How to auto-remove Docker container while persisting logs? - docker

Is there any way to use Docker's --rm option that auto-removes the container once it exits but allow the container's logs to persist?
I have an application that creates containers to process jobs, and then once all jobs are complete, the container exits and is deleted to conserve space. However, in case a bug caused the container's process to exit prematurely, I'd like to persist the log files so I can confirm it exited cleanly or diagnose a faulty exit.
However, the --rm option appears to remove the container's logs along with the container.

Log to somewhere outside of the container.
You could mount a directory of the host in your container, so logs will be written to the host directory and kept after rm.
Or you can mount a volume on your container; which will be persisted after rm
Or you can setup rsyslog - or some similar log collection agent - to export your logs to a remote service. See for more on this solution.
The first 2 are hacks but easier to get up and running on your workstation/server. If this is all cloud hosted there might be a decent log offloading option (Cloudwatch on AWS) which saves you the hassle of configuring rsyslog


Make Docker Logs Persistent

I have been using docker-compose to setup some docker containers.
I am aware that the logs can be viewed using docker logs <container-name>.
All logs are being printed to STDOUT and STDERR when the containers are run, there is no log 'file' being generated in the containers.
But these logs (obtained from docker logs command) are removed when their respective containers are removed by commands like docker-compose down or docker-compose rm.
When the containers are created and started again there is a fresh set of logs. No logs from the previous 'run' is present.
I am curious if there is a way to somehow prevent the logs from being removed along with their containers.
Ideally i would like to keep all my previous logs even when the container is removed.
I believe you have two ways you can go:
Make containers log into file
You can reconfigure the applications inside the container to write into logfiles rather than stdout/stderr. As you put it, you'd like to keep the logs even when the container is removed. Therefore ensure the files are stored in a (bind) mounted volume.
Reconfigure docker to store logs
Reconfigure docker to use a different logging driver. This can be especially helpful as it prevents you from changing each and every container.

Why does vscode's remote explorer get a list of old containers? (Docker)

I succeeded in connecting to a remote server configured with Docker through vscode. By the way, the list of containers from the past was fetched from the remote explorer of vscode. If you look at this list of containers, they are obviously containers made with images I downloaded a few days ago. I don't know why this is happening.
Presumably, it is a problem with the settings.json file or a problem with some log.
I pressed f1 in vscode and select Remote-Containers: Attach to Running Container...
Then the docker command was entered automatically in the terminal. Here, a container (b25ee2cb9162) that I do not know where it came from has appeared.
After running this container, a new window opens with the message Starting Dev Container.
This is the list of containers that I said downloaded a few days ago. This is what vscode showed me.
What's the reason that this happened?
Those containers you are seeing are similar to those if you run docker container ls. The containers you are seeing have exited and are not automatically cleaned up by Docker unless specified in CLI --rm option.
The docs for the --rm option explain the reason for this nicely:
By default a container’s file system persists even after the container exits. This makes debugging a lot easier (since you can inspect the final state) and you retain all your data by default. But if you are running short-term foreground processes, these container file systems can really pile up. If instead you’d like Docker to automatically clean up the container and remove the file system when the container exits, you can add the --rm flag:
From this answer about these non-running containers taking up system resources you don't have to be concerned about these taking up much space expect minimal disk space.
To remove those containers, you have a few options:
[Preemptive] Use --rm flag when running container
You can pass the --rm flag when you run a container with the Docker to remove the containers after they have exited so old containers don't accumulate.
As the docs mention, the downside is after the container exits, it's difficult to debug why the container exited if something failed inside the container.
See the docs here if using docker run:
See this answer if using docker-compose run
Clean up existing containers from the command line
Use the docker container prune command to remove all stopped containers.
See the docs here:
See this related SO answer if you're looking for other options:
Clean up containers from VSCode
VSCode Docker Containers Extension you clean up containers if you open the command palate and enter Docker Containers: Remove
Or you can simply right click those containers.

custom logs in docker

I need to get the logs from the running container persisted on the host, so we don't lose the logs when the container restarts.
The logs that get put in the standard apache logs are handled fine with the --log-driver=syslog --log-opt syslog-tag="app_name" run options. However, each application also has a custom debug.log output.
I tried using the --log-opt syslog-address=unix://infra/py/appinstance/app/log/debug.log run parameter, but that doesn't work. I would like to plug the debug logs into the standard syslog, but I don't see how to do it. Any ideas.
the docker run--log-driver option is to specify where to store your docker container log. The log we are talking about here is the one that you get from the docker logs command.
The content of that log is gathered from the container's process standard output and error output.
The debug.log file you are mentioning isn't sent to any of the standard or error output and has such won't be handled by docker.
You have at least two options to persist those debug messages:
writing to stdout or stderr
You can make your application write its debug messages to the standard or error output instead of to the debug.log file. This way those debug messages will be handled by docker, and given the --log-driver=syslog option will persist in your host syslog service.
mount a volume
You can also use the docker run -v option to create a volume in your container that will mount a directory from your docker host in your container.
Then configure your application so that it writes the debug.log file on that mount point.

