Jenkins: Pass environment variable to the job parameter - jenkins

Since I have the same static rarely changed parameters used by several jobs I decided to put it somewhere in one place of my Jenkins and use it across jobs.
The first thought that came to my mind was to move my 'static data' to the environment variables and get it using Active choice reactive parameter plugin which allows running simple groovy scripts on the job parameters page.
Please note that I know how to get environment parameters in the pipeline, but I do really need to have this data on the build with parameters screen, e.g. once I clicked build with parameters - I need my groovy code inside Active choice reactive parameter was able to read this environment variable and display as a parameter to the user.
A simple example of this need:
The environment variable contains the list of servers, the job is going to perform deployment of the application to the selected server. In this case, I want to be able to write something like this in the groovy script section of Active choice reactive parameter:
Unfortunately the example above doesn't work. I wasn't able to find any working solution for this yet.

Well, after a few more tries I finally found a solution.
Instead of trying to read the environment variable in the pipeline manner the simple
works perfect


How to set a persistent global variable by scripted pipeline?

I need to pass a variable from a pipeline to another one without triggering the build of the second one.
Basically, the first pipeline should set the value of this variable and terminate. When I run the second pipeline, it should be able to get this value.
So far, I used a properties' file but I'd like to know if there is a way to avoid it. Is it possible?
I think the EnvInject plugin is what you need.
As alternative solution:
You could also write to a file from the first job and source that file from your second job if it is started. The location must be persistent, do not use the workspace dir.

FAKE get TeamCity build branch

I'm constructing some build scripts using FAKE for a TeamCity setup. Part of my build requires me to access the parameter, however because it's not an environment variable, I'm not sure how to access it.
I've tried adding to an environment variable in TeamCity but it doesn't seem to like that. I also can't access it using the FAKE git module because team city agents don't use git to get the project files, TeamCity hands it to them.
How would I go about getting the parameter through to my FAKE scripts? Ideally I'd like it as an environment variable so I can pick it up straight from within the script, but I'm open to any other ideas.
Try passing as a parameter in your build step.
I figured it out with a bit of help from #Nadeem's answer.
I now have my build.bat/cmd file taking in a parameter which I'm then passing into my Fake.exe call like so:
"packages\FAKE\tools\Fake.exe" build.fsx branch=%1
Then inside my FAKE code I'm using the getBuildParamOrDefault "branch" <default branch here>.
I'm then using this as the branch name. I'm also using a string split on the build param that comes in because normally it's in the format of ref/head/<branch name> and I only want the branch name.
I also had to pass in<project>% instead of as my agents didn't like the implicit requirement. I'm not entire sure why this is but all is working well now.

Inject Jenkins text parameter as environment variables

I have a Jenkins job that I would like to provide multiple environment variables using something like a text box in the 'Build with Parameters' stage.
Generally I have these variables at a node or in Properties Content and they don't need changing but for certain tests I need to set different environment variables. I looked into EnvInject and regular Properties but I was unable to get them to inject my text parameter which contained multiple variables, perhaps I had it poorly formatted though.
So is there any way I can set multiple environment variables at the build parameterization stage without editing the job every time I want to try out something new?

Is there a way to set multiple parameters with one choice in jenkins

I am trying to manage a jenkins build where a user may select to build either from master, or a specific branch. There are several variables that need to be set depending on what the user chooses. I've spent all day trying to find any reasonable way of doing this, and the best thing I've come up with is offering the user two dropdowns populated with low level parameter values.
I think you can just set up two jobs by using different branch, that will be better, since different branch might will has different datamodel, setup a different schema for each of them will make more sense.
You could use the environment script plugin and execute a shell script to define and populate your build variables.
Have a look at the Extensible Choice Parameter Plugin. The global choice parameter might be exactly what you want.
You make a single choice parameter and than add "Inject environment variables" step specifying MyBuildConfig\${ChosenParameter}.prop in Properties File Path. Create such a file for each of the choice options. Finally, specify additional variables you want to set together with particular chosen parameter in each of the created files.

Jenkins global variables

I'm trying to use global variables within Jenkins on Windows to "automagically" retrieve the proper code base from our SCM system, but in each case that I've tried the variable substitution is not happening.
I've set up some global variables, with default values, within "Configure System" and have tried to access them with $VARIABLE, ${VARIABLE} and %VARIABLE% as part of the Branch field for the Surround SCM plugin with no success whatsoever.
I've also installed the Global Variable String Parameter plugin with the same success rate (0%). Using a literal value works just fine, but no type of variable substitution seems to work at all and I'm sure that someone has come upon this before and resolved it.
I've tried searching for something similar to this but nothing really approaches this usage of globals, instead it is normally discussed as a function within an external script, or parameter passed to a batch file, etc.
I've run "set" as the first step and can see that the variable is available, but the substitution is just not happening. If it means I will have to script something, then so be it, as I am trying to make this extremely flexible and as headache free as possible, but that isn't seeming to be the case in this case thus far.
My problem is eerily similar to this post: How are environment variables used in Jenkins with Windows Batch Command?, but again, I'm not looking to script this as it is a MUCH simpler solution to use the variable values directly.
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Set your Jenkins project to be parameterized. Create a string parameter GIT_BRANCH that will be your branch variable (for example).
Under Source Control Management, use your branch variable in the form $GIT_BRANCH
That’s it. When you run your project, you will be prompted to enter a value for your GIT_BRANCH parameter.
