Get information about the volume from inside the docker container - docker

Inside a container I build a (C++) app. The source code directory is shared with --volume.
If docker runs on Linux, the shared directory runs at full speed, but if docker runs on mac, docker has to bridge the share which results in speed drop. Therefore I have to copy the whole source directory to the container before starting compiling. But this copy step is necessary on non-Linux hosts only.
How can I detect if the share is "natively" shared?
Can I get information about the host os from inside the container?
The idea behind this workflow is to setup an image for a defined environment to cross-build the product for multiple platforms (win, mac, linux). Otherwise each developer has a different Linux OS/compilers/components etc installed.
As a docker newbie I thought that this image (with all required 3rdParty components/compilers) can be used to build the app within a container when it is launched.

One workaround I can think of is that you can use a special networking feature which is available in both Mac and Windows hosts, but not in Linux.
It is a special dns entry you can use to get the ip of the host from inside container - host.docker.internal. Read more here and here.
Now you just need a command to get a boolean value if it resolves or not. Since I don’t know which shell you are using, I cant say for sure but something like this should help you.

In my opinion you are looking at the issue from the wrong perspective.
First of all the compilation should be done at build time, not at runtime. If you do it in the container then it means that you are shipping an image with build tools, not to say that user of the image would need the source code to run the image. For this reason it is a good practice to compile at build time and only ship an image with the binary to run.
Secondly, compiling at build time is fast because the source code is sent to the docker daemon and accessed directly from there, no need for volumes.
Lastly, to answer your last question, it is you who runs the container. So you can tell it everything about the host where it is running by just adding and environment variable (for example). It is over complicated to just run the container and let it guess where it is running, when you already have that information at the moment yuo start the container.

I used the --env DO_COPY=1 when creating the container.


does docker always need an operating system as base image

I have heard that docker doesn't need a separate os in linux, because it shares with the host os, but in hyper-v Windows it can run Windows OS because it can hyper a linux virtual machine so run linux software on it.
But, I get confused about the FROM stage in the dockerfile, all guides said like this:
FROM ubuntu:18.04
cp . /usr/local/bin
RUN make
CMD /usr/local/bin/youapp
I can understand this step, first you need an OS, then you deploy your application; finally you run your app or whatever.
But what does the FROM stage really mean?
Does it always need an OS? Does nginx docker image have an os in it?
If i want to build my own app, I write it, I compile it, I run it; but does my own app need an OS? If not, what should I write in the FROM stage?
i got this picture, it said docker container does not need os,but use the host os,now docker build always need an os
The containers on a host share the (host's) kernel but each container must provide (the subset of) the OS that it needs.
In Windows, there's a 1:1 mapping of kernel:OS but, with Linux, the kernel is bundled into various OSs: Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine, SuSE, CoreOS etc.
The FROM statement often references an operating system but it need not and it is often not necessary (nor a good idea) to bundle an operating system in a container. The container should only include what it needs.
The NGINX image uses Debian (Dockerfile).
In some cases, the container process has no dependencies beyond the kernel. In these cases, a special FROM: scratch may be used that adds nothing else. It's an empty image (link).
No its not like that. To create any docker image using DockerFile, You need to start with a base docker image. That base docker image can be anything, Like an empty image as well, In the docker file in your example the FROM section says ubuntu, it means its assuming ubuntu as the base image. Its not always needed to have an OS as base image.
Follow this link -
This will clear your doubts related to base image.
now i got answer
the From stage import the software but not the OS with kernel
it just provide a platform for your application,the ubuntu,debian,centos you write in FROM stage is just a software,the true kernel does not have relationship with them.
so if your application can run dependent ,it must like hello-world ,just a binary-package,dont rely on any other library. but mostly you need an OS,because they have the library you need.
No, the FROM stage is not providing the operating system to the image. The kernel is always provided by the host system where you are running the container. The FROM stage provides the initial file system i.e., files, directories, pre-installed softwares etc for the new image. You can also start FROM scratch which is like a blank slate.
The FROM line need NOT necessarily point to any other OS:
It can be any other container or it could be FROM SCRATCH.
Containers in host share kernel so you can think as it is master process utilizing host kernel.
Generally people see HTTPD, NGINX etc. are utilizing Debian as container OS, since this Debian OS is very thin and serves the purpose of isolation and runs as independent server.
Even you can create a HTTPD, NGINX without using any OS and name with your own version :-)

