Is there any function in musl like "backtrace" in glibc - pthreads

I'm trying to translate my code from centos to Alpine-docker , but Alpine really lack of some functions, like "backtrace" "pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np" etc.. How could I use them in Alpine or are there any functions instead?


Dockerfile Alpine Mariadb latest with SphinxSE

I have a Dockerfile for MariaDB 10.1.26 which I use in connection with SphixSE.
Defining Dockerfiles for versions 10.4.18 and 10.5.9 along the same lines is easy, but SphinxSE cannot be installed.
Specifically the command INSTALL SONAME 'ha_sphinx'; raises an enigmatic error.
What can I do to make it work with these versions, too?
For the time being it cannot be done. shows that the package does not support SphinxSE. shows that MariaDB does not support Alpine.

Copying an exe and composing it as a docker image and making it platform independent

I need to create a Docker image, which when run, should install an exe in the specified directory that mentioned in my docker file.
Basically, I need ImageMagick application. The docker file created should be platform independent, say if I ran in windows it should use windows distribution, Linux means Linux distribution. It would be great if it adds an environmental variable in the system. I browsed for the solution, but I couldn't find an appropriate solution.
I know it's a bit late but maybe someone (like me) was still searching.
I ended up using a java-imagemagick docker version from
You can run docker pull cpaitsupport/java-imagemagick to get this docker image to your docker machine.
Now comes the tricky part: as I needed to run the imagemagick inside a docker container for my main app. Now you can COPY the files from cpaitsupport/java-imagemagick to your custom container. Example :
COPY --from=cpaitsupport/java-imagemagick:latest . ./some/dir/imagemagick
now you should have the docker file structure for your custom app and also under some/dir/imagemagick/ the file structure for imagemagick. Here are all ImageMagick relative files (also convert, magic, the libraries etc).
Now if you want to use ImageMagick in your Code you need to setup some ENV variables to your docker container with the "new" path to the ImageMagick directory. Example:
IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH=/some/dir/imagemagick/usr/bin \
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/some/dir/imagemagick/usr/lib \
MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH=/some/dir/imagemagick/etc/ImageMagick-7 \
MAGICK_CODER_MODULE_PATH=/some/dir/imagemagick/usr/lib/ImageMagick-7.0.5/modules-Q16HDRI/coders \
Now delete (in Java Code) ProcessStarter.setGlobalSearchPath(imPath); this part if it is set. So you can use the IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH.
Now the ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd(); and; should be working.
Maybe it's not the best way but worked for me and I was struggling a lot.
Hope this helps!
Feel free to correct or add additional info.
You can install (extract files) to the external hosting system using docker mount or volumes -
however you can not change system setting by updating environment variables of the hosting system from inside of the containers.

How can I properly run OpenAI gym with nvidia-docker and see the environments

So I'm trying set run OpenAI gym in a docker container, but it looks like this:
Notice the pong window has a weird render issue where it's repeating things and the colors are off. Here is space invaders:
NOTE FOR "NOT A PROGRAMMING ISSUE" PEOPLE: The solution involves the correct bash script code to call the right API methods to render the arrays of pixels correctly. Also only a graphics programmer is likely to "recognize the render glitch".
My setup is very simple.
- I'm on a local ubuntu 16.04 install with an Nvidia gtx1060 and corei7
- I installed nvida runfile driver with --no-opengl-files (as per instructions from Nvidia and many place).
- Specifically, I'm running floydhub/pytorch docker image.
Does anyone recognize the particular render glitch and what it could mean? It almost looks like a StackOverflow of a frame buffer! What can I do to track down the bug?
EDIT: I have eliminated all the extra dependencies I had been installing and am just doing simple x-forwarding according to the ROS GUI guide.
You can easily reproduce this as follows:
docker run -it --user=$(id -u) --env="DISPLAY" --workdir="/home/$USER" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" floydhub/pytorch:0.1.11-gpu-py3.6 bash
Now in the image, type python and then the following:
import gym
That should open up an x-forwarded window on your machine, but the display is corrupt (at least for me)
Above I actually used SpaceInvaders-v0

Ubuntu Docker image with minimal mono runtime in order to run F# app

I need to build a "slim" docker image which only contains the mono runtime in order to execute a pre-compiled F# app. In other words, I want to create the leanest possible image for executing mono apps, without any of the additional stuff for compiling/building apps. I am using Ubuntu:16.04 as a my base image (which weighs at around 47MB).
If I try to install mono on top of that image (using apt-get install mono-devel), then the image grows to whopping 500MB. This of course happens because the entire mono development tools are installed.
How can I proceed to only create an image containing the mono runtime? Is there a way installing through apt-get the mono runtime?
I'm answering the question as it is stated:
How can I proceed to only create an image containing the mono runtime?
For that, the answer is yes. There is a package for just the runtime called mono-runtime. In addition to that, there is an apt option to ignore installing recommended packages (usually docs and other stuff that may not be necessary for a runtime) with --no-install-recommends. Combining the two, we can get down to around 240 MB on the Ubuntu base:
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt update && apt install -qy --no-install-recommends mono-runtime libfsharp-core4.3-cil
Also mentioned in comments, there are some more minimal images based on Alpine linux that may be of interest such as (which at the moment is around 200 MB).

Regarding not getting GNU awk version after creating a docker basic container

I am trying to create a normal docker's container, where I want to run my awk script. So we came to know we have to install GNU awk in it too, so could you please let me know if there any way we could get it in container itself(which creating os image) rather than installing it separately:
I apologies if I missed something here as I am new to this technology.
There are a couple of gawk-installed docker images publicly available. You may directly use one of them. A few examples: atarumix/gawk5-alpine algas/gawk. I have to note that most (if not all) are not actively maintained.
You may create a Dockerfile and install gawk. Although you mentioned you do not want to have a separate install, it is pretty easy. Consider this for example:
FROM alpine:latest
RUN apk add --no-cache gawk ffmpeg
If you do not want to use that docker file, you may push the generated image to an image repository. After you push the image, you shall be able to use the image directly. Details of push can be found at push reference.
