Delphi and Indy10 problem with reading binary data - delphi

I have a problem with reading binary data from a network device. I am sending a 4 byte binary command to the device (a Lantronix XPort) and expect a 124 byte response from that device. When monitoring the communications with WireShark, I see the command being sent and the response from the device being returned. Yet, I keep getting an EidReadTimeout exception with message "Read Timed out"
This is the code:
function TXPort.ReadSetup(IP: string; var Setup: TXportSetup0): boolean;
Cmd, Resp: TidBytes;
Result := False;
TCP.Host := IP;
Cmd[3] := XPortGetConfig;
if Setup.Cmd[3] = (XPortGetConfig + 1) then { if proper response received... }
Result := True; { tell us }
I know that the TCP.Disconnect should be in a 'finally' section but this makes no difference at all.
I've searched numerous sites and fora and one even literally had the same code as I have, but working!
I cannot figure out what is wrong here.


FireDAC "unable to complete network request to host"

The full error text is Remote error: [FireDAC][Phys][FB]Unable to complete network request to host "dataserver16". Error writing data to the connection. Now it seems that others have had this problem then once they sorted it, it went away, but I have the problem sporadically.
My Datasnap ISAPI.dll which contains the FireDAC Firebird connection, is running on an IIS server on a different machine to the one where the database is hosted (dataserver16) but on the same subnet. I know everything is configured correctly, because the application works to expectations about 70% of the time! The other 30% of the time, my Datasnap client receives this error (as passed back from the dll).
IMHO it looks like there is a Network issue. If the Connection is Etablished and you can read and write Data to this connection it seams to be correct.
Have you tried to do a Ping from your Source System to the Target and log that Ping so you can See if the hole Connection to the Server disapears?
Open Commandwindow as Admin and Type:
Ping {TARGET} -t >> c:\ping.log
Than wait until the Error apears and check the Logfile if your Target was available the hole Time.
For more Help we need more Background Information, like Firebird Version or If you are able to reproduce the Error + Source Code how you set up your Connection.
For completeness, I am posting my solution here. Perhaps others will gain benefit from this answer. The solution is to perform retries of the Firebird connection. The way I did it, is every TSQLQuery's BeforeOpen event handler is wired to the same method. This has improved reliability considerably (even if it slowed it down a little). The code for FireDAC is similar. Both DBX and FireDac work equally well here.
retrycount = 3;
procedure TServerMethodsDBX.QueryBeforeOpen(DataSet: TDataSet);
// ...
procedure TServerMethodsDBX.TryConnect(SQLConn: TSQLConnection);
i: Integer;
Error: String;
i := 0;
while (not SQLConn.Connected) and (i < retrycount) do
SQLConn.Connected := True
on e: exception do
Error := Error + ' ' + e.Message;
if i = retrycount then
LogMessage('Tryconnect error: ' + Error);

