Subscribing to c# Events in F# With Partial Applications - f#

I have this working after a few hours of bashing my head. Now I'm trying to understand why.
This is an event definition from a c# lib:
internal readonly AsyncEvent<Func<SocketMessage, Task>> _messageReceivedEvent = new AsyncEvent<Func<SocketMessage, Task>>();
The only way it works is by passing in a (fun -> ) directly:
(fun msg ->
processMsg msg)
It cannot be parameterized:
let x =
(fun msg ->
processMsg msg)
helper.client.add_MessageReceived x
I initially tried to just pass the processMsg function. It looked like the right signature:
helper.client.add_MessageReceived processMsg

That's because System.Func is a delegate.
When you pass a lambda function to add_MessageReceived, the lambda is implicitly converted to a System.Func.
But in other cases, you need to explicitly do the converting:
let x = System.Func<_, _> (fun msg -> processMsg msg)
helper.client.add_MessageReceived x


Is there a way in F# to chain computation?

I would like to create a chain of expressions and any of them can fail when the computation should just stop.
With Unix pipes it is usually like this:
bash-3.2$ echo && { echo 'a ok'; echo; } && { echo 'b ok'; echo; }
a ok
b ok
When something fails the pipeline stops:
echo && { echo 'a ok'; false; } && { echo 'b ok'; echo; }
a ok
I can handle Optionals but my problem is that I might want to do multiple things in each branch:
let someExternalOperation = callToAnAPI()
match someExternalOperation with
| None -> LogAndStop()
| Some x -> LogAndContinue()
Then I would like to keep going with other API calls and only stop if there is an error.
Is there something like that in F#?
What I am trying to do is calling out to external APIs. Each call can fail. Would be nice to try to retry but not required.
You can use the F# Async and Result types together to represent the results of each API Call. You can then use the bind functions for those types to build a workflow in which you only continue processing when the previous calls were successful. In order to make that easier, you can wrap the Async<Result<_,_>> you would be working with for each api call in its own type and build a module around binding those results to orchestrate a chained computation. Here's a quick example of what that would look like:
First, we would lay out the type ApiCallResult to wrap Async and Result, and we would define ApiCallError to represent HTTP error responses or exceptions:
open System
open System.Net
open System.Net.Http
type ApiCallError =
| HttpError of (int * string)
| UnexpectedError of exn
type ApiCallResult<'a> = Async<Result<'a, ApiCallError>>
Next, we would create a module to work with ApiCallResult instances, allowing us to do things like bind, map, and return so that we can process the results of a computation and feed them into the next one.
module ApiCall =
let ``return`` x : ApiCallResult<_> =
async { return Ok x }
let private zero () : ApiCallResult<_> =
``return`` []
let bind<'a, 'b> (f: 'a -> ApiCallResult<'b>) (x: ApiCallResult<'a>) : ApiCallResult<'b> =
async {
let! result = x
match result with
| Ok value ->
return! f value
| Error error ->
return Error error
let map f x = x |> bind (f >> ``return``)
let combine<'a> (acc: ApiCallResult<'a list>) (cur: ApiCallResult<'a>) =
acc |> bind (fun values -> cur |> map (fun value -> value :: values))
let join results =
results |> Seq.fold (combine) (zero ())
Then, you would have a module to simply do your API calls, however that works in your real scenario. Here's one that just handles GETs with query parameters, but you could make this more sophisticated:
module Api =
let call (baseUrl: Uri) (queryString: string) : ApiCallResult<string> =
async {
use client = new HttpClient()
let url =
let builder = UriBuilder(baseUrl)
builder.Query <- queryString
printfn "Calling API: %O" url
