Multiple boards Windows Device Manager prompts resource conflict, error code is 12 - driver

I inserted multiple same boards into the system. Device PCIe is implemented with Xilinx IP core. After each FPGA program is programed, manually refresh the device manager to check whether the device and driver are working properly.
My confusion is that it seems that this approach can only work on two boards at the same time. After the third board is programmed , and then refresh the task manager, the system prompts insufficient resources, "This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use (Code 12)"
I tried to disable the other two boards, but the device still prompted conflicts. I don't know how to query conflicting resources.
My boards have 2 BARs(BAR0: 2KB, BAR1:16MB), and 1 IRQ.
I did a few experiments and felt that it was caused by the conflict of memory resources. The conflicting party was the AMD integrated graphics card that came with the motherboard.
1st, 2nd, 3rd all indicate my board number.
3rd is not recognized because of conflicts.
After I shut it down, I plugged in all three boards and then turned it on again. As a result, during the startup process, the system restarted again after a sudden power failure, and then all three boards were normal. At this time, it is found that the memory address of the graphics card has changed
I want to know how to resolve the conflict? modify my driver code or FPGA configuration?

PCIe enumeration should resolve memory allocations issues, however there are a couple implementation issues to be aware of. Case in point, I have used Xilinx XDMA's with a 64 bit BAR of 2GB in size and I have literally bricked a DELL XPS motherboard. But I have done the same with an IBM system and it just worked. The point here is that enumeration can be done with Firmware, Hardware or OS driven event. If you doing hardware manager, that sounds like OS driven, but when I toasted the XPS board, that was some kind of FW issue that was related to BAR size that resulted in a permanent failure. 16MB isn't big and it should not be a problem, but I would recommend going with the Xilinx defaults first and show reliability there. I think it's one BAR at 1M. I have run 3x 64 bit BARS at 1MB a piece without issue, but keep it simple and show reliability. Then move up. This will help isolate if it is a system flakiness or not.
I have seen some system use FW based enumeration that comes up really fast, before the FPGA has configured, in which case there is no PCIe target to ID. If you frequently find that your FPGA is not detected on power up, but detected on a rescan, this can be a symptom. How to resolve this is a bit of a pain. We ended up using partial reconfiguration. Start with the PCIe interface, then have a reconfig to load the remaining image. Let's hope it isn't this problem
The next thing is to be aware of is your reset mechanism within the FPGA. You probably hooked the PCIe IP reset to the bus reset which is great, however, I have in the past also hooked that reset to internal PLL locked signals that may not be up. For troubleshooting purposes, keep that reset simple and get rid of everything else to show that just the PCIe IP by itself is reliable first.
You also have to be careful here too. If you strip things down, make sure it is clean. If you ignore the PLL lock and try to use a Xilinx driver, such as the XDMA driver, it has a routine where it tries to identify the XDMA with data transactions. It is looking for the DMA BAR one BAR at a time. But when it does this, the transaction it attempts may go out on the AXI bus if the BAR isn't the XDMA control BAR. If the AXI bus isn't out of reset or clocked when this happens you will lock the AXI bus and I have locked up a Linux box this way on several occasions. AXI requires that transactions complete, otherwise it just sits there waiting.
BTW, on a Linux box, you can look at the enumeration output in the kernel log. I'm not sure if Windows shows you the same thing or not. But this can be helpful if you see that the device was initially probed but then something invalid was detected in the config register, versus not being seen at all.
So a couple things to look at.