Delphi Indy Ping Error 10040

I have a small piece of code that checks if a computer is alive by pinging it. We use to have a room with 40 computer and I wanna check remotely through my program which on is alive.
Therefore I wrote a little ping function using indy
function TMainForm.Ping(const AHost : string) : Boolean;
MyIdIcmpClient : TIdIcmpClient;
Result := True;
MyIdIcmpClient := TIdIcmpClient.Create(nil);
MyIdIcmpClient.ReceiveTimeout := 200;
MyIdIcmpClient.Host := AHost;
Result := False;
if MyIdIcmpClient.ReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType <> rsEcho Then result := False;
So I've developped that at home on my wifi network and everthing just work fine.
When I get back to work I tested and I get an error saying
Socket Errod # 10040 Message too long
At work we have fixed IPs and all the computer and I are in the same subnet.
I tried to disconnect from the fixed IP and connect to the wifi which of course is DHCP and not in the same subnet, and it is just working fine.
I have tried searching the internet for this error and how to solve it but didn't find much info.
Of course I have tried to change the default buffer size to a larger value but it didn't change anything I still get the error on the fixed IP within same subnet.
Moreover, I don't know if this can help finding a solution, but my code treats exceptions, but in that case it takes about 3-4 seconds to raise the error whereas the Timeout is set to 200 milliseconds. And I cannot wait that long over each ping.
By the way I use delphi 2010 and I think it is indy 10. I also have tested on XE2 but same error.
Any idea
----- EDIT -----
This question is answered, now I try to have this running in multithread and I have asked another question for that
Delphi (XE2) Indy (10) Multithread Ping
Set the PacketSize property to 24:
function TMainForm.Ping(const AHost : string) : Boolean;
MyIdIcmpClient : TIdIcmpClient;
Result := True;
MyIdIcmpClient := TIdIcmpClient.Create(self);
MyIdIcmpClient.ReceiveTimeout := 200;
MyIdIcmpClient.Host := AHost;
MyIdIcmpClient.PacketSize := 24;
MyIdIcmpClient.Protocol := 1;
MyIdIcmpClient.IPVersion := Id_IPv4;
// Application.ProcessMessages; // There's no need to call this!
Result := False;
if MyIdIcmpClient.ReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType <> rsEcho Then result := False;
For XE5 and Indy10 this is still a problem, even with different Packet Size.
To answer the more cryptical fix:
ABuffer := MyIdIcmpClient1.Host + StringOfChar(' ', 255);
This is a "magic" fix to get around the fact that there is a bug in the Indy10 component (if I have understood Remy Lebeau right).
My speculation is that this has some connection with the size of the receive buffer. To test my theory I can use any character and don't need to include the host address at all. Only use as many character you need for the receive buffer. I use this small code (C++ Builder XE5) to do a Ping with great success (all other values at their defaults):
AnsiString Proxy = StringOfChar('X',IcmpClient->PacketSize);
IcmpClient->Host = Host_Edit->Text;
As you can see I create a string of the same length as the PacketSize property. What you fill it with is insignificant.
Maybe this can be of help to #RemyLebeau when he work on the fix.
use this code
ABuffer := MyIdIcmpClient1.Host + StringOfChar(' ', 255);

Serial Port Synchronization in Delphi

I am still having issues with the TComPort component but this time is not the component itself is the logic behind it. I have a device witch sends some ascii strings via serial port i need to prase those strings the problem is the computer reacts very fast so in the event char it captures only a part of the string the rest of the string comes back later... so parsing it when it is recived makes it impossible.
I was thinking in writing a timer witch verify if there was no serial activity 10 secons or more and then prase the string that i am saving into a buffer. But this method is unprofessional isn't there a idle event witch i can listen...Waiting for the best solution for my problem. Thanks.
After using a number of serial-port-components, I've got the best results until now, by using CreateFile('\\?\COM1',GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,0,nil,OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0), passing that handle to a THandleStream instance, and starting a dedicated thread to read from it. I know threads take a little more work than writing an event handler, but it still is the best way to handle any synchronization issues that arise from using serial ports.
Typical handler for OnRXChar event:
procedure XXX.RXChar(Sender: TObject; Count: Integer);
ComPort.ReadStr(s, Count);
Accumulator := Accumulator + s;
if not AccumContainsPacketStart then
Accumulator := ''
else if AccumContainsPacketEndAfterStart then begin
Most com-port components do not have a clue when to report back to the owner. Normally the thread that is responsible to gather the bytes from the port is informed by the OS that one or more bytes are ready to be processed. This information is then simply popped up to your level. So when you expect the message to be transferred, you get what the OS is giving you.
You have to buffer all incoming characters in a global buffer. When you get the final character in your message string, handle the message.
Here is an example where the message start is identified with a special character and the end of the message is identified with another character.
If your message is constructed in another way, I'm sure you can figure out how to adapt the code.
finalBuf: AnsiString;
{- Checking message }
Function ParseAndCheckMessage(const parseS: AnsiString) : Integer;
Result := 0; // Assume ok
{- Make tests to confirm a valid message }
procedure TMainForm.ComPortRxChar(Sender: TObject; Count: Integer);
i,err: Integer;
strBuf: AnsiString;
ComPort.ReadStr(strBuf, Count);
for i := 1 to Length(strBuf) do
case strBuf[i] of
'$' :
finalBuf := '$'; // Start of package
#10 :
if (finalBuf <> '') and (finalBuf[1] = '$') then // Simple validate check
SetLength( finalBuf, Length(finalBuf) - 1); // Strips CR
err := ParseAndCheckMessage(finalBuf);
if (err = 0) then
{- Handle validated string }
{- Handle error }
finalBuf := '';
finalBuf := finalBuf + strBuf[i];
If your protocol has begin/end markers, you can use TComDataPacket to provide you full packets, when they are available.
For certain amount of character we can use delay some miliseconds before ReadStr to make sure the data is completely sent. Example for 4 amount of character:
procedure TForm1.ComPort1RxChar(Sender: TObject; Count: Integer);
Str: String;
tegangan : real;
sleep(100); //delay for 100ms
ComPort1.ReadStr(Str, 4);

Delphi — TClientSocket ReceiveText MaxLen?

