Using dynamic URL for Spring ReactiveFeignClient - spring-cloud-feign

I'm using ReactiveFeignClient from Playtika
I need to use dynamic URL especially for the host part because I want to use the same interface for several services that have the same request and response formats, but different host. The URLs on each service can have different host name and prefix, but all have the same suffix.
For example:
Actually I don't know whether it has the same behavior as non-reactive feign client. I follow the suggestion on How can I change the feign URL during the runtime?.
Here's the client interface.
name = "dummy",
configuration = TransactionClient.Configuration.class
public interface TransactionClient {
// #PostMapping("/purchase") // Using #PostMapping and #RequestLine both don't work
#RequestLine("POST /purchase")
Mono<PurchaseResponseDto> doPurchase(
URI baseUrl,
#Valid #RequestBody PurchaseRequestDto requestDTO
class Configuration {
public ReactiveStatusHandler reactiveStatusHandler() {
return new CustomStatusHandler();
And here's the auto configuration
public class TransactionClientServiceAutoConfiguration {
public Contract useFeignAnnotations() {
return new Contract.Default();
public TransactionClient botRemoteClient() {
return Feign.builder().target(Target.EmptyTarget.create(TransactionClient.class));
However, I got error indicating that no service with name dummy. It's just a dummy name indeed, because the name parameter is required for #ReactiveFeignClient annotation and I want to use the interface for multiple services.
How to make dynamic url possible for #ReactiveFeignClient

From reactive feign github I found this snippet:
IcecreamServiceApi client =
WebReactiveFeign //WebClient based reactive feign
.target(IcecreamServiceApi.class, "")
You can change the url by creating a new instance of the client. Found no other way. Also, I added both #PostMapping and #RequestLine("POST") to the feign interface since I couldn't get the contracts option to work.
Sharing this for posterity or until a better version comes along.


Single resource server with multiple authorisation servers, one for each tenant

I am working on a Spring Boot application, which is basically a resource server. As of now, my application has one tenant, which gets authenticated with an authorization server, external to my application.
In order to achieve the same, as of now, I have made the following changes in my application:
config changes are as following:
As of now, I am fetching client secrets from Vault, so I had to define the OAuth2 configuration as follows:
public class OAuth2Configuration {
static final String OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET_KEY = "oauth2_client_secret";
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OAuth2Configuration.class);
private static final String OAUTH2_REGISTRATION_MISSING =
"oAuth2 registration properties are missing";
private final ApplicationSecretProvider applicationSecretProvider;
private final Map<String, ClientAuthenticationMethod> clientAuthenticationMethodMap =
new HashMap<>();
private final String authenticationMethod;
public OAuth2Configuration(
final String authenticationMethod,
final ApplicationSecretProvider applicationSecretProvider) {
this.authenticationMethod = authenticationMethod;
this.applicationSecretProvider = applicationSecretProvider;
.put(ClientAuthenticationMethod.POST.getValue(), ClientAuthenticationMethod.POST);
.put(ClientAuthenticationMethod.BASIC.getValue(), ClientAuthenticationMethod.BASIC);
.put(ClientAuthenticationMethod.NONE.getValue(), ClientAuthenticationMethod.NONE);
public InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository getClientRegistrationRepository(
OAuth2ClientProperties properties) {
List<ClientRegistration> registrations = new ArrayList<>(
//We will have only one client registered for oAuth
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(registrations)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(OAUTH2_REGISTRATION_MISSING);
ClientRegistration registration = registrations.get(0);
ClientRegistration.Builder builder = ClientRegistration.withClientRegistration(registration);
ClientAuthenticationMethod clientAuthenticationMethod =
ClientRegistration completeRegistration = builder
return new InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository(completeRegistration);
protected ClientAuthenticationMethod getClientAuthenticationMethod(String grantType) {
ClientAuthenticationMethod retValue = clientAuthenticationMethodMap.get(grantType);
if (retValue == null) {
return ClientAuthenticationMethod.NONE;
return retValue;
Then I extended DefaultOAuth2UserService in order to save user details in my application as follows:
public class CustomOAuth2UserService extends DefaultOAuth2UserService {
private UserRepository userRepository;
private AuthorityRepository authRepository;
public void setUserRepository(UserRepository userRepository) {
this.userRepository = userRepository;
public void setAuthorityRepository(AuthorityRepository
authorityRepository) {
this.authorityRepository = authorityRepository;
public OAuth2User loadUser(OAuth2UserRequest userRequest) {
DefaultOAuth2User oAuth2User = (DefaultOAuth2User) super.loadUser(userRequest);
Collection<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new HashSet<>(oAuth2User.getAuthorities());
Map<String, Object> attributes = oAuth2User.getAttributes();
return new DefaultOAuth2User(authorities, oAuth2User.getAttributes(), userNameAttributeName);
Security configuration is as follows:
value = "myapp.authentication.type",
havingValue = "oauth",
matchIfMissing = true
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private final CustomOAuth2UserService customoAuth2UserService;
public SecurityConfiguration(CustomOAuth2UserService customoAuth2UserService) {
this.customoAuth2UserService = customoAuth2UserService;
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
Now, I would like to onboard multiple tenants using OAuth2 as well. Say I want to onboard another tenant tenant2. In order to achieve this, I think, I need to do the following changes in the existing code base as follows:
adding config entries in the properties file as above:${myapp.oauth2.path}token${myapp.oauth2.path}authorize${myapp.oauth2.path}userinfo
I need to do changes in the security configuration class:
SecurityConfiguration and OAuth2 configuration class OAuth2Configuration as well. But I am not able to understand what should I add there in order to make my applications work seamlessly for multiple tenants.
In this context, I found this related post: Dynamically register OIDC client with Spring Security OAuth in a multi-tenant stup, but could not get any concrete idea regarding what changes should I do in the existing code base to make my application work in multi-tenancy set up.
Could anyone please help here?
I think there's a bit of confusion that it might help to clear up.
First, it seems that you are not actually building a resource server, as a resource server would require an access token for authentication. Using .oauth2Login() is for either OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect 1.0 login, which is a regular application in most respects except how you log in. You still have a browser session after login is successful, which you would not have in a resource server.
Second, configuring a static number of client registrations isn't really quite the same as building a multi-tenant application. Perhaps you're building up to that later, by demonstrating two clients. When configuring two clients using static configuration properties, nothing is really different from a single configuration, other than that there are two possible registrationIds.
Start by building a simple hello world application, such as the OAuth 2.0 Login Sample. If you add a second client registration to your properties, you'll notice that the auto-generated login page (/login) simply shows two links, one for each client. See docs for more on this.
The default URI for initiating the authorization_code flow is /oauth2/authorization/{registrationId}, which means navigating to /oauth2/authorization/abcd launches the first client's login flow. Navigating to /oauth2/authorization/efgh launches the second client's login flow. There's not really anything else needed to support multiple login clients other than understanding how to initiate login.
If you wish to support a fully multi-tenant login configuration, you would then provide a custom ClientRegistrationRepository, which you have done. The only difference is that you should no longer seek to configure clients through the Spring Boot properties, as that seems to be the point that is confusing in your example. If you want to use properties for some of the configuration, create your own configuration properties for your custom repository implementation. Typically at that point, all of this configuration would come from a database.
I would start with that progression (hello world, two statically configured clients, custom ClientRegistrationRepository) then proceed to add other custom components. It will help illustrate the differences at each point.

