Microsoft Graph API Response Schema - microsoft-graph-api

I am working on a library that will consume and process JSON from a Graph API (the Users/Mail interface) and I wanted to build in a process to validate the JSON coming from Graph before I try to process it.
I wanted to use a JSON Schema to validate ( but I can't seem to find the schema for any response, but these are the important ones for me{messageID}/attachments
Can someone either bust my bubbly or point me toward where I can find the schema files?

Try Graph metadata used for generating client code files.


Query deleted records via SF OData API?

I am replicating the Successfactors Employee Central Data (including FO, MDF, BG elements and etc.) via OData API to local database for third party integration.
It is able to trace changed records by filtering last modify date. However, the deleted record is not able to capture from OData API. Hence I cannot delete the record in my local database when corresponding EC record is deleted.
Is there any way I can get the deleted records from the API or other sources? Thanks.
OData API is not able to handle this task.
Extract from SF OData API doc:
Don't use our OData APIs when:
● Your system cannot consume either OData APIs or SOAP for an initial data load. In this case, you would go
for Import/Export with a CSV. Automation via FTP would also be a possibility.
● You need employee replication field level delta, snapshot, or read modified employees only, then SOAP Compound Employee API is your tool of choice. You can find more information in the guide Implementing the Employee Central Compound Employee API.
● You only need to read data, then the SOAP Compound Employee API would also be your tool of choice.
However with SFAPI (SuccessFactors CompoundEmployee API) it's easy. SFAPI has a special parameter changedSegmentsOnly that does exactly just what you want, the API returns only changed segments with an action code not equal to NO_CHANGE in delta transmission.
You make a query, for example, for changed employee data:
<urn:queryString>select person,
from CompoundEmployee
where person_id_external = 'cgrant'
This API query will return you all the employees that were changed or deleted.
After that you can filter your response by that field.
ADDENDUM: any change to MDF entity, both standard and custom, can be tracked via OData Audit logs. How to enable them:
Go to this setting in API center
Enable this switch. It can be enabled for SFAPI as well
This way all API calls payloads will be saved and you will be able to see what entity was changed with each call
Prerequisite: the object must be visible by API and MDF version history must be enabled
More about API types for SuccessFactors:
SAP Note 2613670
OData API reference Guide
SFAPI reference Guide

Is there a way to use Swagger just for validation without using the whole framework?

Suppose I have an existing Java service implementing a JSON HTTP API, and I want to add a Swagger schema and automatically validate requests and responses against it without retooling the service to use the Swagger framework / code generation. Is there anything providing a Java API that I can tie into and pass info about the requests / responses to validate?
(Just using a JSON schema validator would mean manually implementing a lot of the additional features in Swagger.)
I don't think there's anything ready to do this alone, but you can easily do this by the following:
Grab the SchemaValidator from the Swagger Inflector project. You can use this to validate inbound and outbound payloads
Assign a schema portion to your request/response definitions. That means you'll need to assign a specific section of the JSON schema to your operations
Create a filter for your API to grab the payloads and use the schema
That will let you easily see if the payloads match the expected structure.
Of course, this is all done for you automatically with Inflector but there should be enough of the raw components to help you do this inside your own implementation

Export breeze entities in the server side to json

I am looking for a way to export breeze entities on the server side to a json string which a breezejs manager can import from the client side. I looked all over the breeze APIs (both public and internal source code) but I couldn't find an obvious way of achieving this. There is a possibility of getting the desired results by using BreezeSharp (a .NET breeze client) on the server side but I would like to see if this is achievable with using the breeze server APIs only.
First you need to determine the shape of the bundle to be imported, i.e. something that manager.importEntities will understand. I don't think the format is documented, but you can reverse-engineer it by using:
var exported = manager.exportEntities(['Customer', 'Product'], {asString:true, includeMetadata:false});
Then pretty-print the value of exported to see the data format. See EntityManager.exportEntities for more info.
Once you have that, you can re-create it on the server. In C#, you can build it up using Dictionary and List objects, then serialize it using Json.NET.
An alternative approach would be to have your webhook just tell the client to initiate a query to retrieve the data from the server.

Is there anyway to use an embedded JSON if request fails?

When using RestKit, can I embed in my app a service response (as a JSON file) so when the app fails (offline use) or the web service fails (server fails or just plane mode)? can I use that embedded data?
I would like to reuse the mapping and the request so it's easier to program the UI.
Can RestKit do that?
Any idea or suggestion? Reading the docs or issues I don't see anything.
You should not really do this with JSON, you should use a seed to your Core Data database.
If you aren't using Core Data or you want to use JSON then you can create a new object manager, with the same mappings, and with a base URL which is a file URL (pointing to your folder containing your JSON files on disk) to load and process them.

EBAY - Sending a file via http post?

I've a file I want to send to the ebay system to support the LMS.
All the samples I've found include the use of the API, but the environment I'm working in doesn't have the ability to use it (the api).
So I'm forced to send the file with an HTTP post. But the doc's seem lacking.
Has anyone constructed/found an example of a HTTP post that will send a given file.
Oh.. what I see in the samples I have found is an area that seems it's supposed to have the data, but in the sample, there's nothing I'd consider real data.
Are you talking about the file transfer service or the bulk upload service? Don't you just generate an xml document and post the url like in this example:
