I'd like to emit some html (generated from my F# code) into a FsLab journal but cannot seem to find the correct incantation to make it happen.
If I have a function in my code that returns an html snippet is there a way to get this directly into the page without being surrounded by a <pre> tag?
I have tried, for example:
let f () =
"""Some <b>bold</b> sample"""
let htmlContent = f ()
(*** include-value:htmlContent ***)
but the output is just the html code itself formatted like output.
I took a dive into the F# formatting GH pages and found the (*** raw ***) command so I also tried:
(*** include-value:htmlContent, raw ***)
but the output still gets surrounded by the <pre> & <code> tags.
Is it possible to simply emit raw html in this way without the <pre> tag?
If you are using the latest version, then you can add custom HTML printers using fsi.AddHtmlPrinter. We need to improve FsLab docs, but this is also used by F# Interactive Service in Atom.
To emit raw HTML, you can include something like this in your script:
(*** hide ***)
type Html = Html of string
fsi.AddHtmlPrinter(fun (Html h) ->
seq [], h)
Then, you should be able to create HTML nodes with:
let b = Html("""Some <b>bold</b> sample""")
(*** include-value:b ***)
When I run my code, I get the following error:
Syntax only allowed with -v Eval.EnableHipHopSyntax=true in /var/web/site/myfile.php on line 26
myfile.php has a function at that line that has:
public static function set (
string $theme // <str> The theme to set as active.
, string $style = "default" // <str> The style that you want to set.
, string $layout = "default" // <str> The layout that you want to assign.
): string // RETURNS <str>
The bottom line, ): string" is the appropriate syntax for the hack language, but for some reason HHVM decided to brilliantly disable its own syntax by default.
I can't seem to find any documentation with HHVM that indicates how to set that config file. How can one go about this process?
It turns out my HHVM conversion tool was not converting <?php to <?hh as I had instructed it to, due to having converted itself. In other words, it was attempting to convert <?hh to <?hh, which did me no good.
I had mistakenly assumed that HHVM was disabling it for <?hh tags, which was not the case.
This syntax is part of Hack, but you have a PHP file. If you change the opening tag from <?php to <?hh, it'll work.
Alternatively, you can add hhvm.enable_hip_hop_syntax = true to /etc/hhvm/php.ini.
I'm making a reusable package and in order to get the client side to work both with straight javascript and module loaders I have a code paths that requires me to document.write out script tags.
In my razor view I have something like this:
'<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Oaf/SlimHeader/Media/Scripts/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>',
'<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Oaf/SlimHeader/Media/Scripts/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"></script>',
Which Razor refuses to interpret in html mode:
Parser Error Message: Unterminated string literal. Strings that start
with a quotation mark (") must be terminated before the end of the
line. However, strings that start with # and a quotation mark (#")
can span multiple lines.
indicating the error is in the first script tag. This is javascript, I don't want Razor involved at all! (Ok, it would be nice if it parsed the ~ but honestly I can take care of that myself).
I've tried prefixing every line with #: and surrounding the whole thing in #" ... "# but neither seems to work.
This is not a razor issue, this code is invalid even in a simple HTML file, and will cause problems in the browser.
The solution is to:
var a = '<script><' +' /script>';
The bug has been closed as by design.
Thanks to Aron who got me to pare this down thereby prompting me to discover the answer.
Pared down the broken code looked like this (I hadn't included the if in the question):
#if (true) {
<script type="text/javascript">
var a = '<script></script>';
something in the interplay between the #if and the <script> tag in a sting just does not sit well. If I force text mode on each line inside the if by prefixing with #: then it works.
In the original question the solution it to prefix every line inside the Razor block with #:. Surrounding in a <text> block will not work. If you don't prefix every line with #: then you will get a parsing error very possibly for a line that was prefixed.
Seems like a bug with Razor. Will report it.
On transferring a F# file -- Jira.fs to a script file -- Jira.fsx
I am encountering a problem with a constant string that uses triple quotes and within it contains double quotes (example below)
Jira.fs = success
Jira.fsx = fails with error FS0010: Unexpected symbol ':' in expression. Expected '}' or other token.
Warnings include - Warning: line too long, ignoring some characters
Is there a limit to .fsx scripts?
If so is there a recommended way around this? Just read in the string from a file?
