Difference between multiset(a[..a.Length]) and multiset(a[..]) in Dafny - dafny

I'm trying to figure something out in dafny.
Given 2 arrays a and b, my assertions, invariants, post conditions, etc in the form of:
multiset(a[..]) == multiset(b[..]);
fails but
multiset(a[..a.Length]) == multiset(b[..b.Length])
I'm very confused by this because I assumed a[..] and a[..a.Length] would be the exact same thing. However, I found something interesting. If I add at the end of my method:
assert a[..a.Length] == a[..];
assert b[..b.Length] == b[..];
then I can get the invariants, post conditions, assertions involving my first example to work.
This suggests to me that a[..] and a[..a.Length] are actually different.
Could someone please explain why this is the case and what is happening here?

You are correct that a[..] and [..a.Length] (and, for that matter, also a[0..] and a[0..a.Length]) are the same thing. However, it may be that verifier treats these slightly differently. This makes a difference because the lack of (caution: technical word coming up) extensionality in Dafny.
Extensionality means that, if you know two things have the same elements, then they are the same thing. In your example, extensionality would mean that, if you know a[..] and a[..a.Length] to have the same elements, then a[..] and a[..a.Length] are the same thing.
The lack of extensionality in Dafny means that the verifier sometimes knows that two things have the same elements, but it still doesn't draw the conclusion that the two things are the same. This tends to be noticeable when the two things are passed to a function. In your example, that function is multiset(...), which converts a sequence into a multiset.
While Dafny does not support extensionality automatically, it does offer a simple technique to "remind" the verifier about extensionality. The technique is to assert the equality between the two things. In particular, when you write assert A == B; for two sequences A and B, then the verifier will first prove that A and B have the same elements, and then it will draw the conclusion that A is in fact equal to B. In other words, when the verifier is explicitly asked to verify the equality of two sequence-valued expressions like A and B, then it instead just proves that they are element-wise equal, after which it concludes A == B.
So, your remedy above is exactly the right thing to do. When you assert the equality between a[..a.Length] and a[..], the verifier proves that they have the same elements. After that, it "remembers" that this also means that a[..a.Length] and a[..] are equal. Once it has realized the two sequences are the same, it immediately also knows that functions of them, like multiset(a[..a.Length]) and multiset(a[..]), are the same.
More generally, extensionality is relevant for not just sequences, but also for sets, multisets, and maps. So, if you're working with any of those collection types, you may need to write assertions about sequence equality, set equality, etc., to "remind" the verifier about extensionality.
More generally, there are many things that are true and that the verifier doesn't immediately verify. To home in on what may be missing, the common technique is to start breaking down the proof obligations yourself, like you did in the assert statements. By breaking down more complicated proof obligations into simpler ones (which is usually done with assert statements or calc statements), you essentially provide hints to the verifier about how to prove the more complicated things.