Docker: kill/stop/restart a container, parameters maintained?

I run a specific docker image for the first time:
docker run [OPTIONS] image [CMD]
Some of the options I supply include --link (link with other containers) and -p (expose ports)
I noticed that if I kill that container and simply do docker start <container-id>, Docker honors all the options that I specified during the run command including the links and ports.
Is this behavior explicitly documented and can I always count on the start command to reincarnate the container with all the options I supplied in the run command?
Also, I noticed that killing/starting a container which is linked to another container updates the upstream container's /etc/hosts file automatically:
A--(link)-->B (A has an entry in /etc/hosts for B)
If I kill B, B will normally get a new IP address. I notice that when i start B, the entry for B in A's /etc/hosts file is automatically updated... This is very nice.
I read here that --link does not handle container restarts... Has this been updated recently? If not, why am I seeing this behavior?
(Im using Docker version 1.7.1, build 786b29d)
Yes, things work as you describe :)
You can rely on the behaviour of docker start as it doesn't really "reincarnate" your container; it was always there on disk, just in a stopped state. It will also retain any changes to files, but changes in RAM, such as process state, will be lost. (Note that kill doesn't remove a container, it just stops it with a SIGKILL rather than a SIGTERM, use docker rm to truly remove a container).
Links are now updated when a container changes IP address due to a restart. This didn't use to be the case. However, that's not what the linked question is about - they are discussing whether you can replace a container with a new container of the same name and have links still work. This isn't possible, but that scenario will be covered by the new networking functionality and "service" objects which is currently in the Docker experimental channel.

Strategies for deciding when to use 'docker run' vs 'docker start' and using the latest version of a given image

I'm dockerizing some of our services. For our dev environment, I'd like to make things as easy as possible for our developers and so I'm writing some scripts to manage the dockerized components. I want developers to be able to start and stop these services just as if they were non-dockerized. I don't want them to have to worry about creating and running the container vs stopping and starting and already-created container. I was thinking that this could be handled using Fig. To create the container (if it doesn't already exist) and start the service, I'd use fig up --no-recreate. To stop the service, I'd use fig stop.
I'd also like to ensure that developers are running containers built using the latest images. In other words, something would check to see if there was a later version of the image in our Docker registry. If so, this image would be downloaded and run to create a new container from that image. At the moment it seems like I'd have to use docker commands to list the contents of the registry (docker search) and compare that to existing local containers (docker ps -a) with the addition of some greping and awking or use the Docker API to achieve the same thing.
Any persistent data will be written to mounted volumes so the data should survive the creation of a new container.
This seems like it might be a common pattern so I'm wondering whether anyone else has given these sorts of scenarios any thought.
This is what I've decided to do for now for our Neo4j Docker image:
I've written a shell script around docker run that accepts command-line arguments for the port, database persistence directory on the host, log file persistence directory on the host. It executes a docker run command that looks like:
docker run --rm -it -p ${port}:7474 -v ${graphdir}:/var/lib/neo4j/data/graph.db -v ${logdir}:/var/log/neo4j my/neo4j
By default port is 7474, graphdir is $PWD/graph.db and logdir is $PWD/log.
--rm removes the container on exit, however the database and logs are maintained on the host's file system. So no containers are left around.
-it allows the container and the Neo4j service running within it to receive signals so that the service can be gracefully shut down (the Neo4j server gracefully shuts down on SIGINT) and the container exited by hitting ^C or sending it a SIGINT if the developer puts this in the background. No need for separate start/stop commands.
Although I certainly wouldn't do this in production, I think this fine for a dev environment.
I am not familiar with fig but your scenario seems good.
Usually, I prefer to kill/delete + run my container instead of playing with start/stop though. That way, if there is a new image available, Docker will use it. This work only for stateless services. As you are using Volumes for persistent data, you could do something like this.
Regarding the image update, what about running docker pull <image> every N minutes and checking the "Status" that the command returns? If it is up to date, then do nothing, otherwise, kill/rerun the container.