STM32 Memory Dump and Extracting Secret Key

I am quite new at embedded development and started with a STM32F429 board to improve myself.
I have just developed a basic Caesar encryption application for my board. It is working well, and defined the secret key as "3". Now I would like to extract this super secret(!) key from my device.
How can I do it? Should I dump the memory or firmware of my device, and how?
May you suggest me any software for this proccess? (Not ST Utility or STM softwares please. Because I would like to try gained experiences on other devices as well.)
I take it the value you're looking for is hardcoded. In that case it resides in the internal flash. So yes, a memory dump will be necessary.
I will go the long way and assume that you know very little about how it works, so if you know some of this stuff, well, good for you. I will try to give a few pointers.
Specifically about STM32:
You have an option to boot the microcontroller from the so-called system memory, which is read-only memory, and it is already preprogrammed from factory with a bootloader. You can talk to that running bootloader via UART (most common way, comes with ST-Link, but any cheapo USB-UART bridge also works). Or it can be some other protocol. You can ask that bootloader to read its flash out to you, among other things. This is covered in AN2606.pdf. It has some useful links in it, such as:
names of documents, where you can find specific bootloader commands for any interface you wish. Of course, you only care about interfaces, that the bootloader of your specific MCU F429 supports, which are found in the same AN2606, page 172 (for bootloader version 0.7, there is also 0.9 for those MCUs, I have no idea how to tell which one you have, so...try? UART configuration seems identical anyway):
So what exactly needs to be done? Flip the state of BOOT0 pin - permanently - of the MCU and reset it (power cycle or reset pin, both ok). You will boot the MCU into bootloader instead of booting program from flash. You can read about it in the Reference manual STM32F429, page 69. It talks about states of BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins on boot. What pins are boot0 - if they're not marked on your board, then you'll have to consult F429 datasheet, page 69 (I swear, it's a coincidence). Depending on your specific IC, it will be one pin or another.
It will activate all MCUs peripherals as per docs above and it and wait on its UART and other pins for commands. Commands listed in the documents I provided above. Let's take a look at AN3155 about USART of bootloader:
And the commands are
are all in that document, the table of contents in pdf really helps to find stuff quickly. Of course, if you need specific details, and you will need specific information about specific commands, it's all in there too. How many bytes in command, how many bytes at a time you read from flash etc. Basically, you can either write your own program that does that (even program another microcontroller to program that microcontroller using victim's bootloader), or use any other software that knows what commands to send to the bootloader. It can be ST utility, it can be any other program. They all implement the very same command set, so it doesn't actually matter much. I couldn't find many programs that do that, the only thing that stood out was stm32flash. Never used it myself. I'm ok with ST stuff, since I know what it does (I think).
Oh yeah back to getting the secret value out. I almost forgot about that. Well, then you open the dump in hex viewer/editor, and scroll it around looking for interesting combination of values. Yeah, that's kinda what it looks like. One can run it via disassembly. Scroll disassembled code around, see if there are any numeric values that stand out. You know, some random number 0xD35B581 or something hardcoded in the middle of pretty program could mean something, like be a serial number or a secret number. Unfortunately, I'm reaching boundaries of my competence here, so won't go any further on what one can do with dump.

Is there any means to do RAM memory testing for multi-core during another application using target memory domain

I try to implement ram test such like this url( in dual core microcontroller.
This ram testing shall be available in the middle of another process.
I think implementing this by using interrupt disable, but it is not appropriate.
As a precondition, My implementing ram test is supposed to do data backup to another domain before testing and to put these data back to initial address.
So, other driver can use same data as usual after RAM testing.
In this case I use interrupt disable, it's not available in dual core.
Because the both of cores access the same RAM domain and disabling interrupt
is not working another core's processing, there are only occurring data inconsistency.
Could you give me your idea?
Somewhat by definition if you are running code on that ram you are not testing that ram if you want to do a memory test you need to be off the ram under test.
But that depends on what your definition of test is. If it is a memory test to test the memory itself, cant be on it, you are not testing some of the memory so you are not testing the memory (looks like what your link is about, note links are bad in SO questions and answers, remote links are not assumed to remain active).
Cant test half then another half you are not testing the address bus completely.
If this is a performance test then ideally you want to be off of it and have the test run completely from cache. Multi core helps for a targeted test as you can push the interface a little bit harder, difficult to max it out with a general purpose processor though, multi-core or not.
Otherwise if you just want to exercise a fraction then allocate a fraction and test it, in whatever way you wish. Its not really a memory test though.
Sounds like from your requirements you are not really interested in a full memory test, so do as much as you can to make your boss happy.
Actual memory testing a system is very much specific to that system, how you approach it, how you solve it. You want that code(/stack) to not be on that ram, ideally the chip/system design includes a fast internal SRAM that you can use for board bring up and design verification, possibly manufacture test, but manufacture test should be testing the solder/board not all the bits in the ram, there are ways to do that too. If no internal sram then they had to design some way to bring the system up, or not, if you can run from flash and have the cache on, and can map that out of the way of the DRAM address space, then you can test the dram(/external ram) that way (no stack, just the CPU registers, basically assembly language).

