Tweepy bot to tweet DMs - twitter

I would like to make a bot on twitter to use with my friends, it would be like a spotted. The bot would need to tweet the messages they send on his dm. On the internet I found this function, but I don't know if it's right, nor how to close this puzzle, can someone help me?

You can get the DM messages with
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler('api_key', 'api_secret')
auth.set_access_token('access_token', 'token_secret')
api = tweepy.API(auth)
messages = get_api().list_direct_messages(count=5)
The code above would rin in a thread to fetch the messages every x minutes.
Once you have the messages you can process the list, send the tweet and delete the DMs (to avoid processing it again).
for message in messages:
text = message.message_create["message_data"]["text"]
api.update_status(f'Tweet DM content: {text}'
# remove DM


Twilio SWIFT API get consumed messages always returns 0

I want to display next to a chat channel the number of messages a channel has that have been unconsumed or unread (I assume this is what unconsumed means?)
Currently I send messages to a channel that two users are subscribed to , a private chat. Then before opening up the chat window I check the channel for unconsumed messages, but it always say 0 messages even if I call setNoMessagesConsumedWithCompletion.
I am using the Swift API...What do I need to do to find out how many messages in my channel have not been read yet? At what point do they become read? (when the user opens up a chat channel and requests to getLastWithCount?)
I read in the docs you have to set something called the consumption horizon to get unconsumed message, but I don't know how you do that in SWIFT API also this was for Javascript API so perhaps it is easier with Swift Api?
I figured out the solution. As per the documentation you need to update the last consumed message index. So for example if the user has a chat window open you need to record for that user (or instance of the Chat Client) what was the last message they saw before they close their chat. I am storing all the messages in a message array and update the last consumed message index with the length of the array of messages:
generalChannel?.messages?.setLastConsumedMessageIndex(NSNumber.init(value: self.messages.count), completion: { (result, count) in
if !result.isSuccessful() {
Then if you send messages to that channel when the user is not in the channel these will be recorded as unconsumed, you can get the number by calling:
channel.getUnconsumedMessagesCount(completion: { (results, numberUnconsumed) in

Twilio IP Messaging - get the last message index on REST API

Using the twilio-ruby package to connect to the REST API for Twilio's IP Messaging service and attempting to compute an unread message count.
The REST API is paginating the messages so that something like
Will return 49 once there are more than 50 messages in the channel.
Is there a way to get just the last message on the channel (as seems to be possible in the android/ios SDK) to avoid paginating through all message history?
In regards to computing an unread message count, take a look at the Message Consumption Horizon and subtract the lastConsumedMessageIndex from the total number of messages in the list - 1.
For the messages list (in Python):
# Download the Python helper library from
from import TwilioIpMessagingClient
# Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
account = "ACCOUNT_SID"
token = "AUTH_TOKEN"
client = TwilioIpMessagingClient(account, token)
service ="SERVICE_SID")
channel = service.channels.get(sid="CHANNEL_ID")
messages = channel.messages.list()
See also, Sending a Consumption Report (the example in JavaScript):
//determine the newest message index
var newestMessageIndex = activeChannel.messages.length ?
activeChannel.messages[activeChannel.messages.length-1].index : 0;
//check if we we need to set the consumption horizon
if (activeChannel.lastConsumedMessageIndex !== newestMessageIndex) {

StatusCallback does not work as expected

I am working on a VB.NET application that places a call into Twilio, the number is not a test number. I am using the C# library with the code written in VB.Net.
When I use this line of code:
Console.WriteLine(account.SendSmsMessage(Caller, to1, strBody))
I receive a text message on my phone however the post back is never posted to my website. I have included the URL of the site on the account under Messaging > Request URL.
When I reply to the message, Twilio does make a post to my site. From what I understand, a POST should have been made when Twilio was first sent a message from my application, however this is not the case.
When using this code, I do not get any text message and no POST is made.
Console.WriteLine(account.SendMessage(Caller, to1, strBody, PostBackURL))
I have tried SendSMSMessage, I have tried it with the URL on my account and without it,
nothing seems to effect the behavior.
I need the SmsMessageSid at the time the message is sent. From everything I have seen, Twilio does not provide a response other then what is sent to the PostBackURL, I could parse a response for the
SmsMessageSid however since there is no response that is not an option. If I am mistaken on that point that would be great, however it looks like the only way to get a reply is with the post back URL. Thanks for your help with this! Below you will find an excerpt of the code I am working with:
PostBackURL = "http%3A%2F%2F173.111.111.110%3A8001/XMLResponse.aspx"
' Create Twilio REST account object using Twilio account ID and token
account = New Twilio.TwilioRestClient(SID, Token)
message = New Twilio.Message
'Console.WriteLine(account.SendSmsMessage(Caller, to1, strBody))
Console.WriteLine(account.SendMessage(Caller, to1, strBody, PostBackURL))
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: {0}", e.Message)
End Try
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue")
I'm doing something similar with C# and like you, I'm not getting the POST to the callback URL. I don't know why that's not working, but if all you need is the sid when you send the message, you should be able to do this:
message = SendSmsMessage(Caller, to1, strBody))
and message.Sid will give you what you need, assuming no exceptions.

