: failed to bind to (intellij) - dropwizard

Just created project using drop wizard archetype and when I try to run my application it gives me Address already in use and when I fire lsof -t -i:8081 to what process is running I see nothing so I'm bit confused why it showing port already in use. Thanks for your help in advance. enter image description here

I had a similar problem with port 3000 not showing up with lsof -t -i:3000. I had to run it with sudo, as in:
sudo lsof -t -i:3000
and then got the id of the process using the port.


Docker - Bind for failed: port is already allocated

I am using docker for the first time and I was trying to implement this -
At one stage I was trying to connect with localhost by this command -
$ curl http://localhost:4000
which showed this error-
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 4000: Connection refused
However, I have solved this by following code -
$ docker-machine ip default
$ curl
After that everything was going fine, but in the last part, I was trying to run the app by using following line according to the tutorial...
$ docker run -p 4000:80 anibar/get-started:part1
But, I got this error
C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint goofy_bohr (63f5691ef18ad6d6389ef52c56198389c7a627e5fa4a79133d6bbf13953a7c98): Bind for failed: port is already allocated.
You need to make sure that the previous container you launched is killed, before launching a new one that uses the same port.
docker container ls
docker rm -f <container-name>
Paying tribute to IgorBeaz, you need to stop running the current container. For that you are going to know current CONTAINER ID:
$ docker container ls
You get something like:
12a32e8928ef friendlyhello "python" 51 seconds ago Up 50 seconds>80/tcp romantic_tesla
Then you stop the container by:
$ docker stop 12a32e8928ef
Finally you try to do what you wanted to do, for example:
$ docker run -p 4000:80 friendlyhello
I tried all the above answers, none of them worked, in my case even docker container ls doesn't show any container running. It looks like the problem is due to the fact that the docker proxy is still using ports although there are no containers running. In my case I was using ubuntu. Here's what I tried and got the problem solved, just run the following two commands:
sudo service docker stop
sudo rm -f /var/lib/docker/network/files/local-kv.db
I solved it this way:
First, I stopped all running containers:
docker-compose down
Then I executed a lsof command to find the process using the port (for me it was port 9000)
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep 9000
Finally, I "killed" the process (in my case, it was a VSCode extension):
kill -9 <process id>
The quick fix is ​​a just restart docker:
sudo service docker stop
sudo service docker start
Above two answers are correct but didn't work for me.
I kept on seeing blank like below for docker container ls
then I tried, docker container ls -a and after that it showed all the process previously exited and running.
Then docker stop <container id> or docker container stop <container id> didn't work
then I tried docker rm -f <container id> and it worked.
Now at this I tried docker container ls -a and this process wasn't present.
When I used nginx docker image, I also got this error:
docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint recursing_knuth (9186f7d7f523732b99d3510029cde9679f3f3fe7b7eb5f612d54c4aacea58220): Bind for failed: port is already allocated.
And I solved it using following commands:
$ docker container ls
$ docker stop [CONTAINER ID]
Then, running this docker container(like this) again is ok:
$ docker run -v $PWD/vueDemo:/usr/share/nginx/html -p 8080:80 -d nginx:alpine
You just need to stop the previous docker container.
I have had same problem with docker-compose, to fix it:
Killed docker-proxy processe
Restart docker
Start docker-compose again
docker ps will reveal the list of containers running on docker. Find the one running on your needed port and note down its PID.
Stop and remove that container using following commands:
docker stop PID
docker rm PID
Now run docker-compose up and your services should run as you have freed the needed port.
on linux 'sudo systemctl restart docker' solved the issue for me
For anyone having this problem with docker-compose.
When you have more than one project (i.e. in different folders) with similar services you need to run docker-compose stop in each of your other projects.
If you are using Docker-Desktop, you can quit Docker Desktop and then restart it. It solved the problem for me.
In my case, there was no process to kill.
Updating docker fixed the problem.
It might be a conflict with the same port specified in docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml or the same port specified explicitly and using an environment variable.
I had a docker-compose.yml with ports on a container specified using environment variables, and a docker-compose.override.yml with one of the same ports specified explicitly. Apparently docker tried to open both on the same container. docker container ls -a listed neither because the container could not start and list the ports.
For me the containers where not showing up running, so NOTHING was using port 9010 (in my case) BUT Docker still complained.
I did not want to reset my Docker (for Windows) so what I did to resolve it was simply:
Remove the network (I knew that before a container was using this network with the port in question (9010) docker network ls docker network rm blabla (or id)
I actually used a new network rather than the old (buggy) one but shouldn't be needed
Restart Docker
That was the only way it worked for me. I can't explain it but somehow the "old" network was still bound to that port (9010) and Docker kept on "blocking" it (whinching about it)
I killed every process that docker use and restarted the docker service on services. My containers are working now.
It is about ports that is still in use by Docker even though you are not using on that moment.
On Linux, you can run sudo netstat -tulpn to see what is currently listening on that port. You can then choose to configure either that process or your Docker container to bind to a different port to avoid the conflict.
Stopping the container didn't work for me either. I changed the port in docker-compose.yml.
For me, the problem was mapping the same port twice.
Due to a parametric docker run, it ended up being something like
docker run -p 4000:80 -p 4000:80 anibar/get-started:part1
notice double mapping on port 4000.
The log is not informative enough in this case, as it doesn't state I was the cause of the double mapping, and that the port is no longer bound after the docker run command returns with a failure.
Don't forget the easiest fix of all....
Restart your computer.
I have tried most of the above and still couldn't fix it. Then just restart my Mac and then it's all back to normal.
For anyone still looking for a solution, just make sure you have binded your port the right way round in your docker-compose.yml
It goes:
Had the same problem. Went to Docker for Mac Dashboard and clicked restart. Problem solved.
my case was dump XD I was exposing port 80 twice :D
- '${APP_PORT:-80}:80'
- '${APP_PORT:-8080}:8080'
APP_PORT is defined, thus 80 was exposed twice.
I tried almost all solutions and found out the probable/possible reason/solution. So, If you are using traefik or any other networking server, they internally facilitate proxy for load balacing. That, most use the blueprint as it, works pretty fine. It then passes the load control entirely to nginx or similiar proxy servers. So, stopping, killing(networking server) or pruning might not help.
Solution for traefik with nginx,
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx stop
# or
sudo service nginx stop
# or
sudo systemctl stop nginx
How to stop docker processes
Making Docker Stop Itself <- Safe and Fast
this is the best way to stop containers and all unstoppable processes: making docker do the job.
go to docker settings > resources. change any of the resource and click apply and restart.
docker will stop itself and its every process -- even the most stubborn ones that might not be killed by other commonly used commands such as kill or more wild commands like rm suggested by others.
i ran into a similar problem before and all the good - proper - tips from my colleagues somehow did not work out. i share this safe trick whenever someone in my team asks me about this.
Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint foobar
Bind for failed: port is already allocated
hope this helps!
simply restart your computer, so the docker service gets restarted

