RxSwift practice to show/hide ActivityIndicator - ios

Let's say we have this pseudocode representing a network request call and show/hide an activity indicator, using RxSwift:
func performRequest() {
.subscribe(onNext: {
}, onError: {
The function executeRequest returns either an Observable or Single.
I am not feeling comfortable with having to write twice the same code, for onNext/onSuccess and onError, basically doing the same.
I am looking for suggestions to minimize/improve turning off the activity indicator, like for example handling all events of the request in a single statement and avoid using the subscribe function. Or maybe there are other suggestions?

I use ActivityIndicator from RxSwift Example app, which makes it really convenient, especially if your loading multiple things in parallel as it maintains a count of running subscriptions and emit false only when this count is equal to 0:
let isLoading = ActivityIndicator()
func performRequests() {
.subscribe {
// ...
.subscribe {
// ...

You can use another method to subscribe, which passes Event in case of Observer or SingleEvent in case of Single:
subscribe(on: (Event<T>) -> Void)
subscribe(observer: (SingleEvent<T>) -> Void)
Observer Example:
func performRequest() {
self.network.executeRequest().subscribe {
switch $0 {
case let .error(error):
case let .next:
case .completed:
print("also good")
Single Example:
func performRequest() {
self.network.executeRequest().subscribe {
switch $0 {
case let .error(error):
case let .next:


How to prevent from calling async function many times but call completion for each of them?

This is code I am using currently:
typealias ResponseHandler = (SomeResponse?, Error?) -> Void
class LoginService {
private var authorizeTokenCompletions = [ResponseHandler]()
func authorizeToken(withRefreshToken refreshToken: String, completion: #escaping ResponseHandler) {
if authorizeTokenCompletions.isEmpty {
post { [weak self] response, error in
self?.authorizeTokenCompletions.forEach { $0(response, error) }
} else {
private func post(completion: #escaping ResponseHandler) {
// async
completion(nil, nil)
What is idea of above code?
authorizeToken function may be called as many times as it needs (for example 20 times)
Only one asynchronous request (post) may be pushed at a time.
All completions from called authorizeToken functions should be called with the same parameters as the first one completed.
let service = LoginService()
service.authorizeToken(withRefreshToken: "") { a, b in print(a)}
service.authorizeToken(withRefreshToken: "") { a, b in print(a)}
service.authorizeToken(withRefreshToken: "") { a, b in print(a)}
service.authorizeToken(withRefreshToken: "") { a, b in print(a)}
service.authorizeToken(withRefreshToken: "") { a, b in print(a)}
All completions above should be printed with result from the first one which was called.
Is it possible to do this with RxSwift?
PS I will award a bounty of 100 once it is possible for the one who help me with this;)
Is it possible to do this with RxSwift?
Yes it is possible. RxSwift and Handling Invalid Tokens.
The simplest solution:
func authorizeToken(withRefreshToken refreshToken: String) -> Observable<SomeResponse> {
Observable.create { observer in
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
print("async operation")
return Disposables.create()
let response = authorizeToken(withRefreshToken: "")
.share(replay: 1)
response.subscribe(onNext: { print($0) })
response.subscribe(onNext: { print($0) })
response.subscribe(onNext: { print($0) })
response.subscribe(onNext: { print($0) })
response.subscribe(onNext: { print($0) })
The above will only work if all requests (subscribes) are made before the first one completes. Just like your code.
If you want to store the response for use even after completion, then you can use replay instead of share.
let response = authorizeToken(withRefreshToken: "")
let disposable = response.connect() // this calls the async function. The result will be stored until `disposable.dispose()` is called.
response.subscribe(onNext: { print($0) })
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5) {
response.subscribe(onNext: { print($0) }) // this won't perform the async operation again even if the operation completed some time ago.
is it possible to do this with RxSwift
that's not possible, as every time we trigger the function it gets dispatched and we can't access the callbacks from other threads.
You're creating a race condition, a workaround is to populate the data once in a singleton, and rather than calling the function multiple times use that singleton.
some other approach might also work singleton is just an example.
Race condition: A race condition is what happens when the expected completion order of a sequence of operations becomes unpredictable, causing our program logic to end up in an undefined state

URLSession.shared.dataTask vs dataTaskPublisher, when to use which?

