How to only buffer outside of the polygon and leave the shared edge un-buffered? - buffer

What I am trying to achieve is to buffer a set of connecting polygons while leaving the shared edges un-buffered.
After some searching, ArcGIS's buffer wizards + dissolve does exactly that but unfortunately without an Arcgis license I am searching for a solution that uses QGIS or other platforms such as PostGIS.
The image below shows the result using ArcGIS's buffer wizards + dissolve
Desired Result:
The main challenge is to cut the overlaps from two adjacent buffers into two disjoint polygons along a line equidistant to the unbuffered polygons.
Adding an modified image from JFK to elaborate on my desired result with an example, black shaded polygons are the original polygon, and polygon A and B are the seperate buffered polygons that has three buffered sides, and one un-buffered side (the side where A, B touches)

The doc says the wizard starts by dissolving the polygons, then a buffer is applied on the output.
You can do the same in PostGIS: st_collect aggregates the geometries together, creating a multi-polygon if geometries are disjoint. st_buffer does the buffering (in CRS unit), st_dump will explode the single multi-part buffer into individual polygons.
WITH src(geom) AS (values
('POLYGON((0 0,0 10,10 10, 10 0, 0 0))'::geometry),
('POLYGON((0 0,0 10,-10 10, -10 0, 0 0))'::geometry),
('POLYGON((20 20,20 30,30 30, 30 20, 20 20))'::geometry))
SELECT st_asText(
FROM src;
POLYGON((20 19,19.8049096779839 19.0192147195968,19.6173165676349 19.0761204674887,19.4444297669804 19.1685303876975,19.2928932188135 19.2928932188135,19.1685303876975 19.4444297669804,19.0761204674887 19.6173165676349,19.0192147195968 19.8049096779839,19 20,19 30,19.0192147195968 30.1950903220161,19.0761204674887 30.3826834323651,19.1685303876975 30.5555702330196,19.2928932188135 30.7071067811865,19.4444297669804 30.8314696123025,19.6173165676349 30.9238795325113,19.8049096779839 30.9807852804032,20 31,30 31,30.1950903220161 30.9807852804032,30.3826834323651 30.9238795325113,30.5555702330196 30.8314696123025,30.7071067811865 30.7071067811865,30.8314696123025 30.5555702330196,30.9238795325113 30.3826834323651,30.9807852804032 30.1950903220161,31 30,31 20,30.9807852804032 19.8049096779839,30.9238795325113 19.6173165676349,30.8314696123025 19.4444297669804,30.7071067811865 19.2928932188135,30.5555702330196 19.1685303876975,30.3826834323651 19.0761204674887,30.1950903220161 19.0192147195968,30 19,20 19))
POLYGON((0 -1,-10 -1,-10.1950903220161 -0.980785280403231,-10.3826834323651 -0.923879532511287,-10.5555702330196 -0.831469612302547,-10.7071067811865 -0.70710678118655,-10.8314696123025 -0.555570233019605,-10.9238795325113 -0.382683432365094,-10.9807852804032 -0.195090322016134,-11 0,-11 10,-10.9807852804032 10.1950903220161,-10.9238795325113 10.3826834323651,-10.8314696123025 10.5555702330196,-10.7071067811865 10.7071067811865,-10.5555702330196 10.8314696123025,-10.3826834323651 10.9238795325113,-10.1950903220161 10.9807852804032,-10 11,0 11,10 11,10.1950903220161 10.9807852804032,10.3826834323651 10.9238795325113,10.5555702330196 10.8314696123025,10.7071067811865 10.7071067811865,10.8314696123025 10.5555702330196,10.9238795325113 10.3826834323651,10.9807852804032 10.1950903220161,11 10,11 0,10.9807852804032 -0.195090322016128,10.9238795325113 -0.38268343236509,10.8314696123025 -0.555570233019602,10.7071067811865 -0.707106781186547,10.5555702330196 -0.831469612302545,10.3826834323651 -0.923879532511287,10.1950903220161 -0.98078528040323,10 -1,0 -1))
(2 rows)


mapping highlights/annotations to text in pdf

So i have this sample pdf file with three words on separate lines:
I have highlighted the word "there" on the second line. Internally, within the pdf, i'm trying to map the highlight/annotation structure to the text (BT) area.
