Create keyword label via Google Ads API - google-ads-api

does anybody know if there is a way how to create a label for a keyword using Google Ads API? It can be done using the web interface and apparently it could be done using the Adwords API, but I can't find a way how to do it using Google Ads API so I don't know if it's a feature which they didn't implement or if I'm blind.
Their documentation says
Labels allow you to categorize your campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords, and use those categories to simplify your workflow in a variety of ways.
which would suggest that it CAN be done, however below on the same page it states
You can assign labels to your campaigns, customers, ad groups, criteria, or ads.
No word about keywords. I am working with PHP / Laravel and I am using their official php package for the API communication. The package has classes like CampaignLabelOperation, CustomerLabelOperation, AdGroupLabelOperation, etc. but NO "KeywordLabelOperation".
Anybody have a clue if I just can't find it or whatever I could do? Thanks a lot for any help

Technically speaking, Keywords are Ad Group Criteria. Therefore, you'd need to use the AdGroupCriterionLabelService's MutateAdGroupCriterionLabels to create a keyword label.


Google Spreadsheet API Developer

I am no longer trying "to embed Google Maps so when I click on it opens Google Maps with 100 meters radius." I understand "Google Maps is not a part of the core services.
I am now trying to use a Work Around without Google Maps and am now asking for help with the "Work Around"....
I want to be able to use the method from this YouTube video to create the Search option another Google support team rep(Vienna) referred me to. In the video he did a search for shoes, shirts and dresses to find his customers. I want to do a search by zip and/or city and state to find mine...."Google Sheets - Search, QUERY function"===
I need help with this part as well with the Google Sheets function list. Which Google Sheet function or a combination of functions will allow me to do the 150-200 meters radius search within the "Google Sheets"? I am not tech savvy and need help to determine which ones can be used. Here are some of the functions that appear to be able to be used from what I think FLATTEN, FREQUENCY, LINEST, MAP, MMULT MDETERM , SUMX2PY2, DAVERAGE, DCOUNTA, DSTDEV, DVAR, DELTA, FILTER, SORT, SORTN, UNIQUE, QUERY, ISFORMULA, CELL, ect.... ===
The Viennes also sent a link.,1%2D877%2D355%2D5787
As I was looking over the page, I came across the link to theMarketplace.
I was wondering which one of those databases could be used in the function to accomadate what I am trying to accomplish. Is it the Zip Code Tabulation Area, Geolocation API, CARTO, Roads, API, Routes API. Maps JavaScriprt API, ect....
With those three things listed above, I am sure something can come close to doing a radius/range search in Google Sheets.
If any, at least by the City and/or State search.
I am in need of a Developer, can you suggest one?

Google ads api list all accounts and their campaigns

I am totally new to google ads, I have a google ads account setup. I have a customer id (which I believe is the parent account id), under this I have a lot of 'Accounts' (url: setup. Every account have a list of campaigns. I want to prepare a report to fetch all campaigns and there settings. I am using postman to hit google apis (
I want to know what apis I can use to list all customer accounts and their campaigns?
Using the rest API for this sort of operation is not advised. It's expensive and there's an extremely tight limit.
It's advised to use the gRPC client libraries as they use search operations. You can learn more here:
Each of the client libraries has a robust set of examples and sample code that demonstrates exactly what you're trying to achieve (called list_accessible_accounts or similar). If you let me know what language you're using I can point you to the correct one.

Keywords Planner in Google Ads API

I am trying to use Keywords Planner programmatically, through its API.I came across Generating Targeting Ideas, which pretty much summarizes the use. When I visit Get Started, it states
Try the new Google Ads API—which has the latest Google Ads features. The AdWords API is in maintenance mode and not being actively developed.
I visit Google Ads API, where I cannot find anything related to the Keyword Planner.
Has someone any idea if the planner is available through the new API, or do I have to use the old one?
I'm currently working on converting an old Adwords cron job to the new Ads API. While I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, the old TargetingIdeaService has been replaced with a new KeywordPlanIdeaService (see
You can find examples for KeywordPlanIdeaService here:
Pay careful attention to how the code formats each selector field and using a helper class to format language and geotargeting codes. It's not the most intuitive way of passing paramters.

How to use google click id (GCLID) to extract AdWords Campaign, Ad Group, Keyword, Ad, etc

I tried searching for api which can help in extracting AdWords Campaign, Ad Group, Keyword, Ad, Keyword, etc.. from Google Click ID (gclid), but I end up with Click Performance Reports. Well it wont solve my requirement completely.
So is there any way to use "gclid" in adwords to extract data.
Any public API would be of great use.
This question is quite old but I wanted to share: Google AdWords has an API.
Check out the PHP Library on Github.
Gclid is exactly that - Click ID. With this, you can fetch Click Performance report like you have done. It contains CampaignID, AdgroupID and Criteria which has KeywordID. Then with these ID's, you can fetch appropriate reports which contain any additional information you may want!

How to create ads using google adwords API?

Basically, I have a list of keywords, such as:
- red balloons
- free red balloons
- buy red balloons
- blue balloons
- ....
for each keyword, I have a list of 3-4 ads, each ad consisting of a title, line 1, line 2, and a url, e.g:
Title: Free red balloons!
Line 1: Buy free red balloons right now!
Line 2: No hidden fees!
I have 3-4 such ads for every keyword.
Using the API, I want to:
1) Create an adgroup for every keyword
2) Under the adgroup, upload all the ads for that particular keyword.
So all the ads for `free red balloons` would go under that keyword's adgroup.
I'm looking for some general pointers/links to API pages for the methods which I'll need to use to accomplish this. Specifically I'm using PHP and the Apility library, but non-php specific info will also be very much welcome.
Using AdGroupService you would have to create ad group for each keyword. Of course you need to have parent campaign for that ad group.
Then using AdGroupCriterionService you would have to create keywords for each ad group.
And at last with AdGroupAdService place specified ads under appropriate ad group.
Using default AdWords clients this task is difficult because you need to create all that objects that are then being serialized into SOAP message.
If you are building your app on .NET platform, you might wanna take a look at GemBox.Ppc AdWords API for .NET.
It dramatically simplifies management of AdWords objects.
APIlity has been deprecated, as it only handles v13 of the AdWords API. To make your coding easier, you should probably be looking at the new PHP Client Library, which offers full support for v200909, the latest API version. Be sure to check the 'examples' folder in the client library for some samples.
To connect with google adwords api use client library and see code examples. Read guides here.
Long story short:
Create campaign.
Add AdGroup to campaign for each keyword.
Add Keywords to AdGroups.
Add Ads to AdGroups.
