Google Sheets Pivot Table - Show dates in between - google-sheets

I have a pivot table with the cumultative number of shares for each stock and with different timestamps when a portfolio-change was made (invest or divest):
Now I want to add the dates 'in between' (for every single weekday) the invest and the divest timestamps, where logically the cumultative numer of shares are more than zero.
Example 'Apple': I want the pivot table to show all the dates for every single weekday for Apple from 2013-05-08 to 2014-12-16 with the cumultative num of shares.
Example 'AT&T': Because there is no divest of AT&T Stocks, I want all the dates from 2020-04-06 to today.
I'd like to have this two examples with all the other stocks in one table to apply further functions. The purpose is to use the GOOGLEFINANCE function for the stock prices for each single day afterwards. But first, I need all the dates (where the number of shares is >0).
In the second sheet are the 'raw data'. I'm also fine if there is a better solution than using pivot table.
Thank you very much!
Greets Fabian

Please, see testFile.
Since your data contains large period of time, table with all dates included for all stocks would be really big and unusable so suggest to select one stock and create table for it.
Thus on testSheet in cell B1 you select stock name you are interested in.
In cell B2 select whether you want period for only historic data or up to date.
Following formula creates sequence of dates starting from first date for selected stock and up to date.
SEQUENCE(TODAY()-MIN(FILTER('Stock Track Record'!A:A;'Stock Track Record'!F:F=$B$1))+1;1;
MIN(FILTER('Stock Track Record'!A:A;'Stock Track Record'!F:F=$B$1));1)))
Then next formula gets values from your initial data.
QUERY({'Stock Track Record'!$A:$F};
"Select Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4
Where Col6 = '"&$B$1&"'";0);2;0);""))
And following calculates cumulative number of shares:


Google sheets: Is there a way to quickly/easily add a date range to ~300 cells each with different countifs formulas?

I am using the countifs function to add up a lot of different conditions - I need help to simplify the process so that it doesn't require so much manual formatting every time.
Here is a screenshot of a hypothetical spreadsheet. Here is a hypothetical scenario that will help convey my question. Let's say I am working with 3 clients, Macy's, abercrombie, and gap, to fill several open positions. We are reviewing multiple candidates. When I have reviewed them and approved, I select "yes" in the verdict column (E). When they have been processed, I selected yes in the F column. If I do not approve them, I select No in the column. So on and so forth.
So now I'd like to keep track of how many candidates I've approved and processed for each client for each open position. Here is my spreadsheet for that. I have used the countifs function from the previous spreadsheet, called "Review Document" as follows:
Column C, Row 2 - counting sales associate for abercrombie who have been approved and not yet processed:
'Review Document'!$B:$B,"abercrombie",
'Review Document'!$C:$C, "sales associate",
'Review Document'!$E:$E,"yes",
'Review Document'!$F:$F,"no")
I essentially do this for every single client, for every single role, for both column C and D. Imagine that there are ~300 rows with different companies and roles - The formula text changes every time to count if "position" and "company".
What I would like to do is now find an easy way to automatically apply a date range to all of these cells, without having to manually add a date criterion for every single formula. For example, in the first spreadsheet, there are dates in Feb, Mar, And April. Is there a way to apply a date range on my second spreadsheet so that it only counts the dates I specify? E.G. - apply some date range to ALL cells in that sheet so that it only counts if the date is 2/15/2022-3/31-2022? I would ultimately like to be able to change the date range quickly without having to manually add a date criterion to 300 cells, and then change it every time I want to see the numbers for a different date range. I was tinkering with conditional formatting but I haven't figured it out.
IF((E2:E="yes")*(F2:F<>"yes"), 1, 0),
IF((E2:E="yes")*(F2:F= "yes"), 1, 0)},
"select Col2,Col3,sum(Col4),sum(Col5)
where Col1 is not null "&
IF(J1="",," and Col1 >= date '"&TEXT(J1, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'")&
IF(J2="",," and Col1 <= date '"&TEXT(J2, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'")&"
group by Col2,Col3"),
"offset 1", ))

Google sheets- How to process and dynamically update the data like in MS Access queries?