I recently encounter two data fetching (download) API that performs seemingly the same thing to me. I cannot see when should I use one over the other.
I can use URLSession.shared.dataTask
var tasks: [URLSessionDataTask] = []
func loadItems(tuple : (name : String, imageURL : URL)) {
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: tuple.imageURL, completionHandler :
{ data, response, error in
guard let data = data, error == nil else { return }
DispatchQueue.main.async() { [weak self] in
self?.displayFlag(data: data, title: tuple.name)
deinit {
tasks.forEach {
Or I can use URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher
var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = []
func loadItems(tuple : (name : String, imageURL : URL)) {
URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: tuple.imageURL)
receiveCompletion: {
completion in
switch completion {
case .finished:
case .failure( _):
receiveValue: { data, _ in DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in self?.displayFlag(data: data, title: tuple.name) } })
.store(in: &cancellables)
deinit {
cancellables.forEach {
I don't see their distinct differences, as both also can fetch, and both also provide us the ability to cancel the tasks easily. Can someone shed some light on their differences in terms of when to use which?
The first one is the classic. It has been present for quite some time now and most if not all developers are familiar with it.
The second is a wrapper around the first one and allows combining it with other publishers (e.g. Perform some request only when first two requests were performed). Combination of data tasks using the first approach would be far more difficult.
So in a gist: use first one for one-shot requests. Use second one when more logic is needed to combine/pass results with/to other publishers (not only from URLSession). This is, basically, the idea behind Combine framework - you can combine different ways of async mechanisms (datatasks utilising callbacks being one of them).
More info can be found in last year's WWDC video on introducing combine.

Combine Future block called multiple times when using Flatmap and multiple subscribers

I've been successfully using BrightFutures in my apps mainly for async network requests. I decided it was time to see if I could migrate to Combine. However what I find is that when I combine two Futures using flatMap with two subscribers my second Future code block is executed twice. Here's some example code which will run directly in a playground:
import Combine
import Foundation
extension Publisher {
func showActivityIndicatorWhileWaiting(message: String) -> AnyCancellable {
let cancellable = sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in Swift.print("Hide activity indicator") }, receiveValue: { (_) in })
Swift.print("Busy: \(message)")
return cancellable
enum ServerErrors: Error {
case authenticationFailed
case noConnection
case timeout
func authenticate(username: String, password: String) -> Future<Bool, ServerErrors> {
Future { promise in
print("Calling server to authenticate")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
func downloadUserInfo(username: String) -> Future<String, ServerErrors> {
Future { promise in
print("Downloading user info")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
promise(.success("decoded user data"))
func authenticateAndDownloadUserInfo(username: String, password: String) -> some Publisher {
return authenticate(username: username, password: password).flatMap { (isAuthenticated) -> Future<String, ServerErrors> in
guard isAuthenticated else {
return Future {$0(.failure(.authenticationFailed)) }
return downloadUserInfo(username: username)
let future = authenticateAndDownloadUserInfo(username: "stack", password: "overflow")
let cancellable2 = future.showActivityIndicatorWhileWaiting(message: "Please wait downloading")
let cancellable1 = future.sink(receiveCompletion: { (completion) in
switch completion {
case .finished:
print("Completed without errors.")
case .failure(let error):
print("received error: '\(error)'")
}) { (output) in
print("received userInfo: '\(output)'")
The code simulates making two network calls and flatmaps them together as a unit which either succeeds or fails.
The resulting output is:
Calling server to authenticate
Busy: Please wait downloading
Downloading user info
Downloading user info <---- unexpected second network call
Hide activity indicator
received userInfo: 'decoded user data'
Completed without errors.
The problem is downloadUserInfo((username:) appears to be called twice. If I only have one subscriber then downloadUserInfo((username:) is only called once. I have an ugly solution that wraps the flatMap in another Future but feel I missing something simple. Any thoughts?
When you create the actual publisher with let future, append the .share operator, so that your two subscribers subscribe to a single split pipeline.
EDIT: As I've said in my comments, I'd make some other changes in your pipeline. Here's a suggested rewrite. Some of these changes are stylistic / cosmetic, as an illustration of how I write Combine code; you can take it or leave it. But other things are pretty much de rigueur. You need Deferred wrappers around your Futures to prevent premature networking (i.e. before the subscription happens). You need to store your pipeline or it will go out of existence before networking can start. I've also substituted a .handleEvents for your second subscriber, though if you use the above solution with .share you can still use a second subscriber if you really want to. This is a complete example; you can just copy and paste it right into a project.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
enum ServerError: Error {
case authenticationFailed
case noConnection
case timeout
var storage = Set<AnyCancellable>()
func authenticate(username: String, password: String) -> AnyPublisher<Bool, ServerError> {
Deferred {
Future { promise in
print("Calling server to authenticate")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
func downloadUserInfo(username: String) -> AnyPublisher<String, ServerError> {
Deferred {
Future { promise in
print("Downloading user info")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
promise(.success("decoded user data"))
func authenticateAndDownloadUserInfo(username: String, password: String) -> AnyPublisher<String, ServerError> {
let authenticate = self.authenticate(username: username, password: password)
let pipeline = authenticate.flatMap { isAuthenticated -> AnyPublisher<String, ServerError> in
if isAuthenticated {
return self.downloadUserInfo(username: username)
} else {
return Fail<String, ServerError>(error: .authenticationFailed).eraseToAnyPublisher()
return pipeline.eraseToAnyPublisher()
override func viewDidLoad() {
authenticateAndDownloadUserInfo(username: "stack", password: "overflow")
receiveSubscription: { _ in print("start the spinner!") },
receiveCompletion: { _ in print("stop the spinner!") }
).sink(receiveCompletion: {
switch $0 {
case .finished:
print("Completed without errors.")
case .failure(let error):
print("received error: '\(error)'")
}) {
print("received userInfo: '\($0)'")
}.store(in: &self.storage)
start the spinner!
Calling server to authenticate
Downloading user info
received userInfo: 'decoded user data'
stop the spinner!
Completed without errors.

