RSocket- Expose service methods on request-response semantics - rsocket

I am trying to expose all my backend service calls(all returns response to the calling client) via requestResponse paradigm in RSocket Implementation. To do that, either I have to use RPC or reflections. I do not want to go in the route of rsocket-RPC. Reflections drastically reduced the throughput. Please let me know if you have any solution or recommendation towards this requirement.

Spring Boot with RSocket
It may use reflection for configuration, but should presumably have a fairly efficient method dispatch once the app is loaded.


iOS what is the highest level networking abstraction that is appropriate for handling bi-directional sync over http?

I'm looking at the Apple networking guidelines that suggest that the user should try to work with the highest level of abstraction possible when dealing with networking.
I'm working on a client-server app, where the server is master, and an iOS device is slave. These communicate over HTTP, establishing a connection that lives for the lifetime of the app's usage session. The app and the server synchronize assets over this connection.
My question is - what level of abstraction is appropriate for implementing bi-directional sync over HTTP? Is it sockets, NSURLConnection, some AFNetworking subclass, input/output streams?
There are a lot of possible good answers to this. I think all I can do is offer one pattern which has worked well for me but it may not apply to your needs and use cases. To restate my comment above "whatever you do will be a tradeoff between responsiveness, power consumption, data consistency, and implementation cost."
The level of abstraction I aim for is a set of service objects which expose an interface in terms of the application's domain models. The rest of the app, primarily objects in the controller layer, should be able to communicate with these services by passing models to methods (e.g. "fetchUserWithId:userId" or "createUser:user") and without any awareness of the urls, paths, or HTTP verbs involved at the network layer.
Those service objects can map domain model operations into paths, HTTP verbs, and possibly request bodies or headers. In most cases I find that the services themselves can then share a lower level service which accepts those values and constructs the actual HTTP request. This provides a single location to configure host names, set global headers, and manage a request queue via NSURLRequest, NSURLSession, AFNetworking, or whatever library you prefer.
I'll include completion blocks on my service object methods so that controllers can be notified of success or failure but try not to use those blocks to pass models back up to the controller layer. Instead I prefer to have controllers monitor Core Data or some other persistence layer and react to changes. That way controllers remain flexible and respond to any update in the models they are concerned with and do not assume that they are aware of all possible sources of changes to those models.
So far none of this addresses how you should check for remote changes to your models. The best option may be to design a system which does not need to do so. What if your client obtained a set of recent changes only when posting data to the server, could it still provide a good user experience? Could the server use push notifications to occasionally notify clients of updates?
If you must check for changes sockets or long polling are usually more responsive than short polling but it may be hard for roaming mobile clients to keep those connections open. All of these approaches also tend to keep the client's radios active and consume lots of power in the process.
Without knowing more about the problem I'd default to short polling but try to design interactions which allow this to be as infrequent as possible (e.g. one check when the app resumes). I also use HTTP features (etags, if-modified-since, or custom content ranges) to limit the size of responses when there are no changes. If you have a good service layer managing network requests that also gives you a good place to introduce rate limiting. Allowing controllers to express interest to fetching up to date information but deferring to the services to throttle or batch requests based on what the rest of the app is doing (e.g. don't repeat the same request if those models were updated recently unless the user deliberately triggered the action).

Communication architecture choice in an IOS / Linux application?

