Difference between absdiff and normal subtraction in OpenCV - opencv

I am currently planning on training a binary image classification model. The images I want to train on are the difference between two original pictures. In other words, for each data entry, I start out with 2 pictures, take their difference, and the label that difference as a 0 or 1. My question is what is the best way to find this difference. I know about cv2.absdiff and then normal subtraction of images - what is the most effective way to go about this?
About the data: The images I'm training on are screenshots that usually are the same but may have small differences. I found that normal subtraction seems to show the differences less than absdiff.
This is the code I use for absdiff:
diff = cv2.absdiff(img1, img2)
mask = cv2.cvtColor(diff, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
th = 1
imask = mask>1
canvas = np.zeros_like(img2, np.uint8)
canvas[imask] = img2[imask]
And then this for normal subtraction:
def extract_diff(self,imageA, imageB, image_name, path):
subtract = imageB.astype(np.float32) - imageA.astype(np.float32)
mask = cv2.inRange(np.abs(subtract),(30,30,30),(255,255,255))
th = 1
imask = mask>1
canvas = np.zeros_like(imageA, np.uint8)
canvas[imask] = imageA[imask]

A difference can be negative or positive.
For some number types, such as uint8 (unsigned 8-bit int), which can't be negative (have no sign), a negative value wraps around and the value would make no sense anymore. Other types can be signed (e.g. floats, signed ints), so a negative value can be represented correctly.
That's why cv.absdiff exists. It always gives you absolute differences, and those are okay to represent in an unsigned type.
Example with numbers: a = 4, b = 6. a-b should be -2, right?
That value, as an uint8, will wrap around to become 0xFE, or 254 in decimal. The 254 value has some relation to the true -2 difference, but it also incorporates the range of values of the data type (8 bits: 256 values), so it's really just "code".
cv.absdiff would give you the absolute of the difference (-2), which is 2.