Does simulating memory-mapped I/O using VMX require instruction decoding?

I am wondering how a hypervisor using Intel's VMX / VT technology would simulate memory-mapped I/O (so that the guest could think it was performing memory mapped I/O againsta device).
I think the basic principle would be to set up the EPT page tables in such a way that the memory addresses in question would cause an EPT violation (i.e. VM exit) by setting them such that they cannot be read or written? However, the next question is how to process the VM exit. Such a VM-exit would fill out all the exit qualification reasons etc. including the guest-linear and guest-physical address etc. But what I am missing in these exit qualification fields is some field indicating - in case of a write instruction - the value that was attempted to be written and the size of the write. Likewise, for a read instruction it would be nice with some bit fields indicating the destination of the read, say a register or a memory location (in case of memory-to-memory string operations). This would make it very easy for the hypervisor to figure out what the guest was trying to do and then simulate the device behavior towards the guest.
But the trouble is, I can't find such fields among the exit qualifications. I can see an instruction pointer to where the faulting instruction is, so I could walk the page tables to read in the instruction and then decode it to understand the instruction, then simulate the I/O behavior. However, this requires the hypervisor to have a fairly complete picture of all x86 instructions, and be able to decode them. That seems to be quite a heavy burden on the hypervisor, and will also require it to stay current with later instruction additions. And the CPU should already have this information.
There's a chance that that I am missing these relevant fields because the documentation is quite extensive, but I have tried to search carefully but have not been able to find it. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction OR confirm that the hypervisor will need to contain an instruction decoder.
I believe most VMs decode the instruction. It's not actually that hard, and most VMs have software emulators to fallback on when the CPU VM extensions aren't available or up to the task. You don't need to handle every instruction, just those that can take memory operands, and you can probably ignore everything that isn't a 1, 2, or 4 byte memory operand since you're not likely to emulating device registers other than those sizes. (For memory mapped device buffers, like video memory, you don't want to be trapping every memory accesses because that's too slow, and so you'll have to take different approach.)
However, there is one way you can let the CPU do the work for you, but it's much slower then decoding the instruction itself and it's not entirely perfect. You can single step the instruction while temporarily mapping in a valid page of RAM. The VM exit will tell you the guest physical address access and whether it was a read or write. Unfortunately it doesn't reliably tell you whether it was read-modify-write instruction, those may just set the write flag, and with some device registers that can make a difference. It might be easier to copy the instruction (it can only be a most 15 bytes, but watch out for page boundaries) and execute it in the host, but that requires that you can map the page to same virtual address in the host as in the guest.
You could combine these techniques, decode the common instructions that are actually used to access memory mapped device registers, while using single stepping for the instructions you don't recognize.
Note that by choosing to write your own hypervisor you've put a heavy burden on yourself. Having to decode instructions in software is a pretty minor burden compared to the task of emulating an entire IBM PC compatible computer. The Intel virtualisation extensions aren't designed to make this easier, they're just designed to make it more efficient. It would be easier to write a pure software emulator that interpreted the instructions. Handling memory mapped I/O would be just a matter of dispatching the reads and writes to the correct function.
I don't know in details how VT-X works, but I think I see a flaw in your wishlist way it could work:
Remember that x86 is not a load/store machine. The load part of add [rdi], 2 doesn't have an architecturally-visible destination, so your proposed solution of telling the hypervisor where to find or put the data doesn't really work, unless there's some temporary location that isn't part of the guest's architectural state, used only for communication between the hypervisor and the VMX hardware.
To handle a read-modify-write instruction with a memory destination efficiently, the VM should do the whole thing with one VM exit. So you can't just provide separate load and store interfaces.
More importantly, handling atomic read-modify-writes is a special case. lock add [rdi], 2 can't just be done as a separate load and store.

