Hyperlink to particular Text in a cell on the same sheet - hyperlink

I'm working with Excel 2010. What I'm trying to accomplish is creating a hyperlink which finds a cell containing some specific text, and simply brings the user to that cell. It would be simple if the cell stayed in the same position in the column, but more data is always being added to that column, and the cell location which contains the text keeps changing.
Although I've seen several articles that I suspect might address the problem, they were so involved that I couldn't be certain they were what I was looking for, since I've been away from this for years, and am relearning it all from scratch.
Thanks for your time and attention.

Say we want to go to "treasure" in column D:
=HYPERLINK("#d" & MATCH("treasure",D:D,0),"jump to treasure")
This can be modified if you did not know which column to search!


Can I sort values alphanumerically in google sheet and ascend the rows?

I have a google sheet with room names, but they are formatted like (M355) and then the purpose of the room? I know how to sort values alphanumerically but you have to use a written formula. I need the cell next to the rooms to stay with the room number, so I can see the extra data that goes with it. The attached image shows what I mean.
I need the cell next to follow but it doesn't sort right. Has anyone experienced anything like this? I could manually copy and paste the 50 rooms but I ain't feeling that, I also would like it to be able to revert to what it is now too if possible.
You don't need a formula for that. You can just select the first row with your headers (assuming you have such a row), and create a filter.
By doing this, every data in the sorted column cells will bring its full row togheter.

A way to refer to the "Current cell" for a dynamic Conditional Formatting in Google Spreadsheets

To be more specific, I want the Conditional Formatting to check the content of the cell that is currently being formatted and be dynamic as I copy-paste the Conditional Formatting into another cell, without having to manually fiddle with the formula again.
So what I'm doing is this (using an example):
I have a list of foods categorized by type (Fruits, vegetables, etc...) and every week the list changes, so its not possible to add "hard values" to formulas, it has to be a cell reference under the category.
Which means that under the category "fruits" for example, in week 1 i can have: banana, apple and peach but totally different fruits another week.
Anyways, I also want to create a calendar with the days in the week, where I put 4 drop-down menus which correspond to the 4 types of food. The drop down menus update as I update the initial list of avaiable foods.
Now down to the real issue.
I want that the cell used for the drop down menu to take an specific color when the content of that cell contains a food inside a given category.
For example, I select Apple, it checks for the apple and applies the apple color to the cell.
I acheived this with this
I found someone online using the INDIRECT("RC","FALSE") value to "reference" the current cell but its not working for me...
A4:A6 is the range of fruits and it will give the red color to the apple because i defined it in Conditionnal formatting.
Now when I copy the conditional formatting is not working for the other apples and I want to make it work for others, just by checking if the current cell contains a value in a range of cells, without manually changing the current cell for every cell.
This is my google spreadsheet, please help ! I'm not sure if I can understand better. This is for a much bigger project and really need the help.
Current cell for conditional formatting is left top most cell in Apply to range range.
In your case it is D11. So you should use following formula:
=COUNTIF($A$4:$A$6, D11)

Google Sheets Conditional Formatting Issue

I am making a google sheet to track attendance for a team. I want the row with the name to highlight a specific color when a checkbox is on. I managed to write something that works for the specific row I'm working in, but any time I try to copy it over to other rows the range is just adjusted, so any time any checkbox from a column is on it highlights all the rows. Attached are pictures that show what I want it to do. I just need help figuring out how to copy this to other rows and keeping them all separated.
The code that is in each conditional formatting is this:
I think the issue is with the code itself because when I copy it adds the new range, but the code stays the same.
your formulae are correct. change your range A2:E2 to A2:E - that will solve it

stop Google Sheets from reformatting/structuring cell formulas

I have some formulas in a Google Sheet cell. If I restructure the formula, like by adding new lines or spaces, for legibility, it undoes my changes. Is there a way to stop this? It seems to only happen if the cell had the formula before. If I put the formula in a new cell it doesn't do that.
This is on Enterprise G-Suite so I cannot share an example sheet.
Blank cell:
Add a structured formula:
Now if I edit the structure it does not retain the changes. In the example below, I removed a new line after TRUE.
Before hitting enter:
After hitting enter:
Also, if I add the same formula to a new/different cell, regardless of how I structure it, it'll restructure to match the one from the other cell.
Google Sheets remembers forming even upon deletion/insertion in new cell. the only way how to achieve what you ask is to introduce a change that directly affects the output calculation. if the output calculation remains the same after the change in structure/formatting then your only possible option is to use lowercase for formula. in other words, if you change your IF to if or If or iF it will register it as new change and therefore the formating will be not reverted to the previous existing state.
the less preferable but working solution would be to wrap it in some useless formula. for example:
=QUERY(IF(TRUE, "hello", "bye"))

Set the content of a cell to a function?

I have a spreadsheet in which I want to be able to expand the number of columns using a function rather than using auto-fill because the new cells are getting filled with content based on complex formulas and depending on a lot of things.
In one of these cells I want the content to be something like =SUM(A1:A8)
But if I just do cell.setValue("=SUM(A1:A8)") I get "error: Unknown range name A1", unless I afterwards edit the cell content and press enter, without really having changed its content.
Is there any way of fixing this?
I don't want the calculation to be in the expand-columns-function because I do want the cell-calculation to be updated when one of the referenced cells change.
Is there a way of doing it besides having an onEdit-function listening to changes in the referenced cells and updating the calculations?
To set a formula on a cell you should use cell.setFormula not setValue.
I'm not sure I understood you "expand" issue completely, but I think an opened range sum function may suit you better than apps-script. e.g.
=SUM(A:A) or =SUM(A2:A)