Use VSCode remote development on docker image without local files

As of now, we are using five docker containers (MySQL, PHP, static...) managed by docker-compose. We do only need to access one of them. We now have a local copy of all data inside and sync it from Windows to the container, but that is very slow, VSCode on Windows sometimes randomly locks files causing git rebase origin/master to end in very unpleasant ways.
Desired behaviour
Use VSCode Remote Development extension to:
Edit files inside the container without any mirrored files on Windows
Run git commands (checkout, rebase, merge...)
Run build commands (make, ng, npm)
Still keep Windows as for many developers it is the prefered platform.
Is it possible to develop inside a docker container using VSCode?
I have tried to follow the official guide, but they do seem to require us to have mirrored files. We do also use WSL.
As #FSCKur points out this is the exact scenario VSCode dev containers is supposed to address, but on Windows I've found the performance to be unusable.
I've settled on running VSCode and docker inside a Linux VM on Windows, and have a 96% time saving in things like running up a server and watching code for changes making this setup my preferred way now.
The standardisation of devcontainer.json and being able to use github codespaces if you're away from your normal dev machine make this whole setup a pleasure to use.
see for detailed timing comparison and setup details
This is sounds like exactly what I do. My team uses Windows on the desktop, and we develop a containerised Linux app.
We use VSCode dev containers. They are an excellent solution for the scenario.
You may also be able to SSH to your docker host and code on it, but in my view this is less good because you want to keep all customisation "contained" - I have installed a few quality-of-life packages in my dev container which I'd prefer to keep out of my colleague's environments and off the docker host.
We have access to the docker host, so we clone our source on the docker host and mount it through. We also bind-mount folders from the docker host for SQL and Redis data - but that could be achieved with docker volumes instead. IIUC, the workspace folder itself does have to be a bind-mount - in fact, no alternative is allowed in the devcontainer.json file. But since you need permission anyway on the docker daemon, this is probably achievable.
All source code operations happen in the dev container, i.e. in Linux. We commit and push from there, we edit our code there. If we need to work on the repo on our laptops, we pull it locally. No rcopy, no SCP - github is our "sync" mechanism. We previously used vagrant and mounted the source from Windows - the symlinks were an absolute pain for us, but probably anyone who's tried mounting source code from Windows into Linux will have experienced pain over some element or other.
VSCode in a dev container is very similar to the local experience. You will get bash in the terminal. To be real, you probably can't work like this without touching bash. However, you can install PSv7 in the container, and/or a 'better' shell (opinion mine) such as zsh.

Docker namespace, docker on virtualbox, mirror environment

Let's assume scenario I'm using a set of CLI docker run commands for creating a whole environment of containers, networks (bridge type in my case) and connect containers to particular networks.
Everything works well till the moment I want to have only one such environment at a single machine.
But what if I want to have at the same machine a similar environment to the one I've just created but for a different purpose (testing) I'm having an issue of name collisions since I can't crate and start containers and networks with the same name.
So far I tried to start second environment the same way I did with the first but with prefixing all containers and networks names.That worked but had a flaw: in the application that run all requests to URIs were broken since they had a structure
and the application was not able to reach <prefix-container-name>.
What I want to achieve is to have an exact copy of the first environment running on the same machine as the second environment that I could use to perform the application tests etc.
Is there any concept of namespaces or something similar to it in Docker?
A command that I could use before all docker run etc commands I use to create environment and have just two bash scripts that differ only by the namespace command at their beginning?
Can using virtual machine, ie Oracle Virtualbox be the solution to my problem? Create a VM for the second environment? isn't that an overkill, will it add an additional set of troubles?
Perhaps there is a kind of --hostname for docker run command that will allow to access the container from other container by using this name? Unlucky --hostname only gives ability to access the container by this name form the container itself but not from any other. Perhaps there is an option or command that can make an alias, virtual host or whatever magic common name I could put into apps URIs <scheme>://<magic-name>:<port-number> so creating second environment with different containers and networks names will cause no problem as long as that magic-name is available in the environment network
My need for having exact copy of the environment is because of tests I want to run and check if they fail also on dependency level, I think this is quite simple scenario from the continues integration process. Are there any dedicated open source solutions to what I want to achieve? I don't use docker composer but bash script with all docker cli commands to get the whole env up and running.
Thank you for your help.
Is there any concept of namespaces or something similar to it in Docker?
Not really, no (but keep reading).
Can using virtual machine [...] be the solution to my problem? ... Isn't that an overkill, will it add an additional set of troubles?
That's a pretty reasonable solution. That's especially true if you want to further automate the deployment: you should be able to simulate starting up a clean VM and then running your provisioning script on it, then transplant that into your real production environment. Vagrant is a pretty typical tool for trying this out. The biggest issue will be network connectivity to reach the individual VMs, and that's not that big a deal.
Perhaps there is a kind of --hostname for docker run command that will allow to access the container from other container by using this name?
docker run --network-alias is very briefly mentioned in the docker run documentation and has this effect. docker network connect --alias is slightly more documented and affects a container that's already been created.
Are there any dedicated open source solutions to what I want to achieve?
Docker Compose mostly manages this for you, if you want to move off of your existing shell-script solution: it puts a name prefix on all of the networks and volumes it creates, and creates network aliases for each container matching its name in the YAML file. If your host volume mounts are relative to the current directory then that content is fairly isolated too. The one thing you can't easily do is launch each copy of the stack on a separate host port(s), so you have to resolve those conflicts.
Kubernetes has a concept of a namespace which is in fact exactly what you're asking for, but adopting it is a substantial investment and would involve rewriting your deployment sequence even more than Docker Compose would.