Docker run does not deploy

So we followed the Docker get started tutorial
( The build works, the command
docker run -p 4000:80 friendlyhello
works but when we go to http://localhost:4000, nothing is reached. We just followed the tutorial step by step but don't see anything.
Yes we also went to localhost:4001.
Is this perhaps something that has to do witht the message "system pool is not available on windows"?
Here's a screenshot of our docker output
Firstly talking about the issue that you've pointed out yourself, this is identified as an issue that can't be fixed for Windows.
Please try downgrading to version 1.12.x so that these warnings do not pop-up anymore. This solution is found working for most of us.
level-info msg="Unable to use system certificate pool: crypto/x509: system root pool is not available on Windows"
Coming to the main issue that you're facing, which is as follows:
Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint objective_joliot
This says that the port 4000 is already in use on Docker VM or possibly on your system. You can either stop whatever is running on that port or change the port used in your Docker command.
To change to the external port 8080, use:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name objective_joliot nginx
Hope this helps!!!

Docker connection refused when started with -ti bash

I am new to docker and I tried to run the linuxconfig/lemp-php7 image. Everything worked fine and I could access the nginx web server installed on the container. To run this image I used this command:
sudo docker run linuxconfig/lemp-php7
When I tried to run the image with the following command to gain access over the container through bash I couldn't connect to nginx and I got the connection refused error message. Command: sudo docker run -ti linuxconfig/lemp-php7 bash
I tried this several times so I'm pretty sure it's not any kind of coincidence.
Why does this happen? Is this a problem specific to this particular image or is this a general problem. And how can I gain access to the shell of the container and access the web server at the same time?
I'd really like to understand this behavior to improve my general understanding of docker.
docker run runs the specified command instead of what that container would normally run. In your case, it appears to be supervisord, which presumably in turn runs the web server. So you're preventing any of that from happening.
My preferred method (except in cases where I'm trying to debug cases where the container won't even start properly) is to do the following after running the container normally:
docker exec -i -t $CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash

Running Docker for Windows, Error when exposing Ports

I am aware there are a lot of questions about running Docker on windows, however this question is about running the brand new Docker for Windows, on Windows.
In my case I am using Windows 10 Pro 64 bit. According to the site this version should be supported.
I have been following a tutorial I found here:
I also tried following the official guide of course:
In both tutorials I get the same error message when trying to assign a port using either the -P parameter or when trying to specify a port -p 8080:5000:
In the official guide I run docker run -d -p 80:80 --name webserver nginx and get:
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint webserver (f9946544e4c6ad2dd9cb8cbccd251e4d48254e86562bd8e6da75c3bd42c7e45a): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error.
Following the unofficial guide i run docker run -p 8888:5000 prakhar1989/catnip and get basically the same error:
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint focused_swartz (48a0c005779c6e89bf525ead2ecff44a7f092495cd22ef7d19973002963cb232): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error.
If I don't try to assign a port the container will run, but then I don't know how to access it.
The docker version I am running:
Docker version 1.12.3, build 6b644ec`
docker-compose version 1.8.1, build 004ddae`
docker-machine.exe version 0.8.2, build e18a919`
Any help would be very appreciated. Thank you.
Here's a new twist.
The last Windows 10 update (Fall Creators Update, 2017) has a new "feature". It automatically starts any applications that were running when you last shutdown.
This reconstitutes Docker for Windows in a bad state. That made it appear those ports were in use by something else - it was the ghost of itself. This explained why those ports were still in use even though I stopped/started my containers and even reboot!
The solution in this case is to simply restart Docker daemon.
To prevent this after the next shutdown, don't use the shutdown button. Type this instead:
shutdown /s /t 0
This bypasses the new feature.
See the answer from Jason[MS] in this thread:
Here's one guy's workaround (from the end of this thread - haven't tried it myself):
Restarting the Docker daemon fixes this problem temporarily, but to get rid of it ultimately I had to disable Windows 10 fast startup, which is the feature #biscuit314 described.
To disable Windows 10 fast startup, get to the Control Panel > Power Options > Choose what the power buttons do > Change settings that are currently unavailable > Uncheck Turn on fast startup (recommended) and hit Save changes
This is caused by a port numbering conflict: github issue here
Essentially the port is in use! The reason resetting worked is because it wiped other mappings off.
1) Stop all the running containers docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) then
2) Stop the Docker on your machine & restart it.
Then run the required command. This will solve the issue.
If its in windows OS, Please do restart the Docker
This has fixed the issue for me
For Linux - Debian Users,
Use docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) only when you know whether you want to stop all the containers or not.... If yes then please run docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) to remove containers ....
Then stop the docker daemon - systemctl stop docker
Then start docker daemon - systemctl start docker
Also verify whether docker daemon is up or not - service docker status
After following all above mention steps you should be fine.....
I got the same issue before on window 10.
Restart docker, it works
Try stopping docker and initiating it again on administrator mode. After it starts open power shell on administrator mode as well.
Because the error says "mkdir" maybe this will solve your problem. Im not sure but it worked for me.
In the case of using -P a port conflict does not seen to be the reason for the error once -P will chose ports randomly. The error it self wasn't quite friendly to me but because I saw the mkdir word on it I imagined it might be a permission error, thats why I restarted docker on administrator mode and started power shell on administrator mode.
I tried all the suggestions on this issue: killing all the containers, restarting Docker Desktop, disabling "Fast Startup," restarting my computer, making sure "Experimental Features" were disabled. None of that stuff worked.
I did eventually get it running. Here are some things you may want to try (because I'm not sure what actually fixed it).
Find "Docker Desktop" and right-click to "Run as Administrator..."
Pay attention to the port that it's complaining about. Some people say this could just be Docker's unfriendly way of saying "that port is in use." In my case, the port was 80. I went into the Services on Windows Pro and disabled the "World Wide Web Publishing Service" just to be safe.
If you are here because you have this issue in Visual Studio 2019:
According to this post, the VS team is preparing a fix for this issue in 16.5 version, meanwhile, you can add the property "publishAllPorts": true in your launchSettings.json, for example:
"Docker": {
"commandName": "Docker",
"launchBrowser": true,
"launchUrl": "{Scheme}://{ServiceHost}:44374", #<== Set a fixed port
"environmentVariables": {
"ASPNETCORE_URLS": "https://+:44374;https://+:5000",
"publishAllPorts": true, #<== This is equivalent to the -P flag in 'docker run'
"useSSL": true
Notice that the property "httpPort": XYZT is not defined. Having it defined will make the workaround not work.
It worked for me with this setup:
Windows 10 1709 Build 16299.1747 with Fast Start OFF
Docker Desktop 2.2.05 (43884)
Docker Engine 19.03.8
Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise 16.5.4.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Containers.Tools.Targets 1.10.8
I realized that the command VS was creating, contained the -p parameter twice, one with the port I specified and another with port 80, like this: -p 3010:80 -p 3010:3010.
After adding publishAllPorts it now creates the container and I can remotely debug it.
This is what worked for me after trying every thing. Seems we need to kill the running process.
Exit docker, right-click the icon Quit Docker Desktop
Open the windows task manager, find and kill the process com.docker.backend.exe
restart docker, double-click the icon to open the Docker Desktop

Unable to start rails server

I am trying to start rails server using rails s command. But i'm getting the following error:
A server is already running. Check repo/tmp/pids/
I checked the file, but its blank. There is no id in the file. Then I tried to find out the process running on port 3000 using the command lsof -wni tcp:3000. It also does not show any id.
Then I tried starting the server on a different port using rails s -p 3001, but this also gives the same error. Please could someone explain what is going on.
EDIT: does not work even after restarting computer
Just remove the file then:
rm repo/tmp/pids/
Try running this command in your terminal window.
kill -9 $(lsof -i tcp:3000 -t)
If it doesn't work, you can always just restart your computer/server...
1- Use the command below for checking that how many server currently running
$ ps aux | grep rails
2- For killing the existing server
$ kill -9 pid
