Split first name and rest of names in Google Sheets - google-sheets

I have a spreadsheet with a list of full names on column A and what I want to do is to split the first name of each person on column B and the remaining names (no matter how many there are) on column C. Any ideas?
I have a sample sheet if that helps:

#Tulio, I've duplicated your first sheet, renamed it "Erik Help," and placed the following formula in B1:
=ArrayFormula({"First","The Rest";IF(A2:A="",,REGEXEXTRACT(A2:A,"^([a-zA-Z-]+) (.+)$"))})
As you can see, the column headers are created first, side by side. Then below that (signified by the semicolon), the REGEXEXTRACT pulls two parts from each non-null cell in A2:A — all letters from the start of the string up to the first space (which should be the first name), and then everything after that first space.

The other solution is more elegant/practical.
However, if you want to avoid regular expressions but consider a 2 simple formula solution, then use:
B2: =index(SPLIT(A2," ",true),1)
C2: =SUBSTITUTE(A2,concat(B2," "),"")
and drag them both down.


Lookup and fetch multiple delimited partner names

I have list of partner name codes, delimited by space. Like the one shown in below,
I have another table(E:F), from where I have to map them to show the partner names like the column C, perhaps i am not able to understand how to make it happen,
I have tried using this formula which brings only one partner name but when there are multiple it does not shows up, do i need to add another function like TEXTJOIN or what I am doing wrong here.
Link To GS
See my sheet ("Erik Help"). The following formula is in cell B1:
This one formula produces the header (which you can change within the formula itself as you like) and all results for all rows.
IF(A2:A="",,...) means if a cell in Col A is blank, then the result in the same row of Col B will also be blank (i.e., null).
SPLIT (the first time in the formula) will split the Col-A values at the spaces.
VLOOKUP will try to find each split value in the D:E list. If found, the full name will replace the initials. If not found, IFERROR will return null.
You will see &",". That is appending a comma to any full names that are returned.
TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE...),,COLUMNS())) is what many call "QUERY Smash." It basically, flips the remaining results of the VLOOKUP into columns instead of rows, turns everything into headers (to get them in one cell per column) and then flips them back to row orientation.
TRIM gets rid of spaces where no names were found in the full list.
REGEXREPLACE(... ,",$","") replaces any final comma that has no name after it with null.

JOIN header row values across a row based on non-blank values in cells

So I have two rows:
Grouped Tags (need help with this)
Row 1 consists mainly of Tags, while rows 2+ are entries. This data ties ENTRIES to TAGS.
What I'm needing to do is concatenate/join the tag names per entry. For example, look at the last column above.
I suspect we could write a formula that would:
Create an array of non-empty cells in the row. (IE: [2,4])
Return it with the header row A (IE: [A2,A4])
Then join them together by a comma
But I am unsure how to write the formula, or if this is even the best approach.
Here's the formula:
"Grouped Tags (need help with this)";
IF(NOT(B2:E11),, B1:E1)
),, COLUMNS(B1:E1)))
), "\s+", ",")
The trick used is called vertical query smash. That's the part:
TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(...),, Nnumber_of_columns))
You can find a brief description of this one and his friends here.
I wasn't able to create a single formula that would do this for me, so instead, I utilized a formula inside of Sheets' Find/Replace tool, and it worked like a charm!
I did a find/replace, replacing all instances of TRUE with the following formula:
What this formula does is it finds the cell's letter, then gets the first row of the cell using INDIRECT.
Breaking down the formula:
ADDRESS(ROW(),COLUMN()) returns the direct reference: $H$1
LEFT("$H$1",3) returns $H$
SUBSTITUBE("$H$","$","") replaces the dollar signs ($) and returns H
INDIRECT(H&"$1") references the exact cell H$1
Now, I can replace all instances of TRUE with that formula and the magic happens!
Here is a video explanation: https://youtu.be/SXXlv4JHDA8
Hopefully, that helps someone -- however, I would still be interested in seeing what the formula is for this solution.

