Automatically Number/ Count All Columns or Rows in Google Sheets - google-sheets

I just wanted a simple way to number columns or rows in a Google Sheet, and most answers I've found offer many options that are far more complicated than I needed them to be.
Example: I want to number every column in the active sheet, starting with 1 for Column A and counting up by 1, regardless of the content of any other cells on the sheet and if I add columns to the sheet later, I want them to automatically update with the correct column numbers.

Another way is to use SEQUENCE.
So putting =SEQUENCE(99) in A1 would number the first 99 rows, from 1 to 99.
To number columns, just rotate that array, with TRANSPOSE.
So if A1 held =TRANSPOSE(SEQUENCE(26))
that would number columns A to Z with the numbers 1 to 26.
If you want to number both columns and rows,try:
in A1: =SEQUENCE(999), and
I realise that this is numbering a specific number of rows, or columns, but I often find that very useful. You could modify this to number all columns or rows by adding some count to determine the total number of rows or columns, and using that in place of the first parameter for the SEQUENCE function.

The simplest way I've found to do this is by putting either of the following formulas in A1:
For numbering rows: =ArrayFormula(ROW(A:A))
And for columns: =ArrayFormula(COLUMN(1:1))
After putting the formula in A1, I'll usually hide the column or row the formula is in so I don't accidentally change or delete it.
If I want the counting to start at 1 on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th row or column, then adding a -1,-2, or -3 respectively to the end of the formula gets that done.
For example: To number columns starting with 1 in Column C, the formula I put in A1 is =ArrayFormula(COLUMN(1:1)-2).
This may be way more basic than most people on this site are generally looking for, but for some reason it took me an unexpectedly long time to find it/ figure it out, so I thought maybe someone else would find it useful in the future.


How to get last number in a row on Google Spreadsheets

So Basically i'm building a sheet to monitor my NW, my problem is simple, i need the 2023 column to adapt to whatever last number on that row there is, for income i just sum values, but for example the total amount in my bank account is different every month, i just need 2023 column to track that, i update the 31 of each month.
With the formula you can see in the screenshot i have some problem, if i input the number alright, if the value is defined by other formulas it won't show up. Any solutions?
Only formula present in the row
Another formula from the comments that seems to not work
I tried =INDEX(X:Y;1;COUNTA(X:Y)) but it won't update if the last number in the row is generated by other formulas.
You can use this formula to find the last value of each row in the range D2:O26. Adapt it as needed!
BYROW creates an array formula in each row of the range. To each row, here denoted as e, the specified lambda function is applied.
INDEX(1/(e<>"")) returns an array with 1 in places where cell is not empty, and #N/A for empty cells.
XLOOKUP finds the index of the last occurrence (parameter search_mode set to -1) of 1 (first parameter) in the array returned by INDEX and returns corresponding value in the row.
You haven't show what formula in columns Jan-Dec causes you problems. If formula produce values 0 in case you don't what them to count, you can use countif to filter them out:
Same as your solution, this only works if columns are filled sequentially - if there are no gaps in each row, e.g. Jan and Mar are filled while Feb is blank.
If you need a more general solution, you may go with series of nested if(isblank(). Here is an example for the first three months, to get an idea:

Count amount of cells within a specific year

What I want is for a single column (C-L respectively) to count exactly how many cells in their respective row match the same year (from P onward) as the labeled column. So L5(red) will count how many cells from P5-Z5 have "2022" and K8(pink) will count how many cells from P8-Z8 have "2021" in them.
I currently have the number manually entered into each cell, but would like to automate it so it will count the years on its own. Every string of formulas I have tried all come up as error. It was easier to get a second page to count the amount of cells that have a specific word. But now I can't get a single page to count how many cells contain the specific year date in it on its own page.
Here are various logic formulas I've tried. Each of them just comes up as error.
This one is the formula I have for reading the second page to count how many times the specific name shows up. O5 is the cell with the name in it. So I was basing my year counting off this and trying to google my way through it.
=(COUNTIF('Queue List'!$B$3:$D$400,O5))
Sheet layout
As far as I understand you have 10 columns (C-L) that will have to find how many dates in P:CC are in year 2013,2014,2015... right? You can do it like with this formula in C5:
You're "scanning" the year of the whole row with arrayformula, and then seeing if it matches 2022. In this case I changed 2022 with 2012+COLUMN() so you can drag it or copy and paste to the whole column and the number of column added to 2012 will "calculate" the corresponding year of each column
Another option is to create a whole array with one single formula in C5:
Obviously you can adapt it to a specific range. Right now it creates a "rectangle" of 10 columns wide (C-L) and to the bottom of the page (counting the rows between P5 to P (the end of the sheet). "r" and "c" are the number of the row and the column of each cell being calculated (C5 is Row 1, Column 1. D7 is Row 2, Column 3, etc). With INDEX you can select the row to count from the whole range (using that "r" that equals the row), and with c I use the same logic that with the other formula in order to add to 2012+1 in C, 2012+2 in D, 2012+3 in E, etc.
And COUNTA checks first if there is any value in that row, if it doesn't it leaves that row empty (so you won't have a bunch of unnecesary "0"

Can you use ARRAYFORMULA to SUM multiple columns changing dynamically

edit: must work with blank rows
I have a list of users in Column F and in Row 1 a list of dates.
I want to use ARRAYFORMULA to sum the values from relevant columns per each user. As an example, this sums 4 columns (F,G,H,I) per user:
My question is, if it possible to sum for a dynamic number of columns. For example, I'll choose a number (e.g 7, 30...) and it will sum the relevant number of columns.
Can this be done?
Here's a spreadsheet with the above data:
In A2 I choose how many columns, and it will sum the relevant number of columns. In C1 I use such a formula to sum 4 columns using ARRAYFORMULA as an example (which is static, not dynamic).
Note that there was a nice solution, but because there is a blank row (#3) it causes the suggested solution to leave the sum for the final row (#7) empty. I'm looking for a solution that will work with blank rows.
There are 3 parameters:
A2: no of cols
G2: top left cell of values
F:F: col of row field (to count number of rows)

