Update message in google chat from Jira - jira

I am trying to create a notification in google chat whenever the status of a jira ticket changes. I have managed to sort the automation so that a message is sent to google chat every time the status changes but it creates a new thread each time. I would like to either update the original message with the new status or add a new message to the same thread.
I have the Automation configured to Send web request as follows has anyone managed to do this?
Webhook URL : https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/xxxx/messages?key=xxxx&token=xxxx
Header : Content-Type - application/json; charset=UTF-8
HTTP method : POST
Webhook body : Custom data
Custom data
"cards": [
"header": {
"title": "{{issue.key}}",
"subtitle": "{{issue.summary}}"
"sections": [
"widgets": [
"keyValue": {
"topLabel": "Reported by",
"content": "{{issue.reporter.displayName}}"
"keyValue": {
"topLabel": "Status",
"content": "{{issue.status.name}}"
"widgets": [
"buttons": [
"textButton": {
"text": "View Ticket",
"onClick": {
"openLink": {
"url": "{{issue.url.customer}}"
Example of what is happening

To create a new message under the same thread, you need to provide the thread as part of the message body
When you send the first message, the response contains a message resource that contains a thread resource
Include the thread name you obtain after sending the first message into the message body of the subsequent messages - this will enforce threading
To update an existing card, you need to follow the documentation:
Use the actionResponse.type UPDATE_MESSAGE instead of NEW_MESSAGE
I am not sure how you trigger an action response in your situation, but if you have a functionality that is able to trigger a new message, you can just as well trigger UPDATE_MESSAGE instead


Filter Mail by Custom InternetMessageHeaders

I am able to send mail and add custom internetMessageHeaders. But what I'm attempting to do now is return messages based on filtering to the custom headers I'm adding.
If I add a custom header to the message for "x-custom-header-productid = x123z" I want to filter and return all messages that have the custom header for x-custom-header-productid that equals x123z. Is this possible?
The header needs to be provisioned in the Mailbox you want to search for it on eg https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/client-developer/exchange-web-services/how-to-provision-x-headers-by-using-ews-in-exchange
So in the Graph if you send a Message using that mailbox that would provision it for use in that Mailbox eg
"message": {
"subject": "Meet for lunch?",
"body": {
"contentType": "Text",
"content": "The new cafeteria is open."
"toRecipients": [
"emailAddress": {
"address": "youmailbox#domain.com"
"singleValueExtendedProperties": [
"id": "String {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Name X-blah-blah",
"value": "Food"
You could then search for any messages that arrived (after you provisioned that header)eg which would mean the property would be promoted in the store.
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/mailfolders/inbox/messages?$filter=singleValueExtendedProperties/any(ep:ep/id eq 'String {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Name X-blah-blah' and ep/value eq 'Food')

Is there a way to start conversation when teams tab is created using graph api

I am creating a teams app where there is an option to create a new tab for collaboration for individual/group by providing details like tab display title, url etc
After the tab is created, I would want to send some supporting message to describe about the tab.
Right now there is button to start conversation. And when you click on button some prefilled text loads along with tab title.
Is there a way I can achieve this using graph api, so instead of clicking on start conversation button and getting the pre-filled message, I should be able to pass the supporting message via the graph api ?
Or Can we customize the message shown once you click the start conversation?
once you create a Tab in Team's channel via graph api you should get 201 as success with ID of new tab.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-type: application/json
"id": "794f0e4e-4d10-4bb5-9079-3a465a629eff",
"displayName": "My Contoso Tab",
"configuration": {
"entityId": "2DCA2E6C7A10415CAF6B8AB6661B3154",
"contentUrl": "https://www.contoso.com/Orders/2DCA2E6C7A10415CAF6B8AB6661B3154/tabView",
"websiteUrl": "https://www.contoso.com/Orders/2DCA2E6C7A10415CAF6B8AB6661B3154",
"removeUrl": "https://www.contoso.com/Orders/2DCA2E6C7A10415CAF6B8AB6661B3154/uninstallTab"
"sortOrderIndex": "20",
"webUrl": "https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3ac2e36757ee744c569e70b385e6dd79b6%40thread.skype/tab%3a%3afd736d46-51ed-4c0b-9b23-e67ca354bb24?label=my%20%contoso%to%tab"
Then you can create conversation like below
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/29981b6a-0e57-42dc-94c9-cd24f5306196/conversations
Content-type: application/json
"topic": "Take your wellness days and rest",
"threads": [
"posts": [
"body": {
"contentType": "html",
"content": "Contoso cares about you: Rest and Recharge"
"newParticipants": [
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Adele Vance",
"address": "AdeleV#contoso.onmicrosoft.com"
Ref articles

