Get value of most recent date [closed] - google-sheets

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to get the value of col B for the most recent date. The number of rows may change... i.e. oct isnt always the most recent date.

On dates u can use the MAX function. If you wrap this inside a VLOOKUP the MAX will get you the searchkey and the returns the value next to it.

With data in cols A and B, use:
As you see from the example, we don't even have to sort the data.

proper way:


Find the number of months between two dates in decimal [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to calculate the number of months between two dates. I want the result in decimal point. For example, if my date range is "2017-02-01" to "2017-03-1", then I am expecting the number of months to be something like 1.033 in decimal.
Please help.
You should be able to do something like this
#Mondel.time_diff_in_months("2017-03-01", "2017-02-01")
def time_diff_in_months(grater_date, lesser_date) - lesser_date.to_time).month # 1
I hope that this helps

How can I list each row that matches a string, set by a dropdown? Filter? VLookup? Query? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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On Sheet2 I am wanting to show all the columns associated with a specific string that comes from a dropdown data validation. I have tried using VLOOKUP but that only outputs the first entry found, I want to print every entry along the row.
I put an example of what I am trying to get it to look like but not sure if VLOOKUP or QUERY or FILTER or something else is what I need
In your example spreadsheet, sheet 2, delete everything in the range F3:I and then enter in F3
=query(A:D, "where D='"&F2&"'",1)
If you want to reference the data on the sheet you'll have to use
=query('Draft Board'!A:D, "where D='"&F2&"'",1)
See if that works ?

How to add months in date with rails [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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For example: I am inserting date 2011-06-01 (format mm/dd/yyyy) and now I want to add 8 months to this date. I want the result to be 2012-02-01.
So when adding months, the year may also increase.
Rails provides for + n.days, n.months, etc.
my_date + 8.months
This is an ActiveRecord, not a Ruby thing, though. So make sure it's loading thru Rails.
You can use the '>>' operator over a Date object to easily achieve just that, it returns a date object N (N being a number) months after the original.
In your case:,6,1) >> 8
That will return the date of 2012-02-01.
Likewise you can use '<<' in order to 'travel back in time'. ;)

Is there a way to name an object based on the value of an integer? Objective C [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to run a for loop and every time a loop runs through a UIButton is allocated and initialized. The issue is that all of these buttons need different names. Is there a way to name the button based on the value of the integer in the for loop?
Is sounds like you want to put the buttons in an NSArray. Items in the array can be referenced by an index into the array.

How to add a number to a current value in rails? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Sorry for my English. I have a model with some field.
How to add a number to a current value in field?
I want to add the number several times
i generated scaffold.I use this to create modal. But i want to add number to a current value when i clicked submit
#foo = Foo.first += 10
#which is a shorter way of saying = + 10
If this isn't helpful, please add some more details to your question, eg your example code you have so far.