let! response = client.GetAsync(url) |> Async.AwaitTask
let! content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
if response.IsSuccessStatusCode then
let! content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
return Ok content
return Error <| HttpError (response.StatusCode |> int, content)
with ex ->
return Error <| UnexpectedError ex
let getQueryParam name value =
value |> WebUtility.UrlEncode |> sprintf "%s=%s" name
Finally, you would have your actual business workflow logic, where you call multiple APIs and feed the results of one into another. In the below example, anywhere you see callMathApi, it is making a call to an external REST API that may fail, and by using the ApiCall module to bind the results of the API call, it only proceeds to the next API call if the previous call was successful. You can declare an operator like >>= to eliminate some of the noise in the code when binding computations together:
module MathWorkflow =
let private (>>=) x f = ApiCall.bind f x
let private apiUrl = Uri "" // REST API for mathematical expressions
let private callMathApi expression =
expression |> Api.getQueryParam "expr" |> apiUrl
let average values =
|> (sprintf "%d")
|> String.concat "+"
|> callMathApi
>>= fun sum ->
sprintf "%s/%d" sum values.Length
|> callMathApi
let averageOfSquares values =
|> (fun value -> sprintf "%d*%d" value value)
|> callMathApi
|> ApiCall.join
|> ( int)
>>= average
This example uses the API to compute the average of a list of integers (making one API call to compute the sum, then another to divide by the number of elements), and also allows you to compute the average of the squares of a list of values, by calling the API asynchronously for each element in the list to square it, then joining the results together and computing the average. You can use these functions as follows (I added a printfn to the actual API call so it logs the HTTP requests):
Calling average:
MathWorkflow.average [1;2;3;4;5] |> Async.RunSynchronously
Calling API:
Calling API:
val it : Result<string,ApiCallError> = Ok "3"
Calling averageOfSquares:
MathWorkflow.averageOfSquares [2;4;6;8;10] |> Async.RunSynchronously
Calling API:*2
Calling API:*4
Calling API:*6
Calling API:*8
Calling API:*10
Calling API:
Calling API:
val it : Result<string,ApiCallError> = Ok "44"
Ultimately, you may want to implement a custom Computation Builder to allow you to use a computation expression with the let! syntax, instead of explicitly writing the calls to ApiCall.bind everywhere. This is fairly simple, since you already do all the real work in the ApiCall module, and you just need to make a class with the appropriate Bind/Return members:
type ApiCallBuilder () =
member __.Bind (x, f) = ApiCall.bind f x
member __.Return x = ApiCall.``return`` x
member __.ReturnFrom x = x
member __.Zero () = ApiCall.``return`` ()
let apiCall = ApiCallBuilder()
With the ApiCallBuilder, you could rewrite the functions in the MathWorkflow module like this, making them a little easier to read and compose:
let average values =
apiCall {
let! sum =
|> (sprintf "%d")
|> String.concat "+"
|> callMathApi
sprintf "%s/%d" sum values.Length
|> callMathApi
let averageOfSquares values =
apiCall {
let! squares =
|> (fun value -> sprintf "%d*%d" value value)
|> callMathApi
|> ApiCall.join
return! squares |> int |> average
These work as you described in the question, where each API call is made independently and the results feed into the next call, but if one call fails the computation is stopped and the error is returned. For example, if you change the URL used in the example calls here to the v3 API ("") without changing anything else, you get the following:
Calling API:*2
val it : Result<string,ApiCallError> =
"<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<pre>Cannot GET /v3/</pre>

Is there already or can I declare a more pipe friendly upcast?

