VSCode cannot access Docker image inside wsl2 image - docker

I am running a cuda enabled docker container inside wsl2 and when i try to use VSCode to run scripts inside it i cannot connect to it. The message in the docker plugin window is:
Error: connect EACCESS /var/run/docker.sock
I added the default user in the wsl to the docker group. I double-checked and i know for sure that i can run docker as a user. How do I elevate the VSCode privillages to make it able to access the docker inside the wsl image?
Btw. I cannot use docker desktop because it does not allow to use the gpu inside the container.
So with the set of plugins locally:Docker, Remote - WSL, Remote - Containers, Remote SSH, Remote Development, Remote SSH - editing configuration files
in the WSL: Docker Explorer, Docker, Docker Extension Pack
I am able to log from VSCode directly to the console and perform other basic operations (starting containers etc). Attaching VSCode is still impossible as for now. At least the menu option under RMB throws an error


Develop on Docker container from Intellij

How can develop on my Docker container from Intellij? I am developing on macOS, but my development environment is inside a Docker container. In VSCode, I can use the Remote - Containers extension to open the files in my Docker container, go to function definitions, use the version of Go on the container, access the container shell--it's as if I am accessing a remote machine from VSCode. I didn't have to change my Dockerfile or mount any volumes. Everything just worked.
IntelliJ seems to have added something according to this, but the total functionality is unclear. I can attach to a running container using the Docker plugin, access the shell, and inspect the container's attributes, but none of the above other functionality with VSCode.
Here are some examples of why this is needed:
I am developing on macOS, but my target is specific to Intel Linux code. If I do Cmd+B on a symbol, I'm taken to a Darwin specific file
importing github.com/docker/libnetwork fails because the files in this package can only be built for Linux
The above doesn't happen on VSCode because I can develop directly on the container.

Is there a way to give an unprivileged user access to Docker within Docker?

Running DDEV for a diverse team of developers (front-end / back-end) on various operating systems (Windows, MacOS and Linux) can become time-consuming, even frustrating at times.
Hoping to simplify the initial setup, I started working on an automated VS Code Remote Container setup.
I want to run DDEV in a VS Code Remote Container.
To complicate things, the container should reside on a remote host.
This is the current state of the setup: caillou/vs-code-ddev-remote-container#9ea3066
Steps Taken
I took the following steps:
Set up VS Code to talk to a remote Docker installation over ssh. You just need to add the following to VS Code's settings.json: "docker.host": "ssh://username#host".
Install Docker and create a user with UID 1000 on said host.
Add docker-cli, docker-compose, and and ddev to the Dockerfile, c.f. Dockerfile#L18-L20.
Mount the Docker socket in the container and use the remote user with UID 1000. In the example, this user is called node: devcontainer.json
What Works
Once I launch the VS Code Remote Container extension, an image is build using the Dockerfile, and a container is run using the parameters defined in the devcontainer.json.
I can open a terminal window and run sudo docker ps. This lists the container I am in, and its siblings.
My Problem
DDEV needs to create docker containers.
DDEV can not be run as root.
On the host, the user with UID 1000 has the privilege to run Docker.
Within the container, the user with UID 1000 does not have the privilege to run Docker.
The Question
Is there a way to give an unprivileged user access to Docker within Docker?

Integrating Spyder (python IDE) with Docker container on the same mahcine

I'm trying to start a Spyder kernel from a docker container and connect the Spyder IDE on the host to this kernel on the container (I tried follow this post, and the instructions on Spyder's site - Connect Spyder to a console in a docker container on a remote host).
However, I encountered the following problems:
Getting access to the kernel-pid.json file which is in the container. I tried to map the ~/.local/shared/jupyter/runtime folder on the host to the one on the container but I'm not sure it's the right way to do it (maybe I need to connect it via SSH, like in remote connection).
If I do map this folder on the host to the container, I need to give permissions (using sudo chmod) to the kernal-pid.json file, or else it says it doesn't have the appropriate permissions when I tried to connect to the kernel on the docker container.
If I give the appropriate permissions, it looks like it goes well, but then the process is stuck forever in "connecting to kernel" message (all of this is inside the Spyder IDE).
I have a docker version of 19.03, which have anaconda3 and python 3.7 installed on it, and on the host I also have anaconda3 (to run the Spyder IDE).

