What does a BRC mean in PL/SQL - stored-procedures

I trying am new to PL/SQL and am trying to learn it. Can anyone please tell me what does a BRC mean? How is it different from a stored procedure or a function?
What is the full form of it and how can I create a BRC? I was not able to find anything online.
Thanks in advance!


It's there a way to archived Jira Issue and worklog

i try to find a way to archive project, issue and worklogs from jira to another database to increase performance.
It's someone already write a tools or have some sample of code to use to execute this goal ?
I think pass by the api will be to much expensive in ressource, so maybe i would like to pass by the database
It's there a way to transfert all old "items" who was not modified past a year ?
There is a tool I made for my needs which basically allows to convert Jira project to html website - maybe it will be useful for you: https://gitlab.com/kaszaq/jiratomkdocs/

clauses and variables in Z3.py

I'm working recently on Z3.py. I wonder If there is any way to display the number of clauses and variable of my model. I used to work on Alloy. Alloy displays these informations automatically. Can anyone help?

PFIncrementalStore for iOS...Has anyone made it work?

Has anyone had any success with PFIncremental store? Here: http://sbonami.github.io/PFIncrementalStore/
When I load of the sample project, then add my Parse keys and start the app, I don't see any objects appear in Parse. Additionally, if I implement my own test of the library, and try to save an object, it does not appear in the Parse interface.
Any assistance or insight would be appreciated. Please let me know if there is more information that I can provide.
Thanks in advance.

How do I get Post/Get Data in Chomium (DCEF3 / Delphi 7)

I hope someone can help!
I'm converting a Delphi 7 app that uses TWebBrowser to use Chromium instead.
Something I'm having a problem with, I display the Post/Get values to the user in OnBeforeNavigate2 I grab the PostData and do ByteArrayToStr(PostData,sPostData); to turn it into a readable string.
I've gone through the documentation and found the spec for CefPostData but cannot work out which method to use and how to acccess it.
Does anyone have example code or can steer me in the right direction?
I had a look at a post on StackOverflow that explains how to Send Post data, but I can't find anything for writing it.
Thanks in advance,

How to edit standard class of android?

I am trying to build an app which acquired information from WiFi Access point, however, this information is not a standard information. i am transmitting additional information from the access point. Now to receive this information, i need to modify the class "WifiInfo." I am not sure how can I do it. I tried googling it, but no luck.
Is it possible to do this?
If yes, How,
Can I do this using any alternate way?
Thanks in advance for your help. :)