Watchdog timeout during call to file.format?

This question is entirely unrelated to my code, but to satisfy the obligatory show your code directive:
Before the call above returns, on this one SoC I always get a wdt reset. Sometimes but not always the flash does appear to be formatted when the chip is started again. And sometimes if freezes after the wdt reset message, and has to be powered off (looks like wrong comm parameters after pressing hardware reset, but none of the terminal app options seemed to match.)
(Note: since starting this draft I built another copy of my device, using another new, recently received ESP8266-12E, and it behaves identically. Previously built copies still work normally, with the identical firmware.)
So this must be a bad chip, right? Or maybe bad on-board flash? It is a brand new one I just bought. I've also seen file.write issues, with buffer size always 255 bytes or less, though no read issues at all.
One other quirk, after burning a cloud-built nodemcu image to this ESP8266-12E device, returned 65535 and adc.readvdd33 returned an apparently valid value. (I corrected that by burning esp_init_data_default.bin to 0x3FC000.) This was the first (out of 15, maybe 20) I have seen that was like that. I did not check to see if an older version of nodemcu was already on it.
This wouldn't be the first chip with which I've had issues on arrival; it's at least the 2nd, likely the 3rd or 4th.
So maybe the larger question, what percentage of the ESP8266's that you buy, are either DOA or suffer infant mortality? (Not counting the ones that you have reason to believe were inadvertently killed.)
The problem can be something other than the ESPs, like a inappropriate power supply. I know from my own experience that the Arduino Uno and most USB-TTL converters cannot safely deliver enough current to ESPs. If you're not already, consider using a dedicated power supply circuit that are connected to a USB power source.
It does indeed seem to be a hardware issue, 2 bad out of 6, not good! I think it might be a certain vendor but don't want to name names without being sure... Whatever is wrong with the chip hangs it up long enough to make the watchdog bark.
Much more than the cost of the part, the time consumed figuring out whether it's lua code, firmware, supporting connections, peripherals or the chip itself, is the costly thing (not to mention frustration, and wasted storage on SO.)

DSP on Beaglebone

I have a Beaglebone running Ubuntu. We want to continuously sample from 3 on-board ATD converters at 100KS/s, and every window of samples we will run a cross correlation DSP algorithm. Once we find a correlation value above a threshold, we will send the value to a PC.
My concern is the process scheduling in Ubuntu. If our process gets swapped out and an ATD sample becomes available during this time, the process will miss the sample. We need to ensure that our process will capture every sample and save it in memory.
With this being said, is there a way to trigger interrupts on the Beaglebone so that if an ATD sample is ready, the sample will be saved in the memory of our program even if the program does not have the processor at the time?
You might be able to trigger the EDMA or use the PRUSS. Probably best to ask on There isn't a DSP per-se on the BeagleBone.
This is not exactly an answer to your question, but hopefully it explains how the process works. Since you didn't mention what hardware you are running for AD conversion, maybe this is the best that can be done:
With audio hardware, which faces the same problem, the solution comes from the hardware and the drivers working together: whenever the hardware has filled up enough of the buffer it signals the driver (via an interrupt or some similar mechanism). In some cases, it's also possible that the driver polls the hardware or something like that, but that's a less efficient solution, and I'm not sure anyone does it that way anymore (maybe on cheaper hardware?). From there, the driver process may call right into the end-user process, or it may simply mark the relevant end-user process as "runnable". Either way, control needs to be transferred to the end user process.
For that to happen, the end user process must be running at a higher priority than anything else occupying the CPUs at that moment. To guarantee that your process will always be first in the queue, you can run it at a high priority, with the appropriate permissions, you can even run in very high priorities.
The time it takes for the top priority process to go from runnable to running is sometimes called the "latency" of the OS, though I am sure there's a more specific technical term. The latency of Linux is on the order of 1 ms, but since it's not a "hard" real-time OS, this is not a guarantee. If this is too long to handle your chunks of data, you may have to buffer some of it in your driver.
