What does this code mean (if v then return v end)? - lua

So I have this piece of code and it is this:
local function index(n,m)
return n*(n+1)//2 + m
local binomtable = {}
function binom3(n,m)
if n<0 or m<0 or m>n then return 0 end
if n=0 or m=0 or m=n then return 1 end
local i = index(n,m)
local v = binomtable[i]
if v then return v end
v = binom3(n-1,m-1) + binom3(n-1,m)
binomtable[i] = v
return v
and I would like to know what
if v then return v end
Thank you!

The short answer is that if v then return v end returns the value v if it is truthy, i.e., if it is neither false nor nil. Otherwise the function continues by calculating a value for v, storing that value in binomtable, and finally returning it. The more interesting question is, why is the function doing all of this?
In the posted code, binom3 is a recursive function. With the recursive calls v = binom3(n-1,m-1) + binom3(n-1,m) there will be a lot of duplication of effort, meaning a lot of wasted space and time. Consider:
binom3(4, 2)
--> binom3(3, 1) + binom3(3, 2)
--> binom3(2, 0) + binom3(2, 1) + binom3(2, 1) + binom3(2, 2)
--> 1 + binom3(1, 0) + binom3(1, 1) + binom3(1, 0) + binom3(1, 1) + 1
Note how in the second reduction there are two identical terms:
binom3(2, 1) + binom3(2, 1)
There is no reason to calculate the term binom3(2, 1) twice, and doing so means that the pair of terms:
binom3(1, 0) + binom3(1, 1)
also must be calculated twice, as seen in the third reduction. It would be smart to calculate binom3(2, 1) only once, and to save the result for later use in the larger calculation. When m and n are larger and the number of calculations explodes exponentially this becomes a very important issue for performance both in the amount of memory required and in the amount of time required.
The posted code is using memoization to improve performance. When a calculation is made, it is stored in the table binomtable. Before any calculation is made, binomtable is consulted. First, v is set to the value of binomtable[i]; if this value is any truthy value (any integer is a truthy in Lua), then that value is simply returned without the need for recursive calculation. Otherwise, if nil is returned (i.e., no value has yet been stored for the calculation), the function continues with a recursive calculation. After completing the calculation, the new value is stored in binomtable for use the next time it is needed. This strategy saves a lot of wasted computational effort, and can make a huge difference in the performance of such recursive algorithms.

For your specific question of what
if v then return v end
means, is that if v, a variable, is not nil or false it is to return the value of the v variable and stop executing that function.
function myfunc(input)
local MyVar = "I am a string and am not nil!"
if MyVar then
return "hi"
return "hello"
print("I am not seen because I am unreachable code!")
if this function was called it would always return "hi" instead of "hello" because MyVar is true, because it has a value. Also the print function below that will never get called because it stops executing the function after a return is called.
Now for your codes case it is checking a table to see if it has an entry at a certain index and if it does it returns the value.


how to understand ":" in the following code? [duplicate]

I am confused about the difference between function calls via . and via :
> x = {foo = function(a,b) return a end, bar = function(a,b) return b end, }
> return x.foo(3,4)
> return x.bar(3,4)
> return x:foo(3,4)
table: 0x10a120
> return x:bar(3,4)
What is the : doing ?
The colon is for implementing methods that pass self as the first parameter. So x:bar(3,4)should be the same as x.bar(x,3,4).
For definition it is exactly the same as specifying self manually - it will even produce same bytecode on compilation. I.e. function object:method(arg1, arg2) is same as function object.method(self, arg1, arg2).
On use : is almost the same as . - a special kind of call will be used internally to make sure object and any possible side-effects of calculations/access are calculated only once. Calling object:method(arg1, arg2) is otherwise same as object.method(object, arg1, arg2).
To be completely precise, obj:method(1, 2, 3) is the same as
local _obj = obj
_obj.method(_obj, 1, 2, 3)
Why the local variable? Because, as many have pointed out, obj:method() only indexes _ENV once to get obj. This normally just important when considering speed, but consider this situation:
local tab do
local obj_local = { method = function(self, n) print n end }
tab = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(idx)
print "Accessing "..idx
if idx=="obj" then return obj_local end
tab.obj.method(tab.obj, 20)
--> Accessing obj
--> Accessing obj
--> 20
--> Accessing obj
--> 10
Now imagine the __index metamethod did more than just printing something. Imagine it increased a counter, logged something to a file or deleted a random user from your database. There's a big difference between doing that twice or only once. In this case, there's a clear difference between obj.method(obj, etc) and obj:method(etc).