Twilio check if phone number has been blacklisted

I am currently integrating into the twilio rest api and need to perform a check on a users phone number to determine if that user has blacklisted themselves or not. I have little experience with this api and scouring through the documentation and google has turned up nothing.
In our application we are going to have a notification center and if the user has blacklisted themselves I do not want to give them the ability to turn on their SMS notifications. Potentially a user could have SMS notifications on but twilio would block any messages. I know there is the ability to get a status code back from twilio when an SMS is queued that shows the user is blacklisted ( However, I will not be sending messages on the notifications screen and need a direct way (if at all possible) to check twilio to determine if a number is blacklisted. Any help is much appreciated. Let me know if anymore information will be of help.
Megan from Twilio.
I'd be curious to see if you ever tried your own workaround. But I wanted to note for others in a similar situation how you could grab the blacklist error and then do whatever you may want with it.
In Ruby it would look something like this:
require 'rubygems'
require 'twilio-ruby'
account_sid = 'YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID'
auth_token = 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN'
#client = account_sid, auth_token
#message = #client.messages.create(
body: 'Howdy!'
rescue Twilio::REST::RestError => e
if e.code == 21610
# User is blacklisted
# Store info however you choose
puts e.message
We check for blacklisting specifically using the code '21610'. For more information about errors you can visit the reference page.
Hope this helps!
Twilio recommends developers to store the opt-out/in statuses in their side. I have stored it in DB. There are 2 ways to collect the unsubscribed users list.
1) Use SMS webhooks. You can find how to configure your Twilio number to receive webhook events here
#PostMapping(value = "/twilio", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE,
public String twilioConsumer(TwilioEventDTO twilioEventDTO) {
// twilioEventDTO.getBody() => returns the body of the SMS user replied.
return new MessagingResponse.Builder().build().toXml();
2) Since I implemented webhooks later, I had to collect already unsubscribed users. When you send sms to the number that has been opted-out, Twilio API throws an exception with the status number of 21610. You can catch it and store the number in DB.
try {
Message result = Message.creator(
new PhoneNumber(toPhoneNumber),
new PhoneNumber(fromPhoneNumber),
response = result.getStatus().name();
} catch (ApiException e) {
if (e.getCode().equals(21610))
updateSubscription(toPhoneNumber, false);
logger.warn("Error on sending SMS: {}", e.getMessage());
P.S.: examples written in Java - Spring Boot framework.

How many direct messages does twitter store?

I've read the Twitter REST API docs, I know that it says you can fetch 200 at a time to a max of 800. However... I can't. I'm pulling 200, using the last tweet as max_id and then sending another request but I only receive the last tweet from the first request, not the remaining from my supposed 800 limit.
So I did a little research and I found that when I was sending more direct messages from other accounts my other direct messages were disappearing (i.e, if I had 200 received messages from an account called "sup," and I sent 5 messages from an account called "foo," "sup" would only show 195 direct messages and "foo" would show 5. Those 5 messages would disappear from "sup" in both the twitter DM window, as well as from the API calls.
I'm using Twython to do this, but I don't believe that switching back to requests would change anything, as I can visibly see the messages disappearing from the chat log. Does that mean that Twitter only stores 200 total DM's? Or am I doing something completely wrong.
This is the code I was using to pull for direct messages. Keep in mind that I still don't know how to explain DM's disappearing in the twitter DM console.
test_m = twitter.get_direct_messages(count=200)
i = 0
for x in test_m:
print 'dm number = ' + str(i) + '| dm id= '+ str(x['id']) + ' |text= ' + x['text']
i += 1
m_id = test_m[-1]['id']
test_m_2 = twitter.get_direct_messages(count=200, max_id=m_id)
This code will return test_m as an array of 200 items, and test_m_2 as an array of 1 item, containing the last element of test_m.
Edit: Well, no response yet but I figured I should add that this method successfully returns more than 200 messages for the other api calls I've made (user timeline, mentions timeline, retweets). From my testing I have to assume that only 200 incoming messages are stored by twitter throughout all DM interactions. If I'm wrong, let me know!
Twitter stores more than the last 200 messages, if you were to delete 1 of the Direct messages using destroy_direct_message, then you can access 1 addition old direct Message.
Deleting 100 old Direct Messages will give you access an additional 100 messages etc.
I neither make max_id nor page work either. not sure if the bug it in Twython or Twitter ;-(
Currently, the API stands you can get up to the latest 3200 tweets of an account but only the 200 latest received direct messages (direct_messages endpoint) from a conversation or the 800 latest sent direct messages (direct_messages/sent endpoint).
To answer your question, I do not think there is a limitation of the number of direct messages "stored" by Twitter. Recently, I have been able to retrieve a complete conversation with more than 17000 direct messages (and all the uploaded media) using this tool that I have created for this purpose.
