Material Design in Dart [closed] - dart

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Closed 2 years ago.
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At the moment I can not find a somewhat up to date version of mdc for dart. I can find for example and but both are really far away from an up to date implementation of Material Design.
Is there a library apart from this I can use, so that I can use up to date material design with dart?

The two links you posted have different use cases. The former is for vanilla web dev using Dart, and probably your best bet unless you plan to use AngularDart. Even though it has not been updated in over a year, I don't think there is anything newer. You could try cloning the repo and adding support yourself for the missing or outdated components which you desire.
AngularDart is (in my opinion) a great framework. The latter link you posted is specifically for use with AngularDart. Last update it was 15 days ago. This project is maintained by Google and I think it is safe to say that Google is by far the largest user of AngularDart. Their material design components which you linked to are going to be your best bet in this case.
Generally speaking though, using Dart for web dev never achieved widespread adoption, so there are not large communities with a lot of active package maintainers.


Where can I view a large iOS codebase to see how it was organized? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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For a new developer building an app, are there projects/repositories I can pull into Xcode to study and see how code, files, folders, MVVM patterns are implemented in a BIG project??
It would be great to analyze and refer to a large code-base that has implemented best coding practices for the problem it solves.
This way I (as a new developer) can be aware of how to organize & refactor my code for a maintainable app.
Thank you!
my two cents: don't try to find a large ios code base to study. take a look at smaller, easier-to-consume open source projects and get a feel for what you like / don't like, comparing them against each other. you will find that there is not one set way of doings; if there was, we'd all be doing it! what's important is figuring out what tools / patterns / practices etc. help you build the best app that you can (hint: an app that's built is better than one that's not), and you'll only find that out by doing some building yourself.
There are many open source projects.
First one that comes to mind is Signal.
Here are many projects listed by categories:
First one that sprung out was Firefox:
Google should help you find more, just check out your favorite apps and see if they are open source.
Try to find different kinds of projects, with huge storyboards, with many libraries in the Podfile, ...

Is there an style diagramming app that will produce a Rails or Node.js skeleton app with scaffolding? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to figure out if there are any applications (SaaS or otherwise) that offer a basic graphical user interface for building out all the necessary scaffolding of a Rails or Node.js app from a flow-chart type of interface?
I remember Visual Studio had something like this for building database structures...why wouldn't there be something that does this for Rails or Node.js?
RailsModels purports to do this, but I find the interface is quite cumbersome.
If you just want to generate the diagrams from existing models for visualization, RailRoad and RubyMine Data Sources Tool can do this. But, neither offer a method for generating models from the GUI.
You are thinking of the Entity Model Designer (or possibly the older dataset designer), and I do not know of any Rails tools that offer similar functionality. As to why, I am not sure. I could comment, but it would be a guess, and probably be flamebait.
RailRoady, i believe its only > Rails 3 though...

Free delphi skinning library? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does anybody of you know a good, free delphi skinning library for my software? I can't find any free libraries except for AlphaControls Free.
Thanks in advance.
TBX still seems to be pretty popular.
I've used it in the past. It's simple to use, it doesn't get in the way, and it's pretty lightweight.
XPMenu is even easier to use. All you have to do is drop the TXpMenu component on your form, and your whole application will have a new look. It replaces the painting of standard controls, and it recognizes many types of controls. If you don't want to use it anymore, you just remove the component (and the unit from the uses list).
Over the years I've changed my opinion on skins though. They usually degrade usability (things don't look and work the way users expect) and even flashy looking skins will look very outdated in a couple of years. I think it's best to let the OS decide how graphic controls should look.
SpTBXLib is an expansion package for TB2K components that adds unicode support and skinning and other features:

Open Source Extendable ERP Package [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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As the title suggests I am looking for a open source ERP package. While there are tons of ERPs out there, None of them meet my needs. I am looking for a package which I can use configuration or minimal coding to create my customize ERP package for a customer. MS CRM has this ability, it has some built in modules as well we can add more module using configuration files and where needs extend the functionality using aspx of workflow (dll) modules. Please let me know if you need more info on this, I have been looking for this for sometime and yet to get something.
I ended up using Sugar CRM for the need because of its ability to customize the package.
IntarS might be your solution. Very extensible, running real world productive implementations since 10 years. Universal application architecture.
I think ebizframe ERP software can meet your needs related to ERP.
Check - clean, easy to read codebase, available on gihub with an excellent team of guys supporting it. They also offer a hosting service to go with it which is very affordable. Your data is also safe - you can get a mysql dump of all of it at any time if you need to.

Code snippets for Delphi? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a good code snippets application for Delphi or general purpose with IDE integration? I would like to store Code, queries, notes, etc..
GExperts has a Code Librarian feature for code snippets amongst many other nice features and integrates with the IDE. Well worth to check out even if you don't decide to use the Code Librarian feature.
Delphi 2006 and later has Live Templates. They are a bit tricky because you've got to edit XML files to really make them work, but they are powerful when they do. See Nick's Live Templates Camtasia Presentation. Ctrl-J is the shortcut to invoke this.
Prior to that, Delphi 2005 and earlier had simple code snippets. I believe Ctrl-J also invoked them.
Another option is to use Castalia and its Code Templates feature.
Dittos to Ozmosys above.
Also check CodeSnip Database Viewer from the delphidabbler:
I use Knowledgebase from Ozmosys. It hasn't been updated in a while, but it works, and it is written in Delphi. Ozmosys
I have to endorse Ozmosys' Knowledge Base too. The reason it hasn't been updated in a while is that it just works. When I DID have issues early in the development of the program, the author was very responsive and quick about doing it. It's logical and easy to post code and other types of hints. I use it every day, juggling the three or so projects that seem to be perpetually on my plate.