Basic error using solver in Z3-Python: it is returning [] as a model

Maybe I have slept bad today, but I am really struggling with this simple query to Z3-Python:
from z3 import *
a = Bool('a')
b = Bool('b')
sss = Solver()
sss.add(Exists([a,b], True))
The check prints out sat, but the model is []. However, it should be printing some (anyone) concrete assignment, such as a=True, b=True.
The same is happening if I change the formula to, say: sss.add(Exists([a,b], Not(And(a,b)))). Also tested sss.add(True). Thus, I am missing something really basic, so sorry for the basic nature of this question.
Other codes are working normally (even with optimizers instead of solvers), so it is not a problem of my environment (Collab)
Any help?
Note that there's a big difference between:
a = Bool('a')
b = Bool('b')
sss.add(Exists([a, b], True))
a = Bool('a')
b = Bool('b')
sss.add(True) # redundant, but to illustrate
In the first case, you're checking if the statement Exists a. Exists b. True is satisfiable; which trivially is; but there is no model to display: The variables a and b are inside quantification; and they don't play any role in model construction.
In the second case, a and b are part of the model, and hence will be displayed.
What's confusing is why do you need to declare the a and b in the first case. That is, why can't we just say:
sss.add(Exists([a, b], True))
without any a or b in the environment? After all, they are irrelevant as far as the problem is concerned. This is merely a peculiarity of the Python API; there's really no good reason other than this is how it is implemented.
You can see the generated SMTLib by adding a statement of the form:
and if you do that for the above segments, you'll see the first one doesn't even declare the variables at all.
So, long story short, the formula exists a, b. True has no "model" variables and thus there's nothing to display. The only reason you declare them in z3py is because of an implementation trick that they use (so they can figure out the type of the variable), nothing more than that.
Here're some specific comments about your questions:
An SMT solver will only construct model-values for top-level declared variables. If you create "local" variables via exists/forall, they are not going to be displayed in models constructed. Note that you could have two totally separate assertions that talk about the "same" existentially quantified variable: It wouldn't even have a way of referring to that item. Rule-of-thumb: If you want to see the value in a model, it has to be declared at the top-level.
Yes, this is the reason for the trick. So they can figure out what type those variables are. (And other bookkeeping.) There's just no syntax afforded by z3py to let you say something like Exists([Int(a), Int(b)], True) or some such. Note that this doesn't mean something like this cannot be implemented. They just didn't. (And is probably not worth it.)
No you understood correctly. The reason you get [] is because there are absolutely no constraints on those a and b, and z3's model constructor will not assign any values because they are irrelevant. You can recover their values via model_completion parameter. But the best way to experiment with this is to add some extra constraints at the top level. (It might be easier to play around if you make a and b Ints. At the top level, assert that a = 5, b = 12. At the "existential" level assert something else. You'll see that your model will only satisfy the top-level constraints. Interestingly, if you assert something that's unsatisfiable in your existential query, the whole thing will become unsat; which is another sign of how they are treated.
I said trivially true because your formula is Exists a. Exists b. True. There're no constraints, so any assignment to a and b satisfy it. It's trivial in this sense. (And all SMTLib logics work over non-empty domains, so you can always assign values freely.)
Quantified variables can always be alpha-renamed without changing the semantics. So, whenever there's collision between quantified names and top-level names, imagine renaming them to be unique. I think you'll be able to answer your own question if you think of it this way.
Extended discussions over comments is really not productive. Feel free to ask new questions if anything isn't clear.

SAT queries are slowing down in Z3-Python: what about incremental SAT?

In Z3 (Python) my SAT queries inside a loop are slowing down, can I use incremental SAT to overcome this problem?
The problem is the following: I am performing a concrete SAT search inside a loop. On each iteration, I get a model (of course, I store the negation of the model in order not to explore the same model again). And also, if that model satisfies a certain property, then I also add a subquery of it and add other restrictions to the formula. And iterate again, until UNSAT (i.e. "no more models") is obtained.
I offer an orientative snapshot of the code:
s = Solver()
while s.check() == sat:
m = s.model()
phi = add_modelNegation(m)
s.add(phi) #in order not to explore the same model again
if holds_property(m): #if the model holds a property
s = add_moreConstraints(s,m) #add other constrains to the formula
The question is that, as the formula that s has to solve gets greater, Z3 is starting to have more trouble to find those models. That is okay: this should happen, since finding a model is now more difficult because of the added restrictions. However, in my case, it is happening too much: the computation speed has been even halved; i.e. the time that the solver needs to find a new model is the double after some iterations.
Thus, I would like to implement some kind of incremental solving and wondered whether there are native methods in Z3 to do so.
I have been reading about this in many pages (see, for instance, How incremental solving works in Z3?), but only found this response in How to use incremental solving with z3py interesting:
The Python API is automatically "incremental". This simply means the ability to call the command check() multiple times, without the solver forgetting what it has seen before (i.e., call check(), assert more facts, call check() again; the second check() will take into account all the assertions from the very beginning).
I am not sure I understand, thus I make a simple question: that the response mean that the incremental SAT is indeed used in Z3's SAT? The point I think I am looking for another incrementality; for example: if in the SAT iteration number 230 it is inevitable that a variable (say b1) is true, then that is a fact that will not change afterwards, you can set it to 1, simplify the formula and not re-reason anything to do with b1, because all models if any will have b1. Is this incremental SAT of Z3 considering these kind of cases?
In case not, how could I implement this?
I know there are some implementations in PySat or in MiniSat, but I would like to do it in Z3.
As with anything related to performance of z3 solving, there's no one size fits all. Each specific problem can benefit from different ideas.
Incremental Solving The term "incremental solving" has a very specific meaning in the SAT/SMT context. It means that you can continue to add assertions to the system after a call to check, without it forgetting the assertions you added before hand. This is what makes it incremental. Additionally, you can set jump-points; i.e., you can tell the solver to "forget" the assertions you put in after a certain point in your program, essentially moving through a stack of assertions. For details, see Section 3.9 of https://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/papers/smt-lib-reference-v2.6-r2021-05-12.pdf, specifically the part where it talks about the "Assertion Stack."
And, as noted before, you don't have to do anything specific for z3 to be incremental. It is incremental by default, i.e., you can simply add new assertions after calling check, or use push/pop calls etc. (Compare this to, for instance, CVC4; which is by default not incremental. If you want to use CVC4 in incremental mode, you have to pass a specific command line argument.) The main reason for this is that incremental mode requires extra bookkeeping, which CVC4 isn't willing to pay for unless you explicitly ask it to do so. For z3, the developers decided to always make it incremental without any command line switches.
Regarding your particular question about what happens if b1 is true: Well, if you somehow determined b1 is always true, simply assert it. And the solver will automatically take advantage of this; nothing special needs to be done. Note that z3 learns a ton of lemmas as it works through your program such as these and adds them to its internal database anyhow. But if you have some external mechanism that lets you deduce a particular constraint, just go ahead and add it. (Of course, the soundness of this will be on you, not on z3; but that's a different question.)
One specific "trick" in speeding up enumerating "find me all-solutions" loops like you are doing is to do a divide-and-conquer approach, instead of the "add the negation of the previous model and iterate." In practice this can make a significant difference in performance. I think you should try this idea. It's explained here: https://theory.stanford.edu/~nikolaj/programmingz3.html#sec-blocking-evaluations As you can see, the all_smt function defined at the end of that section takes specific advantage of incrementality (note the calls to push/pop) to speed up the model-search process, by carefully dividing the search space into disjoint segments, instead of doing a random-walk. Using this might give you the speed-up you need. But, again, as with anything performance specific, you'll need to tell us more about exactly what problem you are solving: None of these methods can avoid performance problems caused by modeling issues. (For instance, using integers to model booleans is one common pitfall.) See this answer for some generic advice: https://stackoverflow.com/a/57661441/936310