Smallrye open api interceptor

I am developing a rest application.
Some endpoints require a custom header parameter, not related to authorisation. I created a custom annotation using jax-rs NameBinding. Here is an usage example:
public int get(
#Parameter(ref = "#/components/parameters/banks")
String bank) {
return someService.getSomeInformation();
There is a provider that intercepts this call and do some routine using the information in the header parameter.
The problem is that I have to repeat '#HeaderParam("bank") #Parameter(ref = "#/components/parameters/banks") String bank' everywhere, just so it appears in Swagger, even though the service classes do not need it. I was able to at least reuse the parameter definition with ref = "#/components/parameters/banks", and declaring it in the OpenAPI.yml file, that Quarkus merges with generated code very nicely.
But I also want to create and interceptor to dynamically add this do the OpenApi definition whenever RequiresBankHeader annotation is present.
Is there a way to do it?
I dont think you can use interceptors to modify the generated Openapi schema output.
If all methods on a given endpoint require some parameter, you can specify it on class level like so:
public class MyEndpoint {
#Parameter(name = "bank")
String bank;
public Response getAll() {return Response.ok().build()}
public Response someMethod(#PathParam("id") String id) {return Response.ok().build();}
As mentioned by Roberto Cortez, the MP OpenAPI spec provides a programmatic way to contribute metadata to the openapi.yml file.
It is not possible to detect an annotation in the JAX-RS endpoint definition, but it was good enough to automate what I needed. Since all methods that had the RequiresBankHeader return the same Schema, I was able to hack it like this:
public class OpenApiConfigurator implements OASFilter {
public Operation filterOperation(Operation operation) {
flatMap(mediaTypes -> mediaTypes.values().stream()).
filter(ref -> ref.contains("the common response schema")).
ifPresent(schema -> {
ParameterImpl parameter = new ParameterImpl();
return operation;
OpenApiConfigurator should be configure in the application properties, using mp.openapi.filter=com.yourcompany.OpenApiConfigurator

