How to replace unicode escape character in Dart - dart

I need to clean up a string that has an escape character but couldn't do so.
Here is my test code:
test('Replace unicode escape character', () {
String originalText = 'Jeremiah 52:1\\u201334';
String replacedText = originalText.replaceAll(r'\\', r'\');
expect(replacedText, 'Jeremiah 52:1\u201334');
It fails with an error:
Expected: 'Jeremiah 52:1–34'
Actual: 'Jeremiah 52:1\\u201334'
Which: is different.
Expected: ... miah 52:1–34
Actual: ... miah 52:1\\u201334

Unicode characters and escape characters aren't stored the way you write them when you wrote the string -- they are converted to their own values. This is evident when you run the following code:
print('\\u2013'.length); // Prints: 6
print('\u2013'.length); // Prints: 1
Here, what happened was: the first stored the following characters: '\', 'u', '2', '0', '1', and '3' -- while the latter stored '–' only.
Hence, your attempt to change the first by replacing two slashes \\ with one slashes \ wouldn't work, as the compiler isn't converting your unicode escape characters any longer.
That doesn't mean that you won't be able to convert your unicode codes into unicode characters though. You could use the following code:
final String str = 'Jeremiah 52:1\\u2013340';
final Pattern unicodePattern = new RegExp(r'\\u([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})');
final String newStr = str.replaceAllMapped(unicodePattern, (Match unicodeMatch) {
final int hexCode = int.parse(, radix: 16);
final unicode = String.fromCharCode(hexCode);
return unicode;
print('Old string: $str');
print('New string: $newStr');


from utf8 to latin1

I have an utf-8 string like this:
I need to decode the string to latin1. The expected result is:
This is what I tried without success:
I solved.
Thanks to #lenz comment and the js function found here I solved with this function:
String decodeQuotedPrintable(String input) {
return input
//, rule 3:
// “Therefore, when decoding a `Quoted-Printable` body, any trailing white
// space on a line must be deleted, as it will necessarily have been added
// by intermediate transport agents.”
.replaceAll(RegExp(r'[\t\x20]$', multiLine: true), '')
// Remove hard line breaks preceded by `=`. Proper `Quoted-Printable`-
// encoded data only contains CRLF line endings, but for compatibility
// reasons we support separate CR and LF too.
.replaceAll(RegExp(r'=(?:\r\n?|\n|$)', multiLine: true), '')
// Decode escape sequences of the form `=XX` where `XX` is any
// combination of two hexidecimal digits. For optimal compatibility,
// lowercase hexadecimal digits are supported as well. See
//, note 1.
.replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'=([a-fA-F\d]{2})'), (match) {
var codePoint = int.parse(match[1], radix: 16);
return String.fromCharCode(codePoint);
and with this code:
var output = decodeQuotedPrintable(input);
output = utf8.decode(latin1.encode(input));

Weird Characters in Python when reading a file's name

path5 = '2.Project\WP101 (237641784)\QR2\5.Project\\'
print ('path5 =',path5)
I get:
path5 = 2.Project\WP101 (237641784)\QR2.Project\
What can I do to stop getting the weird sign after QR2 in the path name?
You need to ignore escape chars.
#ignoring escape sequences
#ignoring single quote escape sequences
str1 = r"Hi, I\'m IncludeHelp"
#ignoring double quotes escape sequences
str2 = r"\"Hello world\""
#ignoring path escape sequences
str3 = r"D:\\work_folder\\python_works"
#ignoring hexadecimal values escape sequences
str4 = r"This is \x49\x6E\x63\x6C\x75\x64\x65\x48\x65\x6C\x70"
Just put an r infront of your string and you are good to go.
In your case:
path5 = r'2.Project\WP101 (237641784)\QR2\5.Project\'
print ('path5 =',path5)

What kind of encoding is this ? And what script should I use to decode this?