Code below: thanks
let childIssueSchema = """ {"expand":"renderedFields,names,schema,transitions,operations,editmeta,changelog","id":"18043","self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/latest/issue/18043","key":"DPMITPRODU-141","fields":{"progress":{"progress":0,"total":0},"summary":"APC - Calculator link on AOL ","customfield_10560":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10340","value":"Yes","id":"10340"},"customfield_11067":null,"timetracking":{},"customfield_11066":null,"issuetype":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/issuetype/6","id":"6","description":"A user story","iconUrl":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/images/icons/sales.gif","name":"User Story","subtask":false},"customfield_10562":null,"customfield_11069":null,"customfield_11068":null,"customfield_11160":"4837","customfield_11161":null,"customfield_11660":null,"timespent":null,"reporter":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=lkaligotla","name":"lkaligotla","emailAddress":"lkaligotla#MyCompany.com.au","avatarUrls":{"16x16":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/secure/useravatar?size=small&avatarId=10102","48x48":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/secure/useravatar?avatarId=10102"},"displayName":"Lakshmi Kaligotla","active":true},"created":"2013-12-31T14:39:09.457+1100","updated":"2014-01-02T09:32:57.023+1100","customfield_10041":null,"priority":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/priority/3","iconUrl":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/images/icons/priority_major.gif","name":"Medium","id":"3"},"description":"The current Age pension Calculator Icon must lead to a landing page with content and Start Calculator Button \r\n\r\nOn Click of start Calculator button calculator Home Page with instructions and start calculator button ","customfield_10002":null,"customfield_10003":null,"customfield_10040":null,"issuelinks":[{"id":"13177","self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/issueLink/13177","type":{"id":"10010","name":"CrossProjectLink","inward":"part of","outward":"contains","self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/issueLinkType/10010"},"inwardIssue":{"id":"18036","key":"DPMITPROJ-35","self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/issue/18036","fields":{"summary":"APC - Calculator","status":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/status/10003","description":"User has placed this item in the queue","iconUrl":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/images/icons/status_visible.gif","name":"In Queue","id":"10003"},"priority":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/priority/3","iconUrl":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/images/icons/priority_major.gif","name":"Medium","id":"3"},"issuetype":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/issuetype/5","id":"5","description":"A big user story that needs to be broken down.","iconUrl":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/download/resources/com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:greenhopper-webactions/images/ico_epic.png","name":"Epic","subtask":false}}}}],"customfield_10000":null,"customfield_10765":null,"subtasks":[],"customfield_10767":null,"status":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/status/10016","description":"","iconUrl":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/images/icons/status_open.gif","name":"Backlog","id":"10016"},"labels":[],"workratio":-1,"project":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/project/DPMITPRODU","id":"11433","key":"DPMITPRODU","name":"DPMIT-Products","avatarUrls":{"16x16":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/secure/projectavatar?size=small&pid=11433&avatarId=11680","48x48":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/secure/projectavatar?pid=11433&avatarId=11680"}},"environment":null,"customfield_10053":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10030","value":"Yes","id":"10030"},"aggregateprogress":{"progress":0,"total":0},"customfield_10050":"A link is available and on click leads to Calculor Landing page\r\nhttps://adviseronlineportal.com.au/Agepensioncalculator","components":[],"comment":{"startAt":0,"maxResults":0,"total":0,"comments":[]},"timeoriginalestimate":null,"customfield_10461":null,"customfield_10460":null,"customfield_11963":[{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/11441","value":"False","id":"11441"}],"customfield_10360":null,"votes":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/issue/DPMITPRODU-141/votes","votes":0,"hasVoted":false},"customfield_10261":null,"customfield_10262":null,"customfield_10263":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10061","value":"Yes","id":"10061"},"fixVersions":[],"resolution":null,"resolutiondate":null,"aggregatetimeoriginalestimate":null,"customfield_10161":null,"customfield_10160":null,"duedate":null,"customfield_10020":null,"customfield_10060":"4793","watches":{"self":"https://atlassian.au.MyCompany.net/jira/rest/api/2/issue/DPMITPRODU-141/watchers","watchCount":1,"isWatching":false},"customfield_10162":null,"worklog":{"startAt":0,"maxResults":0,"total":0,"worklogs":[]},"assignee":null,"attachment":[],"aggregatetimeestimate":null,"versions":[],"timeestimate":null,"customfield_10030":null,"customfield_10031":null,"aggregatetimespent":null}} """
type ChildJsonSchema = FSharp.Data.JsonProvider< childIssueSchema >
I don't think there is a limit on the size of a script file (not sure what would happen around 2GB, but that does not sound like a realistic scenario), but for some reason (not sure why!) there is a limit on a single line length.
This is a bit unfortunate when you just want to copy & paste sample for a JSON type provider, but if you're using """ quotes, then you can just have a newline character in the string and it will still be treated as a single constant string:
let childIssueSchema = """{"foo":1,
type ChildJsonSchema = FSharp.Data.JsonProvider<childIssueSchema>
That said, in case you have long and complex samples, it might be better to save them to files and just point the type provider to a file. Assuming you have childIssue.json in the same folder as the source file, you should be able to write:
type ChildJsonSchema = FSharp.Data.JsonProvider<"childIssue.json">
I have a strange problem. I am trying to render the following valid latex,
$$\int_{x=0}^{x=h} u_t dx = \int_{x=0}^{x=h} (-au + du_x)_x dx +
\int_{x=0}^{x=h} s(x,t,u) dx$$
in a markdown cell in an ipython notebook (version 0.13.2 built from source). If I instead render each term separately it works!
$$\int_{x=0}^{x=h} u_t dx $$
$$\int_{x=0}^{x=h} (-au + du_x)_x dx$$
$$+ \int_{x=0}^{x=h} s(x,t,u) dx$$
Is it possible to get an error message to find out where the problem is? iPython is rendering this via MathJax.
If you can modify the configuration used by MathJax, you could add
TeX: { noErrors: { disabled: true } }
to the configuration and that should allows the errors to be shown (rather than the original TeX code). If you don't have access to the configuration directly, you could open the browser console window and type
MathJax.Hub.Config({TeX: {noErrors: {disabled: true}})
(and press RETURN) and then execute the cell with the troublesome LaTeX to get the same effect.
I'm wondering of some strange character hasn't gotten into the longer expression (like a forced line break or something).