I get an error when I try to install ROS on VMware fusion 12 pro - opencv

I'm trying to install ROS on my VMware fusion 12, but after updating the bash file as per the installation document, I get an error when I enter roscore in the terminal. The error seems to be that my VMware cannot ping itself. It also affected me using openCv. It offers a solution which asks me to ping an IP address, however when I do this I get another error which I also included in this question. Thanks for your help!
Here is the error

This causes because of wrong configuration of ros parameters .
Check your ros parameter configuration on the VM
Keep in mind that roscore and all other ros commands run without root permission
### Configuring the parameter on VM ####
export YOUR_VM_IP=
#setting ROS_MASTER_URI as VM's_ip ####
If this not work manually add above the ROS parameters lines on ~/.bashrc executing the following commands
sudo vim ~/.bashrc
sudo source ~/.bashrc
sudo source ~/.profile
Also check my answer on Robotics.Stackexchange for accessing master/remote ros notes correctly.
How to call remote ROS node on mobile robot through laptop using wifi?
Also try this link Setting up ROS on a virtual machine
Hope this will somewhat help you !


winpty error Access is denied when executing mdt commands with Google Coral dev board in Windows 10

I have followed the Getting started with the dev board for the Google Coral dev board https://coral.ai/docs/dev-board/get-started/ on Windows 10 through step 3, but I have changed
echo "alias python3='winpty python3.exe'" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "alias mdt='winpty mdt'" >> ~/.bash_profile
alias python3='winpty C:/Users/jimmu/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe'
alias mdt='winpty C:/Users/jimmu/AppData/Roaming/Python/Python39/site-packages/mdt'
because I got the error winpty: ... Not found in PATH. While
python3 --version
correctly returns the python version (Python 3.9.7), executing
mdt devices
results in the error
winpty: error: cannot start 'C:/Users/jimmu/AppData/Roaming/Python/Python39/site-packages/mdt devices': Access is denied. (error 0x5)
I have already turned off App execution aliases as in the StackOverflow issue winpty python.exe whenever you enter python. I'm really stuck as almost all of the articles I can find are using MACs or Linux, so I'm not seeing what I need to do to make the Coral dev board work with Windows 10. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

kvaser_interface need library: libcanlib.so.1. Should I install linuxcan lib or now?

It seems that I'm facing a delemma. I need to run kvaser_interface ROS1 (noetic, 1.15.14) node. I'm using this repo: https://github.com/astuff/kvaser_interface
I follow this link to install kvaser CAN/USB driver on my ubuntu 20.04.4. If I don't install CANlib or linuxcan, I can have my CAN network working (can0 is listed, candump and cansend works). But kvaser_interface needs a library from linuxcan, hence gives me error:
... kvaser_can_bridge: error while loading shared libraries: libcanlib.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Apparently kvaser_interface node requires CANlib. So I installed linuxcan and CANlib using:
sudo make install
kvaser_interface runs without a problem. But can0 isn't working anymore.
ip link
doesn't show can0. Also
sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000
Cannot find device "can0"
This is because linuxcan blacklists socketCAN. It seems that I'm facing a delimma. Also I'm not clear what role CANlib is playing here. Any suggests will help. Thank you.
I have not tested this yet, but you can go into the
and sudo edit the file to delete the blacklisted modules:

How do I run a script file in Windows?

I am trying to build Pyodide from source on Windows. In their documentation they recommend using Docker. From the documentation:
1 Install Docker
2 From a git checkout of Pyodide, run ./run_docker or ./run_docker --pre-built
3 Run make to build.
I don't understand how to run ./run_docker?
I don't even know exactly what the file is. Is it a shell script?
Combining your question, "How do I run a script file in Windows?", with the information provided (you want to run a file called run_docker from the Pyodide project) you should get started by installing the Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2 (WSL). After you install WSL, you will need to open a command prompt, run bash to enter the Ubuntu linux distribution. From here you should follow the steps for building on Linux. When you run into a problem you can search the internet for solutions related to "Linux" or "Ubuntu".

Ejabberd installation strange issue

OS: Debian 8.1 X64
trying to install eJabberd Community server based on this tutorial
At the end of installation, it pops error message
Error: Error running Post Install Script.
The installation may have not completed correctly
What am I doing wrong?
It looks like /bin/sh is Dash on your system (apparently the default since Debian Squeeze). However, the postinstall.sh script inside the package uses brace expansion, which while widely supported in various shells is not required by the POSIX standard, and thus Dash is not in error by not supporting it. The postinstall.sh script should either specify /bin/bash instead of /bin/sh in its first line, or abstain from using Bash-specific features.
You should be able to get a functioning ejabberd install by explicitly running the postinstall script with Bash:
sudo bash /opt/ejabberd-15.07/bin/postinstall.sh

dockerfile: vim (compiled python), vim-ipython, and ipython notebook

I would like to build a Dockerfile in linux which
1. compiles vim with python
2. installs python stack (such as numpy, scipy, ipython, etc)
3. creates ssl certificate for ipython-notebook, to view the notebooks on host machine
It seemed straightforward enough. But I have run into problems despite a variety of approaches, such as linking separate containers, using anaconda, as well as with a single unified image vs separate layers, or creating a user or running all as a root.
In order to run vim, simply installing to root, does not activate pathogen bundle/vim-ipython. Creating a user allows pathogen bundles (ie nerdtree works) to install, but :IPython throws error.
:IPython failed
^-- failed '' not found .
Ive tried the above with no layers/1 large Dockerfile, and with different layers for the python stack, vim, and the ipython notebook.
What am I not seeing here ?
what does the ^-- failed '' not found referring to?
Ive tried running the ipython notebook using --no-browser & and then running vim, or using running two shells on the same container... but cant get past this error.
Here is a working Dockerfile for anyone trying to get vim-ipython working in Docker.
user/shared home needed to for vim, despite runtimepath in .vimrc to pathogen/bundle
%connect_info >> required with containers
I am running in root, not sure why vim required a USER to install packages, but changing to USER would throw errors with CMD