Z3: Complex numbers?

I have been searching on whether z3 supports complex numbers and have found the following: https://leodemoura.github.io/blog/2013/01/26/complex.html
The author states that (1) Complex numbers are not yet implemented in Z3 as a built-in (this was written in 2013), and (2) that Complex numbers can be encoded on top of the Real numbers provided by Z3.
The basic idea is to represent a Complex number as a pair of Real numbers. He defines the basic imaginary number with I=(0,1), that is: I means the real part equals 0 and the imaginary part equals 1.
He offers the encoding (I mean, we can test it on our machines), where we can solve the equation x^2+2=0. I received the following result:
x = (-1.4142135623?)*I
The sat result does make sense, since this equation is solvable in the simulation of the theory of complex numbers (as a result of the theory of algebraically closed fields) we have just made. However, the root result does not make sense to me. I mean: what about (1.4142135623?)*I?
I would understand to receive the two roots, but, if only one received, I do not understand why I get the negated solution.
Maybe I misread something or I missed something.
Also, I would like to say if complex numbers have already been implemented built in Z3. I mean, with a standard:
x = Complex("x")
And with tactics of kind of a NCA (from nonlinear complex arithmetic).
I have not seen any reference to this theory in SMT-LIB either.
AFAIK there is no plan to add complex numbers to SMT-LIB. There's a Google group for SMT-LIB and it might make sense to send a post there to see if there is any interest there.
Note, that particular blog post says "find a root"; this is just satisfiability, i.e. it finds one solution, not all of them. (But you can ask for another one by adding an assertion that says x should be different from the first result.)

What is pb.conflict in Z3?