I have a software architecture problem.
I have to design an IOS application which will communicate with a Linux application to get the state of a sensor, and to publish an actuator command. The two applications run in a Local network with an Ad-Hoc WiFi connection between the IOS device and the Linux computer.
So I have to synchronize two values between two applications (as described in figure 1). In a Linux/Linux system, I resolve this kind of problem thanks to any publisher / subscriber middleware. But how can I solve this problem in an IOS / Linux world ?
Actually the Linux application embed an asynchronous TCP Server, and the IOS application is an asynchronous TCP client. Both applications communicate through the TCP Socket. I think that this method is a low level method, and I would like to migrate the communication layer to a much higher level Service based communication framework.
After some bibliographic research I found three ways to resolve my problem :
The REST Way :
I can create a RESTful Web Service which modelize the sensor state, and which is able to send command to the actuator. An implementation of a RESTful web service client exists for IOS, that is "RESTKit", and I think I can use Apache/Axis2 on the server side.
The RPC Way :
I can create on my Linux computer a RPC service provider thanks to the libmaia. On the IOS side, I can use xmlrpc ( My two programs will communicate thanks to the service described in the figure below.
The ZeroConf way :
I didn't get into detail of this methods, but I suppose I can use Bonjour on the IOS side, and AVAHI on the linux side. And then create custom service like in RPC on both side.
Discussion about these methods :
The REST way doesn't seem to be the good way because : "The REST interface is designed to be efficient for large-grain hypermedia data transfer" (from the Chapter 5 of the Fielding dissertation). My data are very fined grain data, because my command is just a float, and my sensor state too.
I think there is no big difference between the ZeroConf way and the RPC Way. ZeroConf provide "only" the service discovering mechanism, and I don't need this kind of mechanism because my application is a rigid application. Both sides knows which services exists.
So my question are :
Does XML RPC based method are the good choice to solve my problem of variable synchronization between an iPhone and a Computer ?
Does it exist other methods ?
I actually recommend you use "tcp socket + protobuf" for your application.
Socket is very efficient in pushing messages to your ios app and protobuf can save your time to deliver a message instead of character bytes. Your other high level proposal actually introduces more complications...
I can provide no answers; just some things to consider in no particular order.
I am also assuming that your model is that the iOS device polls the server to synchronize state.
It is probably best to stay away from directly using Berkeley sockets on the iOS device. iOS used to have issues with low level sockets not connecting after a period of inactivity. At the very least I would use NSStream or CFStream objects for transport or, if possible, I'd use NSURL, NSURLConnection, NSURLRequest. NSURLConnection's asynchronous data loading capability fits well with iOS' gui update loop.
I think you will have to implement some form of data definition language independent of your implementation method (RES, XML RPC, CORBA, roll your own, etc.)
The data you send and receive over the wire would probably be XML or JSON. If you use XML you would have to write your own XML document handler as iOS implements the NSXMLParser class but not the NSXMLDocument class. I would refer JSON as the JSON parser will return an NSArray or NSDictionary hierarchy of NSObjects containing the unserialized data.
I have worked on a GSOAP implementation that used CFStreams for transport. Each request and response was handled by a request specific class to create request specific objects. Each new request required a new class definition for the returned data. Interactivity was maintained by firing the requests through an NSOperationQueue. Lots of shim here. The primary advantage of this method was that the interface was defined in a wsdl schema (all requests, responses, and data structures were defined in one place.
I have not looked at CORBA on iOS - you would have to tie in C++ libraries to your code and change the transport to use CFStreams Again, lots of shim but the advantage of having the protocol defined in the idl file. Also you would have a single connection to the server instead of making and breaking TCP connections for each request.
My $.02
XML RPC and what you refer to as "RESTful Web Service" will both get the job done. If you can use JSON instead of XML as the payload format, that would simplify things somewhat on the iOS side.
Zeroconf (aka bonjour) can be used in combination with either approach. In your case it would allow the client to locate the server dynamically, as an alternative to hard-coding an URL or other address in the client. Zeroconf doesn't play any role in actual application-level data transfer.
You probably want to avoid having the linux app call the iOS app, since that will complicate the iOS app a lot, plus it will be hard on the battery.
You seem to have cherry picked some existing technologies and seem to be trying to make them fit the problem.
I would like to migrate the communication layer to a much higher level Service based communication framework
You should be seeking the method which meets your requirements in terms of available resources (should you assume that the client can maintain a consistent connection? how secure does it need to be?) However besides functionality, availability and security, the biggest concern should be how to implement this with the least amount of effort.
I'd be leaning towards the REST aproach because:
I do a lot of web development so that's where my skills lie
it has minimal dependencies
there is well supported code implementing the protocol stack at both ends
it's trivial to replace either end of the connection to test out the implementation
it's trivial to monitor the communications (if they're not encrypted) to test the implementaiton
adding encryption / authentication does not change the data exchange
Regards your citation, no HTTP is probably not the most sensible for SCADA - but then neither is iOS.

Handle SOAP calls with ESB/MessageBroker or Grails?

we are currently trying to determine a application architecture for an application that will need to accept a number of SOAP calls and also make SOAP calls. One of the design goals is simplicity and robustness which we need to take into account.
In the Grails space we could all tie this into one big Grails application but this gives headaches in the robustness aspect as and update of the Grails application will disable all incoming SOAP request.
I was wondering if splitting up the Grails app and combining this with something like ActiveMQ/ServiceMix/Mule etc is recommend? Any advice or comments are appreciated! And what kind of solution woud be a good candidate?
You can achieve some robustness with your monolithic Grails app by running it behind a network load balancer. This would allow you to perform no-downtime rolling upgrades.
Now this doesn't address other concerns like the need to deal with possibly unreachable remote SOAP services, etc... This is when a tool/framework, like Mule, can become helpful as it will provide you exception handling, retries and whatnot.
This is conditioned by the intended behavior of your SOAP bridge: is it asynchronous (ie. fire and forget, send the message to the bridge, get an immediate ACK and let the bridge do the remote dispatch whenever possible) or is it synchronous (ie. the caller of the bridge is held until a remote response is received and forwarded back to it).
If your bridge is fundamentally synchronous, I'd say you can stick with your single Grails app and use a load balancer. It will be up to the caller to deal with retries.
Otherwise, if it's async, consider a messaging middleware to help with the temporary message persistence and redelivery in case of failure.