Implementing convolution from scratch in Julia

I am trying to implement convolution by hand in Julia. I'm not too familiar with image processing or Julia, so maybe I'm biting more than I can chew.
Anyway, when I apply this method with a 3*3 edge filter edge = [0 -1 0; -1 4 -1; 0 -1 0] as convolve(img, edge), I am getting an error saying that my values are exceeding the allowed values for the RGBA type.
function convolve(img::Matrix{<:Any}, kernel)
(half_kernel_w, half_kernel_h) = size(kernel) .÷ 2
(width, height) = size(img)
cpy_im = copy(img)
for row ∈ 1+half_kernel_h:height-half_kernel_h
for col ∈ 1+half_kernel_w:width-half_kernel_w
from_row, to_row = row .+ (-half_kernel_h, half_kernel_h)
from_col, to_col = col .+ (-half_kernel_h, half_kernel_h)
cpy_im[row, col] = sum((kernel .* RGB.(img[from_row:to_row, from_col:to_col])))
Error (original)
ArgumentError: element type FixedPointNumbers.N0f8 is an 8-bit type representing 256 values from 0.0 to 1.0, but the values (-0.0039215684f0, -0.007843137f0, -0.007843137f0, 1.0f0) do not lie within this range.
See the READMEs for FixedPointNumbers and ColorTypes for more information.
I am able to identify a simple case where such error may occur (a white pixel surrounded by all black pixels or vice-versa). I tried "fixing" this by attempting to follow the advice here from another stackoverflow question, but I get more errors to the effect of Math on colors is deliberately undefined in ColorTypes, but see the ColorVectorSpace package..
Code attempting to apply solution from the other SO question
function convolve(img::Matrix{<:Any}, kernel)
(half_kernel_w, half_kernel_h) = size(kernel) .÷ 2
(width, height) = size(img)
cpy_im = copy(img)
for row ∈ 1+half_kernel_h:height-half_kernel_h
for col ∈ 1+half_kernel_w:width-half_kernel_w
from_row, to_row = row .+ [-half_kernel_h, half_kernel_h]
from_col, to_col = col .+ [-half_kernel_h, half_kernel_h]
cpy_im[row, col] = sum((kernel .* RGB.(img[from_row:to_row, from_col:to_col] ./ 2 .+ 128)))
Corresponding error
MethodError: no method matching +(::ColorTypes.RGBA{Float32}, ::Int64)
Math on colors is deliberately undefined in ColorTypes, but see the ColorVectorSpace package.
Closest candidates are:
+(::Any, ::Any, !Matched::Any, !Matched::Any...) at operators.jl:591
+(!Matched::T, ::T) where T<:Union{Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8} at int.jl:87
+(!Matched::ChainRulesCore.AbstractThunk, ::Any) at ~/.julia/packages/ChainRulesCore/a4mIA/src/tangent_arithmetic.jl:122
Now, I can try using convert etc., but when I look at the big picture, I start to wonder what the idiomatic way of solving this problem in Julia is. And that is my question. If you had to implement convolution by hand from scratch, what would be a good way to do so?
Here is an implementation that works, though it may not be idiomatic
function convolve(img::Matrix{<:Any}, kernel)
(half_kernel_h, half_kernel_w) = size(kernel) .÷ 2
(height, width) = size(img)
cpy_im = copy(img)
# println(Dict("width" => width, "height" => height, "half_kernel_w" => half_kernel_w, "half_kernel_h" => half_kernel_h, "row range" => 1+half_kernel_h:(height-half_kernel_h), "col range" => 1+half_kernel_w:(width-half_kernel_w)))
for row ∈ 1+half_kernel_h:(height-half_kernel_h)
for col ∈ 1+half_kernel_w:(width-half_kernel_w)
from_row, to_row = row .+ (-half_kernel_h, half_kernel_h)
from_col, to_col = col .+ (-half_kernel_w, half_kernel_w)
vals = Dict()
for method ∈ [red, green, blue, alpha]
x = sum((kernel .* method.(img[from_row:to_row, from_col:to_col])))
if x > 1
x = 1
elseif x < 0
x = 0
vals[method] = x
cpy_im[row, col] = RGBA(vals[red], vals[green], vals[blue], vals[alpha])
First of all, the error
Math on colors is deliberately undefined in ColorTypes, but see the ColorVectorSpace package.
should direct you to read the docs of the ColorVectorSpace package, where you will learn that using ColorVectorSpace will now enable math on RGB types. (The absence of default support it deliberate, because the way the image-processing community treats RGB is colorimetrically wrong. But everyone has agreed not to care, hence the ColorVectorSpace package.)
ArgumentError: element type FixedPointNumbers.N0f8 is an 8-bit type representing 256 values from 0.0 to 1.0, but the values (-0.0039215684f0, -0.007843137f0, -0.007843137f0, 1.0f0) do not lie within this range.
indicates that you're trying to write negative entries with an element type, N0f8, that can't support such values. Instead of cpy_im = copy(img), consider something like cpy_im = [float(c) for c in img] which will guarantee a floating-point representation that can support negative values.
Third, I would recommend avoiding steps like RGB.(img...) when nothing about your function otherwise addresses whether images are numeric, grayscale, or color. Fundamentally the only operations you need are scalar multiplication and addition, and it's better to write your algorithm generically leveraging only those two properties.
Tim Holy's answer above is correct - keep things simple and avoid relying on third-party packages when you don't need to.
I might point out that another option you may not have considered is to use a different algorithm. What you are implementing is the naive method, whereas many convolution routines using different algorithms for different sizes, such as im2col and Winograd (you can look these two up, I have a website that covers the idea behind both here).
The im2col routine might be worth doing as essentially you can break the routine in several pieces:
Unroll all 'regions' of the image to do a dot-product with the filter/kernel on, and stack them together into a single matrix.
Do a matrix-multiply with the unrolled input and filter/kernel.
Roll the output back into the correct shape.
It might be more complicated overall, but each part is simpler, so you may find this easier to do. A matrix multiply routine is definitely quite easy to implement. For 1x1 (single-pixel) convolutions where the image and filter have the same ordering (i.e. NCHW images and FCHW filter) the first and last steps are trivial as essentially no rolling/unrolling is necessary.
A final word of advice - start simpler and add in the code to handle edge-cases, convolutions are definitely fiddly to work with.
Hope this helps!

How are floating-point pixel values converted to integer values?

How does image library (such as PIL, OpenCV, etc) convert floating-point values to integer pixel values?
For example
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
# Creates a random image and saves in a file
def get_random_img(m=0, s=1, fname='temp.png'):
im = m + s * np.random.randn(60, 60, 3) # For eg. min: -3.8947058634971179, max: 3.6822041760496904
print(im[0, 0]) # for eg. array([ 0.36234732, 0.96987366, 0.08343])
imp = Image.fromarray(im, 'RGB') # (*)
print(np.array(imp)[0, 0]) # [140 , 74, 217]
return im, imp
For the above method, an example is provided in the comment (which is randomly produced). My question is: how does (*) convert ndarray (which can range from - infinity to plus infinity) to pixel values between 0 and 255?
I tried to investigate the Pil.Image.fromarray method and eventually ended by at line #798 d.decode(data) within Pil.Image.Image().frombytes method. I could find the implementation of decode method, thus unable to know what computation goes behind the conversion.
My initial thought was that maybe the method use minimum (to 0) and maximum (to 255) value from the array and then map all the other values accordingly between 0 and 255. But upon investigations, I found out that's not what is happening. Moreover, how does it handle when the values of the array range between 0 and 1 or any other range of values?
Some libraries assume that floating-point pixel values are between 0 and 1, and will linearly map that range to 0 and 255 when casting to 8-bit unsigned integer. Some others will find the minimum and maximum values and map those to 0 and 255. You should always explicitly do this conversion if you want to be sure of what happened to your data.
In general, a pixel does not need to be 8-bit unsigned integer. A pixel can have any numerical type. Usually a pixel intensity represents an amount of light, or a density of some sort, but this is not always the case. Any physical quantity can be sampled in 2 or more dimensions. The range of meaningful values thus depends on what is imaged. Negative values are often also meaningful.
Many cameras have 8-bit precision when converting light intensity to a digital number. Likewise, displays typically have an b-bit intensity range. This is the reason many image file formats store only 8-bit unsigned integer data. However, some cameras have 12 bits or more, and some processes derive pixel data with a higher precision that one does not want to quantize. Therefore formats such as TIFF and ICS will allow you to save images in just about any numeric format you can think of.
I'm afraid it has done nothing anywhere near as clever as you hoped! It has merely interpreted the first byte of the first float as a uint8, then the second byte as another uint8...
from random import random, seed
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
# Generate repeatable random data, so other folks get the same results
# Make a single RGB pixel
im = np.random.randn(1, 1, 3)
# Print the floating point values - not that we are interested in them
# OUTPUT: [[[ 0.49671415 -0.1382643 0.64768854]]]
# Save that pixel to a file so we can dump it
# Now make a PIL Image from it and print the uint8 RGB values
imp = Image.fromarray(im, 'RGB')
# OUTPUT: (124, 48, 169)
So, PIL has interpreted our data as RGB=124/48/169
Now look at the hex we dumped. It is 24 bytes long, i.e. 3 float64 (8-byte) values, one for red, one for green and one for blue for the 1 pixel in our image:
xxd array.bin
00000000: 7c30 a928 2aca df3f 2a05 de05 a5b2 c1bf |0.(*..?*.......
00000010: 685e 2450 ddb9 e43f h^$P...?
And the first byte (7c) has become 124, the second byte (30) has become 48 and the third byte (a9) has become 169.
TLDR; PIL has merely taken the first byte of the first float as the Red uint8 channel of the first pixel, then the second byte of the first float as the Green uint8 channel of the first pixel and the third byte of the first float as the Blue uint8 channel of the first pixel.

Dealing with NaN (missing) values for Logistic Regression- Best practices?