RxSwift callback return first before result

I am using Firebase FirAuth API and before the API return result, Disposables.create() has been returned and it's no longer clickable (I know this might due to no observer.onCompleted after the API was called. Is there a way to wait for it/ listen to the result?
public func login(_ email: String, _ password: String) -> Observable<APIResponseResult> {
let observable = Observable<APIResponseResult>.create { observer -> Disposable in
let completion : (FIRUser?, Error?) -> Void = { (user, error) in
if let error = error {
UserSession.default.user.value = user!
DispatchQueue.main.async {
FIRAuth.auth()?.signIn(withEmail: email, password: password, completion: completion)
return Disposables.create()
return observable
You are correct in your assumption that an onError / onCompletion event terminate the Observable Sequence. Meaning, the sequence won't emit any more events, in any case.
As a sidenote to that, You don't need to do .on(.completed) after .onError() , since onError already terminates the sequence.
the part where you write return Disposables.create() returns a Disposable object, so that observable can later be added to a DisposeBag that would handle deallocating the observable when the DisposeBag is deallocated, so it should return immediately, but it will not terminate your request.
To understand better what's happening, I would suggest adding .debug() statements around the part that uses your Observable, which will allow you to understand exactly which events are happening and will help you understand exactly what's wrong :)
I had the same issue some time ago, I wanted to display an Alert in onError if there was some error, but without disposing of the observable.
I solved it by catching the error and returning an enum with the cases .success(MyType) and .error(Error)
An example:
// ApiResponseResult.swift
enum ApiResponseResult {
case error(Error)
case success(FIRUser)
// ViewModel
func login(...) -> Observable<ApiResponseResult> {
let observable = Observable.create { ... }
return observable.catchError { error in
return Observable<ApiResponseResult>.just(.error(error))
// ViewController
.subscribe(onNext: { result in
switch result {
case .error(let error):
// Alert or whatever
case .success(let user):
// Hurray

handle nested observables in RxSwift

I'm trying to combine facebook login with a rest call, so when the user is logged in it should make an authenticate call to the server, where the server makes the graph calls, however I'm a bit confused to how I nest the calls with RxSwift? so far I have a FacebookProvider class with following method
func login() -> Observable<String> {
return Observable.create({ observer in
let loginManager = LoginManager()
//LogOut before
//Set Login Method
loginManager.loginBehavior = .native
//Login Closure
loginManager.logIn([ .publicProfile, .userFriends, .email], viewController: self.parentController) { loginResult in
switch loginResult {
case .failed(let error):
case .cancelled:
print("User cancelled login.")
case .success(_, let declinedPermissions, let accessToken):
print("Logged in!")
guard declinedPermissions.count > 0 else {
return Disposables.create()
Then I have a LoginViewModel with this model
public func retrieveUserData() -> Observable<User> {
return Network.provider
.request(.auth(fbToken: Globals.facebookToken)).retry(5).debug().mapObject(User.self)
then I in my UIViewController do this
facebookProvider.validate().subscribe({ [weak self] response in
switch response {
case .error(_):
// User is not logged in push to loginController
case .next():
//user is logged in retrieveUserData before proceeding
self?.loginViewModel.retrieveUserData().subscribe { event in
switch event {
case .next(let response):
case .error(let error):
case .completed:
case .completed:
//data is retrieved and can now push to app
public func rx_validate() -> Observable<String> {
return Observable.create({ observer in
//Check if AccessToken exist
if AccessToken.current == nil {
} else {
return Disposables.create()
You will want to use flatMap
The closure passed to flatMap will return an observable. flatMap will then take care of un-nesting it, meaning if the closure returns a value of type Observable<T>, and you call flatMap on a value of type Observable<U>, the resulting observable will be Observable<T> (an not Observable<Observable<T>>
In this particular case, the code would look like this:
facebookProvider.validate().flatMap { [weak self] _ in
return self?.loginViewModel.retrieveUserData()
}.subscribe { event in
switch event {
// ...
On a side note, you should probably update func retrieveUserData() to accept the token as a parameter, instead of fetching it from your Globals structure.
The resulting code would look similar to this
public func retrieveUserData(token: String) -> Observable<User> {
return Network.provider
.request(.auth(fbToken: token)).retry(5).debug().mapObject(User.self)
in viewController
facebookProvider.validate().flatMap { [weak self] token in
return self?.loginViewModel.retrieveUserData(token: token)
}.subscribe { event in
switch event {
// ...
