TextMobject doesn't work on Jupyter-Manim - manim

I am currently using jupyter-manim since it is the most efficient way for me to use manim. I'm running my code on Kaggle and every time I use TextMobject in manim, it outputs an error that says Latex error converting to dvi. See log output above or the log file: media/Tex/54dfbfee288272f0.log. I've tried TexMobject and Text function, but only the Text function works. The Text function is limited however, and I'm not sure how to change the font. Is there a way to fix this or is it something that comes with using jupyter-manim? It seems that all the other functions work such as drawing shapes, animating scenes, etc.
class Text(Scene):
def construct(self):
first_line = TextMobject('Hi')
second_line = TexMobject('Hi')
#Only one that works
third_line = Text('Hi')

I tried your Manim program and it worked as expected for me. I would try making sure
include from manimlib.imports import * in your first line (importing Manim library)
include self.play(...) so you can see them
I think you already have these, but I'm putting them in case you don't.
You may also be getting the error because you do not have a LaTeX distribution installed on your system (i.e. MikTex or Texlive).

I think part of your problem may be the name of the class you chose. I had problems with your code until I changed the name from Text to TextTest. Here is a minimally working example that works fine in my Jupyter notebook (after running import jupyter_manim of course).
%%manim TextTest -p -ql
from manim import *
class TextTest(Scene):
def construct(self):
first_line = TextMobject('Hi 1')
second_line = TexMobject('Hi 2').shift(DOWN)
third_line = Text('Hi 3').shift(UP)
Also, you should be aware that TextMobject and TexMobject have been deprecated.


How to get pseudo elements in WebdriverIO+Appium

I want to get a value (content) from the CSS of a pseudo element (::before) while inside a test made using WDIO and Appium for an Android hybrid app because the designer has stored the current responsive-design state there. So my tests would know which layout (elements) to expect.
Multiple answers to related questions (1; 2; 3) indicated that using .getComputedStyle() might be the only solution. But this does not seem to work in my tests. The error is window is not defined for window.getComputedStyle(...) or document is not defined if I use document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(...). Also selectors themselves can't address pseudo-elements it seems.
Example of one of my many attempts:
Question: Do I need to somehow import window or document to my test? Is there some other way to get window or document from inside the test?
Ultimately: how can I get the content value of ::before of the <body> of a hybrid Android app?
Thanks to Jeremy Schneider (#YmerejRedienhcs) & Erwin Heitzman (#erwinheitzman) for help!
One solution is to use the execute function:
let contentMode = browser.execute(() => {
let style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body'),'::before');
return style.getPropertyValue('content')
Alternatively maybe something could also be done with getHTML.

How to use K.get_session in Tensorflow 2.0 or how to migrate it?

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.__dict__.update(self._defaults) # set up default values
self.__dict__.update(kwargs) # and update with user overrides
self.class_names = self._get_class()
self.anchors = self._get_anchors()
self.sess = K.get_session()
RuntimeError: get_session is not available when using TensorFlow 2.0.
Tensorflow 2.0 does not expose the backend.get_session directly any more but the code still there and expose for tf1.
You can use it with tf1 compatible interface:
sess = tf.compat.v1.keras.backend.get_session()
Or import tenforflow backend with internal path:
import tensorflow.python.keras.backend as K
sess = K.get_session()
In order to avoid using get_session after tensorflow 2.0 upgrade, Use tf.distribute.Strategy to get model. To load model, use tf.keras.models.load_model
import tensorflow as tf
another_strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy()
with another_strategy.scope():
model = Service.load_deep_model()
def load_deep_model(self, model):
loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model("model.h5")
return loaded_model
Hope this helps. As this worked for me.
I have tried to explain same at this utility article as well. https://www.javacodemonk.com/runtimeerror-get_session-is-not-available-when-using-tensorflow-2-0-f7238546
Probably has something to do with tf 2.0 eager execution that is enabled by default.
import tensorflow as tf
I had the same error and tried installing and uninstalling. In the end, I found that the library was not actually installed correctly.
I went through each library in my:
I tracked down the file in within the site-packages in Keras, which was calling from the Tensorflow library, which was calling from another folder. I found the final folder had the get_session(), but this was not being called in. When I checked the directory, I found that get_session wasn't being loaded in. Within the file directory /tensorflow/keras/backend.py it was importing everything, but missed out the get_session.
To fix this I added this line:
from tensorflow.python.keras.backend import get_session
Then saved it. The next time I ran my code it was fine.
I gave the same answer for this page How to fix ' module 'keras.backend.tensorflow_backend' has no attribute '_is_tf_1''