Spring Integration Security with REST service example

I am implementing Spring Integration for REST services. I am following XPadro's githib example -
I have created simple read, write and update operations.
Examples taken from int-http-dsl project.
I want to implement spring-security with oath2. I am taking reference from
I am not able to connect both together. Because below is how they map a request
public IntegrationFlow httpGetFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(httpGetGate()).channel("httpGetChannel").handle("personEndpoint", "get").get();
public MessagingGatewaySupport httpGetGate() {
HttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway handler = new HttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway();
handler.setRequestMapping(createMapping(new HttpMethod[]{HttpMethod.GET}, "/persons/{personId}"));
return handler;
and below is how we can integrate security
#SecuredChannel(interceptor = "channelSecurityInterceptor", sendAccess = "ROLE_ADMIN")
public SubscribableChannel adminChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
I am not able to find a way to create channels in first example so how to integrate that.
Am I going right direction or getting it all wrong?
Is there any better tutorials to handle spring-integration (http) with spring-security (using oauth)?
Spring Integration Java DSL allows to use external #Beans for message channels from the flow definition. So, your httpGetChannel may be declared and used like:
#SecuredChannel(interceptor = "channelSecurityInterceptor", sendAccess = "ROLE_ADMIN")
public SubscribableChannel httpGetChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
public IntegrationFlow httpGetFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(httpGetGate())
.handle("personEndpoint", "get")
Feel free to raise a GitHub issue to make in the Framework something more obvious directly from the DSL's .channel() definition:

Swagger 2.0 where to declare Basic Auth Schema

How do I define basic authentication using Swagger 2.0 annotations and have it display in swagger UI.
In the resource I have:
#ApiOperation(value = "Return list of categories", response=Category.class, responseContainer="List", httpMethod="GET", authorizations = {#Authorization(value="basicAuth")})
public Response getCategories();
I looked here:
And it says "Once you've declared and configured which authorization schemes you support in your API, you can use these annotation to note which authorization scheme is required on a resource or a specific operation" But I can't find anything that talks about where to declare and configure the authorization schemes.
I found code on how to declare the schema, but I still do not see any information about the authentication schema in the UI. I'm not sure what I am missing
public class MyApiDefinition implements ReaderListener {
public static final String BASIC_AUTH_SCHEME = "basicAuth";
public void beforeScan(Reader reader, Swagger swagger) {
public void afterScan(Reader reader, Swagger swagger) {
BasicAuthDefinition basicAuthDefinition = new BasicAuthDefinition();
swagger.addSecurityDefinition(BASIC_AUTH_SCHEME, basicAuthDefinition);
Using Springfox 2.6 annotations, you must first define Basic authentication as one of the security schemes when you set up the Docket in your configuration, like this:
List<SecurityScheme> schemeList = new ArrayList<>();
schemeList.add(new BasicAuth("basicAuth"));
return new
Then you can use the Springfox annotations in your service to set Basic Auth for the operation for which you want to require authentication:
#ApiOperation(value = "Return list of categories", response=Category.class, responseContainer="List", httpMethod="GET", authorizations = {#Authorization(value="basicAuth")})
public Response getCategories();
I struggeled with this as well. In my case i used the swagger-maven-plugin. To solve this i added this within the maven plugin:
After that i was able to add it on my resource like this:
#Api(value = "My REST Interface", authorizations = {#Authorization(value="basicAuth")})
The generated json included the security element for each endpoint:
"basicAuth" : []
And the security definition:
"securityDefinitions" : {
"basicAuth" : {
"type" : "basic"
I hope this helps others as well.
You can use the #SwaggerDefinition
or you can configure the swagger object directly, here's an example

Multi-tenant ServiceStack API, same deployment to respond to requests on different hostnames?

We're creating APIs using ServiceStack that are multi-tenant. We want to do DNS-based load-balancing and routing, rather than stitch things up via a reverse proxy (like nginx or haproxy).
We have Request DTOs that have a Tenant parameter. ServiceStack (and its SwaggerFeature) allow us to define custom routes, and document the DTOs such that we can read values from path, query, headers, or body.
How do we (best) wire things so that DTO properties can read values from a hostname pattern as well? So, make the Route take values from matching out of the hostname as well as the path?
We'd like to have URLs like
https://{tenant}.{DNS zone for environment}/{rest of path with tokens}
Also - out DNS zone will vary depending which environment we're in - for non-production we use (say), and production we use Ideally we'd be able to support both with a single route declaration (and we prefer decorating the Request DTO instead of imperative declaration at run-time AppHost.Init).
I solved this just this week, on a existing multi-tenant system which uses .NET security principals to deal with the user permissions and tenants. I used a custom ServiceRunner to select the tenant and set up the security. Your approach to multi-tenant is different, but using a ServiceRunner still seems a valid approach.
You'd end up with something like this:
public class MyServiceRunner<T> : ServiceRunner<T>
public MyServiceRunner(IAppHost appHost, ActionContext actionContext)
: base(appHost, actionContext)
public override void BeforeEachRequest(IRequestContext requestContext, T request)
// Set backend authentication before the requests are processed.
if(request instanceof ITenantRequest)
Uri uri = new Uri(requestContext.AbsoluteUri);
string tenant = uri.Host; // Or whatever logic you need...
((ITenantRequest).Tenant = tenant;
public class MyAppHost : AppHostBase
public MyAppHost() : base("My Web Services", typeof(MyService).Assembly) { }
public override IServiceRunner<TRequest> CreateServiceRunner<TRequest>(ActionContext actionContext)
return new MyServiceRunner<TRequest>(this, actionContext);
public override void Configure(Container container)
Perhaps the Requests filtering approach is somehow better, but this does the job for us.