I have a table of 3 columns in Google Sheets: Date, Name, Amount.
I want to process data from it, so for every date in the list, there will be a full list of participants and amounts.
If there is no amount for specific date and person, it will be "0", or just leave it blank.
In addition, would like to count the percent of the sum of the amount for each person till the date in the corresponding row.
And it should be dynamically updated, so if a new row added with new name or date or both, so new participant will be added to every date in the output table and new full list of participants for the new date created.
For better understanding, here is the example of the data and output tables
What I've tried?
In MS access query it could be done not so hard.
Here I tried to create 2 new lists of unique dates and participants and connect them through use of CONCATENATE, ARRAYFORMULA, then SPLIT and some QUERY. All this through use of helping column of text, which should be edited manually for every new row...
The code in helping column:
Then split code:
=query(arrayformula(split(transpose(split(TEXTJOIN(";",true,$G$3:$G),";",true,true)),",",true,true)),"Select Col1,Col2 where Col2 is not null order by Col1 ASC",0)
But here I stuck...
Want to pull the amounts for every corresponding date and participant, but...
FILTER reaches first, not existent in the original table combination, and doesn't proceed.
QUERY doesn't fetch the data fully automatically for all the list in the output table.
VLOOKUP gives only one row or complete mess, when use it recursively, or error...
So, how can I do this (if it's possible at all) in google sheets, and so all the output will be fully automatically updated?
Thank you very much!
Update - based on comments
I could not figure out a way to make this through one formula. If this works, you can have a hidden column (say H here) that totals the amount for the person till that date using the formula =QUERY(FILTER($E$3:$G, $F$3:$F = F3, $E$3:$E <= E3), "select sum(Col3) label sum(Col3) ''", 0) in H3.
Then in I3 you can find the % of total till date using the formula =QUERY(FILTER($E$3:$G, $F$3:$F = F3, $E$3:$E <= E3), "select sum(Col3) label sum(Col3) ''", 0)/SUMIF($E$3:$E, E3, $H$3:$H).
Both of the formulae in H3 and I3 need to be dragged down unlike the one in E3. Perhaps someone will be able to offer a better solution.
Previous answer
You can try something like this:
In E3 you can have the formula =ArrayFormula({(FLATTEN(SPLIT(REPT(FILTER(UNIQUE(A3:A)&"✦", UNIQUE(A3:A)>0), COUNTA(UNIQUE(B3:B))), "✦"))), (TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(REPT(JOIN("", FILTER(UNIQUE(B3:B)&"◼︎", UNIQUE(B3:B)<>"")), (COUNTA(UNIQUE(A3:A)))), "◼︎"))), (IFNA(VLOOKUP({(FLATTEN(SPLIT(REPT(FILTER(UNIQUE(A3:A)&"✦", UNIQUE(A3:A)>0), COUNTA(UNIQUE(B3:B))), "✦")))&(TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(REPT(JOIN("", FILTER(UNIQUE(B3:B)&"◼︎", UNIQUE(B3:B)<>"")), (COUNTA(UNIQUE(A3:A)))), "◼︎")))}, {A3:A&B3:B, C3:C}, 2, 0), 0))}). It is a little long but fills Columns E through G dynamically.
Then in H3 you can have the formula =ArrayFormula(IFERROR(((IFNA(VLOOKUP({(FLATTEN(SPLIT(REPT(FILTER(UNIQUE(A3:A)&"✦", UNIQUE(A3:A)>0), COUNTA(UNIQUE(B3:B))), "✦")))&(TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(REPT(JOIN("", FILTER(UNIQUE(B3:B)&"◼︎", UNIQUE(B3:B)<>"")), 3), "◼︎")))}, {A3:A&B3:B, C3:C}, 2, 0), 0))/(SUMIF((FLATTEN(SPLIT(REPT(FILTER(UNIQUE(A3:A)&"✦", UNIQUE(A3:A)>0), COUNTA(UNIQUE(B3:B))), "✦"))), (FLATTEN(SPLIT(REPT(FILTER(UNIQUE(A3:A)&"✦", UNIQUE(A3:A)>0), COUNTA(UNIQUE(B3:B))), "✦"))), G3:G))), "")). This one is dynamic as well.
I tried with your data and added a row on my own and it works.

