Push-Notification services for iOS: Bypassing the APN Keys and Apple Store fees using a service offering an iOS app - ios

I have been using pushbullet for months but something happened a week ago and I cannot get to send my pushes. Support has been horrendous.
So I decided to look for an alternative.
I ended up using Pusher which seems fairly promising and support is prompt.
Unfortunately, they don't seem to have an official application and, instead, aim towards a "build you own application to interact with your back-end server"
Which is great! Especially for Android, as APKs can be installed with no certificates without too much hassle.
iOS on the other end is tied to a $100+ fee to enroll as an Apple Dev and publish apps in their store.
Is there a reliable and easy push-notification service/software that I can install on my backend to be able to push a highly reliable and fast notification on my iOS device(s) via AN EXISTING APP (not MY app ... an existing official app, like pushbullet!).

Pushbullet was apparently having issues as everything came back.
It took a long time and was not advertised.


iOS web app push notifications - 2017

Here's my case:
I have developed an app in Cordova which is basicly the mobile version of the client's website. But the app has as extra feature the ability to receive push notifications. All works fine as it should.
But the app got rejected due to
Your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile browsing experience
Side note: Few months back I made the same app for a different client but even without the push notifications, no problem. So I guess Apple has made their terms more strict.
Even Apple suggests to rather use a web app. So my big question is:
Is it possible to have a web app for iOS that also receives the push notifications?
I've been searching around the web for the past few days and I've read a lot of blogs and posts on the issue but most of them are almost over a year old.
Does any of you have more info on this or even have a better solution to the app rejection?
To whom it may concern:
This is still not possible (June 2017).

Host native iphone app on server

I have a native iOS application, I want to host it on my own server, and provide a link to download it. I am relatively new to this field and dont have much experience with hosting apps on server. So it would be great if somebody could help me with the steps.
Why not just let Apple host it in the store?
Consider taking a look at distributing the app using OTA (Over the Air) assuming you have an Enterprise Apple Developer Account.
There's a guide here: http://aaronparecki.com/articles/2011/01/21/1/how-to-distribute-your-ios-apps-over-the-air
Or here: https://longtrieuquang.wordpress.com/2014/08/01/how-to-distribute-your-ios-app-ota-with-enterprise-account/
For various reasons, it is terribly bad practice to host iOS apps on your own. For starters, there is absolutely no quality or signature control. There is also no assurance for the user that what they are downloading is safe.
For this reason, Apple pretty well has it locked down that you HAVE to have your app in THEIR store, and nowhere else.
Even if you could provide the binary, good luck getting people to ever download and install it.
Android is very similar in this respect. I host my own apps from my own servers. But only for development purposes. Production is all handled by Google Play (and Amazon). I never expect anyone will actually download the local version. And I don't blame them.

How can my app detect that it was distributed via the new TestFlight?

I'm going to use Apple's relaunched TestFlight service to distribute a beta, and I'd like to force a certain message to be visible when running as a beta.
Obviously there's a lot of ways to solve this, but it got me thinking; has Apple provided a way to detect if the currently running app was distributed via TestFlight? iOS clearly differentiates it to the user, so I thought there'd be a way for the developer to tell, as well. Alas, I haven't found anything in the Apple Developer site.

Do I need an iOS device to test PhoneGap Built apps?

I'm a complete noob and figuring out all this as I go along so bear with me.
I've built an app using jQuery Mobile, used PhoneGap Build and it works totally fine on Android and I'll deploy it soon. I'm now trying to figure out the more complex steps towards getting it ready for the iOS market. I've got my developer account set up and have tested my app as built with Xcode 4.2 and Cordova.
What I'm having confusion over (well one of the things) is whether or not I need an actual iOS device in order to get the proper provisioning and certificates. Can I get those, run the package through PG Build and then test it with the Xcode iOS simulator? Must I bother my friends to give me one of their iPhones to test on?
If I'm being vague or asking this the wrong way I apologize.
I'm currently building an app for iOS using Phonegap and even though I have done some testing with a physical device I have seen that the simulator works really well. I mean it would definitely be a good idea to at least run one test of your final version on a physical device before you decide to submit, Apple and pretty much everyone else very strongly suggest that you do, but you aren't required to test on a physical device. All the provisioning and certificate stuff can be done through the Apple Developer site.
The only real reason I could see your app not getting approved relating to this topic is if there is some weird glitch that is only present on a physical device and looks fine on the simulator.
And keep in mind, though it probably won't get you disapproved I've noticed that Phonegap apps that use jQuery Mobile tend to be more glitchy on the transitions compared to when they are run on the simulator.
No you don't need an iOS device to get certificates. You can get them using OpenSSL. I created a GUI to help do just this for Windows users.
However Apple is one of the strictest in approval. It takes 8 days for them to approve an app. And they have been know to not approve apps simply because of there appearance.
Now I myself prefer to have iDevices to test apps.
To help with some App Rejection issues you may get when submitting the app.
You will need an Apple computer to submit apps to the App Store. Apple no longer has a web based App Submission

How can I send my iOS app to my client for them to use it?

I've been developing an app using Titanium Appcelerator, until now I've been previewing it using the iOS Simulator and my iPhone.
Now, I want to send my app to the client so they can use it on their iPhone. How can I do this?
Bear in mind this is my first iOS app and so I am not fully au-fait with the terminology or process in making an app go live.
There is no Apple provided mechanism for achieving this, however apps like TestFlight provide a good mechanism for this. You have to register your clients device in order to allow them to install your app. Yes, this should work for Titanium.
You can find out how TestFlight works here:
How does TestFlight do it?
