A UI view to send some input parameters to an Ads-script - google-ads-api

Is there any UI view to send some input parameters to an Ads-script?
In the documentation I see it's only hard-coding inside the script?


Display the active selected parameters as comma separated values with in a box in Jenkins

I have certain build parameters followed by active choices(radio button, drop-down etc)
Once after selecting each option I want to display all the selected items as comma-separated value with a box (It's just a confirmation box having all the selected values after which I must proceed to build)
[Build parameters]
You can use the Active Choices Reactive Reference Parameter to active this.
Add Reactive Reference Parameter to you job, call it Test Data, in the Referenced parameters section reference your existing parameters OperatingSystem,OSVersion,TestSuites,ProbeDeploymentType, in the Choice Type choose Formatted Html so you can customise you display box, and in the script section just create the format you want to print and design the HTML for it.
Here is an example with a textarea:
summeryList =TestSuites.split(',').collect { suite ->
"${OperatingSystem}, ${OSVersion}, ${suite}, ${ProbeDeploymentType}"
return "<textarea cols='50' readonly name='value' >${summeryList.join('\n')}</textarea>"
You can of course customize the html layout however you want.
Here is a screenshot of the parameter config:
and the result build page:

When to perform additional processing on the form in Rails?

I'm writing a form where some additional processing is required before sending the values. The image below depicts the simplified example.
where test_date and remind_date are saved on the server as a string of format YYYY/MM/DD.
However, the text field shown above allows users to enter an integer. The value from this field needs to be processed (basically, test_date - form_value).
I'm currently doing this conversion before sending the value to the server, within a saveForm() function that is triggered when the Submit button is pressed.
I feel like this might not be the ideal way, and wanted to get your opinions. Would it be better to handle this within the controller, by allowing a new param?
For a simple field like this you can just create another instance variable in the controller.
For more complex calculations or additional fields you could use a form object, eg: using the https://github.com/andypike/rectify gem or Reform.

SSRS Render Report through URL

I have a report that is being passed parameters through the URL, but would like to have the report load by default before the user has to click the 'View Report' button. I have rs:Command=Render in the URL but this doesn't seem to be doing it. Is there another tag that I am missing here? The URL is currently as follows:
The report comes up with the appropriate values selected by default, as passed above, but it does not run until I hit View Report. Do I need to specify all the other parameters in the report through the URL in order for it to run by default, even though those parameters already have default values?
Found it, the report renders automatically as long as all parameters have a 'Default' value specified. Two text parameters in the report needed to have their default expressions set to =""

Setting timeout for jeditable operations?

I'm using the jeditable plugin for Datatables. I have a page set up with a table that passes the submitted add form to a .java class to process, and has the fnShowError parameter set to display a failure message.
The operations the add handler does take a while, and sometimes the add will succeed but I will get the fnSHowError message anyways, likely because of a timeout. Is there a way to specify a timeout length for the add function?

Access specific extension object data from page code

I'm trying to build an addon that will observe and collect XHR and image responses received on a page and make them available to page script (on that page) for further inspection.
In my 'http-on-examine-response' observer code, I push URLs I'm interested in, into an array for their associated window, into an object, something like this -
myWindowId = resp.outerWindowID+'-'+resp.currentInnerWindowID;
(I thought that approach may be better than using tab references to identify unique source windows)
The relevant arrays are updated automatically as any page makes a request.
I'd like to be able to query the relevant array from page script or a bookmarklet at any time.
Should I set up port.on..., or postMessage() communication between the page/bookmarklet, content script and extension, or use a pageMod to write the appropriate array directly to an unsafeWindow global object on the relevant page?
I couldn't figure out how to make a pageMod write a specific array to a specific page as soon as the new responses were observed.
Full source is here -
I think it's all working, apart from getting the data back on to the page.
With help from Wladimir Palant, I found that XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap() is defined and does what I needed from the SDK module context. It allowed me to set variables directly in a window from my addon.
More info about wrappers here -
