Skip offline access permission in Microsoft OIDC authorization - oauth-2.0

I'm using this code
var app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(AzureAdApplicationId)
azureAdScopes = new List<string>() { "email" };
var signInRequest = app.GetAuthorizationRequestUrl(azureAdScopes);
var uri = await signInRequest.ExecuteAsync();
which produces the url
All I need is the user's username and I don't need offline access to the user's account. How can I remove them from the scope?

You could request the url without offline_access, but Azure AD v2.0 OAuth2 Account Consent Page automatically lists "Access your data anytime" even though offline_access is not specified in scope. This is an issue related.
The Note shows in the document:
At this time, the offline_access ("Maintain access to data you have
given it access to") and ("Sign you in and read your
profile") permissions are automatically included in the initial
consent to an application.


Error when querying Microsoft Graph API Shifts: "MS-APP-ACTS-AS header needs to be set for application context requests"

We are trying to query shifts in the Microsoft Graph API using a C# app, now that StaffHub got deprecated , in the past we were getting an Unknown Error which looked like a permissions issue.
In the docs I noticed permissions for Schedule.ReadAll and Schedule.ReadWriteAll so I added them to the application permissions in our App Registration in Azure.
Now when we send the request to{teamid}/schedule we get this error:
Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException: 'Code: Forbidden Message: {"error":{"code":"Forbidden","message":"MS-APP-ACTS-AS header needs to be set for application context requests.","details":[],"innererror":{"code":"MissingUserIdHeaderInAppContext"}}}
The documentation says the Schedule permissions are in private preview, are these required for querying a schedule & shifts, and if so, is it possible to request access to the private preview?
I'm in the same situation. It's possible to request private preview access (we have), but I'm guessing that it's primarily granted to Microsoft partners or at least have a connection at Microsoft.
The workaround for me has been getting access on behalf of a user. It does however require the user to enter username and password in order to get an access token, so it might not be a perfect solution for you. But it works. You need to add (and, I believe, grant admin consent for) delegated permissions for this to work, either Group.Read.All or Group.ReadWrite.All.
I've got it working now. We have private preview access, so I'm not sure this will help you unless you do too, but as I understand it will be available eventually. Given your question, I presume you already have an access token.
Add MS-APP-ACT-AS as a header with the user ID of the user you want the Graph client to act as.
If you're using the Graph SDK for .NET Core you can just add a header to the authentication provider:
public IAuthenticationProvider GetAuthenticationProviderForActingAsUser(string userId, string accessToken)
return new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(
requestMessage =>
requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
// Get event times in the current time zone.
requestMessage.Headers.Add("Prefer", "outlook.timezone=\"" + TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id + "\"");
requestMessage.Headers.Add("MS-APP-ACTS-AS", userId);
return Task.CompletedTask;
Then you call the graph service client:
var authenticationProvider = GetAuthenticationProviderForActingAsUser(userId, accessToken);
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(authenticationProvider);
You should then be able to fetch the shifts:
var shifts = await graphClient.Teams[teamId].Schedule.Shifts

Either scp or roles claim need to be present in the token using when application permissions to read sharepoint sites

I created an app in Azure and set it up to use Access and ID tokens.
I want to connect to different tenants and read SharePoint sites. Here are the permissions I've requested and received Admin Consent for:
For now, I have set up an App Secret but I do plan to move to a certificate later.
I have this code to get the access token and I do get an access token back:
const params = new URLSearchParams();
params.append("grant_type", "client_credentials");
params.append("scope", "");
params.append("client_id", process.env.client_id);
params.append("client_secret", process.env.client_secret);
var url = `${tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token`;
const response = await fetch(url,
method: 'POST',
body: params,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
However when I try to read the root site below
var url = "*";
const response = await fetch(url,
method: 'GET',
headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${access_token}` }
I get this error:
error: {
code: 'AccessDenied',
message: 'Either scp or roles claim need to be present in the token.',
innerError: {
'request-id': 'ec47913f-2624-4d1c-9b27-5baf05ccebfd',
date: '2019-08-16T14: 15: 37'
I checked the token at and indeed I do not see any entry for roles or scp.
It looks like I missed a step but I cannot figure out which step.
I am getting the token like this:${tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token
What am I doing incorrectly?
The first thing to understand is that you cannot receive both Application and Delegated permissions in the same token, it is an either/or scenario. Which type you receive depends entirely on which OAuth Grant you used to request the token:
Authorization Code and Implicit return Delegated tokens with an scp property
Client Credentials return Application tokens with a roles property
The second thing is that you've requested scopes to two different APIs. Based on what you've selected, you won't have access to SharePoint through the Microsoft Graph because you've only requested access to the legacy SharePoint API. More importantly, you've only requested the Delegated User.Read scope for Graph so when you use Client Credentials to obtain the token, that token won't have any permissions.
In order to obtain an Application token for reading SharePoint sites, you'll need Sites.Read.All Microsoft Graph Application permission selected.

