/do?
Thanks very much, now it is much clearer.
Here's my example I generated to get the hang of it:
open System
open System.IO
let read_lines path = File.ReadAllLines(path) |> Array.to_list
let trim line = (string line).Trim()
let to_upper line = (string line).ToUpper()
let new_list = [ for line in read_lines "myText.txt" -> line |> (trim >> to_upper) ]
printf "%A" new_list
It's the function composition operator.
More info on Chris Smith's blogpost.
Introducing the Function Composition
operator (>>):
let inline (>>) f g x = g(f x)
Which reads as: given two functions, f
and g, and a value, x, compute the
result of f of x and pass that result
to g. The interesting thing here is
that you can curry the (>>) function
and only pass in parameters f and g,
the result is a function which takes a
single parameter and produces the
result g ( f ( x ) ).
Here's a quick example of composing a
function out of smaller ones:
let negate x = x * -1
let square x = x * x
let print x = printfn "The number is: %d" x
let square_negate_then_print = square >> negate >> print
asserdo square_negate_then_print 2
When executed prints ‘-4’.
The >> operator composes two functions, so x |> (g >> f) = x |> g |> f = f (g x). There's also another operator << which composes in the other direction, so that (f << g) x = f (g x), which may be more natural in some cases.
The composition operators, << and >> are use to join two functions such that the result of one becomes the input of the other. Since functions are also values, unless otherwise note, they are treated as such so that the following expressions are equivalent:
f1 f2 f3 ... fn x = (..((f1 f2) f3) ... fn) x
Specifically, f2, f3, ...fn and x are treated as values and are not evaluated prior to being passed as parameters to their preceding functions. Sometimes that is what you want but other times you want to indicate that the result of one function is to be the input of the other. This can be realized using the composition operators << and >> thus:
(f1 << f2 << f3 ... << fn) x = f1(f2(f3 ... (fn x )..)
(fn >> ... f3 >> f2 >> f1) x = f1(f2(f3 ... (fn x )..)
Since the composition operator returns a function, the explicit parameter, x, is not required unlike in the pipe operators x |> fn ... |> f1 or f1 <| ... fn <| x
According to F# Symbol and Operator Reference it is Forward Function Composition operator.
That is function composition, used for partial application
