Is there a way to incrementally update Dask metadata file? - dask

I'm trying to process a dataset and make incremental updates as writing it out in Dask. The Dask metadata file would help a lot when it comes to rereading the processed data. However, as I write new partitions/subsets to the same path, the metadata there gets overwritten by the new partitions/subsets rather than updated with them included.
import dask.dataframe as dd
df = dd.read_parquet(read_path)
# some transformations
df = …
df.to_parquet(write_path, partition_on=[col1, col2, …], write_metadata_file=True)
Looked at a few places and haven't found an obvious way to do this. Does anyone know if anyone has done something that handles such a use case? Could be either incrementally update the metadata files or make edits to/combine a few of them. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Dask's to_parquet() method has an append mode which I think is exactly what you want here:
append : bool, optional
If False (default), construct data-set from scratch.
If True, add new row-group(s) to an existing data-set.
In the latter case, the data-set must exist, and the schema must match the input data.
I have used this successfully with the pyarrow engine, version 1.0.1

This problem is specific to the fastparquet engine (works fine in pyarrow).


How can I change an Optuna's trial result?

I'm using optuna on a complex ML algorithm, where each trial takes around 3/4 days. After a couple of trials, I noticed that the values that I was returning to optuna were incorrect, but I do have the correct results on another file (saving as a backup). Is there any way I could change this defectives results directly in the study object?
I know I can export the study in a pandas dataframe using study.trials_dataframe() and then change it there? However, I need to visualize it in optuna-dashboard, so I would need to directly change it in the study file. Any suggestions?
Create a new Study, use create_trial to create trials with correct values and use Study.add_trials to insert them into the new study.
old_trials = old_study.get_trials(deepcopy=False)
correct_trials = [
) for trial in old_trials]
new_study = optuna.create_study(...)
Note that Optuna doesn't allow you to change existing trials once they are finished, i.e., successfully returned a value, got pruned, or failed. (This is an intentional design; Optuna uses caching mechanisms intensively and we don't want to have inconsistencies during distributed optimization.)
You can only create a new study containing correct trials, and optionally delete the old study.

Can Dask computational graphs keep intermediate data so re-compute is not necessary?

I am very impressed with Dask and I am trying to determine if it is the right tool for my problem. I am building a project for interactive data exploration where users can interactively change parameters of a figure. Sometimes these changes requires re-computing the entire pipeline to make the graph (e.g. "show data from a different time interval"), but sometimes not. For instance, "change the smoothing parameter" should not require the system to reload the raw unsmoothed data, because the underlying data is the same, only the processing changes. The system should instead use the existing raw data that has already been loaded. I would like my system to be able to keep around the intermediate data objects and intelligently determine what tasks in the graph need to be re-run based on what parameters of the data visualization have been changed. It looks like the caching system in Dask is close to what I need, but was designed with a bit of a different use-case in mind. I see there is a persist method, but I'm not sure if that would work either. Is there an easy way to accomplish this in Dask, or is there another project that would be more appropriate?
"change the smoothing parameter" should not require the system to reload the raw unsmoothed data
Two options:
The builtin functools.lru_cache will cache every unique input. The check on memory is with the maxsize parameter, which controls how many input/output pairs are stored.
Using persist in the right places will compute that object as mentioned at It will not require re-running computation to get the object in later computation; functionally, it's the same as lru_cache.
For example, this code will read from disk twice:
>>> import dask.dataframe as dd
>>> df = dd.read_csv(...)
>>> # df = df.persist() # uncommenting this line → only read from disk once
>>> df[df.x > 0].mean().compute()
>>> df[df.y > 0].mean().compute()
Uncommented the line will mean this code only reads from disk once because the task graph for the CSV is computed and the value is stored in memory. For your application is sounds like I would use persist intelligently:
What if two smoothing parameters want to be visualized? In that case, I'd avoid calling compute repeatedly:
lower, upper = client.compute(df.x.min(), df.x.max())
This will share the task graph for min and max so unnecessary computation is not performed.
I would like my system to be able to keep around the intermediate data objects and intelligently determine what tasks in the graph need to be re-run based on what parameters of the data visualization have been changed.
Dask Distributed has a smart caching ability: Part of the documentation says
Another approach is to watch all intermediate computations, and guess which ones might be valuable to keep for the future. Dask has an opportunistic caching mechanism that stores intermediate tasks that show the following characteristics:
Expensive to compute
Cheap to store
Frequently used
I think this is what you're looking for; it'll store values depending on those attributes.

