Installing Rcmdr in R 4 fails - install.packages

I installed R 4 in an MX Linux 19.3 (XFCE) laptop, and it works fine, including Rstudio. However, attempts to install Rcmdr (install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies=TRUE) failed, producing a list of errors about unavailable packages, etc.
I tried several repositories, but all produced the same disappointing result. Previously, I used Rcmdr with R 3.5 and 3.6, so I sort of thought I knew how to do it-- until now.
Any ideas would be welcome.

Getting rid of the library-site in /usr/local/lib/R and reinstalling Rcmdr solved the problem. It shouldn't be that hard, but I am ignorant...


Tidymodels produces different Results

I built eight different machine learning models back in October 2021 using Tidymodels. Back then, I carefully saved the input data, my output and my .R files. Now, when I run my codes again, I get totally different outputs. I have updated my packages since October, and the only explanation that I can think of is that there has been some updates that cause the discrepancies. O wonder if others have experienced such issues and if they have been able to resolve it.
Edit: I am using the same machine and the same random seeds.
Following #Julia Silge's clue, I installed an older version of the rsample package (version 0.0.9) and then I could reproduce all my results.

org-mode latex preview not working -newbie

I have recently installed org-mode for emacs through its package manager, and for some reason the latex-previewing feature does not work. I've tried both imagemagick and dvipng.
The message that I get when I try [C-c C-x C-l] is: "Symbol's function definition is void: org-infile-export-plist." I'm relatively new to emacs so I'm not sure how to proceed. I've been googling for about 2 hours and I haven't found anyone with a similar problem.
I have the latest version of emacs and org-mode 7.9. I checked about mixed installation issues (as suggested by the org manual) and everything checks out. I'm running Linux mint 17.
Can someone suggest a solution?
ps: I've tried AucTex and that works, but I think it only works on .tex files, not on .org files.
Edit: since I made the post I've found out that several other commands are giving me the same error (with different variables after the colon). Is there something wrong with my installation?
I was facing similar issue while trying to solve a bug in org-mode on spacemac, preview-toggle-latex-fragment which apparently causing the bug when the stack is in this order
spacemac 0.200.13
emacs-plus 25.3_2
a few of this solution might come in handy, it didn't work for but it definitely gave me a broader view of the situation I'm facing
As I google-fu my way through, I stumbled upon a issue posted on d12frosted/homebrew-emacs, which sort of convince me to give mituharu/emacs-mac a try and it turned out that it worked really well out of the box and solve the problem.
My current working configuration for my (org-mode + latex) would be
spacemacs 0.300.0 ( dev branch )
emacs-mac 26.1
+emacs/org ( spacemac layer )
latex-math-preview (elpa)
dvipng ( it wasn't on brew, it came with TexLive)
$ tlmgr install dvipng
Once you've solved the problem, you might find this helpful as well.
auto preview latex fragment
This is old but since I had the same issue, maybe it'll help someone else. This happens because the Org export functions haven't been loaded. Try doing export and cancelling it with the sequence C-c C-e q this will cause ox (Org export) to be loaded, and latex preview should now work. If that fixes your issue, add this to your .emacs:
;; Preload org export functions, needed for latex preview.
(require 'ox)