I have an encode string which I have to convert to a form which has HTML tags and display it in a webview. The encoded data I have is of this format :-
What kind of format is this and how do I convert it into text with html tags ?
I'm currently using this method but I'm getting a nil return value :
func urlDecode(_ htmlString: String) -> String {
var decodedURL = htmlString.replacingOccurrences(of: "+", with: " ")
decodedURL = decodedURL.removingPercentEncoding!
return decodedURL
So you are getting nil, which means that there is something in your string that is invalid. How could we find out what? Well it's certainly not spaces, so let's break your string into "words":
var decodedURL = htmlString.replacingOccurrences(of: "+", with: " ")
let chunks = decodedURL.components(separatedBy: " ")
and now try to decode each "word" and see which ones fail:
for chunk in chunks
let decoded = chunk.removingPercentEncoding
if decoded == nil
this outputs:
Now removingPercentEncoding decodes UTF-8, so checking each of those % sequences to see if they are valid UTF-8 shows that %91, %92 & %A0 are not. However they are valid Windows-1252 encodings - single curly quotes and the non-breaking space.
So you need to decode the string as Windows-1252 not UTF-8. Time for you to look in the documentation...
From apple,
A new string with the percent-encoded sequences removed, or nil if the
receiver contains an invalid percent-encoding sequence.You must call
this method only on strings that you know to be percent-encoded.
Calling this method on strings that are not percent-encoded can lead
to misinterpreting a percent character as the beginning of a
percent-encoded sequence.
You get nil because removingPercentEncoding does not recognize some of your percent encoding. I pasted it onto online parser and find out that %A0 and %92 seem to be suspicious.

Invalid escape sequence in literal: "\b"

I need to be able to create a String that is "\b". But when I try to, Xcode throws a compile-time error: Invalid escape sequence in literal. I don't understand why though, "\r" works just fine. If I put "\\b" then that's what is actually stored in the String, which is not what I need - I only need one backslash. To me, this seems to be a Swift oddity because it works just fine in Objective-C.
let str = "\b" //Invalid escape sequence in literal
NSString *str = #"\b"; //works great
I need to generate this string because "\b" is the only way to detect when the user pressed 'delete' when using UIKeyCommand:
let command = UIKeyCommand(input: "\b", modifierFlags: nil, action: "didHitDelete:")
How can I work around this issue?
EDIT: It really doesn't want to generate a String that is only "\b", this does not work - it stays the original value:
var delKey = "\rb"
delKey = delKey.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("r", withString: "", options: .LiteralSearch, range: nil)
The Swift equivalent of \b is \u{8}. It maps to ASCII control code 8, just like \b in Objective C. I've tested this and found it to work fine with UIKeyCommand, in this earlier answer of mine.
Example snippet:
func keyCommands() -> NSArray {
return [
UIKeyCommand(input: "\u{8}", modifierFlags: .allZeros, action: "backspacePressed")
I don't believe it is supported.
Based on the Swift documentation
String literals can include the following special Unicode characters:
The escaped special characters \0 (null character), \ (backslash), \t
(horizontal tab), \n (line feed), \r (carriage return), \" (double
quote) and \' (single quote)
An arbitrary Unicode scalar, written as
\u{n}, where n is between one and eight hexadecimal digits
The ASCII for the \b is 8. If you do the following, you'll see these results
let bs = "\u{8}"
var str = "Simple\u{8}string"
println(bs) // Prints ""
println("bs length is \(bs.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding))") // Prints 1
println(str) // Prints Simplestring
let space = "\u{20}"
println(space) // Prints " "
println("space length is \(space.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding))") // Prints 1
str = "Simple\u{20}string"
println(str) // Prints Simple string
It looks like while ASCII 8 "exists", it is "ignored".

How do I compare two characters in Dart?

I want to compare two characters. Something like this:
if ('a' > 'b')
However, the above code is comparing two strings.
How do I do this in Dart?
Dart doesn't have a 'char' or 'character' type. You can get the UTF-16 character code from any point in a string, and compare that.
Use codeUnitAt to get the actual character code from a string.
if ('a'.codeUnitAt(0) > 'b'.codeUnitAt(0))
See the codeUnitAt docs:
String in Dart implements the Comparable interface. You can use compareTo to compare them.
String a = 'a';
String b = 'b';
String c = 'a';
print('value: ${a.compareTo(b)}'); // prints "value: -1"
print('value: ${a.compareTo(c)}'); // prints "value: 0"
print('value: ${b.compareTo(a)}'); // prints "value: 1"