I am working with a data-set of patient information and trying to calculate the Propensity Score from the data using MATLAB. After removing features with many missing values, I am still left with several missing (NaN) values.
I get errors due to these missing values, as the values of my cost-function and gradient vector become NaN, when I try to perform logistic regression using the following Matlab code (from Andrew Ng's Coursera Machine Learning class) :
[m, n] = size(X);
X = [ones(m, 1) X];
initial_theta = ones(n+1, 1);
[cost, grad] = costFunction(initial_theta, X, y);
options = optimset('GradObj', 'on', 'MaxIter', 400);
[theta, cost] = ...
fminunc(#(t)(costFunction(t, X, y)), initial_theta, options);
Note: sigmoid and costfunction are working functions I created for overall ease of use.
The calculations can be performed smoothly if I replace all NaN values with 1 or 0. However I am not sure if that is the best way to deal with this issue, and I was also wondering what replacement value I should pick (in general) to get the best results for performing logistic regression with missing data. Are there any benefits/drawbacks to using a particular number (0 or 1 or something else) for replacing the said missing values in my data?
Note: I have also normalized all feature values to be in the range of 0-1.
Any insight on this issue will be highly appreciated. Thank you
As pointed out earlier, this is a generic problem people deal with regardless of the programming platform. It is called "missing data imputation".
Enforcing all missing values to a particular number certainly has drawbacks. Depending on the distribution of your data it can be drastic, for example, setting all missing values to 1 in a binary sparse data having more zeroes than ones.
Fortunately, MATLAB has a function called knnimpute that estimates a missing data point by its closest neighbor.
From my experience, I often found knnimpute useful. However, it may fall short when there are too many missing sites as in your data; the neighbors of a missing site may be incomplete as well, thereby leading to inaccurate estimation. Below, I figured out a walk-around solution to that; it begins with imputing the least incomplete columns, (optionally) imposing a safe predefined distance for the neighbors. I hope this helps.
function data = dnnimpute(data,distCutoff,option,distMetric)
% data = dnnimpute(data,distCutoff,option,distMetric)
% Distance-based nearest neighbor imputation that impose a distance
% cutoff to determine nearest neighbors, i.e., avoids those samples
% that are more distant than the distCutoff argument.
% Imputes missing data coded by "NaN" starting from the covarites
% (columns) with the least number of missing data. Then it continues by
% including more (complete) covariates in the calculation of pair-wise
% distances.
% option,
% 'median' - Median of the nearest neighboring values
% 'weighted' - Weighted average of the nearest neighboring values
% 'default' - Unweighted average of the nearest neighboring values
% distMetric,
% 'euclidean' - Euclidean distance (default)
% 'seuclidean' - Standardized Euclidean distance. Each coordinate
% difference between rows in X is scaled by dividing
% by the corresponding element of the standard
% deviation S=NANSTD(X). To specify another value for
% S, use D=pdist(X,'seuclidean',S).
% 'cityblock' - City Block distance
% 'minkowski' - Minkowski distance. The default exponent is 2. To
% specify a different exponent, use
% D = pdist(X,'minkowski',P), where the exponent P is
% a scalar positive value.
% 'chebychev' - Chebychev distance (maximum coordinate difference)
% 'mahalanobis' - Mahalanobis distance, using the sample covariance
% of X as computed by NANCOV. To compute the distance
% with a different covariance, use
% D = pdist(X,'mahalanobis',C), where the matrix C
% is symmetric and positive definite.
% 'cosine' - One minus the cosine of the included angle
% between observations (treated as vectors)
% 'correlation' - One minus the sample linear correlation between
% observations (treated as sequences of values).
% 'spearman' - One minus the sample Spearman's rank correlation
% between observations (treated as sequences of values).
% 'hamming' - Hamming distance, percentage of coordinates
% that differ
% 'jaccard' - One minus the Jaccard coefficient, the
% percentage of nonzero coordinates that differ
% function - A distance function specified using #, for
% example #DISTFUN.
if nargin < 3
option = 'mean';
if nargin < 4
distMetric = 'euclidean';
nanVals = isnan(data);
nanValsPerCov = sum(nanVals,1);
noNansCov = nanValsPerCov == 0;
if isempty(find(noNansCov, 1))
[~,leastNans] = min(nanValsPerCov);
noNansCov(leastNans) = true;
first = data(nanVals(:,noNansCov),:);
nanRows = find(nanVals(:,noNansCov)==true); i = 1;
for row = first'
data(nanRows(i),noNansCov) = mean(row(~isnan(row)));
i = i+1;
nSamples = size(data,1);
if nargin < 2
dataNoNans = data(:,noNansCov);
distances = pdist(dataNoNans);
distCutoff = min(distances);
[stdCovMissDat,idxCovMissDat] = sort(nanValsPerCov,'ascend');
imputeCols = idxCovMissDat(stdCovMissDat>0);
% Impute starting from the cols (covariates) with the least number of
% missing data.
for c = reshape(imputeCols,1,length(imputeCols))
imputeRows = 1:nSamples;
imputeRows = imputeRows(nanVals(:,c));
for r = reshape(imputeRows,1,length(imputeRows))
% Calculate distances
distR = inf(nSamples,1);
noNansCov_r = find(isnan(data(r,:))==0);
noNansCov_r = noNansCov_r(sum(isnan(data(nanVals(:,c)'==false,~isnan(data(r,:)))),1)==0);
for i = find(nanVals(:,c)'==false)
distR(i) = pdist([data(r,noNansCov_r); data(i,noNansCov_r)],distMetric);
tmp = min(distR(distR>0));
% Impute the missing data at sample r of covariate c
switch option
case 'weighted'
data(r,c) = (1./distR(distR<=max(distCutoff,tmp)))' * data(distR<=max(distCutoff,tmp),c) / sum(1./distR(distR<=max(distCutoff,tmp)));
case 'median'
data(r,c) = median(data(distR<=max(distCutoff,tmp),c),1);
case 'mean'
data(r,c) = mean(data(distR<=max(distCutoff,tmp),c),1);
% The missing data in sample r is imputed. Update the sample
% indices of c which are imputed.
nanVals(r,c) = false;
fprintf('%u/%u of the covariates are imputed.\n',find(c==imputeCols),length(imputeCols));
To deal with missing data you can use one of the following three options:
If there are not many instances with missing values, you can just delete the ones with missing values.
If you have many features and it is affordable to lose some information, delete the entire feature with missing values.
The best method is to fill some value (mean, median) in place of missing value. You can calculate the mean of the rest of the training examples for that feature and fill all the missing values with the mean. This works out pretty well as the mean value stays in the distribution of your data.
Note: When you replace the missing values with the mean, calculate the mean only using training set. Also, store that value and use it to change the missing values in the test set also.
If you use 0 or 1 to replace all the missing values then the data may get skewed so it is better to replace the missing values by an average of all the other values.

