Jitsi Docker server JWT authentication does not work. Why? - docker

I am trying to enable jwt authentication for my self-hosted (Docker) Jitsi server. There is a guide on self hosting with Docker and on that guide, it tells how to enable authentication. This is the guide: https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/devops-guide/devops-guide-docker
Now I will copy and paste the autentication part from that guide so that you can see it more clearly.
Authentication can be controlled with the environment
variables below. If guest access is enabled, unauthenticated users
will need to wait until a user authenticates before they can join a
room. If guest access is not enabled, every user will need to
authenticate before they can join.
Authentication using JWT tokens You can use JWT tokens to authenticate
users. To enable it you have to enable authentication with ENABLE_AUTH
and set AUTH_TYPE to jwt...
After these instructions, I changed my .env file. I did the configurations told above. Then I did docker-compose down. Then I removed the ~/.jitsi-meet-cfg and then created again with mkdir. Then I ran the command docker-compose up -d.
Then to try it, I am entering the URL:
I am connecting to the server remotely thus I am accessing it with an ip. And because I did not provide a token, I should not be able to create/join to a meeting but I am able to. Whatever I write to the url I still can join.
Can someone help?


How to authorize Google API inside of Docker

I am running an application inside of Docker that requires me to leverage google-bigquery. When I run it outside of Docker, I just have to go to the link below (redacted) and authorize. However, the link doesn't work when I copy-paste it from the Docker terminal. I have tried port mapping as well and no luck either.
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
key_path, scopes=["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"],
# Make clients.
client = bigquery.Client(credentials=credentials, project=credentials.project_id,)
requests_oauthlib.oauth2_session - DEBUG - Generated new state
Please visit this URL to authorize this application:
Please see the available solutions on this page, it's constantly updated.
gcloud credential helper
Standalone Docker credential helper
Access token
Service account key
In short you need to use a service account key file. Make sure you either use a Secret Manager, or you just issue a service account key file for the purpose of the Docker image.
You need to place the service account key file into the Docker container either at build or runtime.

Is it possible to use `externalbrowser` authenticator inside docker container for connection authentication with Snowflake?

I am trying to use the snowflake connector inside docker container. I want to use the externalbrowser authenticator so that I can make connection using Okta credentials but the connector is failing with below mentioned error.
DatabaseError: (snowflake.connector.errors.DatabaseError) 250008 (08001): None: Failed to connect to DB: xx.snowflakecomputing.com:443, Unable to open a browser in this environment.
(Background on this error at: http://sqlalche.me/e/13/4xp6)
As an aside, I'd recommend removing your account name from the question (shown in the error).
You are correct that the "externalbrowser" option is a browser-based SSO. It might be possible to get this running a docker container with some extended software and configuration, but I wouldn't recommend it as it doesn't seem worth the effort.
Instead, there's alternative SSO authentication methods you can look at such as Native SSO Okta, key-pair authentication, or external OAuth. These won't require the browser.

How to invoke a Cloud Run app without having to add the Authorization Token

I have a cloud run app deployed that is for internal use only.
Therefore only users of our cluster should have access to it.
I added the permission for allAuthenticated members giving them the role Cloud Run Invoker.
The problem is that those users (including me) now have to add authorization bearer header everytime I want to access that app.
This is what Cloud Run suggests to do (somehow useless when u wanna simply visit a frontend app)
curl -H \
"Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-identity-token)" \
I wonder why it is not possible to be realized as authorized member like the GCP figures out. I can access the cluster but have to add the authorization header to access the cloud run app as authorized member? I find this very inconvenient.
Is there any way to make it way more fun to access the deployed cloud run app?
PS: I do not want to place the app in our cluser - so only fully managed is an option here
You currently can't do that without the Authorization header on Cloud Run.
allAuthenticated subject means any Google user (or service account), so you need to add the identity-token to prove you're one.
If you want to make your application public, read this doc.
But this is a timely request! I am currently running an experiment that lets you make requests to http://hello and automatically get routed to the full domain + automatically get the Authorization header injected! (This is for communication between Cloud Run applications.)
GCP now offers a proxy tool for making this easier, although it's in beta as of writing this.
It's part of the gcloud suite, you can run:
gcloud beta run services proxy $servicename --project $project --region $region
It will launch a webserver on localhost:8080, that forwards all requests to the targeted service, injecting the user's GCP token into all requests.
Of course this can only be used locally.

Access Pivotal SSO tile in local development

Our OPS team have configured a SSO tile that connects to ADFS. I am building a sample application that utilize an SSO service instance. I can deploy my application to PCF and remote debug my SSO configuration. These things work.
What I need is a way to access the SSO service instance while I am developing on my PC. Otherwise only way to verify my code really works is to deploy my application to PCF and either add log statements or configure remote debugging. Both of these are pretty time consuming.
I looked into configuring ssh access to pivotal services. That works for database service instances, but not for SSO service instance. Has anyone figured it out?
After repeated trials and error, I found the solution. Posting it here in case someone else has similar issue
In PCF, for your SSO add a new application. Auth redirect url for this application should point to your localhost. In my case it is http://localhost:8080
run cf env . Copy the p-identity section only and save to vcap_services.json. Then update the clientId and clientSecret with the values from the new application created in previous step.
Use the following command to start your application
VCAP_APPLICATION=true VCAP_SERVICES=$(cat vcap_services.json) SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=... ./gradlew bootRun

Hyperledger Composer Multiple user mode for REST server throws 401 error

I have been following the tutorials which are provided in Hyperledger Composer docs, but I am not getting the results that they are supposed to I should be getting. Specifically, when I try to enable the multiple user mode for the REST server and I try to call one of the business network REST API operations using the REST API explorer I always get a HTTP 401 Authorization Required. According to the Tutorial, I if get this error is due to I have not authenticated correctly to the REST API, but it does not mention why this error occurs or how I may fix it.
It is very important for application development to be able to authenticate each user who wants to make requests to the API.
What version of Hyperledger Composer are you using?
The tutorial/document you refer to is correct for v0.15.0 and works a little differently for prior versions.
Are you seeing an Access token at the top of the Browser Window - this indicates that you have successfully authenticated and can continue with the steps for the Wallet.
If you are not seeing an Access token displayed, then make sure you hit your REST server with a URL similar to http://localhost:3000/auth/github again and login.
If you are still experiencing problems I would suggest going back to just using authentication without multiuser mode and verify that the authentication works properly from there.
After some research, I found a solution and worked for me.
If you already enable Github authentication then ignore. Otherwise first enable authentication following this tutorial Enaling Authentication.
Before start rest server you will export your admin card from the network by using this command:
composer card export -n admin#sample-network -f admincard.card
Now start rest server with authentication using this command:
composer-rest-server -c admin#sample-network -p 3000 -a true -m true
After some time rest server will start.
Now First, go this link for authentication: http://localhost:3000/auth/github
After successful authentication, you will get an access token and also you will see a Wallet options below.
Now you need to import a card that you already export from your network.
That's it, you can able to add anything to your network.
In my case, I have two missed steps:
enabling authentication for the REST server
composer-rest-server -c admin#you_project -a true, I just execute composer-rest-server but did not specify the identity "admin#you_project" before.