The section corresponding to the word "there" looks like so:
/F0 14.6599998 Tf
1 0 0 -1 0 130 Tm
96 0 Td <0057> Tj
4.0719757 0 Td <004B> Tj
8.1511078 0 Td <0048> Tj
8.1511078 0 Td <0055> Tj
4.8806458 0 Td <0048> Tj
I also have an annotation section where I have my highlight which has the following rect dimensions:
18 0 19 15 20 694 21 786 22 853 23 1058 24 1331 [19 0 R 20 0 R]<</AP<</N 10 0 R>>
(I left the top part of the annotation out on purpose because it is long. I extracted what i thought were the most important parts.
Rect[68.0024 690.459 101.054 706.37]
I'm kind of confused about how my text is mapped to this one highlight that I have. The coordinates do not seem to match (130 y vs 690 y)? Am I looking in the right place and interpreting my text and/or highlight annotation coordinates correctly?
i want to add more info on how I created this test pdf.
Its pretty simple to recreate the pdf. I went to google docs and created an empty document. On three lines i wrote my text as described above. I downloaded that as a pdf and then opened it in adobe acrobat reader DC (the newest one i think). I then used adobe acrobat reader to highlight the specified line and re save it. After that I used some python to unzip the pdf sections.
The python code to decompress the pdf sections:
import re
import zlib
pdf = open("helloworld.pdf", "rb").read()
stream = re.compile(r'.*?FlateDecode.*?stream(.*?)endstream', re.S)
for s in stream.findall(pdf):
s = s.strip('\r\n')
Unfortunately the OP only explained how he created his document and did not share the document itself. I followed his instructions but the coordinates of the annotation differ. As I only have this document for explanation, though, the OP will have to mentally adapt the following to the precise numbers in his document.
The starting coordinate system
The starting (default) user coordinate system in the document is implied by the crop box. In the document at hand the crop box is defined as
/CropBox [0 0 596 843]
i.e. the visible page is 596 units wide and 843 units high (given the default user unit of 1/72" this is an A4 format) and the origin is in the lower left corner. x coordinates increase to the right, y coordinate increase upwards. Thus, a coordinate system as usually started with in math, too.
The annotation rectangle
This also is the coordinate system of the annotation rectangle coordinates.
In the case at hand they are
/Rect [68.0595 741.373 101.138 757.298]
i.e. the rectangle with the lower left corner at (68.0595, 741.373) and the upper right at (101.138, 757.298).
Transformations of the coordinate system
In the page content stream up to the text object already identified by the OP the coordinate system gets transformed a number of times.
Mirroring, translation
In the very first line of the page content
1 0 0 -1 0 843 cm
This transformation moves the origin up by 843 units and mirrors (multiplies by -1) the y coordinate.
Thus, now be have a coordinate system with the origin in the upper left and y coordinate increasing downwards.
A bit later in the content stream the coordinate system is scaled
.75062972 0 0 .75062972 0 0 cm
Thus, the coordinate units are compressed to about 3/4 of their original width and height, i.e. each unit along the x or y is only 1/96" wide/high.
The text "there"
Only after these transformations have been applied to the coordinate system, the text object identified by the OP is drawn. It starts by setting and changing the text matrix:
1 0 0 -1 0 130 Tm
This sets the text matrix to translate by 130 units in y direction and mirroring y coordinates once again. (Mirroring back again is necessary as otherwise the text would be drawn upside down.)
96 0 Td
This changes the text matrix by moving 96 units along the x axis.
And the starting point where the text is drawn is at the origin of the coordinate system first changed by the mirroring and translation, and then by scaling of the current transformation matrix, and then by mirroring and translation according to the text matrix.
Does it match?
Which coordinate would this point be in the default user coordinate system?
x = (0 + 96) * .75062972 = 72 (approximately)
y = (((0 * (-1)) + 130) * .75062972) * (-1) + 843 = 745,4 (approximately)
This matches with the annotation rectangle (see above) with x coordinates between 68.0595 and 101.138 and y coordinates between 741.373 and 757.298.
