How to change the base url of my apex application?
Currently the application url has the server name. I do not want everyone to see the server name.
If you are looking to change your server name, that is not something you will be able to change with a setting. You will need to use a custom DNS to hide your server name.
If you are looking to change the part of the URL after the server name, there are some methods described here.
Currently, my .NET MVC application hosted on IIS 7 can be accessed remotely with the following url:
I want to be able to use the url instead.
How do I achieve this? Basically I just want to get rid of the ip address and port number in the url, and replace it with a custom domain name (like
Sounds like you need a reverse proxy. That way the user doesn't have to see or use the port. Check out this article.
In your IIS web application click on Bidings from the right side menu bar, and add a new biding by entering your IP address and Port number, and your Host Name as the domain name which in your example is
I am looking for a way to provide configurable keyword-based URL redirection for users on an intranet (within a company), so that entering a URL of the form "go/ would redirect to an pre-defined URL associated with that keyword. For example, "go/accounting" might redirect to "". The destination URL could be any valid URL either internal or external to the company. If there is no existing keyword defined, the browser should present a page where a new URL could be associated with that keyword. I used to work at a company that had something like this implemented, and it was very useful.
Host file should be a perfect solution for you.
When you are browsing the internet and writing a name in the url(e.g. the computer need to translte this name you wrote to an ip address.
Host file is a file that the system will use first when trying to translate name to ip, if you will add a line to the host file like this:
Every time you will try to browse to facebook it will direct you to the ip
So for your question you should add a line like this:
<your company web ip>
The host file is located in: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
What i want to do is to set xampp so that when i give my ip to someone they can access my site. The reason for me to find something like this is cause i want to embed paypal testing to my site and it is needed to set a URL for the customers to return to my site when they complete their transactions... I run XAMPP 1.7.7 and my modem is a siemens. Also is there any free way to get a url ie or something like this?
In order to do this you will need to set up port forwarding on your router to your web server on your machine (you will have to look at your Siemens router documentation on how to do this). You will only be able to do use a custom URL if your router suports dynamic DNS, which most modern routers do. This required because probably the way you access the Internet your IP address can change each time you log in. If this is the case, you can get one free domain for this purpose at DynDNS.
I've written a REST server in Delphi XE (using the wizard) and I want to change the URLs a bit so that instead of having
I get something that looks more like
Is there a nice easy of doing this?
The naming convention is (Delphi XE3):[/inputParameter]
You can easily change the "datasnap" and "rest" part of the URL in the TDSHTTPWebDispatcher component properties. You can change the Class Name and Method Name of the URL by simply changing the name of your class and method. However, you still have to have 4 components to the URL, so for example it could be:
See here:
You could put IIS or Apache in between to accomplish this, and indeed rewrite the URL to point to your service the way you like.
That provides some more advantages anyway (security and scalability mostly). For example, you can create a fail-safe setup with double servers, or you can create multiple machines with your service, and have your web server do the load balancing for example.
You'll get extra logging capabilities, and if you easily want to serve other web content it's easy to have a full fledged web server anyway.
URL rewriting is usually done in the web server configuration, in Apache using entries in the .htaccess file
How do I set it up so that when someone goes to, they get redirected to, but the address in the browser bar stays the same?
the company you get your domain applies setting for that, there should be a option to change it. i really don't know whether you can handle it by a piece of code but the setting for the domain name is applied in that where you get your domain name or see the settings.
If using an Apache server, you can do it via .htaccess:
Alias /file1.mp3 /file2.mp3
(Docs for the alias directive)
Also, you can dig into the whole mod_rewrite thing.