Real-time ASP.NET MVC Web Application

I need to add a "real-time" element to my web application. Basically, I need to detect "changes" which are stored in a SQL Server table, and update various parts of the UI when a change has occured.
I'm currently doing this by polling. I send an ajax request to the server every 3 seconds asking for any new changes - these are then returned and processed. It works, but I don't like it - it means that for each browser I'll be issuing these requests frequently, and the server will always be busy processing them. In short, it doesn't scale well.
Is there any clever alternative that avoids polling overhead?
In the interests of completeness, I'm updating this to mention the solution we eventually went with - SignalR. It's OS and comes from Microsoft. It's risen in popularity, and I can heartily recommend this, or indeed WebSync which we also looked at.
Check out WebSync, a comet server designed for ASP.NET/IIS.
In particular, what I would do is use the SQL Dependency class, and when you detect a change, use RequestHandler.Publish("/channel", data); to send out the info to the appropriate listening clients.
Should work pretty nicely.
taken directly from the link refernced by Jakub (i.e.):
Reverse AJAX with IIS/ASP.NET
PokeIn on codeplex gives you an enhanced JSON functionality to make your server side objects available in client side. Simply, it is a Reverse Ajax library which makes it easy to call JavaScript functions from C#/VB.NET and to call C#/VB.NET functions from JavaScript. It has numerous features like event ordering, resource management, exception handling, marshaling, Ajax upload control, mono compatibility, WCF & .NET Remoting integration and scalable server push.
There is a free community license option for this library and the licensing option is quite cost effective in comparison to others.
I've actually used this and the community edition is pretty special. well worth a look as this type of tech will begin to dominate the landscape in the coming months/years. the codeplex site comes complete with mvc samples.
No matter what: you will always be limited to the fact that HTTP is (mostly) a one-way street. Unless you implement some sensible code on the client (ie. to listen to incoming network requests) anything else will involve polling the server for updates, no-matter what others will tell you.
We had a similar requirement: to have very fast response time in one of our real-time web applications, serving about 400 - 500 clients per web server. Server would need to notify the clients almost within 0.1 of a second (telephony & VoIP).
In the end we implemented an Async Handler. On each polling request we put the request to sleep for 5 seconds, waiting for a semaphore pulse signal to respond to the client. If the 5 seconds are up, we respond with a "no event" and the client will post the request again (immediately). This resulted in very fast response times, and we never had any problems with up to 500 clients per machine.. no idea how many more we could add before the polling requests might create a problem.
take a look at this article
I've read somewhere (didn't remember where) that using this WCF feature make the host process handle requests in a way that didn't consume blocked threads.
Depending on the restrictions on you application you can use Silverlight to do this connection. You don't need to have any UI for Silverlight, but you can use Sockets have a connection that accepts server side pushes of data.

Are there some general Network programming best practices?

I am implementing some networking stuff in our project. It has been decided that the communication is very important and we want to do it synchronously. So the client sends something the server acknowledges.
Are there some general best practices for the interaction between the client and the server. For instance if there isn't an answer from the server should the client automatically retry? Should there be a timeout period before it retries? What happens if the acknowledgement fails? At what point do we break the connection and reconnect? Is there some material? I have done searches but nothing is really coming up.
I am looking for best practices in general. I am implementing this in c# (probably with sockets) so if there is anything .Net specific then please let me know too.
First rule of networking - you are sending messages, you are not calling functions.
If you approach networking that way, and don't pretend that you can call functions remotely or have "remote objects", you'll be fine. You never have an actual "thing" on the other side of the network connection - what you have is basically a picture of that thing.
Everything you get from the network is old data. You are never up to date. Because of this, you need to make sure that your messages carry the correct semantics - for instance, you may increment or decrement something by a value, you should not set its value to the current value plus or minus another (as the current value may change by the time your message gets there).
If both the client and the server are written in .NET/C# I would recommend WCF insted of raw sockets as it saves you a from a lot of plumbing code with serialization and deserialization, synchronization of messages etc.
That maybe doesn't really answer your question about best practices though ;-)
The first thing to do is to characterize your specific network in terms of speed, probability of lost messages, nominal and peak traffic, bottlenecks, client and server MTBF, ...
Then and only then you decide what you need for your protocol. In many cases you don't need sophisticated error-handling mechanisms and can reliably implement a service with plain UDP.
In few cases, you will need to build something much more robust in order to maintain a consistent global state among several machines connected through a network that you cannot trust.
The most important thing I found is that messages always should be stateless (read up on REST if this means nothing to you)
For example if your application monitors the number of shipments over a network do not send incremental updates (+x) but always the new total.
In a common think about network programming, I think you should learn about :
1. Socket (of course).
2. Fork and Threading.
3. Locking process (use mutex or semaphore or others).
Hope this help..