Combing base data set for a formula from two *other* Google sheets

We have hit the dreaded 5 million rows limit which is so small for any semi-serious data.
We have an important ArrayFormula piece in one of our worksheets (tab) currently that summarizes the data from another worksheet in the same file where time series data is kept with dates. This is our current function:
MONTH(DataSheet!$A:$A), 1,
YEAR(DataSheet!$A:$A), 2020)
Explanation: This basically summed all of column B in the DataSheet tab for the month of Jan 2020 based on date found in column A of that sheet.
However, this worksheet of data that is now running close to that row limit. We can move it to another Google Sheets file, and refer to the same data via IMPORTRANGE.
The question then is how to refer to that data instead of the DataSheet!$A:$A in the above old formula? Will this reference be replaced by the entire IMPORTRANGE function?
MONTH(DataSheet!$A:$A), 1,
YEAR(DataSheet!$A:$A), 2020)
=ArrayFormula(SUMIFS(IMPORTRANGE(filename, rows)!$B:$B,
MONTH(IMPORTRANGE(filename, rows)!$A:$A, 1,
YEAR(IMPORTRANGE(filename, rows)!$A:$A, 2020)
This does not work of course, because we cannot have the exclamation ! followed by the column in an importrange. Any other thoughts?
Try this in cell A1 on a fresh, brand new tab somewhere:
=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY(1*TEXT(IMPORTRANGE("[spreadsheet key]","Sheet1!A:B"),{"mmmyyyy","0.00"}),"select Col1,SUM(Col2) where Col2<>0 group by Col1 order by Col1")
The "spreadsheet key" is the combination of letters and numbers after the "/d/" and before the "/edit..." in the URL of your source sheet.
Obviously, you'd also replace "Sheet1!A:B" with whatever the real tab/column reference is.
Then, select all of Column A and from the Menu choose Format>Number>More Formats>Custom Number Formatting, Then this in the dialog box:
mmmm yyyy
You want to IMPORTRANGE from two different sheets in a different spreadsheet.
While the following formula will import data from both sheets, it will also import the blank rows, so you might have to scroll down hundreds of rows in order to see the data from the second sheet (and this might give your the wrong impression that the second sheet is not getting imported):
You can use QUERY in order to filter out blank rows:
I thought you'd like to sort the data according to the date in column A, please remove ORDER BY Col1 DESC if that's not the case.

Query particular row + remove X columns + and sum the rest in one formula?

I have a CSV file that I'm pulling from a database. It's in an awkward layout so I need to reorganise it and display the result in a separate sheet.
Here is a dummy example of the data structure I get.
It looks like that. The database grows every day by date and sometimes countries so I need to account to that in my formula.
I need to pull data per each country and display it by date.
I don't need data from Column A, C and D. And when there are multiple states I need to sum them up in one column.
It should look like this and keep growing downwards. I'm gonna use this table for a graph chart
What I've tried so far
=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("url_to_a_separate_sheet_where_I_importing_a_row_csv_file", "CSV-source-sheet!A1:500"), "SELECT * WHERE Col2='Germany'"))
This works, kinda. But pulls in unnecessary columns and I can't figure out how to sum countries with multiple states. When I add select sum(*) it gives me a big and long error. I assume it might be because of unnecessary columns that the formula cant sum up and I don't know how to omit them. I'm stuck
I tried offset and skipping no luck. Any ideas?
"select Col1,"&TEXTJOIN(",", 1,
where Col1 is not null
group by Col1
label Col1'Date'", 1)))
spreadsheet demo

Google Sheets sum rows with the same first cell value grouped by first row value

I have dynamic data for an online shop with sales by product, by week split into columns:
I want to create a header row of the unique weeks and summarise the total sales by product by week in a dynamic table using query and or array formula if possible. However, Arrays and Queries seem to be designed for data exclusively in columns so maybe I need to transpose it in some way? Any ideas?
you can do:
=QUERY(B2:E, "select B,C+D,E label C+D''", 0)
=ARRAYFORMULA({IF(B99=C99, B100:B+C100:C, B100:B),
IF(C99=D99, C100:C+D100:D, C100:C),
IF(D99=E99, D100:D+E100:E, D100:D),
IF(E99=F99, E100:E+F100:F, E100:E)})
Okay, so I took my own advice and did a transpose to get the data into a state that Query can work with and then re-transposed it back to get the format I wanted. However, it's not exactly dynamic as I'd have to edit the formula if we added or took away any products.
=Transpose(query(transpose(A2:E13),"Select Col1, Sum(Col2), Sum (Col3), Sum(Col4), Sum(Col5), Sum(Col6) ,Sum(Col7), Sum(Col8), Sum(Col9), Sum(Col10), Sum(Col11), Sum(Col12) group by Col1",1))
Which produces a nice tabular result:
Any ideas how to make the formula more dynamic?