Adding noise to a vector

I have a vector with float numbers such as:
Vect = [15.123, 21.345, 35.567, 45.362];
What I need is to apply a gaussian noise to only the numbers after the decimal point. for example, take the vector [123, 345, 567, 362], and then apply the noise on it. Therefore, replace the noisy vector in Vect.
I know that to add the gaussian noise, it can be performed as follows:
noisy_vector = imnoise(Vect, 'gaussian');
But I am interested to add the noise only to the numbers after the decimal point in Vect (automatically) in order to get the noisy Vect.
Any help will be very appreciated!
%// Input
Vect = [15.123, 21.345, 35.567, 45.362]
%// Extract the decimal parts from the vector elements
decimal_part = Vect - floor(Vect)
%// Add gaussian noise to it with zero mean and 0.01 variance using imnoise
noisy_decimal_part = imnoise(decimal_part, 'gaussian',0,0.01)
%// Put the noisy part back to Vect to get the desired output
noisy_Vect = noisy_decimal_part + floor(Vect)
Output on code run
Vect =
15.1230 21.3450 35.5670 45.3620
decimal_part =
0.1230 0.3450 0.5670 0.3620
noisy_decimal_part =
0.2254 0.3554 0.4914 0.2918
noisy_Vect =
15.2254 21.3554 35.4914 45.2918
Try this code:
Vect = [15.123, 21.345, 35.567, 45.362];
noisy_vector = imnoise(dec_col, 'gaussian');
This code would separate the digits after the decimal of each entry in the vector and then apply the gaussian noise to it. Please note that this works only for the vector containing all float numbers.
You can use the randn() function to generate random numbers from a normal distribution of zero mean, with the standard deviation of 1. Most of those would have an absolute value less than 1. If you are really worried about not changing the integer part of your elements, then you can divide the random numbers by 10.
You cannot add a gaussian noise and have the figures before the decimal point stay the same all the time, because gaussian random variables can take values between -infinity and +infinity
If you want to randomize the figures after the decimal point and them only, you can do this
Vect = [15.123, 21.345, 35.567, 45.362]

Blocproc in matlab with two output variables

I have the following problem. I have to compute dense SIFT interest points in a very high dimensional image (182MP). When I run the code in the full image Matlab always close suddently. So I decided to run the code in image patches.
the code
I tried to use blocproc in matlab to call the c++ function that performs the dense sift interest points detection this way:
fun = #(block_struct) denseSIFT(block_struct.data, options);
[dsift , infodsift] = blockproc(ndvi,[1000 1000],fun);
where dsift is the sift descriptors (vectors) and infodsift has the information of the interest points, such as the x and y coordinates.
the problem
The problem is the fact that blocproc just allow one output, but i want both outputs. The following error is given by matlab when i run the code.
Error using blockproc
Too many output arguments.
Is there a way for me doing this?
Would it be a problem for you to "hard code" a version of blockproc?
Assuming for a moment that you can divide your image into NxM smaller images, you could loop around as follows:
bigImage = someFunction();
sz = size(bigImage);
smallSize = sz ./ [N M];
dsift = cell(N,M);
infodsift = cell(N,M);
for ii = 1:N
for jj = 1:M
smallImage = bigImage((ii-1)*smallSize(1) + (1:smallSize(1)), (jj-1)*smallSize(2) + (1:smallSize(2));
[dsift{ii,jj} infodsift{ii,jj}] = denseSIFT(smallImage, options);
The results will then be in the two cell arrays. No real need to pre-allocate, but it's tidier if you do. If the individual matrices are the same size, you can convert into a single large matrix with
dsiftFull = cell2mat(dsift);
Almost magic. This won't work if your matrices are different sizes - but then, if they are, I'm not sure you would even want to put them all in a single one (unless you decide to horzcat them).
If you do decide you want a list of "all the colums as a giant matrix", then you can do
giantMatrix = [dsift{:}];
This will return a matrix with (in your example) 128 rows, and as many columns as there were "interest points" found. It's shorthand for
giantMatrix = [dsift{1,1} dsift{2,1} dsift{3,1} ... dsift{N,M}];