How to use external data in an OSRM profile

It this Mapbox blog post, Lauren Budorick shares how they got working a routing engine with OSRM that uses elevation data in order to give cyclists better routes... AMAZING!
I also want to explore the potential of OSRM's routing when plugging in external (user-generated) data, but I'm still having a hard time grasping how OSRM's profiles work. I think I get the main idea, that every way (or node?) is piped into a few functions that, all toghether, scores how good that path is.
But that's it, there are plenty of missing parts in my head, like what do each of the functions Lauren uses in her profile do. If anyone could point me to some more detailed information on how all of this works, you'd make my next week much, much easier :)
Also, in Lauren's post, inside source_function she loads a ./srtm_bayarea.asc file. What does that .asc file looks like? How would one generate a file like that one from, let's say, data stored in a pgsql database? Can we use some other format, like GeoJSON?
Then, when in segment_function she uses things like source.lon and, are those refered to the raw data stored in the asc file? Or is that file processed into some standard that maps everything to comply it?
As you can see, I'm a complete newbie on routing and maybe GIS in general, but I'd love to learn more about this standards and tools that circle around the OSRM ecosystem. Can you share some tips with me?
I think I get the main idea, that every way (or node?) is piped into a few functions that, all toghether, scores how good that path is.
Right, every way and every node are scored as they are read from an OSM dump to determine passability of a node and speed of a way (used as the scoring heuristic).
A basic description of the data format can be found here. As it reads, data immediately available in ArcInfo ASCII grids includes SRTM data. Currently plaintext ASCII grids are the only supported format. There are several great Python tools for GIS developers that may help in converting other data types to ASCII grids - check out rasterio, for example. Here's an example of a really simple python script to convert NED IMGs to ASCII grids:
import sys
import rasterio as rio
import numpy as np
args = sys.argv[1:]
with rio.drivers():
with[0]) as src:
elev =[0]
profile = src.profile
def shortify(x):
if x == profile['nodata']:
return -9999
elif x == np.finfo(x).tiny:
return 0
return int(round(x))
out_elev = [map(shortify, row) for row in elev]
with open(args[0] + '.asc', 'a') as dst:
np.savetxt(dst, np.array(out_elev),fmt="%s",delimiter=" ")
source.lon and e.g: source and target are nodes provided as arguments by the extraction process. Their coordinates are used to look up data at each location during extraction.
Make sure to read thoroughly through the relevant wiki page (already linked).
Feel free alternately to open a Github issue in with OSRM

Advice (Best practices) for handling large number of large 2D arrays in HDF5 files