ADP API Update Worker Information

I am trying to make updates within the ADP Worker API, though I keep getting "403: Invalid Scope" for the error. I am using this reference guide, specifically the People > Personal Information > Personal Profile > Contact > Add Home Phone section.
I can interact with the API through GET requests, though I am unable to POST. I am using the URL:
Body Payload:
"events": [
"data": {
"eventContext": {
"worker": {
"associateOID": "exampleID123123"
"transform": {
"worker": {
"person": {
"communication": {
"landline": {
"areaDialing": "240",
"dialNumber": "4567896"
"links": []
"response": {
"responseCode": 403,
"methodCode": "POST",
"resourceUri": {
"href": "/events/hr/v1/worker.personal-communication.landline.add"
"serverRequestDateTime": "2021-09-09T18:26:44.607Z",
"applicationCode": {
"code": 403,
"typeCode": "error",
"message": "Invalid Scope"
"client_ip_adddress": "xxx.xx.xxx.xxxx",
"adp-correlationID": "xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"
Any suggestions? Thank you in advance!
After some searching, I believe the answer to my initial question is that we are required to contact our ADP representative to add the ability to hit the Event API. We only had access to the Worker API, which allowed successful calls previously.

graph-api: Adaptive card with mention doesn't render date properly

It seams that msteams object doesn't allow to render date, when card pushed through graph api in private msteams channel.
Example is like this:
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/teams/{team_id}/channels/{channel_id}/messages
"body": {
"contentType": "html",
"content": "<attachment id=\"1\"/>"
"content":"{\"type\":\"AdaptiveCard\",\"body\":[{\"text\":\"<at>Lev</at> hello {{ DATE(2021-04-28T00:00:00Z, SHORT) }}\",\"wrap\":true,\"type\":\"TextBlock\"}],\"version\":\"1.3\",\"msteams\":{\"entities\":[{\"type\":\"mention\",\"text\":\"<at>Lev</at>\",\"mentioned\":{\"id\":\"29:131...Rg\",\"name\":\"Lev\"}}]}}"
Example in teams
Is there some workaround?
msteams object is not allowed through Graph API. Only Bots have access to the msteams object. This is by design.
The at mention object when you send from bot, the user will get notify in teams activity and the card will display as shown in below image
and the at mention in adaptive card using graph api post request, the user will not get notify in teams activity and the card will display as shown in below image
Please check the below request body
"body": {
"contentType": "html",
"content": "<attachment id=\"1\"/>"
"attachments": [
"contentType": "application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive",
"id": "1",
"content": "{ \"$schema\": \"http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json\", \"type\": \"AdaptiveCard\", \"version\": \"1.0\", \"body\": [ { \"type\": \"TextBlock\", \"text\": \"Your package will arrive on {{DATE(2017-02-14T06:00:00Z, SHORT)}} at {{TIME(2017-02-14T06:00:00Z)}}\", \"wrap\": true } ]}"

Jira API: Add Comment Using Edit Endpoint

Jira has a an /edit endpoint which can be used to add a comment. There is an example in their documentation that suggests this input body to accomplish this:
"update": {
"comment": [
"add": {
"body": "It is time to finish this task"
I create the exact same input in my Java code:
private String createEditBody() {
JsonNodeFactory jsonNodeFactory = JsonNodeFactory.instance;
ObjectNode payload = jsonNodeFactory.objectNode();
ObjectNode update = payload.putObject("update");
ArrayNode comments = update.putArray("comment");
ObjectNode add = comments.addObject();
ObjectNode commentBody = add.putObject("add");
commentBody.put("body", "this is a test");
return payload.toString();
but when I send this PUT request I get an error saying that the "Operation value must be of type Atlassian Document Format"!
Checking the ADF format it says that "version", "type" and "content" are required for this format. So although their documentation example doesn't seem to be ADF format, I'm trying to guess the format and change it. Here's what I accomplished after modifying my code:
"update": {
"comment": [
"add": {
"version": 1,
"type": "paragraph",
"content": [
"body": "this is a test"
the add operation seems to be an ADF but now I get 500 (internal server error). Can you help me find the issue?
Note that the above example from Atlassian documentation is for "Jira Server Platform" but the instance I'm working with is "Jira Cloud Platform" although I think the behaviour should be the same for this endpoint.
after tinkering with the input body, I was able to form the right request body! This will work:
"update": {
"comment": [
"add": {
"body": {
"version": 1,
"type": "doc",
"content": [
"type": "paragraph",
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": "this is a test"
The annoying things that I learned along the way:
Jira's documentation is WRONG!! Sending the request in their example will fail!!
after making a few changes, I was able to get 204 from the endpoint while still comment was not being posted! And I guessed that the format is not correct and kept digging! But don't know why Jira returns 204 when it fails!!!