How can a Lua function return nil, even if the returned value is not nil inside the function?

I have created a function that (pseudo)randomly creates a table containing numbers. I then loop this function until at least correct result is found. As soon as I've confirmed that at least one such result exists, I stop the function and return the table.
When I create tables containing small values, there are no issues. However, once the random numbers grow to the range of hundreds, the function begins to return nil, even though the table is true the line before I return it.
local sort = table.sort
local random = math.random
local aMin, aMax = 8, 12
local bMin, bMax = 200, 2000
local function compare( a, b )
return a < b
local function getNumbers()
local valid = false
local numbers = {}
-- Generate a random length table, containing random number values.
for i = 1, random( aMin, aMax ) do
numbers[i] = random( bMin, bMax )
sort( numbers, compare )
-- See if a specific sequence of numbers exist in the table.
for i = 2, #numbers do
if numbers[i-1]+1 == numbers[i] or numbers[i-1] == numbers[i] then
-- Sequence found, so stop.
valid = true
for i = 1, #numbers-1 do
for j = i+1, #numbers do
if numbers[j] % numbers[i] == 0 and numbers[i] ~= 1 then
valid = true
if valid then
print( "Within function:", numbers )
return numbers
local numbers = getNumbers()
print( "Outside function:", numbers )
This function, to my understanding, is supposed to loop infinitely until I find a valid sequence. The only way that the function can even end, according to my code, is if valid is true.
Sometimes, more often than not, with large numbers the function simply outputs a nil value to the outside of the function. What is going on here?
You're just doing getNumbers() to recurse instead of return getNumbers(). This means that if the recursion gets entered, the final returned value will be nil no matter what else happens.
In the else case of the if valid then, you are not returning anything. You only return anything in the valid case. In the else case, a recursive call may return something, but then you ignore that returned value. The print you see is corresponding to the return from the recursive call; it isn't making it out the original call.
You mean to return getNumbers().

Check for identical elements in a table in Lua?

How would you check a table for three identical elements (looking for three L's)?
table = {nil, nil, L, nil, L} -> false
table = {L, L, nil, nil, L} -> true
Really would appreciate some help!
EDIT: Ok I've got this, but it only outputs false even when there are three or more L's (and does so five times for every check?). Sorry if it seemed like I was trying to get the code for it, I'm genuinely trying to learn! :)
for k, v in pairs( threeL_table ) do
local count = 0
if k == 'L' then
count = count + 1
if count == 3 then
You were almost there. You need to test the values v against 'L', not the keys k. Also, I suppose you want to print the message only once after the scan is concluded; if so, put the if-statement outside of the for-loop. (In this case, you should define count outside of the for-loop, too, otherwise you would not see it once it has ended).
local count = 0
for k, v in pairs( threeL_table ) do
if v == 'L' then -- you need to check for the values not the keys
count = count + 1
if count == 3 then -- move this out of the for-loop
I will not give you any code as you did not show any own efforts to solve the problem.
How would you check a table for three identical elements? Well you count them.
Loop over the table and for every distinct value you create a new counter. You could use another table for that. Once one of those counters reaches 3 you know that you have three identical values.
Another way to solve this.
function detectDup(t,nDup)
local tabCount = {}
for _,e in ipairs(t) do
tabCount[e] = (tabCount[e] or 0) + 1
if tabCount[e] >= 3 then
print("The element '" .. e .. "' has more than 3 repetitions!")
return true
return false
print(detectDup({'L', 'L','A','B'},3))
print(detectDup({'L', 'L','A','B','L',},3))

How to put floating points in LUA [duplicate]

