Bypass iPad check in App Store review [iPhone only]? - ios

I released an update for my app in App Store.It got rejected.Following was the reason:
Binary Rejected Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness Your
app crashed on iPad running iOS 14.1 on WiFi when we tapped on any
My app is meant for iPhone only & doesn't require iPad support.Is there any way to bypass this iPad check in review?Any way to build only for iPhone?

Apple team installs app on iPad and test it so no matter your app supports iPad or not the app will be installed on iPad and the UI will be bigger(zoomed) if iPad support is not given to your app.
So the issue the apple review team gave you is that your app is crashing on the notification tap. So its better to test this on iPad simulator to re-product this issue and fixed it, then upload again to store.
Note: There is no way to by pass the Apple review process. If you try to manipulate it (as the user privacy is the Apple's primary concern) your apple developer account get suspended/banned for life long.


Flutter ios app rejected due to 'log in with apple' error only on iPad

I have a flutter app both running on android and ios which were accepted to both markets.
To support share intent, I had to change some build settings on Xcode.
After the change, everything works well on my end (tested with the testflight version of the app).
However, the app is keep rejected due to Sign in with Apple isn't working on the iPad.
I don't have iPad, but I do have iPad Air and it works without the issue.
below is a screen from the apple review team
First, make sure your app is working correctly on the iPad (I had to purchase an iPad to test this, then ended up returning it to Apple as I already own an Android tablet)
Then ask more question related to the rejection, I asked the exact model of the iPad they are testing, the iOS version, and asked them to test on different iPad.
Somehow, it passed the review afterwards.

iOS App change universal to iPhone only

We have a app that was submitted as a universal app with support for all devices iPad and iPhone but we no longer want it to show in the store as a iPad app we want it to just be a iPhone only app.
This app was built with Appcelerator so i have changed the app tiapp.xml details to only support iPhone no longer universal, but it will not submitted to the store.
I can't upload the existing app because the family group in the bundle Id. it won't accept removing the iPad.
How can we remove the app from being listed as a iPad app really important as the app was not built with iPad in mind it would be fine if it was just a scaled up version of the app.
Any help please?
Developers who wish to issue updates, but remove device support, have
three choices:
Fix their app so that it can work on the devices they originally set
out to support. Target a newer version of iOS that requires a newer
device. Remove their app from the store, and upload the new app with a
different bundle ID.

App gets rejected by Apple multiple times

I submitted my app multiple times to the App Store and got the same error twice.
Thank you for your resubmission. We continue to find the following: 2.1 Details During review, your app crashed on an iPad running iOS.
My App is iPhone based so for that I have selected Target-->General-->Device-->iPhone.
Also iPhone Target/Project-->BuildSettings-->TargetIphoneFamily-->1
So why are they testing my app on iPad since it is configured for iPhone only?
Actually apple provided the guidelines for iphone apps to be approved.
Section 2.10 says: iPhone apps must also run on iPad without
modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution.
check this link
Its because the application which you develop can be downloaded on iPad from App Store. On iPad it runs with 3.5" device screen size.
So if you have any specific feature like calling then you can display message to user like, "This device doesn't support this feature" else the features which are available on iPad should work without any issue.

Will iPhone app run on iPhone not paired to an Apple Watch

I'm new to iOS development and I'm playing with Swift in Xcode working on a number of experimental projects.
In one of these I've designed an app for the Apple Watch (using the InterfaceController.swift in Watch App Extension) and in the same Xcode project I've also deigned a corresponding app for the iPhone (in the usual Main.storyboard, ViewController.swift, etc). When I run these apps using the iPhone 6s + Apple Watch - 38mm simulator, both apps run on each device as they should.
Now, if I connect my iPhone 6s and try to run the app, I get a message stating: "Could not launch 'App Name' on iPhone 6s. No paired Apple Watch."
I don't actually own an Apple Watch, so the error is understandable. But this got me to thinking and I now have the following questions:
If I go through the process to submit this to Apple, will the iPhone app work for people as a standalone iPhone app if they have no Apple Watch? Or, are the apps in this project (both the iPhone and Apple Watch apps) only going to work for people who have an iPhone paired with an Apple Watch?
If I want this iPhone app to be available to people with only iPhones, do I need to do anything special? For example,do I need to create a new Xcode project and effectively copy across the iPhone app from this project, or is there another approach I should adopt?
What else do I need to be aware of? For example, do I need to rename the iPhone app to something different to make it available only to iPhone users? Is there anything else I should be aware of?
Regarding running the app on your iPhone, as Paulw mentioned in the comments, just change the execution target to the iPhone app. See screenshot:
Answering your other questions:
The watch extension is an extension inside your iPhone app. iOS Apps with a watch extension work on all iPhones, even if they are not paired with an Apple Watch.
Yes it will be available.
You don't need to worry about anything else. The iPhone app will work on all iPhones. The watch app will show up on only those iPhones that are paired with an Apple Watch.

How to unsupport iPad properly in iTunes

We have an app on AppStore for almost 3 years, and we've set Deployment Device Info of this app as "iPhone" (not "Universal").
Earlier it seems iPad users could download our app and used it by enlarging the screen.
Now our uses reported they cannot download our app. (The guy who reported uses iPad Air + iOS7.1.1)
So, my first question is..
Is this new AppStore regulation that does't allow iPad users to download apps with "iPhone" set as deployment device target ?
We are fine if it's the regulation, but more confusing is when seeing the app in AppStore with Mac, we still see our app is compatible with iPads.
So my second question is..
From what info AppStore shows this compatibility information ?
Our aim is not to confuse users, so we want to go either way - tell users we are completely unsupporting iPads, or tell them you can download the app anyway.
That device list suggests that you require cellular access. Does the user in question have a wifi only iPad? The dialogue would be shown if the app required capabilities that the device did not have.
There is no change to the App Store policy - iPad users can still download iPhone apps, and it's pretty clear in the store that you're not getting an iPad-native version.
To answer your second question, the information shown in the App Store comes from what is set in your info plist- the minimum targeted version of iOS, and then device capabilities. Device capabilities are explained here.