I'm kind of confused about how my text is mapped to this one highlight that I have. The coordinates do not seem to match (130 y vs 690 y)? Am I looking in the right place and interpreting my text and/or highlight annotation coordinates correctly?
The coordinates do match, you merely have to make sure you apply the transformations of the current transformation matrix and the text matrix.

Wrong result using function fillPoly in opencv for very large images

I have a hard time solving the issue with mask creation.My image is large,
40959px X 24575px and im trying to create a mask for it.
I noticed that i dont have a problem for images up to certain size(I tested about 33000px X 22000px), but for dimensions larger than that i get an error inside my mask(Error is that it gets black in the middle of the polygon and white region extends itself to the left edge.Result should be without black area inside polygon and no white area extending to the left edge of image).
So my code looks like this:
pixel_points_list = latLonToPixel(dataSet, lat_lon_pairs)
print pixel_points_list
# This is the list im getting
#[[213, 6259], [22301, 23608], [25363, 22223], [27477, 23608], [35058, 18433], [12168, 282], [213, 6259]]
image = cv2.imread(in_tmpImgFilePath,-1)
print image.shape
#Value of image.shape: (24575, 40959, 4)
mask = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
roi_corners = np.array([pixel_points_list], dtype=np.int32)
print roi_corners
#contents of roi_corners_array:
[[[ 213 6259]
[22301 23608]
[25363 22223]
[27477 23608]
[35058 18433]
[12168 282]
[ 213 6259]]]
channel_count = image.shape[2]
ignore_mask_color = (255,)*channel_count
cv2.fillPoly(mask, roi_corners, ignore_mask_color)
And this is the mask im getting with those coordinates(minified mask):
You see that in the middle of the mask the mask is mirrored.I took those points from pixel_points_list and drawn them on coordinate system and im getting valid polygon, but when using fillPoly im getting wrong results.
Here is even simpler example where i have only 4(5) points:
roi_corners = array([[ 213 6259]
[22301 23608]
[35058 18433]
[12168 282]
[ 213 6259]])
And i get
Does anyone have a clue why does this happen?
The issue is in the function CollectPolyEdges, called by fillPoly (and drawContours, fillConvexPoly, etc...).
Internally, it's assumed that the point coordinates (of integer type int32) have meaningful values only in the 16 lowest bits. In practice, you can draw correctly only if your points have coordinates up to 32768 (which is exactly the maximum x coordinate you can draw in your image.)
This can't be considered as a bug, since your images are extremely large.
As a workaround, you can try to scale your mask and your points by a given factor, fill the poly on the smaller mask, and then re-scale the mask back to original size
As #DanMašek pointed out in the comments, this is in fact a bug, not fixed, yet.
In the bug discussion, there is another workaround mentioned. It consists on drawing using multiple ROIs with size less than 32768, correcting coordinates for each ROI using the offset parameter in fillPoly.

Cropping the liquid region of a bottle for processing

Basically what I want to do is to filter out only the liquid region of the bottle for further processing. So the next processes would apply only for that region.
I've tried various methods for months but didn't have any luck. I can filter out the region between the top liquid boundary and the top of the bottom dark region. But that doesn't serve my purpose as I need the areas at the sides of the dark region at the bottom of the bottles too. Im trying to do this in openCV/EmguCV.
help please...
You may upload the images you have already obtained (code as well), along with the regions that your result failed to include. Currently I am not quite sure which part of liquid would you like to get. I tried some easy processing, and get a liquid region. Please let me know if there is some problem.
(1) Remove the region with (i) intensity of 255 at either R,G or B space, or (ii) all the 3 space with intensity of less than 100, shown in upper left as I0;
(2) HSV space. Remove the region with Hue value equal to 0.5 or 1, shown in upper middle as I1;
(3) Remove the region with Saturation value no less than 0.5, shown in upper right as I2;
(4) I2&I1, remove the region with small areas, fill in the holes, shown in lower left as I3;
(5) I0(:,:,1)&I3 where I0(:,:,1) is its channel 1. Fill in the holes, smooth the edges, shown in lower middle;
(6) Use (5)'s result as a mask on the original image, shown in the lower right.