Call Graph API from MVC App

I got a sample working today thanks to the many good replies. Thanks all. My primary goal was to get current user information (ME) without using secret key. First I just used the secret key from the App Reg and this will authenticate the App and not the user. This does of course not work when calling ME. My next finding was if you want the users token, you still need the App Reg token, and then you request the users token. This requires less permissions on the App Reg, but requires to request two tokens. I ended up skipping ME and just requesting information for a specified user (through the APp Reg permissions):
Both both approaches should be viable. I updated code below with working sample.
I am trying to do a very simple call to graph API to get companyName from current user. Found some samples but they seemed to be very complicated. The MVC app is authenticated trough an Application Registration in AAD.
I guess the application registration needs to be authorized to access Graph API. Or is more needed here? Getting company name should be fairly simple:$select=companyName
Does anyone have a snippet for calling the graph API, my best bet would be you need to extract a bearer token from the controller? ALl help is appreciated.
Working snippet:
public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
string clientId = "xxx";
string clientSecret = "xxx";
var email = User.Identity.Name;
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext("");
ClientCredential creds = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
AuthenticationResult authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("", creds);
HttpClient http = new HttpClient();
string url = $"{email}/$select=companyName";
//url = "";
// Append the access token for the Graph API to the Authorization header of the request by using the Bearer scheme.
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url);
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", authResult.AccessToken);
HttpResponseMessage response = await http.SendAsync(request);
var json = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return View();
To add one last item, here is a link to an MVC sample on Git that uses an MVC application to send email. It illustrates how to call the MS Graph API to get various pieces of information. Keep in mind, if you are using an application only scenario, ME will not work, the sample illustrates how to obtain a delegated token for a user and use that toke to do work:
If I am reading this code snippet correctly, You are requesting a application only token for the Graph.Microsoft.Com resource, then attempting to use that toke with this URI:
url = ""
This will not work because you are mixing resources, AAD Graph and MS Graph. The ME endpoint does not make since in this scenario because you are using the application only flow. This flow does not support the ME endpoint. ME is designed for use with a delegated token. the ME endpoint represents the signed in user, since and application is not a user, ME is meaningless.
You will need to target the user specifically:[UPN or ID of user]?$select=companyName
Should work if your application has been granted the appropriate permission scopes.

Microsoft Graph API - Insufficient privileges to complete the operation

I am trying to use Microsoft Graph API to update another user in Active Directory.
I have the following permissions set for both user and application at
I've requested the following scopes:
I am able to get a listing of all users in the directory, but when trying to update (in this case, the city) it fails:
GraphServiceClient graphClient = SDKHelper.GetAuthenticatedClient ();
var usersResponse = graphClient.Users.Request ().GetAsync ();
var users = usersResponse.Result;
// hard coding user id for now
var userId = "9a5b83cd-85ff-4ad1-ab2f-b443941a518e";
var user = users.FirstOrDefault (m => m.Id == userId);
if (user != null) {
user.City = "New York";
await graphClient.Me.Request ().UpdateAsync (user);
I get:
Code : Authorization_RequestDenied
Message : Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.
Inner error
The user I am logged in as is a Global Administrator of the directory.
I took the JWT token, headed over to and these are the roles I am seeing:
Do I need other permissions to make this happen?
At the end of the day, I'd like to create a console app (not web app) that I can update other user information in the directory. But I figured using this sample app provided by Microsoft is a good start.
The reason you're seeing this is because you're passing the complete user object rather than only the city property. In other words, you're attempting to update every property in that user record, including several that are read-only.
This is one of those cases where having an SDK that wraps a REST API can be result in some confusing errors. As REST API, it is stateless so passing in the entire user property set is telling the API you want to PATCH all of those values.
You're also passing in a different user object into the me object (i.e. you're replacing all of your property values with this other user's property values):
await graphClient.Me.Request().UpdateAsync(user);
Instead, try this:
GraphServiceClient graphClient = SDKHelper.GetAuthenticatedClient ();
// hard coding user id for now
var userId = "9a5b83cd-85ff-4ad1-ab2f-b443941a518e";
await graphClient.Users[userId].Request ().UpdateAsync(new User
City = "New York"

How to get the value of access token in ASP.NET Core MVC OAuth 2.0

In Visual Studio 2017RC I created ASP.NET Core MVC app with individual user accounts and successfully completed tutorial to attach Google authentication. I'm now logged in via my Google account.
All I did was adding a few lines to the autogenerated code (in Configure method of Startup.cs):
app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOptions
ClientId = "",
ClientSecret = "xxxx",
Scope = { "email", "openid" }
I now need to get the value of access token which was issued by Google (and stored in cookies by the app). I'll then use it to generate XOAuth2 key to access Google services. For instance, in HomeController's About method (auto-generated by the standard wizard) I want to display the number of unread emails in my inbox. With XOAuth2 key, I can log in my Gmail and proceed from here.
How can I get this token?
- Do I need to store access token in database during initial logging in via Google? If so, any clues how this can be done in the standard wizard-generated ASP.NET Core MVC app?
- Or, maybe I can always read the access token from cookies? If so, how?
Preferably, I'd read it from cookies (it's anyway there) and avoid duplicating this info in database but not sure if this approach is feasible (i.e. if it can be decrypted).
I did this for ASP.NET MVC once but in ASP.NET Core MVC things have changed a lot, the legacy code is of no use anymore.
OK, found it. SaveTokens property does the trick.
app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOptions
ClientId = "",
ClientSecret = "xxxx",
Scope = { "email", "openid" },
SaveTokens = true,
AccessType = "offline"
I can then get access token in AccountController.ExternalLoginCallback
var token = info.AuthenticationTokens.Single(x => x.Name == "access_token").Value;