I want to be able to just
let upcast'<'T,'TResult when 'T :> 'TResult> (y:'T) = y |> upcast
However, that then constrains 'T to be 'TResult instead of it being something that can be cast to 'TResult
I know I can
|> fun x -> x :> 'TResult
|> fun x -> upcast x
|> fun x -> x :> _
but then if I'm doing anything else on that line I have to go back and put () around the fun x -> upcast x or it thinks what I'm doing is part of the fun x function.
can I define or does there exist a way to be able to
|> upcast |> doesn't work
|> ( ( :> ) 'TResult) doesn't work and is messy
In response to Thomas Petricek - minimal failing auto-upcast sample:
module Test =
let inline f'<'t>():IReadOnlyCollection<'t> =
|> ResizeArray
|> System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection
|> fun x -> x :> IReadOnlyCollection<_>
let inline f<'t> () :IReadOnlyCollection<'t> =
|> ResizeArray
|> System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection
As far as I know, specifying the kind of constraint between 'T and 'TResult is not possible. There is a related question about this with links to more information and a feature request.
That said, I wonder why do you need this? The F# compiler is able to insert upcasts automatically, even when using pipes, so if you want to do this as part of a longer pipe, it should not be needed. Here is a simple illustration:
type Animal = interface end
type Dog = inherit Animal
let makeDog () = { new Dog }
let consumeAnimal (a:Animal) = 0
makeDog () |> consumeAnimal
I guess you might need pipe-able upcast if you wanted to have it at the end of the pipeline, but then I'd just do the upcast on a separate line. Or is your question motivated by some more complicated cases where the implicit upcast does not work?
EDIT 1: Here is a minimal example using ReadOnlyCollection and IReadOnlyList which works:
let foo () : System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<int> = failwith "!"
let bar (x:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<int>) = 0
foo() |> bar
EDIT 2: To comment on the update - the problem here is that automatic upcasts are only inserted when passing arguments to functions, but in the second example, the type mismatch is between the result of the pipe and the return type of the function. You can get that to work by adding an identity function of type IReadOnlyCollection<'T> -> IReadOnlyCollection<'T> to the end of the pipe:
let inline f<'t> () :IReadOnlyCollection<'t> =
|> ResizeArray
|> System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection
|> id<IReadOnlyCollection<_>>
This works, because now the upcast is inserted automatically when passing the argument to the id function - and this then returns a type that matches with the return type of the function.
much simpler and unexpected
let inline f2<'t>() : IReadOnlyCollection<'t> =
|> ResizeArray
|> System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection
:> _

Pass first class function parameter to LINQ expression

This code snippet reproduces a problem I am having with some production code. The function containsProperty represents a real world function that is actually in a library, so that I have no say in what the signature is.
The problem is that I can't figure out how to create a wrapper function that can take a normal function as argument, and then pass that on to containsProperty. I can call containsProperty directly with a function as a lambda expression, but I can't call it with a function that comes from some other source.
The function addToGroup is the best I've come up with so far, and it uses quotations. There are two problems with that approach, which I am trying to figure out. First, how do I get rid of the Func cast in the quotation? Perhaps somehow move it into addToGroup? Second, can I build on this in order to just pass a function? I haven't succeeded in finding something that doesn't produce either a compile time error or a runtime error.
The function addToGroup2 is what I'd like to do, but it doesn't compile. The error message is "No constructors are available for the type 'Quotations.Expr<'a>'".
Why do I bother to struggle with this? Because as long as I can't treat the passed in function as a first class value, I can't create the design I'm after. I want these functions to come along from a collection of records.
If you paste this snippet into LINQPad or something, comment out addToGroup2 and the calls to it, in order to make the snippet compile and run.
open System
open System.ComponentModel
open System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations // Reference to this assembly required.
type CfgSettings = {
mutable ConnectionString: string
mutable Port: int
and CfgSettingsMetadata() =
static member containsProperty<'TProperty>(propertyExpression: Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<CfgSettings,'TProperty>>) =
Console.WriteLine "good!"
static member addToGroup f =
CfgSettingsMetadata.containsProperty(FSharp.Linq.RuntimeHelpers.LeafExpressionConverter.QuotationToLambdaExpression f) |> ignore
static member addToGroup2 (f: CfgSettings -> 'TProperty) =
CfgSettingsMetadata.containsProperty(FSharp.Linq.RuntimeHelpers.LeafExpressionConverter.QuotationToLambdaExpression (Quotations.Expr<Func<CfgSettings,'TProperty>>f)) |> ignore
static member BuildMetadata () =
CfgSettingsMetadata.containsProperty(fun x -> x.ConnectionString)
CfgSettingsMetadata.containsProperty(fun x -> x.Port)
CfgSettingsMetadata.addToGroup <# Func<_,_>(fun x -> x.ConnectionString) #>
CfgSettingsMetadata.addToGroup <# Func<_,_>(fun x -> x.Port) #>
CfgSettingsMetadata.addToGroup2 (fun x -> x.ConnectionString)
CfgSettingsMetadata.addToGroup2 (fun x -> x.Port)
Both answers in question Expression<Func<T, bool>> from a F# func helped me somewhat, but I haven't found a solution yet.
So, there are two questions here.
How to pass a function without having to wrap it in <# ... #>?
For this, you just need to add the [<ReflectedDefinition>] attribute to your method's parameter. It implicitly wraps the argument passed to it in a quotation.
type CfgSettingsMetadata() =
static member addToGroup([<ReflectedDefinition>] f: Expr<CfgSettings -> 'TProperty>) =
CfgSettingsMetadata.containsProperty(LeafExpressionConverter.QuotationToLambdaExpression f) |> ignore
// Example use:
CfgSettingsMetadata.addToGroup(Func<_, _>(fun x -> x.ConnectionString))
How to convert from Expr<a -> b> to Expression<Func<a, b>>?
This is indeed explained in the question you linked, although the API has changed a bit since then.
type CfgSettingsMetadata() =
static member addToGroup ([<ReflectedDefinition>] (f: Expr<CfgSettings -> 'TProperty>)) =
let call = LeafExpressionConverter.QuotationToExpression f :?> MethodCallExpression
let lambda = call.Arguments.[0] :?> LambdaExpression
let e = Expression.Lambda<Func<CfgSettings, 'TProperty>>(lambda.Body, lambda.Parameters)
CfgSettingsMetadata.containsProperty(e) |> ignore
// Example use:
CfgSettingsMetadata.addToGroup(fun x -> x.ConnectionString)

