Docker mount volume on SELinux enabled server - docker

I'm trying to run Nginx as the docker container on SELinux enabled server with mounted configuration as
-v /host/path/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:Z
That works fine till I will deploy updated configuration using ansible playbook (user/group root and mode 0644) as:
- name: remove NGINX conf
path: "/host/path/nginx.conf"
state: absent
become: true
- name: copy NGINX conf
become: true
src: "../nginx-conf/nginx.conf"
dest: "/host/path/nginx.conf"
mode: 0640
owner: root
group: root
and then reload nginx in the container as
docker container exec nginx-service nginx -s reload
that will error out with Permission Denied (13) to deployed configuration.
When I will check permissions to /host/path/nginx.conf those are correct (user/group:root and mode 0644) but for some reason nginx is not able to read that file.
When I will get inside the container and check /etc/nginx/nginx.conf permissions there are not carried over - they show up as question marks.
Any clue how to get it to work without reloading whole container just nginx service?


why the mountpoint in container can't been seen in host

I want do some device initiation by using Daemonset(K8s resource).
Actually the deivce has been formated(inside container) and mounted(inside container) successfully to a container path /hostmnt/lvpmem/ which is mapped of /mnt/ which is a host path.
mountpoint works fine in container
[root#driver-hm4ll /]
#mountpoint /hostmnt/lvpmem/
/hostmnt/lvpmem/ is a mountpoint
but mountpoint works wrong in host env
[root#host ~]# mountpoint /mnt/lvpmem/
/mnt/lvpmem/ is not a mountpoint
Also the data I write in container under /hostmnt/lvpmem/ can't been seen under /mnt/lvpmem/ in host env.
How can I mount the device so that both host and container can see it ?
Also, if container is destroyed does the mount relation also be destroyed ? I have no idea about umounting the device in host env if mount relation can't be seen.
Some opensource project use nsenter in container to run such format/mount command does it help ?
add /mnt as a volume to pod on directory /hostmnt. So that whatever being written under /hostmnt directory (insisde the container) will be seen on host under directory /mnt .
Example of a pod with hostpath :
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test-pd
- image:
name: test-container
- mountPath: /hostmnt
name: test-volume
- name: test-volume
# directory location on host
path: /mnt
# this field is optional
type: Directory
Mount point seen in container is just the snapshot when container start. My solution:
Enable hostPID for pod and use nsenter to mount on host
Restart container itself by using exit then the mount point can be seen in new container

Apache Nifi (on docker): only one of the HTTP and HTTPS connectors can be configured at one time error

Have a problem adding authentication due to a new needs while using Apache NiFi (NiFi) without SSL processing it in a container.
The image version is apache/nifi:1.13.0
It's said that SSL is unconditionally required to add authentication. It's recommended to use tls-toolkit in the NiFi image to add SSL. Worked on the following process:
Except for environment variable nifi.web.http.port for HTTP communication, and executed up the standalone mode container with nifi.web.https.port=9443
docker-compose up
Joined to the container and run the tls-toolkit script in the nifi-toolkit.
cd /opt/nifi/nifi-toolkit-1.13.0/bin &&\
sh standalone \
-n 'localhost' \
-C 'CN=yangeok,OU=nifi' \
-O -o $NIFI_HOME/conf
Attempt 1
Organized files in directory $NIFI_HOME/conf. Three files keystore.jks, truststore.jsk, and were created in folder localhost that entered the value of the option -n of the tls-toolkit script.
cd $NIFI_HOME/conf &&
cp localhost/*.jks .
The file $NIFI_HOME/conf/localhost/ was not overwritten as it is, but only the following properties were imported as a file $NIFI_HOME/conf/
Restarted container
docker-compose restart
The container died with below error log:
Only one of the HTTP and HTTPS connectors can be configured at one time
Attempt 2
After executing the tls-toolkit script, all files a were overwritten, including file
cd $NIFI_HOME/conf &&
cp localhost/* .
Restarted container
docker-compose restart
The container died with the same error log
The dead container volume was also accessible, so copied and checked file, and when did docker-compose up or restart, it changed as follows:
The part I overwritten or modified:
The changed part after re-executing the container:
I'd like to know how to execute the container with, http.port empty. docker-compose.yml file is as follows:
version: '3'
context: .
container_name: nifi
user: root
restart: unless-stopped
network_mode: bridge
- ${NIFI_HTTP_PORT}:8080/tcp
- ${NIFI_HTTPS_PORT}:9443/tcp
- ./drivers:/opt/nifi/nifi-current/drivers
- ./templates:/opt/nifi/nifi-current/templates
- ./data:/opt/nifi/nifi-current/data
TZ: 'Asia/Seoul'
########## JVM ##########
NIFI_JVM_HEAP_INIT: ${NIFI_HEAP_INIT} # The initial JVM heap size.
NIFI_JVM_HEAP_MAX: ${NIFI_HEAP_MAX} # The maximum JVM heap size.
########## Web ##########
# NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT: ${NIFI_HTTP_PORT} # nifi.web.http.port
NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT: ${NIFI_HTTPS_PORT} # nifi.web.https.port
Thank you

