Creating a Python Pipeline on Jenkins but get access denied from docker - docker

I've created a Jenkinsfile in my Git repository that is defined as this:
pipeline {
//None parameter in the agent section means that no global agent will be allocated for the entire Pipeline’s
//execution and that each stage directive must specify its own agent section.
agent none
stages {
stage('Build') {
agent {
docker {
//This image parameter (of the agent section’s docker parameter) downloads the python:3.8
//Docker image and runs this image as a separate container. The Python container becomes
//the agent that Jenkins uses to run the Build stage of the Pipeline project.
image 'python:3.8.3'
steps {
//This sh step runs the Python command to compile the application
sh 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
When I tried to run the job with this Pipeline, I've got the following error:
I also tried to use image python:latest but this option didn't work either.
Can someone explain me :)?

Go to Computer Management -> Local Users and Groups and make sure the user used by jenkins is added to the docker-users group


how to build fast api python script on jenkins and fast api should run forever

I have written a fast api. I want to build it CI/CD pipeline. I want to run fast api forever until I manually interrupt it.
I am very new to jenkins. I have written a Jenkins pipeline script which is followed.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
// Get some code from a GitHub repository
git url: '', branch: 'hello'
steps {
sh """
echo $PATH
echo $HOME
. /home/soleman/anaconda3/bin/activate tensor2
conda activate tensor2
when I start build this script.The build runs forever instead of success beacuse of python api is running. As shown in figure.
How to build it successfully and deploy it? Please guide.
I don't want to use dockers as I am utilizing system own variables.

Why is Jenkins not using the correct image for docker builds?

No matter what I try, I seem to be unable toget a declerative pipeline to build my project inside a docker container, with the correct image.
I have verified the following:
Jenkins does build the correct image (based on messages in the log)
When I build the image manually, it is build correctly
When building the project inside a container with the correct image, the build succeeds
The Jenkins steps do run in a container with some image.
As far as I can tell, Jenkins simply uses the base image and not the correct one, resulting from the dockerfile I specify.
Things I've tried:
Let Jenkins figure it out
pipeline {
agent dockerfile
Using docker at the top level:
pipeline {
agent {
dockerfile {
filename 'Dockerfile'
reuseNode true
stages {
stage('configure') {
steps {
Use docker in each step
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('configure') {
agent {
dockerfile {
filename 'Dockerfile'
reuseNode true
steps {
Abbreviations, due to the number of examples. Docker is not mentioned anywhere outside of the specified areas and simply removing the docker parts and using a regular agent works fine.
The logs are useless. They simply state that they build the image and verify that they exist and then fail to execute commands that have just been installed (meson in this case).
First of all, I suggest you to read:
The Pipeline syntax for the agent declaration and in particular the dockerfile section
This basic example on how to use dockerfile. Start with the minimal pipeline with agent { dockerfile true } and please show us the logs for example.
Without any logs or a more detailed explanation on your setup, it is difficult to help you.
I can certainly tell you that the second try is wrong because
reuseNode is valid for docker and dockerfile, and only has an effect when used on an agent for an individual stage.
Instead, I am not sure how the third try could ever work: with agent none you are forcing each stage to have an agent section, but in the stage's agent section you have the reuseNode option set to true. Isn't it a contradiction? How could you reuse a top-level node if this one does not exist?
I know it is not an answer, but it is also too long to stay in the comments in my opinion.
I always use it like this, with a pre-build image:
pipeline {
agent {
docker { image 'node:16-alpine' }
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'node --version'
But I can only guess what you want to do inside the docker environment.

How to use a Jenkinsfile for these build steps?

I'm learning how to use Jenkins and working on configuring a Jenkins file instead of the build using the Jenkins UI.
The source code management step for building from Bitbucket:
The build step for building a Docker container:
The build is of type multi configuration project:
Reading the Jenkins file documentation at and creating a new build using Pipeline :
I'm unsure how to configure the steps I've configured via the UI: Source Code Management & Build. How to convert the config for Docker and Bitbucket that can be used with a Jenkinsfile ?
The SCM will not be changed, regardless if you are using UI configuration or a pipeline, although in theory you can do the git clone from the steps in the pipeline, if you really insist convert the SCM steps in pure pipeline steps.
The pipeline will can have multiple stages, and each of the stages can have different execution environment. You can use the Docker pipeline plug-in, or you can use plain sh to issue the docker commands on the build agent.
Here is small sample from one of my manual build pipelines:
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Init') {
agent { label 'docker-x86' }
steps {
checkout scm
sh 'docker stop demo-001c || true'
sh 'docker rm demo-001c || true'
stage('Build Back-end') {
agent { label 'docker-x86' }
steps {
sh 'docker build -t demo-001:latest ./docker'
stage('Test') {
agent {
docker {
label 'docker-x86'
steps {
sh 'docker run --name demo-001c demo-001:latest'
sh 'cd test && make test-back-end'
You need to create a Pipeline type of a project and specify the SCM configuration in the General tab. In the Pipeline tab, you will have option to select Pipeline script or Pipeline script from SCM. It's always better to start with the Pipeline script while you are building and modifying your workflow. Once it's stabilized, you can add it to the repository.

Go not found in Docker-based Jenkins agent

I have created a Docker-based Jenkins agent that uses docker:stable-dind (which is based on Alpine 3.10) as its base. Full Dockerfile.
In the Dockerfile I install Go: RUN apk add go
When running locally, e.g. go version, go env GOROOT, etc... I get results, e.g. 1.12.6, /usr/lib/go.
I then attempt using this agent in Jenkins, and print env to verify the above environment variables are, but they not there and also go version fails`.
So, I update the Docker agent template in Jenkins with:
GOROOT: /usr/lib/go
Now when checking env they are there...
GOPATH=/home/jenkins/workspace/go test
... but go version still fails.
GOPATH is set to the current $WORKSPACE as that's where I will clone the Go project source if this actually works.
This is the Jenkins job:
pipeline {
agent {
label 'cli-agent'
stages {
stage ("test") {
steps {
script {
withEnv(["GOPATH=${WORKSPACE}"]) {
sh """
go version

Jenkins Docker pipeline stuck on "Waiting for next available executor"

In my project I have a Jenkins pipeline, which should execute two stages on a provided Docker image, and a third stage on the same machine but outside the container. Running this third stage on the same machine is crucial, because the previous stages produces some output that is needed later. These files are stored on the machine trough mounted volumes.
In order to be sure these files are accessible in the third stage, I manually select a specific node. Here is my pipeline (modified a little, because it's from work):
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
label 'jenkins-worker-1'
image 'custom-image:1.0'
registryUrl ''
args '-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2'
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'mvn test'
stage('Package') {
steps {
sh 'mvn package'
sh 'mv target workdir/'
stage('Upload') {
agent {
node {
label 'jenkins-worker-1'
steps {
sh ' workdir'
The node is preconfigured for uploading, so I can't simply upload built target from Docker container, it has to be done from the physical machine.
And here goes my problem: while the first two stages works perfectly fine, the third stage cannot start, because: "Waiting for next available executor" suddenly appears in logs. It's obvious the node is waiting for itself, I cannot use another machine. It looks like Docker is blocking something and Jenkins thinks the node is busy, so it waits eternally.
I look for a solution, that will allow me to run stages both in and outside the container, on the same machine.
Apparently the nested stages feature would solve this problem, but unfortunately it's available since version 1.3 of pipeline plugin, but my node has 1.2.9.