I'd like to format a number to look like 1,234 or 1,234,432 or 123,456,789, you get the idea. I tried doing this as follows:
function reformatint(i)
local length = string.len(i)
for v = 1, math.floor(length/3) do
for k = 1, 3 do
newint = string.sub(mystring, -k*v)
newint = ','..newint
return newint
As you can see, a failed attempt, my problem is that I can't figure out what the error is because the program I am running this in refuses to report an error back to me.
Here's a function that takes negative numbers, and fractional parts into account:
function format_int(number)
local i, j, minus, int, fraction = tostring(number):find('([-]?)(%d+)([.]?%d*)')
-- reverse the int-string and append a comma to all blocks of 3 digits
int = int:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,")
-- reverse the int-string back remove an optional comma and put the
-- optional minus and fractional part back
return minus .. int:reverse():gsub("^,", "") .. fraction
assert(format_int(1234) == '1,234')
assert(format_int(1234567) == '1,234,567')
assert(format_int(123456789) == '123,456,789')
assert(format_int(123456789.1234) == '123,456,789.1234')
assert(format_int(-123456789.) == '-123,456,789')
assert(format_int(-123456789.1234) == '-123,456,789.1234')
assert(format_int('-123456789.1234') == '-123,456,789.1234')
print('All tests passed!')
Well, let's take this from the top down. First of all, it's failing because you've got a reference error:
for k = 1, 3 do
newint = string.sub(mystring, -k*v) -- What is 'mystring'?
Most likely you want i to be there, not mystring.
Second, while replacing mystring with i will fix the errors, it still won't work correctly.
> =reformatint(100)
> =reformatint(1)
That's obviously not right. It seems like what you're trying to do is go through the string, and build up the new string with the commas added. But there are a couple of problems...
function reformatint(i)
local length = string.len(i)
for v = 1, math.floor(length/3) do
for k = 1, 3 do -- What is this inner loop for?
newint = string.sub(mystring, -k*v) -- This chops off the end of
-- your string only
newint = ','..newint -- This will make your result have a ',' at
-- the beginning, no matter what
return newint
With some rework, you can get a function that work.
function reformatint(integer)
for i = 1, math.floor((string.len(integer)-1) / 3) do
integer = string.sub(integer, 1, -3*i-i) ..
',' ..
string.sub(integer, -3*i-i+1)
return integer
The function above seems to work correctly. However, it's fairly convoluted... Might want to make it more readable.
As a side note, a quick google search finds a function that has already been made for this:
function comma_value(amount)
local formatted = amount
while true do
formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')
if (k==0) then
return formatted
You can do without loops:
function numWithCommas(n)
return tostring(math.floor(n)):reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)","%1,")
assert(numWithCommas(100000) == "100,000")
assert(numWithCommas(100) == "100")
assert(numWithCommas(-100000) == "-100,000")
assert(numWithCommas(10000000) == "10,000,000")
assert(numWithCommas(10000000.00) == "10,000,000")
The second gsub is needed to avoid -,100 being generated.
I remember discussing about this in the LÖVE forums ... let me look for it...
Found it!
This will work with positive integers:
function reformatInt(i)
return tostring(i):reverse():gsub("%d%d%d", "%1,"):reverse():gsub("^,", "")
On the link above you may read details about implementation.

Redis: Lua script to return every other nth element of a sorted set

I am trying to put together a lua script to be called from Redis (via an EVAL call) in order to return every other nth element of a sorted set (nth being the rank in the set, not the score).
There are very few online examples of Lua scripts that can be used to build upon, would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?
local function copyNOtherElements(table, interval, startpos)
local elemno = 1
local rettab = {}
for k, v in ipairs(table) do
if k >= startpos and (k - startpos) % interval == 0 then
rettab[elemno] = v
elemno = elemno + 1
return rettab
Sorry about formatting, typing on a phone. that's assuming the table is a 1 based array
For future readers, adding Redis into the previous answer, and a bit more efficient code to iterate the Nth elements:
local function zrange_pick(zset_key, step, start, stop)
-- The next four lines can be removed along with the start/stop params if not needed as in OP Q.
if start == nil than
start = 0
if end == nil than
end = -1
local set_by_score = redis.call('ZRANGE', zset_key, start, end)
local result = {}
for n = 1, #set_by_score, step do
table.insert(result, set_by_score[n])
return result