I've been trying to set the length of the amount of characters you recover from the ReceiveText TClientSocket function and nothing seems to be working. E.g., Receiving the first leftmost character(s) from the recovered data or otherwise data stream. Is there a way to accomplish this in Delphi using this specific object?
Help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
ReceiveText doesn't have any means to control the maximum length of the received text.
The easiest way in ClientType := ctBlocking mode is to use a TWinSocketStream as the documentation states:
When ClientType is ctBlocking, use a TWinSocketStream object for reading and writing. TWinSocketStream prevents the application from hanging indefinitely if a problem occurs while reading or writing. It also can wait for the socket connection to indicate its readiness for reading.
Example code:
Stream : TWinSocketStream;
Buffer : TBytes;
S : string;
SetLength(Buffer, 100); // 100 bytes buffer size
Stream := TWinSocketStream.Create(Socket, 5000); // 5 seconds or 5000 milliseconds
Stream.ReadBuffer(Buffer[0], Length(Buffer)); // raises an Exception if it couldn't read the number of bytes requested
S := TEncoding.Default.GetString(Buffer); // Works in Delphi 2009+
here is a little tipp for sending and receiving text
first you must send the length of yout text too
Socket.SendText(IntToStr(Length(text)) + seperator + text);
then you can check at your server socket on receiving data streams, if your incoming text is complete
procedure TMyServer.OnClientRead(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
if (xRecLength = 0) then begin
if Length(Socket.ReceiveText) <= 0 then EXIT;
xRecLength:= StrToIntDef(GetFirstFromSplitted(Socket.ReceiveText, seperator), -1);
if xRecLength = -1 then EXIT;
xActLength:= xActLength + Length(Socket.ReceiveText);
xRecPuffer:= xRecPuffer + Socket.ReceiveText;
isComplete:= xActLength = xRecLength;
if isComplete then begin
// complete text received
hope that helps you...
I'm not at home with Delphi, but a quick Google search turned up this page that indicates that ReceiveText does not accept any parameters, but instead returns a string of as much as it can read.
What you might need is might be ReceiveBuf instead.

Why do I get an AccessViolation in Indy Sockets 9 IdTcpServer ServerExecute?

First Question:
Is the following routine a correct implementation of an Indy 9 IdTcpServer.OnExecute routine?
procedure TMyConnServer.ServerExecute(AContext: TIdPeerThread);
buffSize: integer;
str: string;
AContext.Connection.ReadFromStack(True, 600, False);
buffSize := AContext.Connection.InputBuffer.Size;
if (buffSize > 0) then
{ Extract input buffer as string }
str := AContext.Connection.ReadString(buffSize);
{ Notify connection object of received data }
if (AContext.Data <> nil) then
Second (actually more important) Question:
Now there is occasionally an access violation (read from address 000000). Obviously in the line:
AContext.Connection.ReadFromStack(True, 600, False);
but checking if AContext / Connection / InputBuffer / IOHandler = nil BEFORE is false.
AFTER the call (and after the exception was raised) the IOHandler is nil.
We are using RAD Studio / Delphi 2007.
The only way the IOHandler can become nil like you describe is if another thread in your app called Disconnect() on the connection while your worker thread was still running.
Well, the simplest onExecute handler I have is like this. (excuse C++ instead of Delphi, but you'll get the idea.
void __fastcall MyPanel::DoTCPExecute(TIdPeerThread * AThread)
AnsiString text =AThread->Connection->ReadLn();
// now do something with text
The only obvious issue I can see is that you're trying to use the "timing" of data to determine when you have a complete string. This is a real no-no with TCP. You might just have the first byte of a string, or you might have several strings all sent at once. With TCP there's no guarantee that each "send" ends up as single "receive" at the other end.
You need to "delimit" your string in some other way. Readln uses the newline character as a terminator - another approach is to prefix each chunk of data with a length field. You read the length, then read the remaining data.
The code works like that, but I don't think it's a clean option:
if (AContext.Connection.Connected) then
AContext.Connection.ReadFromStack(false, 1, false);
except on E: EAccessViolation do
// ignore
buffSize := AContext.Connection.InputBuffer.Size;