type mismatch error for async chained operations

Previously had a very compact and comprehensive answer for my question.
I had it working for my custom type but now due to some reason I had to change it to string type which is now causing type mismatch errors.
module AsyncResult =
let bind (binder : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>) (asyncFun : Async<Result<'a, 'c>>) : Async<Result<'b, 'c>> =
async {
let! result = asyncFun
match result with
| Error e -> return Error e
| Ok x -> return! binder x
let compose (f : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'e>>) (g : 'b -> Async<Result<'c, 'e>>) = fun x -> bind g (f x)
let (>>=) a f = bind f a
let (>=>) f g = compose f g
Railway Oriented functions
let create (json: string) : Async<Result<string, Error>> =
let url = ""
let request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(Uri url)
request.Method <- "GET"
async {
// http call
return Ok "result"
with :? WebException as e ->
return Error {Code = 500; Message = "Internal Server Error"}
type mismatch error for the AsyncResult.bind line
let chain = create
>> AsyncResult.bind (fun (result: string) -> (async {return Ok "more results"}))
match chain "initial data" |> Async.RunSynchronously with
| Ok data -> Assert.IsTrue(true)
| Error error -> Assert.IsTrue(false)
Error details:
EntityTests.fs(101, 25): [FS0001] Type mismatch. Expecting a '(string -> string -> Async<Result<string,Error>>) -> 'a' but given a 'Async<Result<'b,'c>> -> Async<Result<'d,'c>>' The type 'string -> string -> Async<Result<string,Error>>' does not match the type 'Async<Result<'a,'b>>'.
EntityTests.fs(101, 25): [FS0001] Type mismatch. Expecting a '(string -> string -> Async<Result<string,Error>>) -> 'a' but given a 'Async<Result<string,'b>> -> Async<Result<string,'b>>' The type 'string -> string -> Async<Result<string,Error>>' does not match the type 'Async<Result<string,'a>>'.
Curried or partial application
In context of above example, is it the problem with curried functions? for instance if create function has this signature.
let create (token: string) (json: string) : Async<Result<string, Error>> =
and then later build chain with curried function
let chain = create "token" >> AsyncResult.bind (fun (result: string) -> (async {return Ok "more results"}))
Edit 2
Is there a problem with following case?
let create (token: Token) (entityName: string) (entityType: string) (publicationId: string) : Async<Result<string, Error>> =
let chain = create token >> AsyncResult.bind ( fun (result: string) -> async {return Ok "more results"} )
match chain "test" "article" "pubid" |> Async.RunSynchronously with
Update: At the front of the answer, even, since your edit 2 changes everything.
In your edit 2, you have finally revealed your actual code, and your problem is very simple: you're misunderstanding how the types work in a curried F# function.
When your create function looked like let create (json: string) = ..., it was a function of one parameter. It took a string, and returned a result type (in this case, Async<Result<string, Error>>). So the function signature was string -> Async<Result<string, Error>>.
But the create function you've just shown us is a different type entirely. It takes four parameters (one Token and three strings), not one. That means its signature is:
Token -> string -> string -> string -> Async<Result<string, Error>>
Remember how currying works: any function of multiple parameters can be thought of as a series of functions of one parameter, which return the "next" function in that chain. E.g., let add3 a b c = a + b + c is of type int -> int -> int -> int; this means that add3 1 returns a function that's equivalent to let add2 b c = 1 + b + c. And so on.
Now, keeping currying in mind, look at your function type. When you pass a single Token value to it as you do in your example (where it's called as create token, you get a function of type:
string -> string -> string -> Async<Result<string, Error>>
This is a function that takes a string, which returns another function that takes a string, which returns a third function which takes a string and returns an Async<Result<whatever>>. Now compare that to the type of the binder parameter in your bind function:
(binder : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>)
Here, 'a is string, so is 'b, and 'c is Error. So when the generic bind function is applied to your specific case, it's looking for a function of type string -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>. But you're giving it a function of type string -> string -> string -> Async<Result<string, Error>>. Those two function types are not the same!
That's the fundamental cause of your type error. You're trying to apply a function that returns a function that returns function that returns a result of type X to a design pattern (the bind design pattern) that expects a function that returns a result of type X. What you need is the design pattern called apply. I have to leave quite soon so I don't have time to write you an explanation of how to use apply, but fortunately Scott Wlaschin has already written a good one. It covers a lot, not just "apply", but you'll find the details about apply in there as well. And that's the cause of your problem: you used bind when you needed to use apply.