Traefik: no space left on device

I'm trying to enable file provider for registering dynamic configuration, but I get the error:
Cannot start the provider *file.Provider: error adding file watcher: no space left on device
Traefik uses fsnotify for adding new watchers and it get a limit from variable of Linux: /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
I tried to change the variable inside the docker container by sudo:
sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=12288
but I'm getting a error:
sysctl: error setting key 'fs.inotify.max_user_watches': Read-only file system
Traefik configuration:
address: ":80"
address: ":443"
docker: {}
directory: '/config'
watch: true
dashboard: true
storage: acme.json
entryPoint: web
Traefik version: 2.2.1
When I run traefik on another machine or my Mac or when I set a watch of configuration to false then it works like a charm, but I need to watch file changes
Please, tell me how I can change the variable by sudo in Alpine container or how to solve this issue in another way
Well, I try to change max_user_watches inside docker container. It was a wrong idea. I need to change max_user_watches inside my linux machine where I run docker containers.
After run command:
sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=12288
it worked fine

configure docker variables with ansible

I have a docker image for an FTP server in a repository, this image will be used for several machines, I need to deploy container and change PORT variable depending on the destination machine.
This is my image (I've deleted lines for proftpd installation cause it is not relevant to this case):
FROM alpine:3.5
ARG vcs_ref="Unknown"
ARG build_date="Unknown"
ARG build_number="1"
LABEL org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$vcs_ref \$build_date \
ENV PORT=10000
COPY assets/port.conf /usr/local/etc/ports.conf
#It is for a proFTPD Server
CMD ["/"]
My port.conf file (Also deleted not relevant information for this case)
# This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file (rename it to
# 'proftpd.conf' for actual use. It establishes a single server
# and a single anonymous login. It assumes that you have a user/group
# "nobody" and "ftp" for normal operation and anon.
ServerName "ProFTPD Default Installation"
ServerType standalone
DefaultServer on
# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port {{PORT}}
And script is:
set -e
[ -z "${PORT}" ] && echo >&2 "PORT is not set" && exit 1
sed -i "s#{{PORT}}#$PORT#g" /usr/local/etc/ports.conf
/usr/local/sbin/proftpd -n -c /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf
... Is there any way to avoid using and use ansible as the one who replace PORT variable in /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf the file inside the container?
My actual ansible script for container is:
- name: (ftpd) Run container
name: "myimagename"
image: "myimage"
state: present
pull: true
restart_policy: always
"PORT": "{{ myportUsingAnsible}}"
- name: "{{ network }}"
Resuming all that I need is to use Ansible to replace configuration variable instead of using a shell script that replaces variables before running services, is it possible?
Many thanks
You are using the docker_container module which will need a pre-built image. The file port.conf is baked inside the image. What you need to do is set a static port inside this file. Inside the container, you always use
the static port 21 and depending on the machine, you map this port onto a different port using ansible.
Inside port.conf always use port 21
# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port 21
The ansible task would look like:
- name: (ftpd) Run container
name: "myimagename"
image: "myimage"
state: present
pull: true
restart_policy: always
- name: "{{ network }}"
- "{{myportUsingAnsible}}:21"
Now when you connect to the container, you need to use the <hostnamne>:{{myportUsingAnsible}}. This is the standard docker way of doing things. The port inside the image is static and you change the port mappings based on the
available ports that you have.

Filebeat not pushing logs to Elasticsearch

I am new to docker and all this logging stuff so maybe I'm making a stuipd mistake so thanks for helping in advance. I have ELK running a a docker container (6.2.2) via Dockerfile line:
FROM sebp/elk:latest
In a separate container I am installing and running Filebeat via the folling Dockerfile lines:
RUN curl -L -O -k
RUN dpkg -i filebeat-6.2.2-amd64.deb
COPY resources/filebeat/filebeat.yml /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
RUN chmod go-w /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
RUN /usr/share/filebeat/bin/filebeat -e -d "publish" &
My Filebeat configuration is:
- type: log
enabled: true
- /jetty/jetty-distribution-9.3.8.v20160314/logs/*.log
enabled: false
hosts: ["elk-stack:9002"]
#index: 'audit'
enabled: true
hosts: ["elk-stack:9200"]
#index: "audit-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
path.config: "/etc/filebeat" "audit"
#setup.template.pattern: "audit-*"
#setup.template.fields: "${path.config}/fields.yml"
As you can see I was trying to do a custom index into elasticsearch, but now I'm just trying to get the default working first. The jetty logs all have global read permissions.
The docker container logs show no errors and after running I make sure the config and output are OK:
# filebeat test config
Config OK
# filebeat test output
elasticsearch: http://elk-stack:9200...
parse url... OK
parse host... OK
dns lookup... OK
dial up... OK
TLS... WARN secure connection disabled
talk to server... OK
version: 6.2.2
/var/log/filebeat/filebeat shows:
2018-03-15T13:23:38.859Z INFO instance/beat.go:468 Home path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Config path: [/etc/filebeat] Data path: [/var/lib/filebeat] Logs path: [/var/log/filebeat]
2018-03-15T13:23:38.860Z INFO instance/beat.go:475 Beat UUID: ed5cecaf-cbf5-438d-bbb9-30bab80c4cb9
2018-03-15T13:23:38.860Z INFO elasticsearch/client.go:145 Elasticsearch url: http://elk-stack:9200
2018-03-15T13:23:38.891Z INFO elasticsearch/client.go:690 Connected to Elasticsearch version 6.2.2
However when i hit localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v it doesn't return any indices:
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
How do I get this working? I am out of ideas. Thanks again for any help.
To answer my own question you can't start filebeat with:
RUN /usr/share/filebeat/bin/filebeat -e -d "publish" &
and have it keep running once the container starts. Need to manually start it or have it start in its own container with an ENTRYPOINT tag.