I think you can also get the liquid region with the dark side at the bottom shown as a hole, you can use cvFloodFill() to fill the holes, and get a intact liquid region.

Plot an array into bitmap in C/C++ for thermal printer

I am trying to accomplish something a bit backwards from everyone else. Given an array of sensor data, I wish to print a graph plot of it. My test bench uses a stepper motor to move the input shaft of a sensor, stop, get ADC value of sensor's voltage, repeat.
My current version 0.9 bench does not have a graphical output. The proper end solution will. Currently, I have 35 data points, and I'm looking to get 90 to 100. The results are simply stored in an int array. The index is linear, so it's not a complicated plot, but I'm having problems conceptualizing the plot from bottom-left to top-right to display to the operator. I figure on the TFT screen, I can literally translate an origin and then draw lines from point to point...
Worse, I want to also print out this to a thermal printer, so I'll need to translate this into a sub-384 pixel wide graph. I'm not too worried about the semantics of communicating the image to the printer, but how to convert the array to an image.
It gets better: I'm doing this on an Arduino Mega, so the libraries aren't very robust. At least it has a lot of RAM for the code. :/
Here's an example of when I take my data from the Arduino test and feed it into Excel. I'm not looking for color, but I'd like the graph to appear and this setup not be connected to a computer. Or the network. This is the ESC/POS printer, btw.
The algorithm for this took three main stages:
1) Translate the Y from top left to bottom left.
2) Break up the X into word:bit values.
3) Use Bresenham's algorithm to draw lines between the points. And then figure out how to make the line thicker.
For my exact case, the target bitmap is 384x384, so requires 19k of SRAM to store in memory. I had to ditch the "lame" Arduino Mega and upgrade to the ChipKIT uC32 to pull this off, 32k of RAM, 80 MHz cpu, & twice the I/O!
The way I figured out this was to base my logic on Adafruit's Thermal library for Arduino. In their examples, they include how to convert a 1-bit bitmap into a static array for printing. I used their GFX library to implement the setXY function as well as their GFX Bresenham's algorithm to draw lines between (X,Y)s using my setXY().
It all boiled down to the code in this function I wrote:
// *bitmap is global or class member pointer to byte array of size 384/8*384
// bytesPerRow is 384/8
void setXY(int x, int y) {
// integer divide by 8 (/8) because array size is byte or char
int xByte = x/8;
// modulus 8 (%8) to get the bit to set
uint8_t shifty = x%8;
// right shift because we start from the LEFT
int xVal = 0x80 >> shifty;
// inverts Y from bottom to start of array
int yRow = yMax - y;
// Get the actual byte in the array to manipulate
int offset = yRow*bytesPerRow + xByte;
// Use logical OR in case there is other data in the bitmap,
// such as a frame or a grid
The big point is to remember with an array, we are starting at the top left of the bitmap, going right across the row, then down one Y row and repeating. The gotchya's are in translating the X into the word:bit combo. You've got to shift from the left (sort-of like translating the Y backwards). Another gotchya is one-off error in bookkeeping for the Y.
I put all of this in a class, which helped prevent me from making one big function to do it all and through better design made the implementation easier than I thought it would be.
Pic of the printout:
Write-up of the project is here.

How to define the markers for Watershed in OpenCV?

I'm writing for Android with OpenCV. I'm segmenting an image similar to below using marker-controlled watershed, without the user manually marking the image. I'm planning to use the regional maxima as markers.
minMaxLoc() would give me the value, but how can I restrict it to the blobs which is what I'm interested in? Can I utilize the results from findContours() or cvBlob blobs to restrict the ROI and apply maxima to each blob?
First of all: the function minMaxLoc finds only the global minimum and global maximum for a given input, so it is mostly useless for determining regional minima and/or regional maxima. But your idea is right, extracting markers based on regional minima/maxima for performing a Watershed Transform based on markers is totally fine. Let me try to clarify what is the Watershed Transform and how you should correctly use the implementation present in OpenCV.