VSCode in-container-debugging over SSH machine

I am trying to setup and advanced configuration with VScode insider and I ma facing an issue.
My setup is:
VSCode Running in my local machine Windows 10 with a Django source code hosted on my machine. I have no docker client on this machine, and I don't wont to install one...
A virtual machine with Ubuntu is running a docker daemon, docker client and docker-compose. My workspace is shared over vboxfs and mounted on my Ubuntu
A python docker container is running in the Ubuntu machine and running the mounted code.
I tried to use the Remote Extension to debug the python code inside the container. However, when a run my vscode inside on the remote SSH Taget (so the ubuntu machine), I am able to manage docker objects (images, containers, etc...) using the Docker extension of vscode, but I can't see the option: Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container. It's not found in the F1 command... I can see the other related command like: Remote-Containers: Settings.
Do you have any idea ? Or my setup is not supported by the extension ? It seems like it supports SSH development or Container development but not mixing both together, right ?
Is there any other VSCode config to debug in my targeted setup ?

VS Code: connect a docker container in a remote server

I want to work in a container in a remote server.
But it doesn't work.
Local: Windows 10
Local Terminal for ssh: WSL in Windows 10
Server: Ubuntu 18.04
I checked these two articles.
I followed these steps.
I installed [Remote Development] extension in VS Code.
Remote-SSH: Connect to host. It works fine.
I Installed [Docker] extension on the remoter server.
Now I can see my containers and images in a docker tab.
I clicked one container and clicked [Attach Visual Studio Code] and it says There are no running containers to attach to.
I resolved this problem by switching to the remote server's Docker context on my local machine:
docker context create some-context-label --docker "host=ssh://user#remote_server_ip"
docker context use some-context-label
docker ps
# A list of remote containers on my local machine! It works!
After that:
Connect via Remote-SSH to the container server
Right click relevant container -> the "Attach Visual Studio Code"
That works for me.
(Note: One would think that I should be able to just use my local VSCode (skip step 1) to connect to said remote container after switching my local context, but VSCode complains Failed to connect. Is docker running? in the Docker control pane.)
I solve this issue using SSH tunneling following the steps found in https://florian-kriegel.de/blog/?p=234
Set (or add) "docker.host": "tcp://localhost:23750" in settings.json
in VSCode.
Open a SSH tunnel like this in your local machine
changing the user and hostname by the remote machine (where the docker daemon is running) credentials:
ssh -NL localhost:23750:/var/run/docker.sock user#hostname.
Now, in the docker tab, you will be able to see and attach to containers in the remote machine.
Note that the Remote SSH Extension is not used in this case.
This might sound very strange, but for me, I had to open a folder on the remote SSH server prior to using the Remote Containers extension in VS Code. If I didn't do that, then it would constantly try to find the docker service running locally, even though the terminal tab was connected to the remote SSH server.
This seems very weird, because if you're conncted via SSH in VS Code, then the extension should assume you're trying to attach to the container on the remote server. Shouldn't have to open a remote folder first.
By "opening a folder" on the remote server, the Remote Containers extension was then able to attach VS code to the container running on the remote SSH server. I didn't have to do any of the steps in any of those articles. Just simply use Remote SSH to connect VS Code remotely via SSH, open a folder, and then use Remote Containers.
Solution using the "Remote SSH" and the "Remote Explorer" extension in Visual Studio Code.
Following the steps above (https://stackoverflow.com/a/61728799/11687201) I figured out how to make use of the SSH Remote and Remote Explorer Extension. The first step is the same as above:
Open the settings.json file in VSCode, press F1 and select ">Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)" and add/edit the following line:"docker.host": "tcp://localhost:23750"
Open the ssh config file, click on the "Remote Explorer" Extension, then click on the "SSH Targets" "Configure" button and open the ssh config file.
Add the following line to your ssh connection:
LocalForward localhost:23750 /var/run/docker.sock
Remark: Previously I used the solution described earlier in this thread (https://stackoverflow.com/a/61728799/11687201). I had to reboot both machines the local machine and remote machine before the solution described below worked out.
Afterwards I have to use multiple VSCode Windows:
Local Machine: Start VSCode and use the "Remote Explorer" to connect to the remote machine using a new VSCode window
VSCode window connected to remote (SSH)
→ startup the Docker container of your choice
(I was not able to "Attach Visual Studio Code" from this VSCode window)
VSCode window connected to local machine
→ Click on the "Docker" extension, the docker containers running on the remote get listed. Attach VSCode to a running container using one of the folling options:
Right-click on the desired container and chose "Attach Visual Studio Code"
Press F1 and chose">Remote-Containers: Attach to Running Container..." and select the container of your choice afterwards
A third VSCode window will open being attached to the Docker container.
Pros and cons of this solution
(+) Using the "Remote Explorer" extension I can directly connect and open a previously used project folder on my remote machine with one click
(-) 3 VSCode windows (local machine, remote ssh and remote container) are needed instead of 2 VSCode windows
Do you see the error message as of following?
Failed to connect. Is Docker running?
Error: connect EACCES /var/run/docker.sock
Error Message on VSCode
It's because VSCode uses /var/run/docker.sock of remote host to communicate with the Docker service.
There're two methods.
Method 1. (Secure, Need reboot or logging out) After executing following code of dockerode npm getting error "connect EACCES /var/run/docker.sock" on ubuntu 14.04
Method 2. (Instant effect. Use it if you're not dealing with production server)
Run the following command on SSH console.
sudo chmod o+rw /var/run/docker.sock
For some reason, this problem is fixed for me when I open a folder in the remote window before trying to attach to a container.
I found Daniel's answer really helpful but didn't work for me. I put my two cents.
Create a new docker context for the remote machine where remote container is running.
docker context create some-context-label --docker "host=ssh://user#remote_server_ip"
docker context use some-context-label
Just open VSC, go to Docker (you should have installed the extension) tab and you'll see listed all running containers from the remote context you recently created.
Right click on your desired container and attach visual studio code
You can also use the remote-explorer tab, just select containers from the dropdown at the top left.
Why not to ssh remote host
When attaching visual studio code to a container, you can check logs by clicking the notification Setting up Remote-Containers (show log) at the bottom left. There, you can check that:
[26154 ms] Start: Run: ssh some-remote-host /bin/sh
[26160 ms] Start: Run in host: id -un
Here, my guess is that it's trying to ssh to the remote host from itself ,since we already connected via remote-ssh.
If you can reach the remote node running Docker engine via SSH why you need yet another SSH server inside the container? From the host running your container, it is possible and safe to use tty, i.e. attach.
I don't think that this is not a good idea to use SSHD running inside the container although it is possible. To be useful SSHD has to listen to non-conflict port in every container. Otherwise, 2 containers occasionally exposing the same port on the same node will conflict like any other service running on same the node.
Of course, ports can be randomized using -P option but it is not so convenient. It is also less convenient to manage keys and users at the container level than at host level where all machinery is provided by the Host software.
Loading every container with SSHD increases the container size. In Kubernetes, every container is reachable without any SSHD running inside containers via pass Pod->Container because Pod, has IP and containers are attachable by id, i.e. "Docker-host->container"
Step 1 - Docker daemon on the remote machine
make sure your remote Docker daemon can accept connections from your host
for testing purposes, I use the following command on the remote
machine to force Docker daemon to listen on port 4243 on all IPs,
beware this is not secure
There is no support for reading a file from /etc/sysconfig or elsewhere to modify the command line. Fortunately, systemd gives us the tools we need to change this behavior.
The simplest solution is probably to create the file /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker-external.conf (the exact filename doesn't matter; it just needs to end with .conf) with the following contents:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
And then:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker
Step 3 - Opening Docker Ports Using FirewallD
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --change-interface=docker0
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=4243/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
Step 4 - Set (or add) "docker.host": "tcp://localhost:4243" in settings.json in VSCode.
