How to save current dashboard selections in Powerapps - save

I have created a standalone app in Powerapps. It is basically just a dashboard with a text input box, a number of toggle switches and radio buttons.
The dashboard will be used just to confirm a list of actions have been started or completed.
There is no requirement to save the data as such, but I need the option to keep the toggle selections and radio buttons etc as they were previously when a user opens the app.
At present the app works great however when closed and reopened the options revert to their default selections.
I have a button that resets the selections if required but I need them to remain unchanged unless reset manually.
Any help would be appreciated.

You need to persist the data somewhere, whether that is in locally on the device (more difficult, does not work for apps in-browser; mobile only) or in a data table somewhere (easy).
On-device example
Data table (Sharepoint) example:
When user clicks "Save", Patch() the data to a Sharepoint list
OnStart of the app, set a variable for the logged in user, then lookup in the Sharepoint list, all settings for varUser.
ClearCollect these into a local collection.
Use UpdateIf on each field to update the Collection
When user clicks "Save", Patch() the Sharepoint list, repeat.


Save display state of WKWebView

I want to be able to save the state of a WKWebView when a user quits out of my app and be able to restore it to exactly how it was when the user returns to the app. I want it to restore websites with forms, online calculators that store the history of calculations, or any websites that make Javascript objects dynamically. How can I do this?
I have tried the createWebArchiveData method here but when saving and restore a web archive version it doesn’t put the display data back exactly how it was. When I restore it from a web archive it is like I just refreshed the page which is not what I want.
I am not able to use any of the HTML5 storage methods or use any evaluateJavaScript methods to handle this since I want to be able to save and restore the state for any website I visit.

How to keep "back to app" button in opened application until unless use clicks that button

If in case user close application or click on the home button also
---Thanks in advance.
Apple restricts app developers to access certain parts of the software, in order to protect the security of the users. That being said, accessing the back to app button cannot be changed or modified inside your app, because it is not a piece of software which belongs to your app.
From what you have described, it seems that you want your app to just take control of your user, putting that button there whenever the user exists your app. It is not the case.

How to come back to same screen/page after quitting the iOS App?

I am working on iOS application that contains multiple forms, user may chose a form "A" and starting it.
user can move forward and backward to change input data as required.
user can save the form at any particular point of form "A" and comeback to it later, and start form "B".
The question is, how to go back to the same view/screen when the user comes back to finish off form "A" even if the user quitted the application, where the user should be still able to navigate forward/backward.
Any ideas appreciated.
As long as the application remains in Background or in suspend, the last used view will be shown back.
Whenever the application is terminated by user or iOS due to memory constrains, the stack that contain the viewControllers will be erased.
So when the user launches the application, flow starts with the initialViewController. However you can retain the data, the user entered before closing, by store the data in applicationWillTerminate using NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains.

iOS: how to prompt for user consent without clicking any button

I'm writing an app where a user can store a list of documents. When the user adds a new document whose name is already in the list, I'd like to prompt the user for her/his consent to replace the old document. I've looked at UIActionSheet but looks like it should be used when the user clicks some sort of button. UIAlertView is more like warning the user "The document will be replaced, no matter you like or not." So my question is: what's the best way in this case to prompt the user for consent?
Alerts can be used to ask the user to confirm an action. It is done all of the time. Simply implement the proper alert view delegate methods to respond to the user's choice.
Action sheets can be shown at any time with any need for a button to trigger such an event. The action sheet provides several options for displaying the action sheet.

"Add to Home Screen", save state without app cache?

I have a web site that I'd like users to be able to add to their home screen. Users will switch between this saved "web app" and a game frequently.
The first problem is that when a user comes back to the saved "web app", it displays the splash screen every time even though it wasn't closed. This is undesirable. Further, when a users clicks on a primary navigation element, it switches the user over to Safari.
How do I get the app to "save state" and not re-load the app when coming back to it (when it hasn't been closed)? How do I get it to load links clicked within the same domain to load within the saved "app" rather than loading them up in Safari?
Safari doesn't reload a page when you switch away from the app and come back, so why does a web site saved to the home screen have to reload when pulled to the front?
I don't want to use an offline database, I don't even need the app to work while offline because it needs to tie to a live database that's constantly changing. Therefore a working offline isn't intuitive because the data would be outdated and irrelevant. Therefore, I don't need cacheing either (except maybe a few resources that don't change often). I just want the darn thing to "save state" and not reload every time the user comes back to it. And links clicked within it, shouldn't take the user out of it unless they are links to a different domain.
I've searched and read and searched and read, but I'm not finding anything other than articles about making a web app work offline. That's not my goal. My goal is to make it behave like Safari does in that if it's not explicitly closed, it keeps it's state.