Original answer follows:
I don't yet know for a fact what's causing your problem, but I have a suspicion. But first, I want to comment that the parameter names for your AsyncResult.bind are wrong. Here's what you wrote:
let bind (binder : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>)
(asyncFun : Async<Result<'a, 'c>>) : Async<Result<'b, 'c>> =
(I moved the second parameter in line with the first parameter so it wouldn't scroll on Stack Overflow's smallish column size, but that would compile correctly if the types were right: since the two parameters are lined up vertically, F# would know that they are both belonging to the same "parent", in this case a function.)
Look at your second parameter. You've named it asyncFun, but there's no arrow in its type description. That's not a function, it's a value. A function would look like something -> somethingElse. You should name it something like asyncValue, not asyncFun. By naming it asyncFun, you're setting yourself up for confusion later.
Now for the answer to the question you asked. I think your problem is this line, where you've fallen afoul of the F# "offside rule":
let chain = create
>> AsyncResult.bind (fun (result: string) -> (async {return Ok "more results"}))
Note the position of the >> operator, which is to the left of its first operand. Yes, the F# syntax appears to allow that in most situations, but I suspect that if you simply change that function definition to the following, your code will work:
let chain =
>> AsyncResult.bind (fun (result: string) -> (async {return Ok "more results"}))
Or, better yet because it's good style to make the |> (and >>) operators line up with their first operand:
let chain =
>> AsyncResult.bind (fun (result: string) -> (async {return Ok "more results"}))
If you look carefully at the rules that Scott Wlaschin lays out in, you'll note that his examples where he shows exceptions to the "offside rule", he writes them like this:
let f g h = g // defines a new line at col 15
>> h // ">>" allowed to be outside the line
Note how the >> character is still to the right of the = in the function definition. I don't know exactly what the F# spec says about the combination of function definitions and the offside rule (Scott Wlaschin is great, but he's not the spec so he could be wrong, and I don't have time to look up the spec right now), but I've seen it do funny things that I didn't quite expect when I wrote functions with part of the function definition on the same line as the function, and the rest on the next line.
E.g., I once wrote something like this, which didn't work:
let f a = if a = 0 then
printfn "Zero"
printfn "Non-zero"
But then I changed it to this, which did work:
let f a =
if a = 0 then
printfn "Zero"
printfn "Non-zero"
I notice that in Snapshot's answer, he made your chain function be defined on a single line, and that worked for him. So I suspect that that's your problem.
Rule of thumb: If your function has anything after the = on the same line, make the function all on one line. If your function is going to be two lines, put nothing after the =. E.g.:
let f a b = a + b // This is fine
let g c d =
c * d // This is also fine
let h x y = x
+ y // This is asking for trouble
I would suspect that the error stems from a minor change in indentation since adding a single space to an FSharp program changes its meaning, the FSharp compiler than quickly reports phantom errors because it interprets the input differently. I just pasted it in and added bogus classes and removed some spaces and now it is working just fine.
module AsyncResult =
[<StructuralEquality; StructuralComparison>]
type Result<'T,'TError> =
| Ok of ResultValue:'T
| Error of ErrorValue:'TError
let bind (binder : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>) (asyncFun : Async<Result<'a, 'c>>) : Async<Result<'b, 'c>> =
async {
let! result = asyncFun
match result with
| Error e -> return Error e
| Ok x -> return! binder x
let compose (f : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'e>>) (g : 'b -> Async<Result<'c, 'e>>) = fun x -> bind g (f x)
let (>>=) a f = bind f a
let (>=>) f g = compose f g
open AsyncResult
open System.Net
type Assert =
static member IsTrue (conditional:bool) = System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(conditional)
type Error = {Code:int; Message:string}
let main args =
let create (json: string) : Async<Result<string, Error>> =
let url = ""
let request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(Uri url)
request.Method <- "GET"
async {
// http call
return Ok "result"
with :? WebException as e ->
return Error {Code = 500; Message = "Internal Server Error"}
let chain = create >> AsyncResult.bind (fun (result: string) -> (async {return Ok "more results"}))
match chain "initial data" |> Async.RunSynchronously with
| Ok data -> Assert.IsTrue(true)
| Error error -> Assert.IsTrue(false)