Google Sheet - Transform two columns into one column using arrayformula (more than 50,000 characters)

I'm using Google Sheets and looking for an arrayformula that able to take a list in two columns and arrange it alternately in one column. The sheet contains about 5,000 rows, each row has more than 35 characters.
I tried this:
=transpose(split(join(" ", query(transpose(B5:C),,50000)), " "))
But then I got this message:
Please take a look at the sheet here:
Assuming your 2 columns are A and B, this formula will "interlace" them:
{arrayformula({row(A1:A3)*2, A1:A3});
arrayformula({row(B1:B3)*2+1, B1:B3})}
"select Col2")
Explanation, unwrapping the formula from the inside:
Each value gets a unique number, based on its row number times 2 (+1 for the 2nd column)
Everything is sorted based on this number
Only the 2nd column is extracted for the result.
There is a function for this called FLATTEN().
This works perfectly as a general solution since it takes an array of any size and outputs the items in the order they appear left-right-top-down (See here).
It can be combined with TRANSPOSE() to accomplish the same thing but in the horizontal case, and if needed blank cells can be omitted with FILTER().
My sincere apologies, I did not read the question carefully enough. My response is incorrect.
This should work:
just be careful to NOT change it to
This will start an infinite loop where the spreadsheet will increase the amount of rows in the spreadsheet to allow this output column to expand, but in doing so increases the length of the 2 input columns, meaning the length of the output column increases even more, so the spreadsheet tries adding more rows, etc, etc. It'll make your sheet crash your browser or something each time you try to open it.
In Row5:
Would need to be copied down however.

Small in arrayformula (Google Spreadsheet)

I have 5 columns of numbers that I want to sort per row into another set of columns. I figured I need to use small() (e.g. small(a2:e2,1) for f2; small(a2:e2,2) for g2 and so on). Is there away to iterate this for the next rows; if possible using only native google spreadsheet formulas?
Thanks in advance
I was able to make a temporary work around, but I had to use 3 cheat columns. It looks ok for now but I imagine it will be troublesome for really huge numbers.
Here's a sample sheet for reference:
The original data are in A3:E
The first cheat column (G3:G) simply creates a column of numbers from 1 to the largest number found in the source data. 1-9 is changed to 01-09 for easier searching. "#" is then added at the end-this will come handy later:
Cheat Column 1 =filter(if(row(A:A)=max(A:E)+1,ʺ#ʺ,text(row(A:A),ʺ00ʺ)),row(A:A)<=max(A:E)+1)
The second cheat column (H3:H) combines each row into a string separated by "-" with a "#" marker:
Cheat Column 2=filter(text(A3:A,ʺ00ʺ)&ʺ-ʺ&text(B3:B,ʺ00ʺ)&ʺ-ʺ&text(C3:C,ʺ00ʺ)&ʺ-ʺ&text(D3:D,ʺ00ʺ)&ʺ-ʺ&text(E3:E,ʺ00ʺ)&ʺ#ʺ,A3:A<>ʺʺ)
The last cheat column (I3:I) sorts each line (from cheat column 2) by finding each number from cheat column from 01 up to the max number, then the "#" char (this ensures that each line will still have the # end marker). "Find" will return the "position" of each number or an error if it's not found. By using "if", we can make "find" return the actual number or "" instead.
=filter(arrayformula(if(iferror(find(transpose(filter(G3:G,G3:G<>ʺʺ)),H3:H),ʺʺ), transpose(filter(G3:G,G3:G<>ʺʺ)),ʺʺ)),A3:A<>ʺʺ)
The formula above creates as many columns as there are numbers from cheat column 1. To prevent this, a "-" is added to each number then "Concatenate" is used to combine everything into one massive string with each set separated by "#". The string is then split using the "#" marker.
Cheat Column 3 =transpose(split(concatenate(filter(arrayformula(if(iferror(find(transpose(filter(G3:G,G3:G<>ʺʺ)),H3:H),ʺʺ),ʺ-ʺ&transpose(filter(G3:G,G3:G<>ʺʺ)),ʺʺ)),A3:A<>ʺʺ)),ʺ#ʺ))
Each number is then separated into each corresponding column by using mid().
Small 1 =filter(mid(I3:I,2,2)*1,A3:A<>ʺʺ)
Small 2 =filter(mid(I3:I,5,2)*1,A3:A<>ʺʺ)
Small 3 =filter(mid(I3:I,8,2)*1,A3:A<>ʺʺ)
Small 4 =filter(mid(I3:I,11,2)*1,A3:A<>ʺʺ)
Small 5 =filter(mid(I3:I,14,2)*1,A3:A<>ʺʺ)
Note that the formula above is only for numbers 1-99. For larger numbers, the Text() formulas should have more zeroes to correspond to the number of digits of the biggest number. The Mid() formulas should also be adjusted accordingly.
I would like to stress that I am very far from being a spreadsheet expert and that this solution is very "unoptimized". It requires several cheat columns; with the first one even having more rows than the original data. If anyone can help me get rid of the cheat columns (or at least the first one) I will be very grateful.
How about using SMALL like you mentioned in your question?
You will need to change the ranges accordingly. The last $G$3 is the cell just before the cell where the formula is placed.