Some decent amount of papers that deal with watershed describe it similarly to what follows (I might miss some detail, if you are unsure: ask). Consider the surface of some region you know, it contains valleys and peaks (among other details that are irrelevant for us here). Suppose below this surface all you have is water, colored water. Now, make holes in each valley of your surface and then the water starts to fill all the area. At some point, differently colored waters will meet, and when this happen, you construct a dam such that they don't touch each other. In the end you have a collection of dams, which is the watershed separating all the different colored water.
Now, if you make too many holes in that surface, you end up with too many regions: over-segmentation. If you make too few you get an under-segmentation. So, virtually any paper that suggests using watershed actually presents techniques to avoid these problems for the application the paper is dealing with.
I wrote all this (which is possibly too naïve for anyone that knows what the Watershed Transform is) because it reflects directly on how you should use watershed implementations (which the current accepted answer is doing in a completely wrong manner). Let us start on the OpenCV example now, using the Python bindings.
The image presented in the question is composed of many objects that are mostly too close and in some instances overlapping. The usefulness of watershed here is to separate correctly these objects, not to group them into a single component. So you need at least one marker for each object and good markers for the background. As an example, first binarize the input image by Otsu and perform a morphological opening for removing small objects. The result of this step is shown below in the left image. Now with the binary image consider applying the distance transform to it, result at right.
With the distance transform result, we can consider some threshold such that we consider only the regions most distant to the background (left image below). Doing this, we can obtain a marker for each object by labeling the different regions after the earlier threshold. Now, we can also consider the border of a dilated version of the left image above to compose our marker. The complete marker is shown below at right (some markers are too dark to be seen, but each white region in the left image is represented at the right image).
This marker we have here makes a lot of sense. Each colored water == one marker will start to fill the region, and the watershed transformation will construct dams to impede that the different "colors" merge. If we do the transform, we get the image at left. Considering only the dams by composing them with the original image, we get the result at right.
import sys
import cv2
import numpy
from scipy.ndimage import label
def segment_on_dt(a, img):
border = cv2.dilate(img, None, iterations=5)
border = border - cv2.erode(border, None)
dt = cv2.distanceTransform(img, 2, 3)
dt = ((dt - dt.min()) / (dt.max() - dt.min()) * 255).astype(numpy.uint8)
_, dt = cv2.threshold(dt, 180, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
lbl, ncc = label(dt)
lbl = lbl * (255 / (ncc + 1))
# Completing the markers now.
lbl[border == 255] = 255
lbl = lbl.astype(numpy.int32)
cv2.watershed(a, lbl)
lbl[lbl == -1] = 0
lbl = lbl.astype(numpy.uint8)
return 255 - lbl
img = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1])
# Pre-processing.
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
_, img_bin = cv2.threshold(img_gray, 0, 255,
img_bin = cv2.morphologyEx(img_bin, cv2.MORPH_OPEN,
numpy.ones((3, 3), dtype=int))
result = segment_on_dt(img, img_bin)
cv2.imwrite(sys.argv[2], result)
result[result != 255] = 0
result = cv2.dilate(result, None)
img[result == 255] = (0, 0, 255)
cv2.imwrite(sys.argv[3], img)
I would like to explain a simple code on how to use watershed here. I am using OpenCV-Python, but i hope you won't have any difficulty to understand.
In this code, I will be using watershed as a tool for foreground-background extraction. (This example is the python counterpart of the C++ code in OpenCV cookbook). This is a simple case to understand watershed. Apart from that, you can use watershed to count the number of objects in this image. That will be a slightly advanced version of this code.
1 - First we load our image, convert it to grayscale, and threshold it with a suitable value. I took Otsu's binarization, so it would find the best threshold value.
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = cv2.imread('sofwatershed.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(gray,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
Below is the result I got:
( even that result is good, because great contrast between foreground and background images)
2 - Now we have to create the marker. Marker is the image with same size as that of original image which is 32SC1 (32 bit signed single channel).
Now there will be some regions in the original image where you are simply sure, that part belong to foreground. Mark such region with 255 in marker image. Now the region where you are sure to be the background are marked with 128. The region you are not sure are marked with 0. That is we are going to do next.