Selenium-webdriver 0.1.4 broken with Firefox 5

I'm having kind of a big problem that I need to solve pretty quickly, but I'm just not sure how.
Right now I've got an app that's stuck using the selenium-webdriver gem at v0.1.4. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and the Firefox Stable PPA. A few nights ago, Firefox forced their new v5.0, and now the Webdriver extension in Firefox is broken. That basically means that when I run Cucumber tests, Firefox will launch, but it won't be able to do anything, since the Webdriver is disabled.
Now, I've been watching for days, and it looks like the folks over at Selenium have updated their 0.2.x release to be compatible with Firefox 5. But I'm hesitant to upgrade what appears to be a significant version increase. I've tried downloading Firefox-4.0 from the FF website, but from what I can tell they just sneak it in as FF5 (every time I launch FF4 directly, it still launches FF5). I've also tried to use the Force Version feature in Synaptic, but FF4 isn't available there either.
I either need to find a hack to fix webdriver 0.1.4 or downgrade to FF4. Does anyone have any advice?
Edit: Some of the above was written in frustration amid a number of dependency issues, and a lot of it was from my own misunderstanding. I meant no offense, and am kicking myself for not seeing was staring me right in the face. I've toned down my rant. Selenium and Firefox are solid products, and I'm just glad I got them working again.
Solved the problem by just upgrading to >= 0.2.2. I thought the version jump from 0.1.x to 0.2.x indicated potential compatibility issues that I wasn't prepared to deal with at the time.
There's a post here by a user named jarra that appears to have directions for installing FF4 back to the mac and then forcing selenium to use FF4.
Do you mean that the extension was disabled due to incompatibility?
Then you can force compatibility by adding the entry extensions.checkcompatibility.5.0 to about:config, with value false. Restart Firefox. If the addon remains disabled, install MR Tech's Toolkit addon, restart Firefox, right-click on the addon, "enable incompatible addon" (or something else). After restarting, Webdriver should work fine.

vmware player install hangs? vista 32bit

I am a noob trying to setup my computer so i can make a social networking website.
Sorry if its not kosher to ask here, but Hopefully one of you smart guys can help me.
I want to test some CMS (content management systems), firstly Elgg and then some others.
As far as ive read i can do this by using a virtual machine like VMware Player.
Now originally i wanted to try out Insoshi so i tried to use Cygwin and GitBash (also Putty tools) to download it (with no success). This involved me installing those programs and also trying to get an ssh environment variable working. So i gaveup on that (seeing that Elgg has more support anyhow i thought id try to try that). I uninstalled these programs, deleted leftover directories and deleted the added environment variable.
I also uninstalled DaemonTools (cos i thought it may be conflicting).
Im running Windows Vista 32bit and have always downloaded relevant installs for that system.
My problem is the VMware Player installer isn't doing anything. I launch it and it seems to hang straight away see pic
Am i missing something here?
Vmware page also suggests a virtual appliance (for cloud stuff) which i dont know much about yet. And i think that appliance is installed via the player else an image loader like Daemon Tools. Do i need this appliance first?
Why is the player not installing?
Ive tried both 3.14 and 3.13 build with same result?
I have about 4 gig of space left on my hd and have 3gig of ram.
I have looked at the programs installed on my computer and cant seem to find anything else that might conflict (but i am a n00b) and i also tried pausing my kapersky pure protection. Any help is severely appreciated, thanks.
As I recall there were a couple of conflicts with vmware
A quick look through the vmware forums I see:
virtualPC (no surprise)
nvidia 270.18 beta driver
I also remember there being talk on the forums about a specific executable name which caused issues, but Im struggling to remember what it was.
start regedit.exe
Browse to the following sub-key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\
You should see keys named 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. In my case I had a folder named "L" before the 0.
Remove the key with "L" (actually it is "└", unicode #2514)
P.S. This is due to Microsoft screws up the registry Internet Zone settings in the registry. With the "└" key, it cause Javascript not to be called from an application.
Got it from here.

Open CV crashes under WIN7 when opening NamedWindow

I am having trouble with OpenCV2.0 on Win7 32bit, I have recompiled it using MinGW 4.5.0 and everything went OK until I tried to run examples. Anytime it opens NamedWindow it crashs down. On the other side on on different machine Win7 64 bit everything runs without problem. Any idea?
Thx, Jan
It is a known problem due to some sort of "stack misalignment" with SSE under certain circumstances.
It has been posted before namedWindow() causes crash in opencv 2.3.1? (Eclipse+MinGW on XP, C++)
Check that you are picking up the correct DLLs, and if you built with Qt, that you are getting the correct Qt DLLs.
Did you just install somethign that also uses Qt - but a different version (like AMDs codeprofiler)