How to use HMAC in Lua - Lightroom plugin

First thing I have to mention is I'm really really new to Lua and please be patient if you think my question is too dumb
Here is my requirement
I need to use HMAC-sha256 for Lightroom plugin development as I'm using that for security.
I was trying to use this but with no luck
These are the steps I followed
Got the code of
https://code.google.com/p/lua-files/source/browse/hmac.lua and saved
as 'hmac.lua' file in my plugin directory
Got the code from this
https://code.google.com/p/lua-files/source/browse/sha2.lua and saved
as 'sha2.lua' file
Now in the file I use it like this
local hmac = require'hmac'
local sha2 = require'sha2'
--somewhere doend the line inside a function
local hashvalue = hmac.sha2('key', 'message')
but unfortunately this does not work and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Can anyone advice me what I'm doing wrong here? Or is there an easier and better way of doing this with a good example.
I'm doing this to get the result. When I include that code the plugin does stops working. I cannot get the output string when I do this
hashvalue = hmac.sha2('key', 'message')
local LrLogger = import 'LrLogger'
myLogger = LrLogger('FlaggedFiles')
myLogger:trace ("=========================================\n")
myLogger:trace ('Winter is coming, ' .. hashvalue)
myLogger:trace ("=========================================\n")
and the Lightroom refuses to load the plugin and there is nothing on the log as well
Thank you very much for your help
I'd first make sure your code works outside of Lightroom. It seems that HMAC module you referenced has some other dependencies: it requires "glue", "bit", and "ffi" modules. Of these, bit and ffi are binary modules and I'm not sure you will be able to load them into Lightroom (unless they are already available there). In any case, you probably won't be able to make it run in LR if you don't have required modules and can't make it run without issues outside of LR.
If you just need to get SHA256 hash there is a way to do it Lightroom
I posted my question here and was able to get an answer. But there there was no reference of this on SDK documentation (Lightroom SDK)
local sha = import 'LrDigest'
d = sha.SHA256.digest ("Hello world")
but unfortunately there was no HMAC so I decided to use md5 with a salt because this was taking too much of my time
Spent quite some time trying to find a solution :-/
LrDigest is not documented, thanks Adobe!
local LrDigest = import "LrDigest"
LrDigest.HMAC.digest(string, 'SHA256', key)

cv2.imshow() function is opening a window that always says not responding - python opencv

I am trying to run a very simple program. To open and jpg file and display it using the opencv library for python. Initially it all worked fine but now it just opens a window which doesn't show the image but says 'not responding'. I need to go to the task manager and close it!
from numpy import *
import matplotlib as plt
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('amandapeet.jpg')
print img.shape
cv2.imshow('Amanda', img)
You missed one more line:
Then the window shows the image until you press any key on keyboard. Or you can pass as following:
Here, window shows image for 1000 ms, or 1 second. After that, the window would disappear itself. But in some cases, it won't. So you can forcefully destroy it using cv2.destroyAllWindows()
Please read more tutorials first : http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/doc/py_tutorials/py_tutorials.html
None of the answers here worked in MacOS. The following works:
Just add a cv2.waitKey(1) after cv2.destroyAllWindows().
import cv2
image = cv2.imread('my_image.jpg')
cv2.imshow('HSV image', hsv_image); cv2.waitKey(0); cv2.destroyAllWindows(); cv2.waitKey(1)
The solution that worked for me:
Switch from inline graphics to auto. It worked both in Spyder and in Jupyter notebooks.
To change Spyder setting:
Go to Tools > Preferences > IPhyton console > Graphics > Backend: Automatic
(Change backend from Inline to Automatic)
To change Notebook setting:
Enter command:
%matplotlib auto
Some background for my case (for those who may be quick to judge):
It used to work fine: I could open an image, it would load, and it would be responsive (doesn't say "Not responding", can close, focus, etc.) Then I installed some packages and ran some demo notebooks that apparently messed up some settings (Spyder open files were reset too).
I tried adding waitKey(1) (and 0, 30, 1000, etc values too). It made the image load, at least. But the image frame was "Not Responding": didn't refresh, couldn't close, didn't come to top, etc. Had to close using cv2.destroyAllWindows().
Note that everything worked fine during the duration of waitKey. I put this in a loop that shows the same image in the same named window and waits for a few seconds. During the loop everything works fine. As soon as the loop ends, the image window is "Not responding" (which looks like a GUI thread issue). I tried using cv2.startWindowThread(), and didn't make any difference.
Finally, changing from Inline graphics to Auto brought everything back to order.
I've been working with opencv 3.2 and matplotlib too recently and discovered (through trial and error of commenting out lines) that the import of pyplot from matplotlib has some sort of interference with the cv2.imshow() function. I'm not sure why or how it really works but in case anyone searches for this issue and comes across this old forum, this might help. I'm working to try to find a solution around this interference bu
I did also face the same issue. I am running through command line python prompt in centos 7 with the following code
>> import cv2, numpy as np
>> cap=cv2.VideoCapture(0)
>> img=cap.read()
>> cap.release()
>> cv2.imshow('image',img[1])
>> cv2.waitKey(0)
>> cv2.destroyAllWindows()
>> cv2.waitKey(1)
Even then the problem persisted and didn't solve. So I added
>> cv2.imshow('image',img[1])
Adding this did close the image window.Running the command again would create a new instance. Hope you can try if you still face any issues.
The cv2.imshow() function always takes two more functions to load and close the image. These two functions are cv2.waitKey() and cv2.destroyAllWindows(). Inside the cv2.waitKey() function, you can provide any value to close the image and continue with further lines of code.
# First line will provide resizing ability to the window
cv.namedWindow('Amanda', cv.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
# Show the image, note that the name of the output window must be same
cv.imshow('Amanda', img)
# T0 load and hold the image
# To close the window after the required kill value was provided
Hoping that you will get the image in a separate window now.
I've installed opencv-contrib-python library instead of opencv-python and now cv2.imshow() function works as expected.
If you have used python notebooks then there is a problem in using cv2.waitKey(0) and cv2.destroyallwindows() in Unix based system to run a program of opencv.
I have an alternative method which would prevent from freezing your image
Steps: -Copy the code from python notebooks and create new filename.py and paste it
- Open terminal
- cd path/to/file
- source activate VirtualEnvironment
- python filename.py
This will run code directly from terminal. Hope this helps you. Example Link: https://youtu.be/8O-FW4Wm10s
I was having this same error until I added the below lines of code. For the waitKey, you can input figures above 0(i.e 1, 100 and above). It serves as the delay time for the window and it is in milliseconds.
----> cv2 waitKey(0)
----> cv2 destroyAllWindows()
I found that i had a breakpoint on the
funtion. removing that fixed the issue for me
As I tried all solutions mentioned above, it works for displaying an image but in my case, I want to display the video not just the single image in the window, So to solve the problem added
if k == 27:
after cv2.imshow('title',img)