I am trying to find an optimal solution using the Z3 API for python. I have used set_option("verbose", 1) to print statements that Z3 generates while checking for sat. One of the statements it prints is pb.conflict statements. The statements look something like this -
pb.conflict statements.
I want to know what exactly is pb.conflict. What do these statements signify? Also, what are the two numbers that get printed along with it?
pb stands for Pseudo-boolean. A pseudo-boolean function is a function from booleans to some other domain, usually Real. A conflict happens when the choice of a variable leads to an unsatisfiable clause set, at which point the solver has to backtrack. Keeping the backtracking to a minimum is essential for efficiency, and many of the SAT engines carefully track that number. While the details are entirely solver specific (i.e., those two numbers you're asking about), in general the higher the numbers, the more conflict cases the solver met, and hence might decide to reset the state completely or take some other action. Often, there are parameters that users can set to specify when such actions are taken and exactly what those are. But again, this is entirely solver and implementation specific.
A google search on pseudo-boolean optimization will result in a bunch of scholarly articles that you might want to peruse.
If you really want to find Z3's treatment of pseudo-booleans, then your best bet is probably to look at the implementation itself: https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/blob/master/src/smt/theory_pb.cpp

Dafny rejects a simple postcondition

Below is a first attempt to prove various simple theorems, in this case about parity. Dafny /v. verifies that adding 2 to an even number yields an even number but does not accept either of the commented out conditions.
function IsEven(a : int) : bool
requires a >= 0
if a == 0 then true
else if a == 1 then false
else IsEven(a - 2)
method Check1(a : int)
requires a >= 0
ensures IsEven(a) ==> IsEven(a + 2)
//ensures IsEven(a) ==> IsEven(a + a)
//ensures IsEven(a) ==> IsEven(a * a)
As I have just started to study this wonderful tool, my approach or the implementation might be incorrect. Any advice would be appreciated.
There are few different things going on here. I will discuss each of the three postconditions in turn.
The first and second postconditions
Since IsEven is a recursively defined predicate, in general, facts about it will require proofs by induction. Your first post condition is simple enough to not require induction, which is why it goes through.
Your second postcondition does require induction to be proved. Dafny has heuristics for automatically performing induction, but these heuristics are only invoked in certain contexts. In particular, Dafny will only attempt induction on "ghost methods" (also called "lemmas").
If you add the keyword ghost in front of method in Check1 (or change method to lemma, which is equivalent), you will see that the second postcondition goes through. This is because Dafny's induction heuristic gets invoked and manages to complete the proof.
The third postcondition
The third postcondition is more complex, because it involves nonlinear arithmetic. (In other words, it involves nontrivial reasoning about multiplying two variables together.) Dafny's underlying solver has trouble reasoning about such things, and so the heuristic proof by induction doesn't go through.
A proof that a * a is even if a is even
One way to prove it is here. I have factored out IsEven(a) ==> IsEven(a * a) into its own lemma, called EvenSquare. I have also changed it to require IsEven(a) as a precondition, rather than put an implication in the postcondition. (A similar proof also goes through with the implication instead, but using preconditions on lemmas like this instead of implications is idiomatic Dafny.)
The proof of EvenSquare is by (manual) induction on a. The base case is handled automatically. In the inductive case (the body of the if statement), I invoke the induction hypothesis (ie, I make a recursive method call to EvenSquare to establish that (a - 2) * (a - 2) is even). I then assert that a * a can be written as the sum of (a - 2) * (a - 2) and some offset. The assertion is dispatched automatically. The proof will be done if I can show that the right hand side of this equality is even.
To do this, I already know that (a - 2) * (a - 2) is even, so I first invoke another lemma to show that the offset is even, because it is twice something else. Finally, I invoke one last lemma to show that the sum of two even numbers is even.
This completes the proof, assuming the two lemmas.
Proofs of the two lemmas
It remains to show that twice anything is even, and that the sum of two even numbers is even. While not completely trivial, neither is as complex as EvenSquare.
The lemma EvenDouble proves that twice anything is even. (This is in fact a stronger version of your second postcondition. Your second postcondition says that doubling any even number is even. In fact, doubling any (non-negative, under your definition of evenness) number at all is even.) The proof of EvenDouble proceeds by (manual) induction on a. The base case is handled automatically. The inductive case only requires explicitly invoking the induction hypothesis.
The lemma EvenPlus is almost proved automatically by Dafny's induction heuristic, except that it trips over a bug or some other problem which causes a loop in the solver. After a little debugging, I determined that the annotation {:induction x} (or {:induction y}, for that matter) makes the proof not loop. These annotations tell Dafny's heuristics which variable(s) to try to induct on. By default in this case, Dafny tries to induct on both x and y, which for some reason causes the solver to loop. But inducting on either variable alone works. I'm investigating this problem further, but the current solution works.