A - Foreground region:- We have already got a threshold image where pills are white color. We erode them a little, so that we are sure remaining region belongs to foreground.
fg = cv2.erode(thresh,None,iterations = 2)
fg :
B - Background region :- Here we dilate the thresholded image so that background region is reduced. But we are sure remaining black region is 100% background. We set it to 128.
bgt = cv2.dilate(thresh,None,iterations = 3)
ret,bg = cv2.threshold(bgt,1,128,1)
Now we get bg as follows :
C - Now we add both fg and bg :
marker = cv2.add(fg,bg)
Below is what we get :
Now we can clearly understand from above image, that white region is 100% foreground, gray region is 100% background, and black region we are not sure.
Then we convert it into 32SC1 :
marker32 = np.int32(marker)
3 - Finally we apply watershed and convert result back into uint8 image:
m = cv2.convertScaleAbs(marker32)
m :
4 - We threshold it properly to get the mask and perform bitwise_and with the input image:
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(m,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
res = cv2.bitwise_and(img,img,mask = thresh)
res :
Hope it helps!!!
I'm chiming in mostly because I found both the watershed tutorial in the OpenCV documentation (and C++ example) as well as mmgp's answer above to be quite confusing. I revisited a watershed approach multiple times to ultimately give up out of frustration. I finally realized I needed to at least give this approach a try and see it in action. This is what I've come up with after sorting out all of the tutorials I've come across.
Aside from being a computer vision novice, most of my trouble probably had to do with my requirement to use the OpenCVSharp library rather than Python. C# doesn't have baked-in high-power array operators like those found in NumPy (though I realize this has been ported via IronPython), so I struggled quite a bit in both understanding and implementing these operations in C#. Also, for the record, I really despise the nuances of, and inconsistencies in most of these function calls. OpenCVSharp is one of the most fragile libraries I've ever worked with. But hey, it's a port, so what was I expecting? Best of all, though -- it's free.
Without further ado, let's talk about my OpenCVSharp implementation of the watershed, and hopefully clarify some of the stickier points of watershed implementation in general.
First of all, make sure watershed is what you want and understand its use. I am using stained cell plates, like this one:
It took me a good while to figure out I couldn't just make one watershed call to differentiate every cell in the field. On the contrary, I first had to isolate a portion of the field, then call watershed on that small portion. I isolated my region of interest (ROI) via a number of filters, which I will explain briefly here:
Start with source image (left, cropped for demonstration purposes)
Isolate the red channel (left middle)
Apply adaptive threshold (right middle)
Find contours then eliminate those with small areas (right)
Once we have cleaned the contours resulting from the above thresholding operations, it is time to find candidates for watershed. In my case, I simply iterated through all contours greater than a certain area.
Say we've isolated this contour from the above field as our ROI:
Let's take a look at how we'll code up a watershed.
We'll start with a blank mat and draw only the contour defining our ROI:
var isolatedContour = new Mat(source.Size(), MatType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar(0, 0, 0));
Cv2.DrawContours(isolatedContour, new List<List<Point>> { contour }, -1, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), -1);
In order for the watershed call to work, it will need a couple of "hints" about the ROI. If you're a complete beginner like me, I recommend checking out the CMM watershed page for a quick primer. Suffice to say we're going to create hints about the ROI on the left by creating the shape on the right:
To create the white part (or "background") of this "hint" shape, we'll just Dilate the isolated shape like so:
var kernel = Cv2.GetStructuringElement(MorphShapes.Ellipse, new Size(2, 2));
var background = new Mat();
Cv2.Dilate(isolatedContour, background, kernel, iterations: 8);
To create the black part in the middle (or "foreground"), we'll use a distance transform followed by threshold, which takes us from the shape on the left to the shape on the right:
This takes a few steps, and you may need to play around with the lower bound of your threshold to get results that work for you:
var foreground = new Mat(source.Size(), MatType.CV_8UC1);
Cv2.DistanceTransform(isolatedContour, foreground, DistanceTypes.L2, DistanceMaskSize.Mask5);
Cv2.Normalize(foreground, foreground, 0, 1, NormTypes.MinMax); //Remember to normalize!
