How to access ESP8266 using domain name - esp8266

I want to map my domain to my ESP8266 server is there any way to do that? I think blynk app is doing that.


Linking online network server between software and application without web

I'm trying to make my network server online and link it to a system and an application that I designed. However I don't want to make a website to upload the server to. Is this possible? Can I link my server directly to my software and my application via the internet? Thanks.
You can connect to servers with out the world wide web.
Their is for example the Gropher protocol.
Most likely this is not what you are looking for.
If you want to reach your server from the outside you need a public IP address. Your internet provider has to give you one. You could get around this, if you know someone with a public IP who accepts to forward your traffic.

How can I use a client's IP Address for a request to another website?

I am trying to build an web app, where a client logs in and wants to send some data to another website (for example he wants to upload a csv file that the application will read and send the read data to the other website).
The website does not have an official API which I can use and they block an IP Address if it is making too many requests.
So, my idea was to use the user's IP Address to send the request in his name so that the website will not block my app from making requests.
It is possible to do this from asp .net core mvc / mvc?
If not, what can I do to make this possible?
Thanks in advance
No, this is not possible. I would encourage you to actually read up on the TCP/IP protocol (HTTP, too, while you're at it, though it doesn't directly relate to this issue). Just like you would need to understand how something like iOS works before you could write apps for it, you should not how the underlying protocols of the Internet work, if you intend to write web apps.
In particular here, all communication over TCP/IP is by IP address. It is necessarily unique because the client/server needs to be able to "address" its packets there. Based on this, even if you could impersonate the user's IP address, the result would be the server sending its response directly to the user, instead of your server.
FWIW, there is a concept of "shared" IP addresses. For example, unless you have a dedicated IP from your ISP, you along with a lot of its other customers will appear as if you all have the IP address. IP addresses are traditionally limited. IPv6 is virtually limitless, but most everything still uses IPv4, which only exposes a range of ~4 trillion addresses. That may sound like a lot, until you realize that every single client needs a unique address. Just one person likely has a home computer, a work computer, a laptop, a smartphone and perhaps even a second business smartphone. Additionally they could have a range of other devices like a tablet, smart TV, connected thermostat, etc. As a result, your ISP essentially proxies your request to the destination and it then receives the response and forwards it on to you. It uses its internal IP tables to route the response back to the internal IP that requested it. So, while it's technically possible for multiple clients/servers to share the same external IP, it is not the same as what you're talking about here.

any existing protocol for accessing photos or pictures on a remote server

I am trying to write a program (iPhone) to display some pictures (photos) from a linux server. I am investigating what protocol I should use. Should i just use HTTP? i.e. setting up a HTTP server on the linux server, and write a HTTP client on iPhone? Or, is there a better protocol existing for such application (i.e. focused on photos / pictures transfer / show) ?
or, should I write my own protocol (using TCP or UDP of course) ?
update: Or, is there already a well-known Bonjour service for the same?
If you want allow to manipulate files, pay attention to the WebDAV protocol.
WebDAV is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaboration between users in editing and managing documents and files stored on World Wide Web servers.
Otherwise try to use SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol).

Arduino & Rails integration

I have developed a web aplication for storing sensor data.
Now I am starting the Arduino side development.
I have an arduino wiht network capabilities, of sensors and a relay. I want to send the information to my Rais app and activate the relay througth the web app.
Im thinking in connecting directly the arduino to the rails database (now im using SQLite, i have to migrate to mySQL).
Whats the better way to do it?
Thank You!!!
I would think that it would be beter to use the arduino json-library to insert the data over the rails app.
That way you are independent of any changes on the DB end and keep all the benefits of the MVC framework.
You should consider using ajson, it makes it very
simple to parse your arduino data.
You could send sensor values through the internet via an Ethernet shield like the ENC28J60 with the EtherCard library. Then you could make an RESTful API on your Rails app (e.g. with Grape), and from the Arduino shield, send the info to this API using the EtherCard library that I suggest.
With this, you have the sensor values stored on your Rails app, and then you could do whatever you want with the info. You could make the inverse process (send an request from your Rails app to the Arduino shield) using the EtherCard library too.
Here you have an example to do the first part, the inverse one (from Rails to Arduino) is not more complex.

how to restrict a web portal to a particular computer?

I am in the process of creating a Ruby on rails portal
This portal requires a lot of data feeding by the site owner's back-office personnel.
My client has this problem :
the office staff should not be able to access the back office interface from any other than his office computers
I have no idea how to achieve this. Is there a method for this?
Thanks in advance.
Is tracking the Mac address a good solution.? is it possible if a ok?
I don't think that you should do anything in rails - this should be configured elsewhere. If rails is running on Apache then see mod_access.
The best way to set this up is to have the app hosted INSIDE the organisation's firewall. Best option - server lives inside the company on a subnet isolated entirely from direct internet access.
If you currently host outside the company, you can set up a firewall that prevents access from unknown IP addresses. You would only accept requests that come from the company's IP ranges. Ideally, you do this at the host/operating system level.
If that can't work, you can do add to your Rails authentication - detect the IP address of the request and if it is not in the company range, prevent access.
found a solution. Using a java applet one can access the machine's hardware details including MAC address. am using this idea.
