Copying PDF text on iOS in wrong order - ios

I have a PDF that I’m trying to copy and paste the text from. The issue is when highlighting text to copy I can see the highlighting (copying) jumps and doesn’t copy (highlight) in the order in which it is displayed. I’d like to copy as read left to right top to bottom. On Adobe acrobat or Microsoft Word it is highlighted correctly as displayed. As I need to be able to perform the copy on iOS I’m wondering what the issue could be. When I “copy” the text with PDFKit it is copied in the order it is highlighted as shown in the first animation. I need it to be as show in the second animation which is Microsoft Word.


Pop up with text box with the ability to copy and paste to and send to a grid

Ok this is a big question if it can be done. I want to create a pop up with the ability to copy and paste to a text box. Once the user pastes the data to the text box it will then save to a grid on the main page with three columns. The user will copy from excel and paste to the text box.
So I found this as an example on JS Fiddle for the copy and paste and creating a grid from the paste data made by David Underwood
I want this to be in a pop up and then the grid would save back on the main page. Maybe cause its Friday but I cant wrap my brain around how to do this.
I have tried just a regular pop up but I cant seem to get the data to save to a grid back on the main page.

UITextField 'Cut' does not fill pasteboard

I have a UITextField with no custom copy-paste-... code at all. When I Cut and then Paste it back, I see some previous pasteboard content appear.
When I Cut from the text field and then Paste in let's say iOS Notes, I also see the previous pasteboard content.
When I Cut text from Notes and Paste it back, I see the Cut text. This is the expected behaviour, so something weird seems to be going on in my app.
How can I make sure that Cut fills the pasteboard?
When I Copy and then Paste, all works as expected.
Apple documentation clearly confirms that Cut should place the selected data on the pasteboard.

I want to drag a word or sentence from a pdf file in iOS. Is it possible or not?

I want to drag a word or sentence from a pdf file in iOS.
Is it possible or not?
If you hold your finger down on a pdf document, a magnifier will show up, allowing you to select a word. Once you have selected the word, you can use the pop-up menu to copy the word to the pasteboard. It can then be pasted somewhere else.
There is no way to drag the selected word.

Enhancement in GIF keyboard

At present I am working on GIF keyboard plugin for iOS.
Following github link give me good start to move ahead.
I want to put my custom emojies over custom keyboard. Using above reference project I can able to achieve same thing but in this there is one problem exist and that is very frustrating for end user.
Problem: To place any emoji into text area, first you need to click on emoji from keyboard then Copy button is available for you, you need to press that.
Then you need to touch on text area, at that time another button with label Paste is available on screen. You need to press this button to get actual emoji in text area. I want to remove this.
Following image gives you more idea:
Target: I want to implement, you just need to touch on keyboard emoji and it will directly paste on text area. Like we are doing in Skype or any other messaging application.

Aligning left and right on the same line in WordPad

Is it possible to align texts left and right on the same line in WordPad? For example, I want my name to the left and the date to the right. Both on the same line. How can I do this?
While WordPad does not allow you to modify the alignment of tab stops the RTF format supports tab stops with alignments and WordPad can display and edit documents containing such tab stops, for example when you create them in Microsoft Word and save as RTF.
If you don't have access to Microsoft Word you can create the tab stops in WordPad, save the file as RTF, then open it with a text editor and modify the tab stop definitions you are interested in.
Here is an example:
I created a simple RTF document in WordPad which contains the text Left<tab>Middle<tab>Right and created two tab stops. I want the first tab stop to align centered and the second tab stop to align right.
Then I save the document in RTF format on my desktop and open it in notepad. It looks like this:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.14393}\viewkind4\uc1
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\tx3976\tx7242\f0\fs22\lang7 Left\tab Middle\tab Right\par
Notice the \tx3976 and \tx7242 commands which define the tab stop positions (generally you look for \tx followed by some number).
Now you can insert the \tqc command for center-aligned tabstops or the \tqr command for right-aligned tabstops. You enter that command in front of the \tx command you want to modify. The RTF document now looks like this:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.14393}\viewkind4\uc1
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\tqc\tx3976\tqr\tx7242\f0\fs22\lang7 Left\tab Middle\tab Right\par
Now you can save the document and exit notepad, when you reopen the file in WordPad you should see it displaying with the correct tab stop alignments. It is also possible to move the tab stops around in WordPad without losing the alignments.
Tested on Windows 10 but it probably will work on earlier versions of WordPad since the required commands are not exactly new.
It's not possible using proper formatting.
For example, in Microsoft Word/LibreOffice Writer you'd use left- and right-aligning tabs, as demonstrated in this howto for Word. However, WordPad only has left-aligning tabs.
It is possible to fake it, as it was done in the old days (and still now, by those who don't know better), by clever usage of spaces (or a mix of spaces and tab stops).