Can I use StringFormat as TextWriterFormat? kfprintf / kprintf usage

I've got function to log to console
"[%s][%A] %s"
<| level.ToString()
<| DateTime.Now)
format // fprint to System.Console.Out maybe
but it's using Printf.StringFormat as format and now I want to follow same logic and print it to file.
So I try
(fun f ->
fprintfn file "[%s][%A] "
<| level.ToString()
<| DateTime.Now
) file (format)
And there are two things I can't understand. Why there is unit -> 'A instead of string -> 'A ? How should I use it? And Can I use my StringFormat here as TextWriterFormat ?
Another trouble with this is that with first snippet I inherit format to string -> 'Result thing but in kfprintf I can't do it because there is unit -> 'Result and format message appears before [x][x] stuff. I guess I can somehow inherit format to f but I can't find good example, the only I found is part of F# compiler:
let fprintf (os: TextWriter) fmt = kfprintf (fun _ -> ()) os fmt
let fprintfn (os: TextWriter) fmt = kfprintf (fun _ -> os.WriteLine()) os fmt
But how can I use this unit ? How can I post message after my message?
I don't think you need to use Printf.kfprintf, you can carry on using Printf.kprintf as the inner fprintfn uses the TextWriter.
let logToWriter writer level format =
Printf.kprintf (fprintfn writer "[%s][%A] %s"
<| level.ToString()
<| System.DateTime.Now) format
Also see this for an example of using Printf.kfprintf.