I am using a python program to write a 4000x4000 array into an hdf5 file.
Then, I read the data by a c-program where I need it as an input to do some simulations. I need approximately 1000 of these 4000x4000 arrays (meaning, I am doing 1000 simulation runs).
My question now is the following: Which way is "better", 1000 separate hdf5 files or one big hdf5-file with 1000 different dataset (named 'dataset_%04d')?
Any advice or best practices behaviour for this kind of problem is greatly appreciated (as I am not too familiar with hdf5).
In case, this is of interest, here is the python code I am using to write the hdf5 file:
import h5py
h5f = h5py.File( 'data_0001.h5', 'w' )
h5f.create_dataset( 'dataset_1', data=myData )
This is really interesting as I'm currently dealing with similar problem.
To investigate the problem a little closer, I have created following file
import h5py
import numpy as np
def one_file(shape=(4000, 4000), n=1000):
h5f = h5py.File('data.h5', 'w')
for i in xrange(n):
dataset = np.random.random(shape)
dataset_name = 'dataset_{:08d}'.format(i)
h5f.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=dataset)
print i
def more_files(shape=(4000, 4000), n=1000):
for i in xrange(n):
file_name = 'data_{:08d}'.format(i)
h5f = h5py.File(file_name, 'w')
dataset = np.random.random(shape)
h5f.create_dataset('dataset', data=dataset)
print i
Then, in IPython,
>>> from testing import one_file, more_files
>>> %timeit one_file(n=25) # with n=25, the resulting file is 3.0GB
1 loops, best of 3: 42.5 s per loop
>>> %timeit more_files(n=25)
1 loops, best of 3: 41.7 s per loop
>>> %timeit one_file(n=250)
1 loops, best of 3: 7min 29s per loop
>>> %timeit more_files(n=250)
1 loops, best of 3: 8min 10s per loop
The difference is quite surprising to me, for n=25 having more files is faster, however this is no longer truth for more datasets.
As others noted in comments, there is probably no correct answer as this is very problem specific. I deal with hdf5 files for my research in plasma physics. I don't know if it helps you but I can share my hdf5 experience.
I'm running lots of simulations and output for a given simulation used to go to one hdf5 file. When a simulation finished, it dumped it's state to this hdf5 file, so later I was able to take this state and extend simulation from that point (I could change some parameters as well and I don't need to start from scratch). The output from this simulation went again to the same file. This was great - I had only one file for one simulation. However, there are certain drawbacks with this approach:
When a simulation crashes, you end up with a file that is not 'complete' - you can't start new simulation from that file.
There is no simple way, how you can safely take a look into hdf5 file when another process is writing to that file. If it happen that you try to read from and another process is writing to, you end up corrupted file and all you data is lost!
I don't know of any simple way how you can delete groups from a file (I anyone know a way, let me know). So, if I need to restructure a file, I need to create new one from it (h5copy, h5repack, ...).
So I end up with this approach which works much better:
I'm periodically flushing state from a simulation and after that I'm writing to a new file. If simulation crashes, I need only delete last file and I don't lost that much of cpu time.
I'm currently only plotting data from all files but the last one. Note that there is another way: see here, but my approach is definitely simpler and I'm ok with that.
It is much better to process more small files than one huge file - you see the progress and so on.
Hope this helps.
A little late to the party, I know, but I thought I'd share my experiences. My data sizes are smaller, but from a simplicity-of-analysis standpoint I actually prefer one large (1000, 4000, 4000) dataset. In your case, it looks like you'd need to use the maxshape property to make it extendable as you create new results. Saving multiple separate datasets makes it hard to look at trends across datasets since you have to slice them all separately. With one dataset you could do eg. data[:, 5, 20] to look across the 3rd axis. Also, to address the corruption problem, I highly recommend using h5py.File as a context manager:
with h5py.File('myfilename') as f:
f.create_dataset('mydata', data=data, maxshape=(1000, 4000, 4000))
This automatically closes the file even if there is an exception. I used to curse incessantly due to corrupted data and then I started doing this and haven't had a problem since.

retrieve sequence alignment score produced by emboss in biopython

I'm trying to retrieve the alignment score of two sequences compared using emboss in biopython. The only way that I know is to retrieve it from an output text file produced by emboss. The problem is that there will be hundreds of these files to iterate over. Is there an easier/cleaner method to retrieve the alignment score, without resorting to that? This is the main part of the code that I'm using.
From Bio.Emboss.Applications import StretcherCommandline
needle_cline = StretcherCommandline(asequence=,bsequence=,gapopen=,gapextend=,outfile=)
stdout, stderr = needle_cline()
I had the same problem and after some time spent on searching for a neat solution I popped up a white flag.
However, to speed up significantly the processing of output files I did the following things:
1) I used re python module for handling regular expressions to extract all data needed.
2) I created a ramdisk space for the output files. The use of a ramdisk here allowed for processing and exchanging all the data in RAM memory (much faster than writing and reading the output files from a hard drive, not to mention it saves your hdd in case of processing massive number of alignments).
I don't know if there is one specifically for your command.
For Primer3CommandLine, there is Primer3. Make your life much easier with something like:
from Bio.Emboss import Primer3
inputFile = "./wherever/your/outputfileis.out"
with open(inputFile) as fileHandle:
record = Primer3.parse(fileHandle)
# XXX check is len>0
primers =
numPrimers = len(primers)
# you should have access to each primer, using a for loop
# to check how to access the data you care about. For example:
I would also check
