Browser to Phone Calls Microsoft Teams (Communication API) C# - microsoft-graph-api

I am attempting to make a browser to phone call using microsoft teams communication api. I have gone through the documentation here and it suggests to create a calling bot.
I'm not sure if registering the bot on teams is necessary as I don't want the bot to participate in calls I need it purely for initiating 1:1 calls (myself to another user)
Is it possible to make browser to phone calls using communications-api
Any sample guiding implementation of this functionality


Cannot get joined teams using Graph for external users using mail identity

I am attempting to use "v1.0/me/joinedTeams" to get all the joined teams for the currently authenticated user in my service. This works fine for external accounts that use a Microsoft identity (have a live account) but the same call returns a 400 Bad Request when I attempt to use an external account that uses a mail identity (no live account). The request is the same regardless of external account type. The token generated when authenticating as the mail identity external user looks correct when I inspect it.
I have been able to implement a workaround where I instead use the SharePoint REST service to get the groupId for the team site the user is apart of and then use the Graph call "v1.0/teams/{groupId}" to get that team. However, I need to do this for all the teams the external user has access to which slows things down quiet a bit.
I am aware of what looks like a bug in Graph when trying to make any Graph calls with any external user type, described here: I have also implemented the workaround for this issue which requires first accessing each site the user has access to by making some arbitrary call using the REST service. Then any subsequent calls using Graph should work. I do this for external accounts with a mail identity before trying to make the joinedTeams call but still run into the 400 response.
These workarounds will suffice in the short term but they increase my execution time significantly, especially when there is a large number of teams the external user is apart of. Any insight on a solution is greatly appreciated.
/me/joinedTeams is not available for personal Microsoft accounts. Se the table on this page

How to programmatically send a message to a Teams BOT

I have a BOT running which reponds to api/messages URL from the BOT Framework Emulator, and I can send text to it.
However what I need to do is write an application which sends text to the BOT over this URL. That is basically does what the BOT Framework Emulator does when I enter text and send it, probably over the graph API.
I am aware of information which demonstrates sending to a chat in a channel, but I just need to send to the BOT itself.
Can anyone advise how I can do this, or is there a suitable sample which demonstrates it.
At the end of the day, your bot is really just a web api endpoint. If you set up a tunneling service like ngrok, you can use it's built-in web viewer to see the traffic that is sent to you bot, e.g. via the emulator or even via the azure bot registration page (there is a similar emulator built into the page in Azure). Once you've seen that traffic, you can essentially just mirror it from whatever you want to call from - it's essentially a json payload.
However, considering your bot is just a web api, I'm not sure why you want to "call" your bot from another app. Why not just make another endpoint that you can use for app-to-app communication (like a normal api endpoint). You can then refactor your code so that whatever you need to do can be done either via a bot message OR via the API call.

twilio REST API: strictly backend?

The JavaScript chat client SDK is missing some functionality that the REST API has, like list users. Should the 1st person chat client be using the REST API as well to supplement gaps in the client SDK or just in general? Or is it strictly for backend management?
Twilio developer evangelist here
The Chat SDK itself doesn't give all of the same access as the REST API because that would put that access directly in the hands of all users of the Chat SDK. Restricting things like listing users of the app to the REST API means that your application has greater control over those functions and can restrict access or use it only in specific circumstances.
As we've discussed in your other question, how you actually manage things in your application, whether it is by calling to the REST API or storing data in your own user database, is up to you and depends on what will work best for your application.

get recordingSid in Twilio Studio Flow

I've created a flow in Twilio Studio, which I access via the Studio REST API. This flow makes a phone call and serves as a simple IVR. I would like to provide access to the recording of this call to my end users.
I would like to get the recordingSid returned to my application.
Is this possible? I see references to RecordingStatusCallback being passed as a parameter to the non-Studio REST API, but it appears that there is no support for this in the Studio REST API.
I think I can grab the CallSid from widget data and then show the list of recordings for that Call, but this isn't a seamless as being able to provide my users with a direct link to the recording.
Happy for any guidance.

Are contacts in Skype for Business accessible via Graph API

Just in the title. If a company is using Skype for Business with their Office 365 subscription, are the contacts in skype for business the same contacts available by the Graph API?
My understanding is currently the only way to access Skype for business data from an API standpoint is through the UCWA 2. And that the graph is not reflecting any data for S4B. This is also why those are two different set of permissions when you declare apps in the AAD portal.
One of the reasons behind that is probably because when using the UCWA you need to talk to different resources and endpoint for Discovery and Grant flows before getting to the data.
Another one could be that UCWA provides streaming and some kind of notifications capabilities (status update, messages) which the graph doesn't support right now.
I really hope the S4B endpoints come to the graph at some point, things are going to be simpler.
