Schedule Turn on/off android device programmatically on specific times - startup

Hell all,
I am developing an android app on rooted device, and I need the power off this device on specific time say on 12:00 AM, and power on again after 8 hours, say on 8:00 AM.
I did a search on the internet, and I found some lines of code that do the shutdown process, the code is:
try {
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime()
.exec(new String[]{ "su", "-c", "reboot -p" });
} catch (Exception ex) {
The above code will shutdown the device only on rooted ones, what I need now is to create some timer or some line of code which will turn the device on on the desired time. any ideas?

this is simply not possible, once you turn it off you lose control over the device.


WebdriverIO: Have waitForDisplayed() not fail a test if it returns false

I'm using WebdriverIO and Appium in Javascript to test Android/iOS apps.
I have a welcome screen that sometimes shows up after a loading screen. The following code is what I'm using at the moment to skip past the welcome screen.
The problem that I'm having is that if the waitForDisplayed() times out (meaning that the screen hasn't showed up this time), it fails the test. Is there a way that I can do this?
I have tried using
But the loading screen time is different depending on the speed of the connection (so might be much longer), and if the welcome screen shows up before 10 seconds, I don't want to wait the full 10 seconds (since most of the time it does show up).
One easier way of doing this is adding a try catch block around your code so that you can suppress the error thrown and continue the execution.
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log('Welcomescreen is not displayed.')

How to test if Xamarin Android app closes

I am writing my first Android app, using Xamarin. I have an Exit button that, when clicked, closes the app. I want a test in Xamarin UITest that verifies clicking the button closes the app. I messed around with it for a while and finally found something that allows the test to pass.
In the app:
exitButton.Click += (o, e) =>
int pid = Android.OS.Process.MyPid();
In UITest:
public void ExitButtonClosesTheScreen()
app.Tap(c => c.Button("exitButton"));
Assert.Fail("App remains open.");
catch (System.Exception e)
Assert.AreEqual("The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.", e.InnerException.InnerException.InnerException.Message);
The test now passes so I guess I'm happy. My question is, is this really the best way to do this? Or is there a better way that I wasn't able to find?
Edit: Unfortunately, this is not the answer. This method allows the test to pass in VS but fails when I run it in App Center. Is there another way to run this test? Or is this something that is simply not testable with UITest? Thank you.
First of all the right code for closing the Application as per me is using finish affinity
In an Activity:
In a Fragment:
After doing this AppCenter should be able to figure that your app is closed.
I did a brief read up on this the other day for something similar and I am certain that the ActivityManager class would be the best way to go about this.
There is a method within this class called RunningAppProcesses which returns a list of application processes that are running on the device - and from there I guess you can assert if your app process is on the list or not.
Hope this helps
After almost 4 years, i've encountered with the same issue.
I will do it this way in your case:
public void ExitButtonClosesTheScreen()
app.Tap(c => c.Marked("exitButton"));
/** I asume exitButton click action will just exit,
no popups or alerts appear before exiting. **/
app.WaitForNoElement(q => q.Marked("exitButton"),
"Timeout waiting for element exitButton",
new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30));
AppResult[] result = app.Query();
Assert.IsTrue(result.Length == 0);
app.Query() returns all views visible by default, unless a query is especified by a lambda expression, as you should alredy know.
If the Application is gone, the Views visible will be 0, and as such, app.query() will return and array lenght of 0.
For WaitForNoElement's timeout I use a TimeSpan of 30 seconds, but you can use whatever timeout you prefer for this operation, i just considered 30 seconds will be ok.

Caching issue in uiautomator

I have an android app. I am doing automated testing of this app using uiautomator.
Before doing any processing I need to login the app. But at first time it store the data in cache and login automatically every time when I launch.
I want application should be logged in every time with filled credential.
Is there any way to stop this caching by using uiautomator api.
For those of you who wants to clear your target app under test, while running UiAutomator, you could probably try the method I wrote below. This only works with API level 18 or greater.
public static void clearData (String packageName) {
try {
.executeShellCommand("pm clear " + packageName)
} catch (IOException e) {
You can give below command before you start your tests, this would clear you application data. Then start your tests !
adb shell pm clear yourPackageName
In your app you can manually first clear the data or disable the "Save my credential" option in the app. So every time when starting the app it will ask for the credentials again.
Or else you can directly write it in command prompt before running the test case.
adb shell pm clear yourPackageName

Settings alarms while app is closed

How can I set local notifications with out forcing user to open app.
I need my app set a local notification for sunrise and sunset, but I don't want to ask people open app.
I know I can have up to 64 notifications via scheduleLocalNotification, but I need to set it for a year so I should be able to run app in background and set alarms for future sunrises and sunsets in background.
The simple answer is you can't. Your app can't run whenever it wants in the background; it can't schedule a timer to wake itself up to post more notifications when they are due.
The only way you could come close to something like this is by having a server which send a background push notification to your app as a wake-up call when a new batch of 64 notifications are coming close to needed to be posted.
However this would be relying on the fact the user doesn't terminate your app. If the user does then you'd have to send a non-background push notification to the user and hope they click on it to launch your app.
Android Awareness API has recently announced new features that provide a simple solution for your use-case (that avoids you having to explicitly manage location request or computing sunrise times). The way to achieve what you're trying to do is to create and register a TimeFence specified relative to sunrise/sunset.
For example:
// Create TimeFence
AwarenessFence sunriseFence =
// Register fence with Awareness.
new FenceUpdateRequest.Builder()
.addFence("fenceKey", sunriseFence, myPendingIntent)
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() {
public void onResult(#NonNull Status status) {
if (status.isSuccess()) {
Log.i(TAG, "Fence was successfully registered.");
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Fence could not be registered: " + status);
You will get callbacks when the fence evaluates to TRUE at sunrise, and when it evaluates back to FALSE at 5-min after sunrise.
Please check Fence API code snippets docs for how to add your custom app logic.

iOS - Program method to execute specific code according to time on the phones clock

Is it possible to execute code when a specific time is reached on an iPhone's clock. Would this be able to work after the iPhone is closed (the screen goes black) but the app was left running (the user did not return to the home screen).
For example, would it be possible for a method to be programmed to go off at 1:30:15 PM with no relation to the current time, and are there any restrictions depending on whether the phone is closed or if the app is running in the background?
I found a similar post here How to generate event on a specific time of clock in C#? but this generates a timer based on the current time to run a method later, instead of using the clock without relation to the current time.
I have created a poor way of doing this-
time_t rawtime;
struct tm * timeinfo;
time ( &rawtime );
timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );
// Check
if(timeinfo->tm_hour == 12 && timeinfo->tm_min == 01 && timeinfo->tm_sec == 48)
NSLog(#"Run Method");
printf("the time is 12:01:48");
} else {
[self syncTest];
This would run a method at 12:1:48, but it is most likely not an acceptable way of doing this. Does anyone know of any better ways to do this and how much strain this way puts on the cpu? Thanks
Use an NSTimer and set the fireDate for whichever date you want the timer to fire on and then catch the notification that it has fired and perform you task.