foreground.ConvertTo(foreground, MatType.CV_8UC1, 255, 0);
Cv2.Threshold(foreground, foreground, 150, 255, ThresholdTypes.Binary);
Then we'll subtract these two mats to get the final result of our "hint" shape:
var unknown = new Mat(); //this variable is also named "border" in some examples
Cv2.Subtract(background, foreground, unknown);
Again, if we Cv2.ImShow unknown, it would look like this:
Nice! This was easy for me to wrap my head around. The next part, however, got me quite puzzled. Let's look at turning our "hint" into something the Watershed function can use. For this we need to use ConnectedComponents, which is basically a big matrix of pixels grouped by the virtue of their index. For example, if we had a mat with the letters "HI", ConnectedComponents might return this matrix:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 2 2 2 0
0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0
0 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 2 2 2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
So, 0 is the background, 1 is the letter "H", and 2 is the letter "I". (If you get to this point and want to visualize your matrix, I recommend checking out this instructive answer.) Now, here's how we'll utilize ConnectedComponents to create the markers (or labels) for watershed:
var labels = new Mat(); //also called "markers" in some examples
Cv2.ConnectedComponents(foreground, labels);
labels = labels + 1;
//this is a much more verbose port of numpy's: labels[unknown==255] = 0
for (int x = 0; x < labels.Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < labels.Height; y++)
//You may be able to just send "int" in rather than "char" here:
var labelPixel = (int)labels.At<char>(y, x); //note: x and y are inexplicably
var borderPixel = (int)unknown.At<char>(y, x); //and infuriatingly reversed
if (borderPixel == 255)
labels.Set(y, x, 0);
Note that the Watershed function requires the border area to be marked by 0. So, we've set any border pixels to 0 in the label/marker array.
At this point, we should be all set to call Watershed. However, in my particular application, it is useful just to visualize a small portion of the entire source image during this call. This may be optional for you, but I first just mask off a small bit of the source by dilating it:
var mask = new Mat();
Cv2.Dilate(isolatedContour, mask, new Mat(), iterations: 20);
var sourceCrop = new Mat(source.Size(), source.Type(), new Scalar(0, 0, 0));
source.CopyTo(sourceCrop, mask);
And then make the magic call:
Cv2.Watershed(sourceCrop, labels);
The above Watershed call will modify labels in place. You'll have to go back to remembering about the matrix resulting from ConnectedComponents. The difference here is, if watershed found any dams between watersheds, they will be marked as "-1" in that matrix. Like the ConnectedComponents result, different watersheds will be marked in a similar fashion of incrementing numbers. For my purposes, I wanted to store these into separate contours, so I created this loop to split them up:
var watershedContours = new List<Tuple<int, List<Point>>>();
for (int x = 0; x < labels.Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < labels.Height; y++)
var labelPixel = labels.At<Int32>(y, x); //note: x, y switched
var connected = watershedContours.Where(t => t.Item1 == labelPixel).FirstOrDefault();
if (connected == null)
connected = new Tuple<int, List<Point>>(labelPixel, new List<Point>());
connected.Item2.Add(new Point(x, y));
if (labelPixel == -1)
sourceCrop.Set(y, x, new Vec3b(0, 255, 255));
Then, I wanted to print these contours with random colors, so I created the following mat:
var watershed = new Mat(source.Size(), MatType.CV_8UC3, new Scalar(0, 0, 0));
foreach (var component in watershedContours)
if (component.Item2.Count < (labels.Width * labels.Height) / 4 && component.Item1 >= 0)
var color = GetRandomColor();
foreach (var point in component.Item2)
watershed.Set(point.Y, point.X, color);
Which yields the following when shown:
If we draw on the source image the dams that were marked by a -1 earlier, we get this:
I forgot to note: make sure you're cleaning up your mats after you're done with them. They WILL stay in memory and OpenCVSharp may present with some unintelligible error message. I should really be using using above, but mat.Release() is an option as well.
Also, mmgp's answer above includes this line: dt = ((dt - dt.min()) / (dt.max() - dt.min()) * 255).astype(numpy.uint8), which is a histogram stretching step applied to the results of the distance transform. I omitted this step for a number of reasons (mostly because I didn't think the histograms I saw were too narrow to begin with), but your mileage may vary.