Intro to Docker for FreeBSD Jail User - How and should I start the container with systemd?

We're currently migrating room server to the cloud for reliability, but our provider doesn't have the FreeBSD option. Although I'm prepared to pay and upload a custom system image for deployment, I nontheless want to learn how to start a application system instance using Docker.
in FreeBSD Jail, what I did was to extract an entire base.txz directory hierarchy as system content into /usr/jail/app, and pkg -r /usr/jail/app install apache24 php perl; then I configured /etc/jail.conf to start the /etc/rc script in the jail.
I followed the official FreeBSD Handbook, and this is generally what I've worked out so far.
But Docker is another world entirely.
To build a Docker image, there are two options: a) import from a tarball, b) use a Dockerfile. The latter of which lets you specify a "CMD", which is the default command to run, but
Q1. why isn't it available from a)?
Q2. where are information like "CMD ENV" stored? in the image? in the container?
Q3. How to start a GNU/Linux system in a container? Do I just run systemd and let it figure out the rest from configuration? Do I need to pass to it some special arguments or envvars?
You should think of a Docker container as a packaging around a single running daemon. The ideal Docker container runs one process and one process only. Systemd in particular is so heavyweight and invasive that it's actively difficult to run inside a Docker container; if you need multiple processes in a container then a lighter-weight init system like supervisord can work for you, but that's usually an exception more than a standard packaging.
Docker has an official tutorial on building and running custom images which is worth a read through; this is a pretty typical use case for Docker. In particular, best practice is to write a Dockerfile that describes how to build an image and check it into source control. Containers should avoid having persistent data if they can (storing everything in an external database is ideal); if you change an image, you need to delete and recreate any containers based on it. If local data is unavoidable then either Docker volumes or bind mounts will let you keep data "outside" the container.
While Docker has several other ways to create containers and images, none of them are as reproducible. You should avoid the import, export, and commit commands; and you should only use save and load if you can't use or set up a Docker registry and are forced to move images between systems via a tar file.
On your specific questions:
Q1. I suspect the best reason the non-docker build paths to create images don't easily let you specify things like CMD is just an implementation detail: if you look at the docker history of an image you'll see the CMD winds up being its own layer. Don't worry about it and use a Dockerfile.
Q2. The default CMD, any set ENV variables, and other related metadata are stored in the image alongside the filesystem tree. (Once you launch a container, it has a normal Unix process tree, with the initial process being pid 1.)
Q3. You don't "start a system in a container". Generally run one process or service in a container, and manage their lifecycles independently.

Is it possible/sane to develop within a container Docker

I'm new to Docker and was wondering if it was possible (and a good idea) to develop within a docker container.
I mean create a container, execute bash, install and configure everything I need and start developping inside the container.
The container becomes then my main machine (for CLI related works).
When I'm on the go (or when I buy a new machine), I can just push the container, and pull it on my laptop.
This sort the problem of having to keep and synchronize your dotfile.
I haven't started using docker yet, so is it something realistic or to avoid (spacke disk problem and/or pull/push timing issue).
Yes. It is a good idea, with the correct set-up. You'll be running code as if it was a virtual machine.
The Dockerfile configurations to create a build system is not polished and will not expand shell variables, so pre-installing applications may be a bit tedious. On the other hand after building your own image to create new users and working environment, it won't be necessary to build it again, plus you can mount your own file system with the -v parameter of the run command, so you can have the files you are going to need both in your host and container machine. It's versatile.
> sudo docker run -t -i -v
/home/user_name/Workspace/project:/home/user_name/Workspace/myproject <container-ID>
I'll play the contrarian and say it's a bad idea. I've done work where I've tried to keep a container "long running" and have modified it, but then accidentally lost it or deleted it.
In my opinion containers aren't meant to be long running VMs. They are just meant to be instances of an image. Start it, stop it, kill it, start it again.
As Alex mentioned, it's certainly possible, but in my opinion goes against the "Docker" way.
I'd rather use VirtualBox and Vagrant to create VMs to develop in.
Docker container for development can be very handy. Depending on your stack and preferred IDE you might want to keep the editing part outside, at host, and mount the directory with the sources from host to the container instead, as per Alex's suggestion. If you do so, beware potential performance issue on macos x with boot2docker.
I would not expect much from the workflow with pushing the images to sync between dev environments. IMHO keeping Dockerfiles together with the code and synching by SCM means is more straightforward direction to start with. I also carry supporting Makefiles to build image(s) / run container(s) same place.