Offending Command error while Printing EPS

I am printing an EPS File generated with following credentials.
%-12345X#PJL JOB
%%Title: InvoiceDetail_combine
%%Creator: PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
%%CreationDate: 10/7/2011 4:46:59
%%For: Administrator
%%BoundingBox: (atend)
%%Pages: (atend)
%%Orientation: Portrait
%%PageOrder: Special
%%DocumentNeededResources: (atend)
%%DocumentSuppliedResources: (atend)
%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
%%TargetDevice: (HP Color LaserJet 4500) (2014.200) 0
%%LanguageLevel: 2
While doing Selection Printing on Ricoh Afficio 2090 or any other drivers/printers get the following error printed on the sheets
ERROR: undefined
Kindly Review and suggest a turn around for the same as i am already stuck in this hell. I have tried to convert/extract in PS but all in vain. I am using gsview to Print and view these files.
This is the problem:
%%PageOrder: Special
A ps document with "Special" page order can NOT be re-ordered. You cannot do a selection or range with this file because it is broken for this use. You must reprocess the file using Distiller or ghostscript (ps2ps or ps2pdf) in order to print selected or re-ordered pages from the document.
You can avoid this by generating your postscript files with a real Postscriptâ„¢ driver (one not created by Microsoft).
The GSView Documentation has more about this.
This line ...
%%TargetDevice: (HP Color LaserJet 4500) (2014.200) 0
... tells us that the file was generated with HP printers as a target. So this really is not an EPS file. Because it's not Encapsulatable. To generate output on a printer the file has to execute the showpage operator, which is a no-no for EPS files.
So uncheck the EPS box (it's a big fat lie, anyway), and select (install) a Generic Postscript driver. If you need to send it to multiple makes of printer, the file needs to make as few assumptions about the printer as possible.
The first thing is that this is not a valid EPS file, as it has PJL attached at the front. Many PostScript printers will strip this off, but by no means all.
This probably is not the source of the problem.
There is no way to 'review' the problem as you have not supplied the complete PostScript program. Without that there is no way to tell what is actually wrong, the error message tells you that the interpreter encountered 'F4547' while trying to parse a token, and that this has not been defined as a routine.
Most likely the file is corrupt, either damaged in some way, or possibly it is a biinary file and has been transmitted by some process which does has done some kind of conversion (CR/LF is common). The offending command looks like its ASCIIHex encoded, so that may be a red herring.
If you want additional help, you are going to have to make the whole program available somewhere.