Select the last two names in google sheet

In my data sheet1, I want to use the 'Name in use' column (B) with the last two names with ARRAYFORMULA. 
In my data sheet2, I want column (B) to be repeated with the same code next to the column A get filled 
Please find the sample date sheet below  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_AWRjexJNAcgNGsmrBKU_8JYL03UbAGeiyy4oI8B9fU/edit?usp=sharing 
Nimal PereraSri Lanka
Sheet 1
Your formula seems fine, just the ArrayFormula() needs tweaking. As noted in the docs, ArrayFormula() takes in a range, rather than a single cell.
You would have to do something like this:
Essentially you type in the range you'd like it to apply on. So at any moment, instead of selecting a single cell for that row, you select the range. If you'd want to apply it to the entire column, use A2:A. You even did it right on sheet2
Sheet 2
Your names seem to be importing correctly once Sheet1 is done right. To have the same code everywhere, use something like this:

IF cell contains, THEN return certain value with more values and return possibilities

I have a sheet with the following columns:
Column 1: contains text of the form "TS001", "TS002", "DR001", "MS002" etc.
The 2 letter in the beginning are a code for the manufacturer name, so for example "MS=Microsoft".
For the second column, I would like to have a formula that goes through the first column and searches for those letters, in order to then return the complete name of the manufacturer.
For example, it should look something like this:
Column 1
Column 2
DR. Pepper
Is something like that possible?
Thank you very much!
When you say "MS=Microsoft" it implies somewhere you have a table with that reference. For the purposes of the following example I created a sheet named ReferenceTable where column A contains the two letter code, and column B contains the name of the company. So it looks like this:
And now in the main sheet in column B you would write the following formula:
This will give you the name of the company, looked up from the reference table.
The array formula is there so that you only have to put this formula in cell B1, and assumes you will use the ReferenceTable sheet as a list; that way as you add records to Column A Column B is populated by the arrayformula in B1.
I'd simply use a Reference Table and a VLOOKUP formula
If cell B7 contains "MS0001"
the following formula will attempt to match just the first two letters again a reference table located in cells O7:P9
and will return "Microsoft" when it finds "MS"
In order to achieve what you want, somewhere you need to have a list of the two letter codes and the corresponding company name.
As with all vba, there’s any number of ways to do this, but I would probably put the two letter code and company data into an array, then iterate through col1 to create the desired output for col2.
E.g below assumes the two letter code and company names are in col3 and col4 respectively, but you can change it to wherever they’re located.
Sub CompName()
Dim Cmpname () as string
Dim col1 as range, rng as range
Cmpname = range(range(“C1”), range(“D1048576”).end(xlup))
Set col1 = range(range(“A1”), range(“A1048576”).end(xlup))
For each rng in col1
For i = lbound(Cmpname, 1) to ubound(Cmpname, 1)
If left(rng, 2) = Cmpname(i, lbound(Cmpname, 2)) then
rng.offset(0,1) = Cmpname(i, ubound(Cmpname, 2))
Exit For
End if
End Sub
I’ve admittedly just written this on my phone and have not tested it, but hopefully there’s minimal mistakes.
I just reread your question and realized that you may actually want a formula rather than vba code.
If this is correct, using an INDEX MATCH is probably your best bet.
In this example I’ll assume the same setup as described above - col3 has company codes and col4 has company name - and this formula can be inserted into cell B1:
You can then just filldown for the rest of the entries in col2.
Again, done from memory without testing so hopefully got it right.

Google Spreadsheets: Formula to "interleave" or "zipper" multiple arrays

Tried searching and checking Google documentation but I am still having issues getting the results that I want for this problem.
I'm needing to split several comma-separated lists of items and recombine them so that first items in each list is combined, followed by the second item, etc.
To ask with an illustration, if I have a cell with the following
Paul, John, George, Ringo
and another cell with the following
McCartney, Lennon, Harrison, Starr
How do I use one function to produce this in a cell?
Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr
Here you go, you will need to copy to every row - but assuming your data is in columns A and B it will work across a dynamic number of items:
=ARRAYFORMULA(join(",",split(A1,",")&" "&split(B1,",")))
See image example below, in row one i used the data you showed up top, and in row two i reversed the column data just to show as an example:
If you paste the first word CSV to Sheet1 and the second word CSV to Sheet2 then you could put the following into sheet3
In Cell A1:
=Sheet1!A1&" "&Sheet2!A1
This is saying take the value in sheet1 A1 and then a space " " then the value in sheet2 A1
You could also do this with the concatenate function:
=CONCATENATE(Sheet1!A1," ",Sheet2!A1)
Then just copy the formula to suit.
